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1、Module 4 Great inventions Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply,Paper has been made (make) from many things. I think one day books may _(replace) by computers. My bike _(leave) at school, so I have to take the bus to school today. The battery _ (charge) yet. How can I use my record

2、er? Paper should not _(throw) away. Books and CDs can _(borrow) from the library. Ive bought an MP3 player and about 1,000 songs have _ (download). Has the pen _(mend) yet? I need to write my article with it. 8. What has _(turn on) ? The radio,Lets Review,Complete the sentences with the correct form

3、 of the words,be replaced,has been left,hasnt been charged,be thrown,be borrowed,been downloaded,been mended,been turned on,Lets Review,Complete sentences,1.a) All students must read this book. b) This book _by all students. 2.a)Everyone can understand his ideas. b) His ideas _by everyone. 3.a)I cou

4、ld not find her books anywhere. b) Her books _ anywhere. 4.a) For a long time, many people could not use computers. b) Computers_ by many people for a long time,You can buy computers quite cheaply now,Computers can be bought quite cheaply now,must be read,can be understood,could not be found,could n

5、ot be used,Lets Review,Complete sentences,5.a) We can do the work now if you want. b) The work _now if you want. 6.a) You must not take these magazines from the library. b) These magazines _ from the library,You can buy computers quite cheaply now,Computers can be bought quite cheaply now,can be don

6、e,must not be taken,Talk in pairs,Whats the advantages of and,Can books be replaced by computers,Read the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs: Paragraph1 a. The world before books Paragraph2 b. The invention of printing Paragraph3 c. Life on paper and in print Paragraph4 d. Technolo

7、gy and books Paragraph5 e. Can books be replaced by computers,Make notes to complete the timeline,2,000 years ago,11th century,today,In the future,Paper was first created. Paper was made of silk. Books were made by hand. Few people learned to read,Printing was developed greatly. Books were produced

8、quickly. More people learned to read. Knowledge and ideas spread quickly,Information can be received online. can be downloaded. can be kept on CD-ROMs,replaced,Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs,Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to1 work. Every day I open my books in cla

9、ss and start my lessons. Every evening my mother looks through2 magazines at home. And Every night, I look at the posters with3 photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep4. Can we imagine life without5 paper or print,sleep-sleepy fall asleep so sleepy that,with with

10、out 带有 / 没有 eg. He found a house with many trees around. 他找到了一所周围有许多树的房子. He went to school without breakfast today. 他今天没有吃早饭就去上学了,Paper was first created1 about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from 2 silk, cotton, bamboo, and since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on pa

11、per to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time3 by hand4. As a result5, they were expensive and rare6. And because there werent many books, few people learned to read,Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs,be made of - 由材料制成(看得出材料) be made from-由材料制成(看不出材料)

12、be made up of -由组成(部分或成员) be made in-出产于(某地) be made by 由制成(生产者) be made into -制成.(产品,Ex. 1. Look at the camera, It is _ 2. The table is _ wood, while paper is _ wood. 3. Our class is _twenty boys and twenty three girls. 4. The metal can be _ a knife. 5. This kind of car is _ many workers in the fac

13、tory,made in china,made of,made from,made up of,made by,made into,Then printing was invented1 in China. The first printed books were made by 2 putting ink on 3 a wooden block and holding the paper against4 it. When printing was developed5 greatly at the beginning of 6the 11th century, books could be

14、 produced more quickly and cheaply7. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly8, in a way9 that can be compared with 10the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century,Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs,4. hold against 将贴到 pare. with. 与.相

15、比 , 与.相媲美,But will books be needed in the future1? Today information can be received 2online, downloaded3 from the Internet rather than4 found in books, and information can be kept5 on CD-ROMs or machines such as6 MP3 players. These machines are smaller and lighter7 than books so that8 they can be c

16、arried very easily,Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs,4. rather than 而不是,宁可也不愿 Eg. He would choose Sunday rather than Saturday. I would like to go with you rather than stay at home. prefer to do rather than do 情愿而不,Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can

17、 already be read online1. So will books be replaced by2 computers one day? No, I dont think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by computer two meters high3,Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs,be replaced by 被.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读,Answer the questions,Why were

18、books expensive and rare before the invention of printing? Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper? What can we use instead of books to get information,Because books could only be produced one at a time by hand,Because more people learned to read,We can get information from the I

19、nternet,Answer the questions,Use the words in the box : create, develop, hold keep, produce, receive, spread,When was paper first created? When do you think books were first created? 2.Were books produced by hand or by machine at first? 3. What was the paper held against,Paper was first created abou

