




1、1,写作专题,2012年5月,2,一、评分标准,作文评分主要从表达和语言两方面来考虑。分数可以分为四个等级,即: 11分:内容完整,表达清楚;语言上仅有很少的错误。 8分:内容较完整,表达尚清楚;有一些语言错误,可以有个别句子结构上的错误。 5分:内容大体完整,表达可以被勉强理解;有较多的语言错误,包括少量严重错误。 2分:内容不完整,但是没有离题;表达上有较大的困难;语言有很多错误,包括少量,3,二、近三年考试题型,2008年作文题:求职信 2009年作文题:邀请函 2010年作文题:感谢信 2011年作文题:致歉信,4,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,一、题型分析 该
2、题型要求考生掌握正式和非正式的书信体邀请信的格式。它的内容应该完整、明确,语言简朴,态度热情。其复函即接受邀请或谢绝邀请也具有上述特点。 二、应试技巧 1注意不同场合的邀请信使用格式的不同 邀请信的正式程度由邀请者与被邀请者间的关系来决定。正式的邀请信的格式与普通书信的格式相同,由写信人的地址、日期、收信人姓名及地址、称呼、正文、结束语及署名七个部分组成,5,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,而用于熟悉朋友间的非正式邀请信则可省略写信人地址、收信人姓名及地址,称呼也可随便些。邀请信复函的格式和正式程度与邀请信相同。 2正文要求写清的几个方面 (1)邀请信的正文 (a)直截了
3、当地提出邀请并指出时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合。 (b)请对方确认或表示期待对方接受邀请,6,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,2)表示接受邀请的复函的正文 (a)感谢对方的邀请(有时可省略)。 (b)表示接受邀请并确认时间、地点、场合。 (c)表达愉快的期盼之情。 (3)表示谢绝邀请的复函的正文 (a)感谢对方的邀请。 (b)明确谢绝并给出合理的原因,7,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,3灵活运用邀请信及复函中常用的语句 (1)I should be delightedpleased if you could come to WouldCou
4、ld you come to Is there any chance of your coming. . . I was wondering if you could come. . . (2)I shall be happy to accept It was thoughtful of you to Thank you for your invitation to We look forward to seeing you again,8,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,3) Please accept my sincere regret at Unfortunatel
5、y,it will be impossible for me to What a shame! We cant,9,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,三、范文分析 Dec15,2008 Dear Peter, Would you like to come to my place to have dinner with me on Sunday,Dec20,at 8:00p.m.? I havent seen you for a long time and Im looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Lucy,10,邀请信(A
6、Letter of Invitation) -范文,Dear Lucy, Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner at your place on Sunday,Dec20,at 8:00 p.mI do accept it with great pleasureIt seems quite a long time since we met last Im looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Peter,11,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation) -范文,Dear Lucy, Thank
7、 you for your kind invitation to dinner at your place,But lm sorry that I have to decline itIll visit my former teacher that day I do hope to see you when Im free Yours, Peter,12,邀请信(A Letter of Invitation,四、练习 按下列要求写一封邀请信及复函: 以Wang Li的名义给他朋友Li Min写一封邀请信,请他五一节期间来杭州游玩。 以Li Min的名义写一封接受邀请信。 因Li Min在这期间
8、要去广东考察工作单位而谢绝邀请,请以Li Min的名义写一封谢绝信,13,感谢信 (Thank-you Letter,写作要领:(1)第一段看门见山,表明写作意图,及表达谢意;(2)第二段写名原因,要展开说明,说具体的理由:(3)最后一段再次表示感谢。在写作中,(1)和(2)也可以合为一段。注意要将题目所给中文内容全部包括进去,14,模板,(日期) Dear _ , I am writing this letter to thank you for_(要感谢的事情). _ (对要感谢的事情进行描述)。 Thanks again for your kindness. Yours sincerel
9、y , xxx,15,常用套语,Thank you very much for 非常感谢 I am writing to express my thanks for 我写这封信是为了表达我对的谢意。 Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping us in 非常感谢您为帮助我们 所做的一切 I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance. 我谨借此机会感谢您给我们的
10、及时帮助和支持。 It was kind of you to do all this for me. 承蒙好意为我做了这一切。 Thanks again for your help/ generosity/hospitality. 再次感谢您的帮助/您的慷慨/您的款待. Thank you again for your warm hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you again soon. 再次感谢您的热情款待,期望早日与你见面,16,假定你是ABC公司的John Smith, 刚从北京出差回到伦敦,请给北京的李茉莉写一封感谢信。
11、写信日期:2010年5月11日。内容:(1)感谢你在北京期间的热情款待;(2)告诉她北京给你留下了很好的印象,你非常喜欢北京的,参观工厂后学到了很多;(3)期待再次与她见面,说明:假定你是ABC公司的John Smith, 刚从北京出差回到伦敦,请给北京的李茉莉写一封感谢信。写信日期:2010年5月11日,17,内容:(1)感谢你在北京期间的热情款待; (2)告诉她北京给你留下了很好的印象,你非常喜欢北京的,参观工厂后学到了很多; (3)期待再次与她见面。 注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式,18,参考范文: 11 May ,2010 Dear Miss Li Mo
