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1、非谓语形式(1,英语语法学习系列,一 非谓语形式,在英语中,一个句子(主句或从句)中只能有一套主谓结构,每个句子中必须有一个谓语部分,除谓语部分之外的动词就应当用非谓语形式,如果一个动词在句子中不作谓语时,就必须使用下面表格中的某一种形式,即非谓语形式,如:他坐在那里看小说 He is sitting there reading a novel,在上面这个句子里, 我们用了is sitting 来作谓语,那么, “看”(read)这个动词就要用非谓语形式来表达.这里的reading是现在分词一般式的主动式,当然这里为什么要用现在分词一般式的主动式,我们下面会详细地讲述,一个句子中除谓语之外还有

2、那些句子成份呢,主语, 宾语, 表语, 定语, 状语,补语共6 种,注:同位语一般不用动词来作,有这么多的非谓语形式, 如果一个动词作非谓语(比如说:定语),我们到底选用那一种形式呢,我们先来看下面的句子,1). The boy standing there is my elder brother. (2). The problem discussed yesterday is very important. (3). The meeting being held in the next room is about environment protecting,1). The boy stan

3、ding there is my elder brother. (2). The problem discussed yesterday is very important. (3). The meeting being held in the next room is about environment protecting,上面三个句子中划线部分在句中都是作定语,但是用了不同的非谓语形式,1). 第一个句子中用了现在分词一般式的主动式, 表示 “说话时正站在 那里,并且被修饰的名词the boy与动词 站的关系是主动关系.,2). 第二个句子中用的是过去分词,表示 “说话时已经发生过的事情

4、并且 动词“讨论”与被修饰的中心词problem是被动关系,3).第三个句子中用的是现在分词一般式的被动式,表示 “说话时正在发生 并且动词 “举行”与被修饰的中心词meeting为被动关系,从上面的例句可以看出,要正确使用非谓语形式,我们应该了解两个方面的内容,1. 非谓语动词相对于谓语动词的时间含义; 2. 非谓语动词和与之相关的词之间的关系,下面我们来系统地学习非谓语形式,二 非谓语形式的功能,并不是任何一种非谓语形式都可以用作谓语之外的任何成份!我们先来看一看下面的表格,非谓语形式功能表,从上表中我们只能得出这样的结论:当非谓语动词用状语和补语时,不需要考虑动名词;当非谓语动词作主语和

5、宾语时,不需要考虑分词(包括现在分词和过去分词,对于其它的形式,从表格中不难看出, 一种非谓语成份都有两种或两种以上的非谓语形式可以充当. 怎么办呢? 我们只要把同一种成份的不同非谓语形式的不同含义了解清楚就可以了,三 非谓语形式的不同含义,1. 作主语时,作主语时可以用两种形式:不定式和动名词,如,1). To learn English is not easy. (2). Eating too much is bad for your health,区别:不定式表示具体或一次性的动作,也可表示将来的动作。 动名词表示经常或泛指的动作,不定式和动名词作主语时常用一般式,不定式和动名词作主语时

6、请注意以下几点,1. 常用it作形式主语; 2. 当用于It is no use/good doing sth的句型时常用动名词; 当用于for sb./sth. to do 或疑问词+to do的 结构时常用不定式. 如,1). Its not easy to learn English well. (2). Its no use asking him for help. (3). Its no use crying over the spilt milk. (谚语:覆水难收) (4). How to solve the problem is a hot potato. (5). Its n

7、ecessary for you to read books,2. 作宾语时,作宾语与作主语时一样,也可以用不定式或动名词.如,1). He tried to catch up with his classmates. (2). The baby stopped crying and listened to the radio. (3). Thank you for treating me,区别:1. 介词后面的宾语一般用动名词,不用不定式! 2. 及物动词后面有些用动名词,有些用不定式,我们一般 记住那些只带动名词作宾语的动词,再如:How about planning for a trip

