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1、老托福听力partc原文汇总 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理老托福听力partc原文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。老托福听力partc原文1today were going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groupsthe voice.今天我们将练习评估当向群体致辞时所使用的主要工具声音。there are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listene

2、rs.有三个主要元素结合一起会导致听众要么正面要么负面的体验。they can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively.他们能导致一个令人听起来愉快的声音,并且能被有效地使用or they can create a voice that doesnt hold attention, or even worse, causes an adverse reaction.或者他们能制造一个不能抓住注意力的声音,或者甚至更糟,引起一个不良反应。the three elements are v

3、olume, pitch, and pace.这三个元素是音量,音高,和语速when evaluating volume, keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of both the room and the audience.当评估音量时,记住一个好的演讲者将会调整以适应屋子的大小以及听众的规模。of course, with an amplifying device like a microphone, the speaker can use a natural tone.当然,用一个放大装置如麦克风,演讲者能使

4、用一个自然的口吻。but speakers should not be dependent on microphones; a good speaker can speak loudly without shouting.但是演讲者不应该依赖麦克风;一个好的演讲者能够说话很大声却不用大喊大叫the second element, pitch, is related to the highness or lowness of the sounds.第二个元素,音高,与声音的高或者低有关。high pitches are, for most people, more difficult to li

5、sten to, so in general speakers should use the lower registers of their voice.高音调是,对大多数人来说,听起来更困难,所以通常演讲者应该使用他们声音的低声部。during a presentation, its important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest.在一个陈述期间,重要的是变化音高,在某种程度上是为了维持兴趣。the third element, pace, that is how fast or slow words

6、 and sounds are articulated, should also be varied.第三个元素,语速,就是词和声音是如何快慢发音的,也应该变化。a slower pace can be used to emphasize important points.一个慢些的语速能被用来强调重要的点。note that the time spent not speaking can be meaningful, too.请注意花费在不说话的时间也是能有意义的。pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipa

7、tion.停顿应该是用来标志转换(话题)或者建立期盼because a pause gives the listeners time to think about what was just said or even to predict what might come next, it can be very effective when moving from one topic to another.因为一个停顿给了听众时间去思考关于刚说的话,或者甚至预测下面什么可能会来,当从一个话题转移到另一个时,它能够非常有效。what id like you to do now is watch

8、and listen to a videotape and use the forms i gave you to rate the speaking voices you hear.我现在想让你们做的是看和听一个录像带,并且使用我给你们的表格来评价你听到的说话声音。then tonight i want you to go home and read a passage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice.老托福听力partc原文2lets proceed to the main exhibit hall and look at

9、some of the actual vehicles that have played a prominent role in speeding up mail delivery.让我们继续去主展厅,然后看看在加速邮递中扮演了突出角色(发挥了重要作用)的一些真实的交通工具consider how long it used to take to send a letter across a relatively short distance.想想曾经要花多久去跨过一个相对短的距离去送一封信。back in the 1600s it took two weeks on horseback to

10、get a letter from boston to new york, a distance of about 260 miles.上溯到1600年代,从boston到new york送一封信要在马背上花两周,一段大约260英里的距离。crossing a river was also a challenge.横渡一条河也是一种挑战ferry service was so irregular that a carrier would sometimes wait hours just to catch a ferry.渡轮服务是如此的不规律,以至于运送者会有时等上几个小时就为了赶上一班渡轮

11、。for journeys inland, there was always the stagecoach, but the ride was by no means comfortable because it had to be shared with other passengers.对于内陆的旅程,总会有驿站马车,但是旅途是不舒适的,因为不得不同其他的乘客一起乘坐(分享)the post office was pretty ingenious about some routes.对于某些线路来说,邮局非常的有独创性in the nineteenth century, in the so

12、uthwestern desert, for instance, camels were brought in to help get the mail through.在十九世纪,在西南部的沙漠,举例来说,骆驼被引进来帮助送邮件。in alaska, reindeer were used.在阿拉斯加,驯鹿被使用了。this practice was discontinued because of the disagreeable temperament of these animals.这种做法被中断了,是因为这些动物不好相处的性情。well stop here a minute so th

13、at you can enter this replica of a railway mail car.我们将停这儿一分钟,以便你们能进入这个铁路邮件车箱的复制品。it was during the age of the iron horse that delivery really started to pick up, in fact, the united states transported most bulk mail by train for nearly 100 years.还是在铁马的时代期间,邮递才真正开始发展,事实上,美国通过火车运输大部分的大宗邮件将近100年。the f