12、li, Thank you for the great hospitality to me during my stay in Beijing. I had a good time there and had a wonderful impression of Beijing. I like Beijing roast duck very much, and the Summer Palace is unforgettable. In addition, I have learned a lot after visiting factories. Thanks again for your h
13、ospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you again in London. Yours sincerely , John Smith,19,通知(Notice,要求: 言简意赅,措辞得当,时间及时 口头通知 书面通知 格式: 标题:正文上方写NOTICE 或者是Notice 正文:包括时间,地点,活动内容和注意事项 单位:发通知的单位一般写在正文的右下角。有时也放在标题之上,起强调作用,20,例题: 英语系办公室组织一次讲座,请写一则通知。 内容:讲座内容:美国历史与文化 讲座人:Henry Smith教授 时间:3月20日晚上7点30
14、分 地点:学校礼堂,21,范文: NOTICE The lecture on American history and culture will be arranged at 7:30p.m. on March 20 in the lecture hall and the speaker is Professor Henry Smith. The students interested in American culture are welcome. The English Department Office,22,请求信(A Letter of Request,一、题型分析 请求信是普通书信
15、的一种。常用于比较正式的场合。其格式与普通书信相同。它的主体要求清楚地写出请求的内容及理由,以达到令对方愿意帮助的目的。请求信要求语气谦恭有礼,态度诚恳。考生常犯表述不清、客套语重复、罗嗦的毛病,23,请求信(A Letter of Request,二、应试技巧 1正确运用格式 和其他普通书信样,请求信由写信人地址、日期、收信人姓名及地址、称呼、正文、结尾客套语、署名七个部分组成。写信人的地址要详细,以便对方回复。 2正文要写清楚如下几点 (1)可以开门见山地提出请求,但语气要有礼貌。 (2)简明扼要地解释提出请求的原因。 (3)无论结果如何,都向对方致谢,但客套语不宜过多,24,请求信(A
16、Letter of Request,3灵活运用常用于请求的语句 (1) I wish to I want to Wed like to I would ask you to (2)We would feel obliged I should feel grateful for will be greatly appreciated,25,请求信(A Letter of Request,三、范文分析 No3 Huangxing Road Changsha,410006 July 11,1999 Admission Office NanJing University Nanjing,210008
17、Dear Sir, I want to pursue a phD at your universityMy intentionof entrance is Autumn 2000Your sending me application forms at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours Li Mei,26,请求信(A Letter of Request,四、练习 给某电脑公司的销售部经理写一封请求信,请求他给你寄该公司当天在北京周末 报广告中的家用电脑的详尽说明,27,求职信(A Lett
18、er of Application,一、题型分析 求职信是书信的一种。要求考生首先要熟悉普通书信的格式,同时突出自己与所求工作相关的经历和能力。另外,表达要清楚、具体,以便求职者能给对方留下深刻的印象,最后获得面试的机会,28,求职信(A Letter of Application,二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式 和其他普通书信一样,求职信由写信人的地址及写信日期、收信人的姓名及地址、称呼、正文、结束语、署名和附件七个部分组成。写信人的地址要详细,以便对方顺利通知写信人面试。收信人一般为求职单位的人事负责人。附件指个人简历、有关证明,29,求职信(A Letter of Application
19、,2正文要写清以下四个方面的内容 (1)具体指出所寻求的职位。 (2)描述自己受教育的程度、以前的工作业绩和工作能力。 (3)提供至少两个证明人及其联系地址和电话,放在“个人简历”中列出,否则在正文中体现。 (4)请求对方给予面试的机会,30,求职信(A Letter of Application,3灵活运用求职信中常用的语句 (1)I would like to apply for the position I wish to apply for the position (2)Please let me know if you want an interview Can we arrang
20、e an interview at your convenience? I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity interview,31,求职信(A Letter of Application,3)Im looking forward to hear from you shortly I hope to hear from you soon An early response will be very much appreciated. Enclosed: please find a resume and a l
21、ist of my publications,32,求职信(A Letter of Application,Dear Sir, I would like to apply for the senior position in your first-class standard Laboratory advertised in your advertisementI graduated from Pacific Rim College in 1996 and got a BS degree in Electrical Engineering After graduation I have bee
22、n working at the Engineering Laboratory of Pacific Rim College and have got much experience,And I trust Im qualified to fill your position Im enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly Yours Sincerely Alex Gawin,33,求职信(A Letter of Application,四、练习 根据下列招聘广告写一封求职信,字数不少于80个。 The Re
23、presentative office of an oversea manufacturing company is looking for an EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To assist General manager in his job,the person should be able to do the filing,take shorthand,deal with paperwork and correspondence in English,organize meetings and communicate with clients. Computer know
