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1、Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Teaching Aims,To know the writing techniques of a narrative To be acquainted with some literary terms of narration To learn to use words to describe disasters and violence To appreciate the language features To learn to write a story about disasters,Teach

2、ing Contents,I. Background knowledge II. The literary style III. Detailed study of the text IV. Organizational pattern V. Language features VI. Questions for group discussion,Natural Disasters,earthquake,flood,drought,hurricane,tornado,typhoon,sandstorm,snowstorm,snowslide,landslide,tsunami,volcanic

3、 eruption,Brainstorming,Warming-up Activities,What is your idea about Hurricanes,How dangerous are they,Have you ever been in Hurricanes? Or have you ever been confronted with any natural disaster? How do you feel? Exchange your ideas. What do you think you would do first if you were confronted with

4、 Hurricanes,I. Background Knowledge,Hurricane, typhoon, storm Naming of hurricanes and typhoons Hurricane Camille, Betsy,I. Background Knowledge,1. Hurricane,A Hurricane is a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater than 75 miles per hour (120 km). The term is often restricted to those st

5、orms occurring over the North Atlantic Ocean,Incipient (insipint初期的) hurricanes usually form over the tropical N Atlantic Ocean and mature as they drift westward. Hurricanes also occasionally form off the west coast of Mexico and move northeastward from that area. An average of 3. 5 tropical storms

6、per year eventually mature into hurricanes along the east coast of North America, usually over the Caribbean Sea or Gulf of Mexico,2. Typhoon/cyclone: Similar storms occurring over the West Pacific Ocean and China Seas are called typhoons. Those over the Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones (旋风

7、). Tornado: a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground 一般只指开阔”陆地上“形成的”龙卷风“,规模一般比hurricane 小,A storm is named when it reaches tropical storm strength with winds of 39 mph, and becomes a hurricane or typhoon wh

8、en its wind speed reaches 75 mph,75 m.p.h,storm,39 m.p.h,Hurricane/typhoon,The National Weather Service of the United States has used girls names to identify hurricanes in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico since 1953 and the names were given in alphabetical order,3. How are Hurricanes Name

9、d,Each name on the list starts with a different letter, for example, the name of the very first hurricane of the season starts with the letter A, the next starts with the letter B, and so on. The letters Q, U, X, Y and Z, however, are not used,How are Hurricanes Named,A semi-permanent list of 10 set

10、s of names in alphabetical order was established in 1971. This practice of giving girls names to hurricanes changed recently. In 1980 a hurricane was given a mans name and was called Hurricane David,How are Hurricanes Named,They also began using French and Spanish male and female names at this time.

11、 Hurricane season usually starts on June 1 and ends on Nov. 30,How are Hurricanes Named,Often when an unusually destructive hurricane hits, that hurricanes name is retired and never used again. Since 1954, forty names have been retired. In 1996 Hurricane Luis was retired,How are Hurricanes Named,Hur

12、ricane names are chosen from a list selected by the World Meteorological (气象的)Organization. There is actually one list for each of six years. In other words, one list is repeated every seventh year,How are Hurricanes Named,4. How are typhoons named,Typhoons are tropical storms that form over the Pac

13、ific Ocean north of the equator. Hurricanes are given girls names and typhoons are usually given serial numbers,Each of the 14 nations that typhoons affect submitted a list of names for a total of 141 names. The names include animals, flowers, astrological(星相学的)signs and a few personal names. Chines

14、e names of typhoons consist of longwang, yutu, fengshen, dujuan, haima, wukong, haiyan, haishen, dianmu, haitang,龙王,玉兔,风神,杜鹃,海马,悟空,海燕,海神,电母, 海棠,5. Hurricane Camille,Hurricane Camille is the storm lashing (striking, attacking) Mississippi and Louisiana for two days, Aug. 17-18, in 1969,Hurricane Cami

15、lle is said to be the worst storm ever to hit mainland United States (except Hurricane Catrina,2005). With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet, Hurricane Camille smashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Sunday night, the 17th of August and continued its devastating path until the ear