14、irst airmail service didnt start until 1918.第一次航空邮件服务(没有开始)直到1918年才开始。please take a few moments to look around.请花上片刻来看看。i hope youll enjoy your tour.我希望你们会享受你们的旅程。and as you continue on your own, may i suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection.然后当你们继续你们自己的(旅途、参观、自由活动)时,我建议你们参观我们令人印象深刻的集

15、邮品的收藏not only can you look at some of the more unusual stamps issues, but there is an interesting exhibit on how stamps are made.你们不仅能看到一些更加不同寻常的邮票发行,而且还有一个关于邮票制作的有趣的展览。老托福听力partc原文3most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every

16、 night.大多数人想象天文学家是把他们的时间花费在冰冷的天文台上每天晚上透过望远镜(观测)的人in fact, a typical astronomer spends most of his or her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the year.事实上,一个典型的天文学家会花费他或她的大部分时间分析数据,并且可能一年中只在望远镜上(花费)数周的时间some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use

17、 a telescope at all.有些天文学家从事于纯粹的理论问题,并且根本就从来都不使用望远镜。you might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes.你可能不知道影像被直接通过望远镜观察是多么罕见。the most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them.最常见的观察天空的方式是去拍他们的照片。the process is very simple.这个额过程很简单first, a photographic plate is

18、 coated with a light-sensitive material.首先,一个照相底板被一种光敏的材料覆盖。the plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it.这个底片被放置好以便望远镜接收图像并录制在上面then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.那么图像能够被开发,放大,并且出版,所以很多人能研究它。because most

19、astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble.因为大多数天体都很遥远,我们从他们那里接受到的光相当的微弱。but by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made.但通过使用望远镜当相机,长时间的曝光能够被制造出来。in this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen b

20、y just looking through a telescope.这样,百倍微弱的,仅仅通过望远镜观察而看不清楚的天体也能被拍摄下来。老托福听力partc原文4before we start our first lab, id like to tell you a little bit about the workbook well be using.在我们开始我们第一次实验室(活动)之前,我想要告诉你们一点关于我们将要使用的工作手册(的注意事项)the first thing id like to point out is that the workbook contains a ver

21、y large amount of material, far more than you could ever handle in a single semester.我想指出的第一件事是这个工作手册包含非常巨大的材料数量,远比你们在一个学期内能够运用的多。what youre supposed to do is choose the experiments and activities that you want to dowithin a certain framework, of course.你们应当做的是选择你想做的实验和活动当然,要在一个确定的框架内part of my job

22、is to help you make your choices.我工作的一部分是帮你们做出你们的选择。next, id like to mention that in each workbook chapter, there are usually two subsections.接下来,我想提及在工作手册的每一个章节,通常会有两个副章节。the first is called experiments and the second is called activities.第一个被称为“实验”,第二个被称为“活动”老托福听力partc原文5do you have trouble sleepi

23、ng at night?你晚上睡觉有困难吗?then maybe this is for you.那么也许这个是给你的when you worry about needing sleep and toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position, youre probably only making matters worse.当你担心需要睡眠(睡不着觉)时,辗转反侧试图去找到一个舒服的位置,你可能只会使事情更糟what happens when you do that,is that your heart rate actually in

24、creases, making it more difficult to relax.当你哪么做会发生什么,就是你的心率会增加,使放松更艰难you may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem.你可能也有一些不好的习惯会导致这个问题。do you rest frequently during the day?你在白天期间经常地休息吗?do you get virtually no exercise, or do you exercise strenuously late in the day?你几乎没有锻炼,或者你在白

25、天晚些时候奋力地锻炼吗?are you preoccupied with sleep, or do you sleep late on weekends?你注意力都在睡觉上,或者你周末睡得很晚吗?any or all of these factors might be leading to your insomnia by disrupting your bodys natural rhythm.任何一个或全部的这些因素可能会导致你失眠, 通过扰乱你身体的自然节奏。what should you do, then, on those sleepless nights?那么,你需要在这些失眠的夜晚做什么?dont bother with sleeping pills.别把安眠药放在心上they can actually cause worse insomnia later.他们实际上能在后来引起更重的失眠the best thing to do is drink milk or eat cheese or tuna fish.最佳的做法是喝牛奶或吃奶酪或吞拿鱼。these are all rich in amino acids and help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain that induces sleep.这些(食物)都


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