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1、28.12.2020,1,Genomic DNA Extraction from Mammal Tissue,哺乳动物组织基因组DNA提取,28.12.2020,2,一、实验目的(Experimental Purpose),After the experiment done, students should be able to know how to extract genomic DNA from mammal tissue, and to run an agarose gel.,1.掌握动物基因组DNA提取的操作方法。 2.掌握琼脂糖凝胶电泳的操作的方法。,28.12.2020,3,二、

2、实验原理(Experimental Principle),In the procedure described here, the detergents SDS ( sodium dodecyl sulfate) are added to denature proteins and solubilize lipids in membranes leading to cell lysis . The cell lysate is often treated with enzymes that hydrolyze RNA and proteins.,本实验利用去垢剂SDS(十二烷基磺酸钠)是为了使

3、蛋白变性并溶解细胞膜中的脂质从而导致细胞裂解,而细胞裂解物又常用蛋白酶K和蛋白进行水解处理。,28.12.2020,4,This is generally followed by phenol of phenol: chloroform extraction to remove the remaining proteins, which will either enter the organic phase or, if denatured, appear at the interphase . Chloroform treatment is used to remove the phenol

4、, and alcohol precipitation concentrates the DNA while removing nucleotides, amino acids, and low - molecular- weight oligonucleotides and peptides.,随后用酚氯仿进行抽提,以去除残留的蛋白质,这时蛋白质将进入有机相,或者假如己变性的话将呈现在有机相与水相之间。氯仿处理是为了去除苯酚,而乙醇沉淀处理则可以浓缩DNA,同时去除核苷酸、氨基酸以及低分子量的寡核苷酸和肽。,28.12.2020,5,As a further precaution, ethy

5、lene diamine tetraace-tic acid (EDTA) is include-ed in the buffers to chelate Mg2+. This will reduce deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity because of the Mg2+ requirement of these enzymes.,为了进一步保护DNA样品的完整性,通常需要在缓冲液中添加乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)以整合Mg2+,这样将会减少脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNase)的活性,因为该酶必须在有Mg2+存在时才会起作用。,28.12.2020,6,The pro

6、tocol described here result in DNA that is easily cut with restriction enzymes and, therefore, is useful for Southern Hybridization studies. If the DNA is to be used to construct a clone bank, higher molecular weight DNA is desirable, so the vortex step should be eliminated.,本实验方法分离得到的染色体DNA样品易被限制酶切

7、割,因此,较适用于Southern杂交的研究。如果所制备的基因组DNA是用于构建克隆文库,要求得到较大分子量的DNA,则必须省略其中的振荡步骤。,28.12.2020,7,三、试剂与器材(Reagents and apparatus),. Instruments High speed refrigerated centrifuge(高速冷冻离心机)、 Glass homogenizer (玻璃匀浆器) 、 Electrophoresis System (电泳系统) 、 Ultraviolet transilluminator (紫外透射仪) 、 Ultra cold storage freez

8、er (超低温冰箱) 、Autoclave (高压灭菌锅) 、 Pipettes (微量加样器) 、Electronic balance (电子天平) 、 Acidometer (酸度计),28.12.2020,8,. Material Liver of mice,28.12.2020,9,. Reagents,Tris、SDS、EDTA、 HCl、 NaOH 、 Sodium acetate、 Acetic acid、 Phenol、Chloroform、Ethanol、Isoamylol、 TE buffer 、 Protease K、RNase A、 Agarose 、DNA molec

9、ular weight markers 、Boric acid、Sugar、 Bromophenol blue、 Fluorescent dye(Gelview),28.12.2020,10,四、实验步骤(Experimental Procedures),冰浴处理生理盐水 玻璃匀浆器 冰冷的生理盐水清洗 配制工作液 处死小鼠 取出肝脏 组织匀浆液 酶解液 2ml匀浆液 组织细胞液 玻璃匀浆器匀浆 移至1.5ml离心管 5000rmin3060s 加400ul 吹散 加400ul 离心 无菌水 酶解液 水浴处理(55、1218h),28.12.2020,11,四、实验步骤(Experimenta

10、l Procedures),等量分装在两支离心管内 加入20ul的RNase 加入等体积提取液 4 10min 酶解样品 待抽提的样品 抽提 静置 离心 配制 TE缓冲液 加等体积提取液500ul 10000rmin离心10min 4 10min 移出水相 至离心管 抽提 静置 10000rmin离心10min 加1/10 加2倍 放入 离心 移出水相 NaAc 无水乙醇 -20 1-2h 12000rmin离心15min 加入 超低温冰箱 融化、离心 弃上清液 洗涤 12000rmin离心15min 干燥 4 75%冷乙醇 离心 弃上清液 加TE 存放 DNA,28.12.2020,12,四

11、、实验步骤(Experimental Procedures),Agarose Gel Electrophoresis : Preparation of the gel 制备0.3琼脂糖凝胶 Loading DNA samples DNA samples 16l + Loading buffer4l Gel 电压120V Gel photography,28.12.2020,13,Illuminate the gel with UV light and then take pictures. By comparing product bands with bands from the known molecular-weight markers, you should be able to identi


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