24、ledge is a must preferably with technical background at least 3 years experience,34,慰问信(Letters of consolation,一、题型分析 亲友生病、受伤或由于某种不幸事件蒙受了损失,应该写信表示慰问。考生在写作中应注意慰问信的格式和措词,如果情况并不严重或损失不大,慰问信可写得轻松一些;若是情况严重或损失惨重,就应该写得深沉一些。 总之,慰问信要格式正确,语言规范、简洁,感情真挚。 慰问信的写作在实用性文体中属中等难度的题型,考生得分一般在6-12分之间。最常见的错误是主题不突出,语言太罗嗦,或者
25、欠规范。此外,考生往往忽略格式的写作,导致失分,35,慰问信(Letters of consolation,二、应试技巧 1正确运用写作格式 由于慰问信通常是写给亲友的,彼此都较熟悉,其信内收信人地址、姓名、写信人地址及姓名均可以省略。所以慰问信的格式通常由日期(date)、称呼(salutation)、正文(body)、结束语(closing)及署名(signature)五部分组成。 2.恰当选用如下常见句型 (1)开头常用的有: I was shockedsaddeneddistressedgrieved to hear that It was a greatprofound shock
26、to hear,36,慰问信(Letters of consolation,We have just heardlearned with profound sorrowregret the sad tragic news (of) I just cant tell you how sad I am (to hear of) We want to offer our deepestMay I express my most heartfelt sympathy at the loss of (2)结尾常用的有: Please accept our very sincereheartfelt co
27、ndolenceconsolation in your great loss We hope our caring will make your sorrow easier to bear,37,慰问信(Letters of consolation,We hope that time will ease the sorrow of your recent loss May our sympathy and consolation help to comfort you Our thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow May your memor
28、ies be a source of comfort If we can be of any help,please dont hesitate to let us know,38,慰问信(Letters of consolation,3正文部分应注意的三个方面 (1)尊重对方的感情,表达慰问的主题。同情和慰问应该是发自内心的,而且要亲切、温暖、富于人情。 (2)语言要简洁。所要表达的感情是丰富而复杂的,但这些感情不一定全写进一封信中,应去掉那些冗长的颂词和伤感的话,对方已经很悲痛了,不要用更大的悲痛或与此无关事情的冗长解释来加重他的负担。比如用一两句话表达对收信人已故父亲的尊重与仰慕,点到为
29、止,39,慰问信(Letters of consolation,3)表示愿意提供帮助。这一点不一定适合所有的情况,但如果动机是诚恳的,而且确实能够做到,那么在信中表示愿意帮助无疑是一种最有效的安慰,40,慰问信(Letters of consolation,三、范文分析 July 6,2001 My dear Margaret, Today I heard of the passing away of your father,for whom I had the greatest admiration and regardI know the suddenness of it must hav
30、e been a dreadful shock,and I will miss your father,as you will May your memories be a source of comfortPlease know,Margaret,that my heart and my thoughts are with you and your familyI wish I could do something to soften your grief Affectionately, Mary Haskins,41,慰问信(Letters of consolation,四、练习 你(Ha
31、rriet)的同事MrsCorbin不幸在一次撞车事故中受伤,伤势不重。请你代表全校教职工写一封慰问信,字数不得少于80个,42,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,一、题型分析 相对于通知、请假等而言,投诉信篇幅长,难度大,失分率也相应地高。该题型要求考生能在20分钟内清楚地表达出自己所要投诉的事情。而考生的难点也主要在于如何才能措辞准确,使被投诉方没有反感,43,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,二、应试技巧 1了解投诉信的特点 投诉信作为一种私人信件,主要是指在日常生活中,人们因产品质量或对服务质量不满等原因而写的以求得问题解决的信,其主要内容包括: (
32、1)投诉内容 主要指投诉实物名称或抽象的服务态度等。 (2)投诉原因 主要指投诉内容出了何种问题,44,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,3)希望得到的结果 主要是指向被投诉的单位或个人求得解决问题的办法或希望返回其所付出的代价。 注意:因写投诉信的目的是为了求得一个解决问题的方法而不是为了泄愤,故在写信时语气要平和,语言不能过于尖刻,45,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,2掌握常用句型或语句 (1)常用开头语句 Im writing to you about the bed which I bought from your shop three days
33、 ago. Im sorry to complain of the bad quality ofthe poor service of I choose to complain to you aboutbecause Im sure you will be able to have the problem solved (2)表述原因的句型,46,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,When weI checked,weI noticedfound ,it did not work properly As you will realize,I was extremely ups
34、et to discover all this (3)结尾常用句型 Please let usme know what you intend to do in this matter Im returningunderby separate post Im looking forward to receiving a full refund of 500 yuan Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible,47,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,三、范文分析 May 18,2010 Dear S