16、ly hours of Monday, the 18th. The combination of winds, surges, and rainfalls caused 256 deaths (143 on the Gulf Coast and 113 in the Virginia floods) and $1.421 billion in damage. Three death were reported in Cuba,Hurricane Betsy is the storm lashing Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana in 1965 from

17、Sept. 7-10, causing the death of 74 persons,Hurricane Betsy,II. The literary style,1.Type of literature: A piece of _. Simply defined, narration is the telling of a story. A piece of narration is mainly developed in the actual _ sequence. The writer tells the readers what happens first and what next

18、,time,narration,2. The literary terms,narration - story telling extended narration - novels histories biographies autobiographies travelogues,Literary terms of narration: Protagonist (主角) - leading character Antagonist (反面主角) - the people or forces protagonists fight against Suspense (悬念) - the stat

19、e of uncertainty Interposition (插入) - the passage which is put between the action The purpose is to add more information to create suspense,Flashback (倒叙,闪回) -interruption of chronological sequence by interjection of events of earlier occurrence Climax (高潮) - the most exciting, important interesting

20、 part on the story Denouement deinu:m (小说或戏剧的结局) - the ending of a story,A good story has a beginning, a middle and an end, even though it may start in the middle or at some other point in the action and move backward to the earlier happenings. Organization: -beginning -development -climax -end,3. T

21、he essentials of narration: 1) _ (time however, some narratives focus on character, theme (the idea behind the story), or atmosphere (the mood or tone,4. Organization ( discussion),How many parts does the article fall into? Analyze the structure,Organization Part I (paras. _) Introduction - _ Part I

22、I (paras. _) development to move violently or suddenly e.g. The waves lashed the rocks. The rain was lashing against the windows,pummelpml : to beat suddenly; to attack vigorously; or to hit with repeated blows,It was certain.the Koshaks lived,The Koshaks will have to put up with many onslaughts of

23、the fierce storm,Gulfport: seaport in Miss. Miss.: abbreviation for Mississippi,the Koshaks: When an s is added to a surname and used with the definite article the, the term, then, stands for the whole family. e. g. the Koshaks: the Koshak family, all the Koshaks in the family the Browns: the Brown

24、family,Fled inland to safer ground: - Ran away from the coast to the interior of the country where they would be safer,safer ground: The hurricane loses force as it blows inland and people away from the coast are safe from tidal waves caused by the hurricane,coastal communities: people living togeth

25、er in towns, cities, villages, along the coast,aged 3 to 11: The youngest child was three years old and the eldest 11 years old. The other five were older than 3 and younger than 11. ( How many people are there in the big family,endanger: pose a threat to; present a danger to A war endangers million

26、s of lives. 战争危及无数人的生命。 His health is endangered by overwork. 他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害,Para.1: Summary,Topic sentence: John Koshak Jr. knew that Hurricane Camille would be bad,How is the paragraph developed? -The topic is supported by facts or reasons showing how John Koshak Jr. knew that Hurricane Camille wo

27、uld be bad. What are the facts? - radio and TV warnings; a lot of coastal people fled inland,The function of the last sentence,serving as a transition leading to the next point: Why the decision was made - not to abandon his home. Introducing the other characters,Who are together with the Koshaks: J

28、ohns parents and Charles Hill John Koshaks parents left California and came to Gulfport to live with their son. In capitalist countries especially in the U. S., children, when they grow up and start working, generally live away from their parents. (cultural difference,Las Vegas city is the seat of C

29、lark County in South Nevada. In 1970 it had a population of 125,787. Its nightclubs and casinos (娱乐场) are world famous. Revenue (收入) from hotels, gambling, entertainment and other tourist-oriented industries forms the backbone of its economy,Las Vegas,Para. 3-4,What is this part mainly about,John, 3

30、7: elliptical sentence - John, who was 37 years old,Whose business was right there in his home: - His business office, workshop, etc. were all in his home. right : exactly,all of Magna Products. on the first floor: Magna Products: name of the company owned and run by John Koshak Jr. correspondence:

31、letters engineering drawings: diagrams and sketches for machines,art work: designs, models, pictures for the various toys first floor: in U. S., the ground floor; in Europe and Great Britain, the floor above this,Hurricane Betsy - the storm lashing Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana in 1965 from Sep

32、t. 7-10, causing the death of 74 persons demolish: destroy; ruin; pull down; tear down; smash to pieces,Demolish/ destroy/raze/annihilate,annihilatenaileit v. kill in large numbers,Koshak had moved his family to a motel: motel: a hotel specially built for travelling motorists, made up of separate ro

33、oms or small houses, each with space for a car a blend (合成词), formed by combining parts of mo (torist) + (ho) tel (initial of one and end of the other,Blends motel (motor+hotel)汽车旅馆 boatel (boat+hotel) 气艇游船旅馆 brunch (breakfast + lunch)早餐午餐并一顿吃 chunnel (channel + tunnel) 运河地下道、水底铁路隧道 slurb (slum + su

34、burbs) 市郊贫民区 talkthon ( talk + marathon) 冗长的演说 sitcom (situation + comedy ) 情景喜剧,comint ( communications + intelligence) 通讯情报 sportscasters ( spots + broadcaster) 体育节目广播员 masscult (mass + culture) 平民文化 magalog ( magazine + catalog) 杂志目录,We re elevated 23 feet: -In British English one would probably

35、say We re 23 feet above sea level,We re a good 250 yards from the sea: - Were at least 250 yards distant from the sea. a good: meaning at least”, full足足(程度数量) e. g. we waited a good six hours,我们足足等了三个小时. 从这到火车站足足有五个小时的车程. 他父母亲狠狠地揍了他一顿,We waited for a good three hours. It is a good five hours to driv

36、e to the railway station. His parents gave him a good beating,The place has been here. ever bothered it: (Personification) - The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it,we can batten down and ride it out: - Metaphor, comparing the house in a hurricane to a s

37、hip fighting a storm at sea - We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage,batten: n. a strip of wood used in construction and often used in the old days in ship building 压条;条板 battern down: v. to fasten canvas(帆) over the hatches of a ship, especially in prep

38、aring for a storm 用板条钉住;封舱 batten down the hatches ride it out: (of a ship) to stay afloat during a storm without too much damage; last safely through (bad weather) 意为抵挡住(狂风等的)袭击,不受多少损伤的坚持到最后脱险,Reasons for stay,He didn t think his family was in any real danger. His former house had been demolished b

39、y Hurricane Betsy for it stood only a few feet above sea level. His present house was 23 feet above sea level and 250 yards away from the sea. His present house was in a better condition than his former house. He thought they would be safe here as in any place else,2. Besides, he had talked the matt

40、er over with his father and mother and consulted his longtime friend, Charles Hill, before making his decision to stay and face the hurricane. 3. He is a self-employed businessman.Implication: How great the loss would be if the house was destroyed. 4. He has a big family. It would be very difficult

41、to move the children and old couple,What preparations did they make? What for,What preparations did they make? Topic sentence in Para.4 methodically Filled bathtubs and pailsfor water Checked out batteries and flashlightsfor lights Portable radiofor contact of the outside world, for information Fuel

42、for electric power Generatorfor power Refrigeratorfor food,The men methodically prepared for hurricane: - Topic (the following are the facts to illustrate the topic) - The men in the house made all the necessary preparations to fight the hurricane and they went about their work in a systematic and o

43、rderly manner,Since water mains. and pails: - They were afraid the water supply might be cut off so they filled the bathtubs and pails with water. main: a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc,Supporting details,A power failure. for the lantern: power fail

44、ure: a breakdown in the supply of electricity check out: to examine (the batteries and fuel) and see if they were all right,Johns father moved . to the refrigerator generator: generator: a dynamo; a small machine for producing electricity wired several light bulbs: connected several light bulbs by w

