



1、银行英语情景口语:存折和银行卡挂失 dialogue 1 对话一 a:hello, is this the right window for reporting losses? unfortunately, i lost my bank book this morning. im so forgetful; i had it on the bus when i was checking my bag. i 你好,这是挂失窗口吗?真倒霉今天早上丢了存折。我真健忘,我在公共汽车上检查我的包时它还在。我一定是把它放在座位上,再没拿起来! must have put it down on the se

2、at and never picked it up again! 没关系,女士,请镇定些。 b:its ok madam, calm down. 如何办理挂失的手续呢?我还能用我的账户吧,是不是? a:whats the procedure for this? i can still use my account, cant i? 我需要您做的是,告诉我账户持有人的名字、账号、存款金颏和您的密码。我还要看看您的证件。 b:what i need you to do is tell me the account holders name,the account number, the amoun

3、t deposited and your pin number, please. i need to see your id, too. dialogue 2 对话二 a:hello, imbf bank, how can i help you? 您好,这里是imbf银行,我如何为您效劳呢? b:i need to report a missing bank card and book. 我要挂失一个银行卡和存折。 a:ok sir. could you tell me the account holders name,the account number, the amount in the

4、 account and your pin number, please? 好的,先生。请您告诉我账户持有人的名字、账号、账户里的金额以 及您的密码,行吗? b:well, the accounts in my name. patrick dean, thats d-e-a-n. the account number is there was about 20,000 rmb inside. 呐,账户用的是我的名字,patrick dean,是d-e*a-n。账号是账户里大约有20000块。 a:ok, sir. almost there,

5、i just need your pin number. when we issue you with a new card and book we would recommend that you change your pin number. its a very simplprocedure. 好的,先生。差不多了,我只需要您的密码。在我们给您发新的卡和存折时,我们会建议您更改密码。这是个很简单的步骤。 b:ok, its 672910. 好的,密码是672910。 dialogue 3 对话三 a:this is ibj bank,claire speaking, how may i

6、help you? 这里是ibj银行。我是claire,我能如何为您效劳呢? b:oh, hello,yes, erm . ive just lost my bank stuff. 喂,你好,是的,嗯我刚把我银行的东西给丢了。 a:im sorry,could you be a little more specific? 对不起,请您说得详细一点儿,好吗? b:you know my bank stuff. my card, my book. 就是那些银行的东西,我的卡、存折。 a:ok, i will have to take some details from you. could you tell me your name please? 好的,我需要一些您的详细资料。请您告诉我您的姓名,好吗? b:jim chan. the accounts in my name. is that all you need to know? jim chan。账户是以我的名字开的。这是不是你要的全部信息? a:not quite, sir. we will need to also know the account number, the deposited amount and your


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