8、? We are looking forward to seeing you again. (to为介词,admit 承认 appreciate 感激,欣赏 avoid 避免 complete 完成 consider 考虑 cant help 忍不住 delay 耽误 deny 否认 endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱 excuse原谅 finish 完成 forgive 宽恕 imagine 想象 include 包括 keep 继续 mind 介意 miss 错过 prevent 阻止 postpone 推迟 practise 练习 recall 回忆 resist

9、抵抗, risk 冒险 suggest 建议 stand 忍受,常带动名词作宾语的及物动词有,可带不定式也可带动名词作宾语但含义有区别的及物动词有,remember forget regret stop go on mean try cant help,to do:表示“记得要去做某事” doing表示“记得做过某事,to do表示忘记要做某事 doing表示忘记做过了某事,to do表示对于要做某事感到遗憾 doing表示后悔做过某事,to do表示停止在做的事而去做另一件事 doing表示停止正在做的事,to do表示接着做另一件事 doing表示继续做同一件事,to do表示打算做某事

10、doing表示意味着什么,to do表示设法去做某事 doing表示尝试做某事,to) do表示不能帮忙做某事 doing表示忍不住做某事,1) I decided to ask for my money back. (2) He feels it his duty to help the poor. (3) I suggest spending our summer vacation in a seaside town. (4) Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport? (5) This means wasting a lot of

11、 money. (6) They couldnt help jumping up at the news,1) He apologized for having broken his promise. (2) I remember having seen her somewhere,Ex】:请找出下面句子中的宾语成份,再看下面两个句子,动名词的一般式和完成式都可表示发生在谓语动作之前的动作,有时两者可互换(用一般式往往显得更简洁),如上面例句(2)可改为,I remember seeing her somewhere,动词need/ want/ require + doing = need/

12、want/ require + to do 表示“主语需要被做”, 如,1) The bike needs to be repaired. = The bike needs repairing. (2) The flowers need watering. = The flowers need to be watered,be worth doing “值得被做” ,后不能用to do! 如,His suggestion is worth considering,上面句子中的considering不能换成to be considered或being considered! 如,1) The l

13、ibrary needs_, but itll have to wait until Sunday. A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned (2) The novel is well worth_ . A、reading B、to be read C、being read D、read,1. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it. A. putting back B. having put back C. to put back D. will put back 2

14、. Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming. A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing 3. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot _ and looked for it everywhere. A. to post the letter B. to have the letter posted C. to have posted the letter D. having

15、posted the letter 4. My brother regretted _ a lecture given by Professor Liu. A. missing B. to miss C. missed D. being missed 5. I regret _ you that we are unable to offer you a job. A. informing B. having informed C. to inform D. to informing 6. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped _ a break for

16、 an hour. A. havingB. to haveC. taking D. to taking,巩固练习,7. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him. A. to write and listen B. writing and listening C. to write and listeningD. writing and to listen 8. -“What can we do to help Li Hai.” -“All we can do is to try _ that he ought to study more.”

17、 A. making him to realizeB. making him realize C. to make him realize D. to make him to realize 9. You didnt hear us come in last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy. A. to be not B. not to be C. not being D. being not 10. He finished his homework, then he went on _ a letter. A. write B. writing C.

18、with D. to write,Answers: 1-5 CCDAC 6-10 BDCBD,英语语法学习系列,非谓语形式(2,让我们继续学习非谓语形式,3 作表语,作表语可用不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词,区别:1.不定式和动名词作表语用来解释主语的内容; 2.分词作表语用来表示主语的性质!如,1). His dream is to become a sports star. (2). The football match is exciting. (3). The audience are bored with the boring speech. (4). His hobby is

19、collecting stamps,分词作表语时,与句子的主语一般构成逻辑上的主谓关系,Ex】:用括号内的词的正确形式填空,1) Traveling is _ (interest) but _ (tire) (2) The argument is very _ (convince) (3) My English teacher was _ (satisfy) with my homework. (4) The father was _ with the _ son. (disappoint,Answers: (1) interesting; tiring (2) convincing (3)