35、ir, I have written two letters telling you that my telephone has been out of order for a few days,but I havent heard from you ever sinceNow it is hard to get a connection,what is worse,it is ringing like mad every now and thenThis causes us not only much inconvenience but also a lot of trouble Hopin
36、g that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Fang,48,投诉信(A letter of Complaint,四、练习 假定你叫李平,写信给店主投诉你买的羊毛夹克衫已坏,希望要回钱并请求解决问题的办法。 要求:字数不少于80词。 假定你叫李华,写信投诉某商店营业员。 投诉内容:服务态度差。 投诉原因:某天路过一商店时看中一件毛皮大衣,故进去向营业员说明来意,当因她 给的大衣太大要求更换时,该营业员拒绝这一要求,并说你是买不起这种毛皮大衣的人。 希望得到的结果:要求道歉并希望经理能使
37、她懂得如何为顾客服务。 要求:字数不少于80词,不能逐句翻译,49,道歉信(A Letter of Apology,一、题型分析 道歉信的格式较普通书信简单。它的中心是如何解释清楚犯错的原因并向对方道歉。其特点是措词委婉,语气诚恳,最终达到使对方接受你的歉意的目的。 二、应试技巧 1道歉信的格式 道歉信常用于熟悉的朋友之间,因而普通书信中的写信人地址、收信人姓名、地址可以省略不写,写上日期、称呼、正文、结尾客套语及署名即可。特别注意日期应写在右上角,50,道歉信(A Letter of Apology,2道歉信的正文 正文要求注意如下三点: (1)以道歉语句开头。 (2)清晰明了地给出一个令人
38、信服的理由。 (3)请求对方接受你的道歉。 3常用于道歉信的语句 (1)Im terribly sorry for Im awfully sorry that,51,道歉信(A Letter of Apology,Im very sorry to I regret that I regret to say that (2)Please accept my apology for Youll accept my apology,wont you? I should be much obliged if you will please excuse me I hope you will accep
39、t my apology,52,道歉信(A Letter of Apology,三、范文分析 July 2,2011 Dear Alison, I must apologize to you that I have lost the pen you lent me last Monday,I looked wherever I might have put it,but I just couldnt find it I know it was a gift from your aunt,Im going to buy a new one for you,Im really sorry for
40、being so careless,youll accept my apology,wont you? Yours, Jim,53,道歉信(A Letter of Apology,四、练习 Lucy昨天因母病未能去机场给朋友Mary送行,为此请以Lucy的名义写封道歉信。 因Lily要出席一个重要会议,特将原定于11月25号的宴会推迟,请以此向Smith和Helen道歉,54,解雇信(A Letter of Dismissal,一、题型分析 解雇信的格式比普通书信的格式还简单,考生比较容易掌握。考生感到困难的是如何措辞才能使其语言简练,语气肯定,解雇原因符合事实且通情达理,从而达到使对方对公司
41、有好感的目的。 二、应试技巧 1正确运用格式 解雇信是雇主写给雇员的,不要求回信,因双方的工作单位一致,所以写信人的地址和收信人的姓名和地址通常省略。一封解雇信由写信日期、称呼、正文、结束语和署名五个部分组成,55,解雇信(A Letter of Dismissal,2正文涉及的内容 (1)对被解雇职员表示抱歉。 (2)陈述解雇这一事实。 (3)解释解雇的原因。这一点尤为重要,原因要解释得合情合理,令人信服,且不能伤对方的自尊心,要注意语气委婉,有礼有节。 (4)以鼓励的话语作为结尾,56,解雇信(A Letter of Dismissal,3常见的语句 (1)I regret having
42、to tell you It is with deep regret that I must inform you I am sorry to be the one to tell you (2)We trust that several new positions will open for you I wish you the best in future employment I am sure you will soon find work more suited to your abilities We wish you well in your endeavor,57,解雇信(A
43、Letter of Dismissal,三、范文分析 Feb18,2000 Dear Allan, I am sorry to be the one to tell you this,but your service will no longer be requiredHowever,your pay will continue for two full monthsThe time is based on your years of service We have repeatedly asked you to put more effort and willingness into you
44、r workWe believe you have the potential to do a competent job;but your last 3 reports were late,incomplete and inaccurate,and therefore useless to our managers who rely on these reports for operating decisions Perhaps you should seek a job that is less demanding and has less critical deadlinesI am c
45、onfident you will soon find work more suited to your abilities. Sincerely Ecloise Madden,58,解雇信(A Letter of Dismissal,四、练习 中友光学仪器公司因使用生产过程自动控制系统(the automatic control system of the production process)需要裁减一批员工,其中包括李明。请以董事长Mr Carol的名义给他写一封解雇信,字数不少于80个,59,邀请信-参考答案,April 20,2012 Dear Li Min, It is reall
46、y a long time since l saw you lastI miss you so muchwould you like to come to Hangzhou during International Labour Day? Hangzhou is a beautiful cityThere are quite a lot of places of interest and shopping placesyoure welcome to stay as long as you like and Id like to be your guide Im really looking
