



1、板集中学英语高效课堂导学案 编写人:高虎 组长签字: 小组检查:Unit4 Dont eat in class.Period 1 Vocabulary-预习案学习目标:1、会读并默写本单元重点生词和短语。2、独立完成。一、用单词的正确形式填空:1、_n.规则;规章_n.尺子2、_v.到达3、_准时4、_n.大厅;礼堂5、_餐厅6、_v.听;倾听7、_听8、_v.&n.打架;战斗9、_adj.抱歉的;难过的10、_adv在外面adj外面的11、_v.穿;戴12、_adj.重要的13、_v.带来;取来14、_adj安静的15、_adv.外出16、_外出(娱乐)17、_v.&n.练习18、_n.碟;

2、盘19、_清洗餐具二、根据汉语提示完成句子:1、对不起,我不知道。Im sorry, I _ know.2、我们不能上课时听音乐。We cant _ _ _ in class.3、他们可以在学校食堂吃饭。They can eat in the school _ _.4、不要上课迟到。我们必须守时。Dont _ _ for class. We must be _ _.5、不要在走廊里乱跑。_ run in the _.Vocabulary-探究案 探究要求:1、在会读识意本节单词和短语的基础上对重点单词、短语深入探究,掌握重点、难点、易混点,并会对知识点进行归纳、总结,初步形成知识体系。 2、学

3、会发现问题,解决问题,培养自己独立解决问题的能力。3、学会合作,大胆探究。一、重点单词1、rule n.规则;规章,可以构成词组:keep/obey the rules遵守规则 break the rules违反规则 carry out a rule 执行规则work out a rule制定规则Eg. What are _ (规章制度)in your school? 2、arrive v.到达 Eg. I cant arrive late for class. I must be on time. 辨析:arrive, get to, reach(1) arrive是不及物动词,后跟地点名词

4、时需要加介词in或at。at后跟小地点,in后跟大地点Eg.他们什么时候到达北京?_(2) get to意为“到达”后面直接跟地点名词eg. We get to school at 7 oclock in the morning every day.(3) reach 为及物动词,后面直接跟地点,意为“到达”eg. His father reached Shanghai last week._小试牛刀: My teacher always gets to school before the first class.(改为同义句) My teacher _ _ school before the

5、 first class.3、listen v.听;是不及物动词,后接宾语时要加介词to。Eg. She likes listening to music.辨析:listen to, hear(1)listen to意为“听,强调听的动作。Eg. Please listen to our teacher carefully.(2)hear意为“听见”,强调听的结果,是及物动词,后直接接宾语。可构成词组hear sb do sth听见某人做过(经常)做某事 hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事eg. I hear Tom singing in the room._小试牛刀:We

6、 cant listen _ music in class. A.to B.for C.at D.in4、fight v.&n.打架;战斗辨析: fight about sth 为、而打架 fight with sb 和、打架fight against反对、抵抗小试牛刀:(fight about sth、 fight with sb、 fight against选填)(1) They always _ watching TV.(2) “Dont _ your classmates.” Mom says to me .(3) We must _ the people who do bad thi

7、ngs. 5、wear v.动词,意思是“穿着、带着”Eg. We have to wear a uniform at school._辨析:wear、put on、be in(1) wear 可用于穿鞋、穿衣、戴帽子、戴手套、戴首饰等,强调穿的状态(正在穿着)eg. Dave wears uniform every day. He likes it very much.(2) put on 表示穿衣服的动作,反义词是take off.Eg. Its cold today. Please put on your coat.(3) be in 表示穿的颜色 eg. He is in a red

8、T-shirt.小试牛刀:You cant _ cool clothes outside. A. in B. wear C.put on D.on6、bring v.动词,意思是“带来;取来”Eg. Bring me the uniform, OK?辨析:bring、take(1)bring“带来;取来”表示把某物带到说话人跟前bring sth to sb=bring sb sth(2)take“带走”表示把某物从说话人跟前带带其他地take sth to sp(把某物带到某地)小试牛刀:(1) 我妈妈周末常常带我家的小狗去公园。My mom often _our dog to the pa

9、rk _ _.(2) 把你的新书带给我好吗?Can you _ me _ your _?Vocabulary-训练案要求:活学活用,巩固提升,独立完成。一、根据句意及首字母填空1、 Dont f_ with others on weekdays.2、We cant eat meals in the h_.3、Students cant break the r_.4、You must l_ to music in class.5、Im s_ I cant go to your birthday party.6、 When do you a_ in Xian? 7、It is to boring. I want to l_to music.8、She often h_ Mary sing in the music class.9、Tom, b_ your jacket to your brother.10、Please t_ these things there.二、翻译句子1、我们必须遵守校规。 2、小明经常起床很早


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