20、satisfied (4) disappointed; disappointing,4 作定语,作定语可用不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词,区别:1. 动名词只作前置定语,用来表示被修饰的名词的内容或用途; 2.不定式作后置定语,表示将要发生的动作; 3.现在分词作定语时,表示正在发生的动作; 4.过去分词作定语时,表示已经发生的动作。 如,1). The waiting room at the station was very crowded at that time. (2). The housing problem is serious in most cities. (3). The

21、 boy playing under that tree is my younger brother. (4).Most of the artists invited to the party are from South Africa. (5). We need someone to go and get a doctor,Ex】:用括号内的词的正确形式填空,1) The man _ (work) over there now is my father. (2) The girl _ (call) Lily is my sister. (3) The matter _ (discuss) n

22、ow is of great importance. (4) The meeting _ (hold) tomorrow is about how to deal with the problem,非谓语的完成式一般不作定语,5 作状语,作状语可用不定式、现在分词和过去分词,区别:1. 不定式作状语时,一般用来表示目的;有时可用在一些表示人 的情绪的形容词或分词后表示原因状语; 2. 分词用作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、条件、结果以及 伴随等含义.如,1). Arriving in Paris, I lost my way. (2). I am pleased to be invited to

23、 give a talk here. (3). To learn English well, we should practice more. (4). Crossing the street, the old woman was hit by a car,5) The _ (injure) workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital,Answers: (1) working; (2) called; (3) being discussed; (4) to be held; (5) injured,1). Having do

24、ne the work very well ,he was praised by the teacher. (2). Following the old man, he stepped into the room,注意下面两组句子的区别,1) Seeing from the top of the hill, we find the city very beautiful. (2) Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks very beautiful,分词作状语时,与句子的主语一般构成逻辑上的主谓关系,Ex】:用括号内的词的正确形式填空,1)

25、_ (follow) by some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. (2) _ (look) out of the window, he found the murderer. (3) _ (write) in a haste, the composition is full of mistakes. (4) _ (graduate) from college, he went to a village and worked as a teacher there,Answer: (1) Followed; (2) Looking; (3) Wr

26、itten; (4) Having graduated,1). I would like you to help me with the bags. (2). I noticed him enter the teachers office. (3). We find our country developing very fast. (4). He had his house painted last week,6 作补语,作补语可以用不定式、现在分词和过去分词,区别:1. 不定式作补语时,一般表示将要发生的动作; 但作使役动词 和感观动词的补语时,可以表示将要发生的动作,也可以表示 已经发生

27、的动作; 2. 现在分词作补语一般表示正在发生, 3. 过去分词一般表示已经完成,而且和宾语是被动关系; 有时分词也可以表示宾语的性质或状态。如,分词作补语时,与宾语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,1) I heard someone _ at the door? (knock) (2) heard the song _ everywhere. (sing,Ex】:用括号内的词的正确形式填空,1. I searched all the drawers to find my lost necklace. 2. - What makes your manager so angry? - Losing the

28、 papers. 3. My work is cleaning the room every day. 4. She pretended to be sleeping when his mother entered theroom. 5. The man shaking hands with Mr. Li visited our class yesterday. 6. The old man wanted to leave here because he couldnt stand sleeping in the noisy room. 7. When I came, she was lyin

29、g on the bed, listening to the music. 8. Devoted to his work, the expert cares little about any other things. 9. The film is well worth seeing. 10. Having finished his speech, he answered our questions,巩固练习,EX.1】:说出下列句子中的非谓语形式的名称,以及在句中所作的成份,1) In the past, people used _ that the moon was too far awa

30、y _. But now it is possible for man _ there by spaceship. A. to think, not to reach, to get B. to think, to reach, to get C. to thinking, to reach, will get D. thought, to reach, to get to (2) Her son promised _ in the bedroom until the baby stopped _. A. staying, to cry B. to stay, crying C. for st

