unit.2 短语与句型英文_第1页
unit.2 短语与句型英文_第2页
unit.2 短语与句型英文_第3页




1、Unit.21. 元宵节 the Lantern Festival2. 母亲节 Mothers Day3. 中国春节 the Chinese Spring Festival4. 泼水节 the Water Festival5. 庆祝中秋celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival6. 有点拥挤 a little/ kind of crowded7. 这样有趣 this interesting8. 看着很有意思 be fun to watch9. 去澳门度假go to Macao for ones vacation10. 在度假 be on ones vacation11. 计划去

2、某地度假 plan a trip to +地点12. 外出吃饭 eat out= go out for dinner13. 拜访亲戚 visit relatives14. 胖了5磅 put on 5 pounds15. 两周以后 in two weeks(将来时)after two weeks(过去时)16. 从13-19号 from thirteenth to nineteenth17. 在3月22号至4月25号之间的一个星期on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th18. 和相似 be similar to = be the same as1

3、9. 一个适合购物的地方 a place for shopping20. 一个驱逐坏东西的时候a time for washing away bad things21.傣族的泼水节the Water Festival of Dai people22. 嫦娥的故事 the story of Change23.圣诞精神 the spirit of Christmas24.圣诞现在之灵 the Ghost of Christmas Present25.分享并给于我们周围的人们快乐的重要性the importance of sharing and giving joy to people around

4、 us26.赏月的传统 the tradition of admiring the moon27.(的) 最好例子 the best example of28.(的)象征 a symbol of29.把某物扔给某人 throw sth at sb30.把祝愿带给家人carry wishes to families31.几百年 for centuries32.呈满月形状 be in the shape of a full moon33.最令人感动 the most touching34.给他神药 give magic medicine to him35. 告诫/警告某人做某事 warn sb t

5、o do sth36.期待某人去做某事expect sb to do sth37.击落 shoot down 摆出 lay out38. 飞向月球fly up to the moon 39. 坐飞机到香港 fly to Hong Kong40.尽力偷 try to steal (stole-stolen)41.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth42.因而钦佩某人 admire sb for43.把系在上 tie. to分享 share with44.鬼屋 a haunted house 长寿 live forever45.装扮成幽灵 dress up as ghosts46.带领某人

6、参观showaround/take.around47.要求请客 ask for treats48.招待某人 give sb a treat49.把当作 treat as50.用善良和热情待人treat people with kindness and warmth51.对某人好/坏 treat sb nicely/badly52.因惩罚某人punish sb for sth / doing sth53.决定做某事 decide to do sth54.在乎 care about 考虑think about55.使某人想起某事remind sb of sth / doing56.提醒某人做 re

7、mind sb to do sth 57.结束做某事 end up doing sth 58.以而结束 end up with以而开始 begin with =start with59.处于困境中,真需要 in need60.醒来wake up 查明 find out61.给予新生命 give birth to life62.复活节期间 during the Easter.句型1.不仅Mr White而且他的儿子英语说得好。Not only Mr White but also his son speaks English well.2.太阳不仅给我们光,而且它给我们温暖。Not only do

8、es the sun give us light, but it gives us warmth.3.我想知道如果我不招待他,他会不会捉弄我。I wonder whether he will play a trick on me if I dont give him a treat.4.我不知道是该接受还是拒绝。I dont know whether to accept or refuse.5.他很担心明天他的亲戚会不会来。He worries about whether his relatives will come tomorrow.6.Tom 想知道他妈妈会不会允许他打扮成幽灵。Tom

9、wonders whether his mother will allow him to dress up as a ghost or not. 7.他只在乎他能不能挣钱。He only cares about whether he can make money.8.我相信它不会产蛋。I dont believe that it can lay eggs.9.她说她胖了10磅。She said that she had put on 10 pounds.10.他告诫他自己要热情善良地对待别人。He warns himself to treat others with kindness and warmth.11.因为这条狗的死,他受到惩罚。He was punished for the dogs death.12.我相信有许多表达爱方式。I believe that there are many ways to show love.13. 多么快乐的孩子!What happy children!1


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