47、forward to seeing you againIf you would tell me the time of your arrival,Ill meet you at the railway station Yours, Wang Li,60,邀请信-参考答案,April 20,2012 Dear Wang Li, Thank you for your kind invitation,Im really pleased to meet you in Hangzhou. But now I cant decide specifically when I will arrive in H
48、angzhou. However, once I make a specific decision, I will notify you by telephone I hope we can meet earlier Yours, Li Min,61,邀请信-参考答案,April 20,2012 Dear Wang Li, Thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit HangzhouWe really havent seen each other for a long timeBut I really feel regretful
49、 that I cant comeI have to go to Cuangzhou those days. You know Ill graduate this July,so I must go to visit the place where I will work Ill write to you when I get back Yours Li Min,62,请求信-参考答案,130 Baihai Road Shanghai,200030 May 11,2012 Sales Manager Xinnan Computer Company NO,2 Leping Street Beij
50、ing,100082 Dear Sir, Im interested in the personal computers which are advertised in todays Beokom WeekendI want very much to get the information about the various computers that you have I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some details of your computers Yours faithfully, Wang Lin,
51、63,求职信-参考答案,No110 Shaoshan Road Changsha 410006, Hunan Nov17,2012 Personnel Director Oversea Manufacturing Company in Shanghai 120 Beihai Road, Shanghai 200040 Dear Sir, I wish to apply for the position as executive secretary in your company advertised in yesterdays Guangming DailySince my graduatio
52、n in 1998 from Hunan University with a BS degree in Public Administration & service,I have been working as the General Managers executive secretary of a manufacturing company in Xiangtan and have got quite a lot of experienceBesides professional knowledge,I have a good command of computer and Englis
53、hIm sure I call fill your position Im enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly Yours faithfully Chen Ming,64,Aug12,2012 Dear MrsCorbin, I feel I simply must write this note and tell you how much you are in the hearts and minds of everyone in school We were greatly shocked and
54、saddened to hear the news of crash,But we were grateful,too,for, your injuries were not worseWe will miss you,but dont concern yourself with your work here,we will take care of it for you The affection and best wishes of the entire school are with you,and everyone is hoping for your quick and comple
55、te recovery Sincerely yours, Harriet,65,慰问信-参考答案,Aug12,2012 Dear MrsCorbin, I feel I simply must write this note and tell you how much you are in the hearts and minds of everyone in school We were greatly shocked and saddened to hear the news of crash,But we were grateful,too,for, your injuries were
56、 not worseWe will miss you,but dont concern yourself with your work here,we will take care of it for you The affection and best wishes of the entire school are with you,and everyone is hoping for your quick and complete recovery Sincerely yours, Harriet,66,投诉信-参考答案1,Dec25,2012 Dear Mr. Manager, Im s
57、orry to complain to you about the bad quality of the woolen jacket I bought from your shop three months ago when I was in your area Ive been wearing it only at weekendsbut now the sleeves have worn badlyAs you will realize,Im extremely upset and annoyed at this. I hope I can have my money hack,if you dont mindIm sorry to give you the trouble,but Im su
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