45、ire to the generator; when the generator produced electricity, these bulbs would light up. prepared a connection: Preparations were also made to connect, when necessary, the refrigerator to the generator,gray clouds. on the rising wind: scud: run or move swiftly; glide or skim along easily 疾行,飞驰;掠过

46、scudded in: driven inland by the wind Gulf: the Gulf of Mexico rising wind: wind that was getting stronger and stronger - The speed of these clouds is an indication of the swiftness with which the storm is approaching,A neighbor. with the Koshaks; whose husband was in Vietnam. - This was l969. The h

47、usband of this neighbor was in the American army fighting in Vietnam. sit out the storm: to stay until the end of the storm,Vietnam War a prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by th

48、e United States,Another neighbor. of his dog?: - The dash in this sentence indicates that some words have been left out and the structural pattern has been changed from a statement to an indirect question. The sentence might read as follows: Another neighbor came by on his way inland and asked if th

49、e Koshaks would mind taking care of his dog. come by: American English, to pay a visit,破折号后的部分既非直接引述邻人的原话,也没按间接引述的要求转述邻人的问话,而保留直接问话的形式,其意在于既节省文字,又从中显出邻人那种形色匆匆,慌不择言的狼狈相,让人感到一种紧张迫切的气氛,也烘托出即将来临的飓风的凶猛可怕,Part II Struggle against Camille,Paras.7-27,The writer sustains the suspense in the story by describi

50、ng in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane,Development,Focus of the study: 1) diction: use of one-syllable words descriptions of wind, hurricane ( water, destruction force) house (roof, wall, window, floor, stair

51、s) 2) sentence level: use of short and elliptical sentences 3) translation of passive sentences (para.19) 4) understanding the mind of people at crisis,Questions (Para.7,What does the word “whip” (Wind and rain whipped the house) mean? What are “storm-shattered panes”? Whats the implied meaning of t

52、he sentence “the wind mounted to a roar”? What are the words the author used to describe wind,Wind and rain whipped the house.” - Strong wind and rain was lashing or striking the house as if with a whip. Here “whip” is used metaphorically. Wind and rain act like a person. (Personification,stay away:

53、 keep far away from; not to go near concerned about: anxious, uneasy, worried about glass flying from storm-shattered panes small pieces of glass flying around in the air when the panes of a window are shattered by the storm. shatter: break suddenly in pieces; severely damage or utterly destroy 砸碎;彻

54、底破坏,Stay away. storm-shattered panes,The wind mounted to a roar: The sound of the wind gets louder as the force of the wind increases. The roaring sound indicates the wind has reached hurricane strength (over 75 mph). mount - go up or advance seemingly - apparently; as if,With mops. spreading water:

55、 - The house was leaking very badly. The Koshaks had to use all the utensils they could lay their hands on (mops, towels, pots, buckets) to fight against the leaking water. This is the first onslaught of the Hurricane,At 8:30. the generator: power failed: the supply of electricity was cut off Pop: (

56、slang) father; also a familiar term of address to any elderly man turned on the generator: started their generator to produce their own electric power,Para.8,French doors gun-like reports disintegrate,French doors,French doors: two adjoining doors that have glass paned from top to bottom and they op

57、en in the middle blew in: burst open by the storm, the two adjoining doors (of the French doors) flew inwards gun-like reports: loud explosive noises like guns being fired ( Simile,The French doors. windows disintegrated,disintegrate: - collapse, crumble, fall apart; break into many small pieces and

58、 be destroyed 崩溃;瓦解 windows disintegrate: windows broke up; windows broke into pieces e.g. Since the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Cold War came to an end,Para.9,blast 1. (an explosion) burst, explosion爆炸 2. a strong rush of wind, air or rain 一阵;一股 a blast of wind fling: throw sth, oneself with a

59、lot of force 抛扔 eg. Tom seized the glass on the table and flung it at me. The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground,shove - push with a quick, rather violent movement E.g. He dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street. The car wont start. Can you give it a shove,The generator was doused, and the lights went out - Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity so the lights also went out,dousedaus (dowse): 1) infml. to put out; tu


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