31、aying, to cry D. to stay, to cry (3) I wondered whether the film was _ worth _. A. very, to see B. well, seeing C. very, begin seen D. well, to be seen 4) The man managed to make himself _ with his _ French. A. understood, breakingB. understand, broken C. understand, breakingD. understood, broken (5

32、) I forbid _ here. Who has permitted you _ here? A. smoking, to smokeB. smoke, smoking C. smoking, smokingD. to smoke, smoking,EX.2】:选择正确的选项填空,6) Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive (7) A person _ a foreign language mus

33、t be able to use the foreign language _ all his own. A. learning, forgetting B. who learns, to forget C. to learn, to forget D. using, but (8) _ from the moon, our earth, with water _ seventy percent of its surface, appear as a “blue ball”. A. Seen, covered B. Seeing, covering C. Seen, covering D. T

34、o see, to cover (9) As she is looking forward to _ from me, please remember _ this letter on your way to school. A. hear, post B. hearing, to post C. be heard, posting D. be hearing, to posting,Answers: 1-9 BBBDA/ AACB,英语语法学习系列,非谓语形式(3,一 非谓语形式的复合结构,含义,表示三种非谓语的逻辑主语,如,1) Its very important to study sc

35、ience. (2) Would you mind smoking here,上面句(1)中的不定式to study science,说话人没有说明是谁学习 科学,如果要说清楚是谁学习科学,我们只要在不定式前面加上 for sb. to study science就可以了,句子可以变为,1) Its very important for us/ you/ themto study science,这里的for us/ you/ themto study science就叫做 动词不定式的复合结构,同样,句中(2)的动名词smoking,说话人也没有说明介不介 意谁抽烟,如果要说明介不介意谁抽烟

36、,我们就在前面加上 sb.或sbs smoking,句子变为,2) Would you mind me/ my/ him/ his/ Jim/ Jimssmoking here,这里的me/ my/ him/ his/ Jim/ Jimssmoking 就叫作 动名词的复合结构,1.不定式的复合结构,1) It is incredible for Peter to swim across the Atlantic Ocean in three days,for Peter to swim 在句子中充当主语,2) This can make it possible for agriculture

37、 and industry to develop rapidly,for agriculture and industry to develop 在句子中充当宾语,3) There are too many things for every one of us to learn in life,for every one of us to learn 在句子中充当定语,4) The best choice is for us to keep it as a secret from her,for us to keep 在句子中充当表语,不定式的复合结构除了for sb./ sth. to do

38、 之外还有一种形式: of sb. to do,用法: 当前面有表示人的品质的形容词时,就用of sb. to do的复合结构,1) Itsverykindofyoutohelpme. (2) Itscleverofyoutoworkoutthemathsproblem. (3) Itsveryniceofyoutooffermeaseat,4) Itiscarelessofhimtolosesomanythings. (5) It is wise of them to turn down the suggestion,从上面5个例句可以看出,这些句子都有两个共同点,a.不定式前面都有一个表示

39、人的性质或特征的形容词,b. 这些形容词与不定式的逻辑主语都存在逻辑上的系表关系,如句(1)中的you are kind; 句 (2)中的you are clever; 句(3)中的you are nice; 句(4)中的he is careless; 句(5)中的they are wise等等,而在Itsdifficultforyoutodealwiththeproblem.这个句子中就不能说youaredifficult,1) It was impolite _ without _ good-bye. A. of him to leave; saying B. of him leaving

40、; to say C. for him to leave; to say D. for him leaving; saying (2) Im surprised to find it easy _on it in a short time. A. them working B. for them working C. of them to work D. for them to work,Ex】选择正确的选项填空,Answers: (1) A; (2) D,2. 动名词复合结构,形式:名语/ 名词所有格或形容词物主代词/ 代词宾格+doing,作主语时只能用名词所有格或形容词物主代词,1) L