20、t 2,000 years ago. I think maybe books were first created after the 19th century,By hand,Paper was held against a wooden block,4. When was printing developed? 5. What can be kept on CD-ROMs? 6. What can be received online? 7. How did ideas spread in the past? How do ideas spread today,At the beginni

21、ng of the 11th century,Information,Information,Ideas spread by reading books in the past and today they spread by using computers on the Internet,writing,Its hard to imagine life without paper or print because 2. Books could only be produced one at a time because 3.Books could be produced more quick

22、ly and cheaply after the 11th century because,Paper and printing have been used for many years,They were written by hand at that time,Printing was developed greatly,4. We may not need books in the future because 5. Books will never be completely replaced by computers, because,writing,We can get info

23、rmation from the internet,We can put a poster on the wall but we cant put a computer on the wall,How to give reasons / results,as a result,because,so,so that,What was the result of books becoming cheaper? Why must printing be thought of as one of the most inventions,Books became cheaper. As a result

24、, more people learned to read,Printing must be thought of as one of the most inventions because it made books produced quickly,writing,3.More people learned to read in the 11th century. What happened then? 4.What development will mean that books wont be needed in the future,More people learned to re

25、ad in the 11th century, so knowledge and ideas spread quickly,Computers are used and newspapers and magazines can be read on-line so that books wont be needed in the future,writing,How to give reasons / results,as a result,because,so,so that,Rewrite the notes in full sentences,2,000 years ago,11th c

26、entury,In the future,About 2,000 years ago, paper was first created. As a result, more people,today,1. My father bought a d_ camera last week. 2. Could you do me a f_ to carry the box to the office? Its my pleasure. 3. The next issue of our school newspaper will be p_ on September 1st. 4. It was an

27、o_ day. Nothing special happened. 5. George r_ David as captain of the team while David was away. 6. An a_ of getting there early is that you can get a good seat,I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词,igital,avour,ublished,rdinary,eplaced,dvantage,课时达标,1. The radio doesnt work because the _ (battery) are dead. 2. _(prin

28、t) is one of the greatest inventions of China. 3. What beautiful scenery! Would you like _(take) some photos here? Of course. 4. I dont think Mr Browns new novel _ _ (publish) yet. 5. Damming tried his best to make everyone _ (laugh,II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,batteries,Printing,to take,has been,laugh,publishe

29、d,III. 选择正确的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空,1. I can _ you the book, but you should return it to me next Monday. 2. Do you often _ books from your school library? 3. You must promise that the camera wont _ to anyone else,lend,borrow,be lent,borrow lend,1. Is the online magazine _ _ _ (和一样) a normal magazine? 2. Plea

30、se _ _ (关) all the lights when you leave the classroom. 3. _ _ _ (从现在起), we teenagers should help out more at home. 4. The battery in the camera hasnt been charged for about _ _ _ (两个) weeks. 5. Dont worry. I will _ _ (照顾) your dog while you are away,IV. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词,the same as,turn off,From n

31、ow on,a couple of,see to,中考挑战,中考被动语态考题 1.The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty thing into it.(南京市中考题) A be stopped to throw B be stopped from throwing C stop to throw D stop from throwing 2.This book _ often _from the library.(北京市中考题) A arent take away B taken away C isnt taken away D be ta

32、ken away 3.He _ _ (tell) to return his books to the library yesterday. (黄冈市中考题,was told,4. Another man-made satellite was sent up into space by them last week (济南市中考题) another man-made satellite into space last week.变主动语态 5.People there planted many trees last year. Trees _ _ by people there last ye

33、ar. (青岛市中考题) 6. They grow vegetables on the farm. The vegetables _ _on the farm(上海市中考题,T,They sent up,were planted,are grown,Make questions and write answers: What /shouldnt/do/with batteries? (throw away) -what shouldnt be thrown away. -they shouldnt be thrown away. 1. What/can/use /to make paper?

34、(many things ) 2.What/might/use/to replace books one day? (computers) 3.Where/can/music/keep?(on MP3 players,What can be used to make paper? Many things can be used to make paper,What might be used to replace books one day ? Computers might be used to replace books one day,Where can music be kept? I

35、t can be kept on MP3 players,call clean develop introduce invent produce spread use write,From about 500 BC, pens for writing. The feather of large birds (1) and dried. The point of each feather was sharpened. Then people used them to write with ink. Many famous works, such as Shakespeares plays, (2

36、) with these pens. Then, in the 18th century, a pen with a steel writing point (3) .Only a few words could (4) , however before the writer had to fill the pen with ink again. Many years later, the fountain pen (5) from these early pens. In 1950, a European invented the ballpoint pen. The popularity of writing (6) quickly with the (7) of the ballpoint pen. Even today, ballpoint pens are much less


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