41、i Mings joining in our physics group is agreed by all of us,Li Mings joining在句子中作主语,不能用Li Ming joining,2) I cant understand you/ your leaving without saying good-bye to me,you/ your leaving在句子中作宾语,3) I was surprised at Robert/ Roberts having completed the task so soon,Robert/ Roberts having complete

42、d在句子中作宾语,4) The surprise is her coming here,her coming在句子中作宾语,1. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. youre calling,Ex】选择正确的选项填空,2) I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late. A. you to delay making B. your delaying making C. you delay

43、ing to make D. you delay to make (3) She apologized to me for _to inform me of the change in the plan. A. her not being able B. her being not able C. not being able D. that shes not able to (4) _ made her parents worried a lot. A. Her not to come back B. Not her to come back C. Not her coming back D

44、. Her not coming back (5) _ the prize was the pride of our class. A. Mary to win B. Mary winning C. Marys winning D. Mary won,Answers: 1-5 CBCDC,3.分词的复合结构,分词的复合结构又称作分词的独立主格结构,形式:名词或代词主格+现在分词或过去分词,用法:当分词作状语时,它有自己独立的逻辑主语,而不再用句 子的主语当作自己的逻辑主语!如,1) Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy (2) Encouraged

45、 by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle,句(1)中作原因状语的hearing (“听见”)的逻辑上的主语就是句子的主语they; 同样句(2)中Encouraged的逻辑上的主语也是句子的主语the young people.句(1)两者之间的关系为主动关系,所以用现在分词的主动式,句(2)两者之间的关系为被动关系,所以用过去分词,1) Having arrived, the meeting was declared open,2) Painted white, we like t

46、he house better,分析下面两个句子,你觉得它们对吗,1) All the guests having arrived, the meeting was declared open,2) The house painted white, we like it better,上面两个句子在英语中是不对的!因为作状语的分词与句子的主语不能构成逻辑上的主谓关系,要使它们正确,我们可以在分词前面加出其逻辑主语,这就是英语中分词的独立主格结构!再如,1) The day being fine, we decided to go swimming,独立主格结构The day being fin

47、e在句中作原因状语,2) The job done, we went home,独立主格结构The job done在句中作时间状语,3) Weather permitting, well go to the West Lake,独立主格结构Weather permitting在句中作条件状语,4) The baby fell from the cradle, blood coming down from his face,独立主格结构blood coming down在句中作伴随状语,1. 名词 / 代词 + 不定式。如: A house to be built, we must save

48、every cent. 由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。 Now here is Li Lei, Wei Fang to come tomorrow. 现在李蕾来了,魏方明天到。 2. 名词 / 代词 + 形容词。如: The ground muddy, we should be careful. 地面泞泥,我们应该小心。 3. 名词 / 代词 + 副词。如: The class over, we all went out to play. 下课后,我们都出去玩。 4. 名词 / 代词 + 介词短语。如: Glasses in his hand, he asked where his

49、glasses were. 手里拿着眼镜,他问他的眼镜哪去了,独立结构的一些其它形式,还有一种就是我们经常见到的with的复合结构,形式,with + 名词或代词 + 形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词,否定含义可以用without,1) _, we had to stay at home all day. A The day being very cold B While a very cold day C It was a very cold day D Being a very cold day (2) The children went home from the grammar sc

50、hool, their lessons _ for the day. A. finishingB. finished C. had finishedD. were finished,如:He spoke to us with his mouth full of food. 她口里含着食物跟我们说话。 He left the office with the lights on. 他离开了办公室,让灯亮着。 The engineer came with a notebook in his hand. 那个工程师手里拿着笔记本过来了。 Dont brush your teeth with water

51、 running. 不要在刷牙时让水流着。 With so much work to do, the manager felt very worried. 这么多工作要做,经理觉得很焦急。 With the road blocked, they had to turn back and ran round it in another way. 由于道路被堵,他们不得不转身从另一条路绕过去,Ex】选择正确的选项填空,3) _ more and more forests destroyed, many animals are facing the danger of dying out. A. because B. as C. With D. Since (4) The bus was crowded with passengers going home from market, most


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