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1、八年级期末上学期末试题 第I卷 试题卷 第一部分 (客观题 满分70分) I、 听力测试(共20小题,每小题1 分,满分20分) 第一节:听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画。并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。每个句子听两遍。(5分) ( )1. What does the boy usually do on vacation? C B A ? . Who is Sallys good friend( )2 C B A . How does Lindas father go to work?( )3 C A B )4. Where did Tom go last night? ( C B A

2、 )5. How is the weather today? ( C A B 第二节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。每段对话听 两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第67小题。 ( ) 6、What does the boy want to be when he grows up? A. A teacher B. An astronaut. C. A cook. ( ) 7、How is the boy going to become a teacher? A. study hard. B. to learn how to teach children. C.

3、 play with children. 听第二段对话,回答第810小题。 What fruit do they need to make fruit salad? 、) 8 ( A. bananas and honey B. honey and yogurt. C. bananas, watermelons, apples, oranges. ( ) 9、How many bananas do they need? A. Three B. Five C. Seven ( ) 10、How much honey do they need? A. One cup. B. Two spoons.

4、C. One bottle. 听第三段对话,作答第11-12小题。 ( )11. What does the man do? A. A writer. B. A worker. C. A player. ( )12. How soon will the book be finished? A. More than 7 days. B. In 7 days. C. In a year. 听第四段对话,作答第1315小题。 ( )13. Why does Tom want to borrow a book about culture? A. Because he is not interested

5、 in culture. B. Because he borrows it for his teacher. C. Because he will give a talk about culture. ( )14. How many books can Tom borrow at a time? A. Two B. Three C. seven ( )15. Does the library open on weekends? A. No, it doesnt. B. On Sunday. C. Yes, it does. 听独白,选择正确的答案,短文听两遍。你有15秒钟的读题时间,现在开始读

6、题。 ( )16.When will the Winter Camp start? A. On January 11th. B. On January 20th. C. On January12th. ( )17.Who can take part in the Winter Camp? A. Children from 6-13. B. Children from 7-14. C. Children from 8-16. ( ) 18.How much should each child pay if he wants to take part in one activity? A.150

7、yuan. B.300 yuan. C.200 yuan. ( )19.Which of the activities can you do there? A. Playing chess. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing cards. ( )20.What is the telephone number? A.82766580 B.82776380 C.82754580 II、选择填空。(10分) ( )21.My sister wants to be _ actress in the future. A. a B. the C. an D. ( )22.

8、 A good friend should care _ you all the time. A. in B. about C. at D. with ( )23.Did you do _ in the countryside with your family? A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything. ( )24. -_ do most students use the internet? -Three times a week. A.

9、How soon B. How many C. How long D. How often ( )25.Which is _ movie theater, Wanda Cinema, Changjiang Cinema or Xintiandi Cinema? A. the most expensive B. expensive C. more expensive D. much more expensive ( )26.There _ more cars in two years in Dazhou .The city will be more crowded. A. will have B

10、. is going to have C. will be D. are going to have ( )27. -My mother is ill, so I have to look after her. -_. A. Thank you. B. Thats all right. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. It doesnt matter . ( )28. -_ do you _ talk shows? -I cant stand them. A. How, think of B. How , like C. What, like D. What, thi

11、nk ( )29.Not everyone knows _. Just make sure you try your best. A. what do they want to be B. what will they be C. what is they to be D. what they want to be ( )30. -Can you come to my house for dinner this weekend, Mary? -_. I have too much homework to do . A. Sure, Id love to. B. No, I dont. C. S

12、orry, I cant D. Yes, Id love. III、完形填空(共10分 每小题1分) A teacher was asking a student some questions , but the student _31_ answer any of them . The teacher decided to give him some _32_ questions so that he could get _33_ of them right . “Who was Beethoven (贝多芬) ?” the teacher asked . The student _34_

13、for some time and said , “ A king . ” “ _35_ . He was a musician , ” the teacher said . She was getting a little _36_ now , _37_ she was trying not to show it . “Who was the first president of the USA ?” asked she . The student thought for a long time , but he didnt say _38_ . The teacher was very a

14、ngry(生气的) and _39_ , “ George Washington(乔治?华盛顿) ! ” The student got up and walked to the door . “ Come Back !” the teacher said , “ I _40_ you to go .” “ Oh , Im sorry ,” the student said , “ I thought you called the next student .” ( )31. A. could B. had to C. couldnt D. must ( )32. A. easy B. nic

15、e C. different D. difficult ( )33. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )34. A. listened B. thought C. guessed D. talked ( )35. A. Yes B. Maybe C. All right D. No ( )36. A. angry B. happy C. interested D. nothing ( )37. A. so B. but C. or D. and ( )38. A. anything B. everything C. something D. no

16、thing ( )39. A. spoke B. told C. shouted(大喊) D. talked ( )40. A. didnt tell B. didnt let C. let D. told IV、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,满分30分) (A) they? Most dont cooking, of way their have American people cooking. of way own its has country Every people in the United States like fast food, but if you think th

17、at American people dont like cooking, you are wrong. Its true that most Americans eat fast food for their breakfast and lunch, but they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their children how to cook, and most Americans say that home-made meals are the best. Amer

18、icans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking(烘烤) is the most popular way of cooking in America. Most American families have ovens(烤炉). American cooks pay attention to(注意) the balance(平衡) of food. They try to cook meat, a few vegetables, some bread and often some sweet food for a big meal

19、. They also like to make the meal look beautiful. There are many kinds of food of different colors, so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful, too. ( )41. Most Americans _. A. dont like cooking B. cook food in the morning C. eat fast food D. like having a picnic ( )42. Its true that most Americans

20、_. A. dont eat fast food for their breakfast or lunch B. have fast food for their breakfast and lunch C. like to eat fast food for supper D. dont have breakfast or lunch ( )43. _ is the most popular way of cooking in the USA. A. Baking B. Cutting C. Frying D. Boiling ( )44. How does an American cook

21、 make the balance of food? A. He cooks a lot of meat. B. He cooks meat, vegetables, bread and sweet food for a big meal. C. He makes the food delicious. D. He cooks a lot of vegetables. B When I was a little girl, there was a big library near my home. On the weekend my mother and I usually went to t

22、he library. The library opened at nine oclock. My mother and I went there after breakfast. There was a special room just for kids in the library. Its a really great place. Sometimes we could read story books. Sometimes we could sing and dance. I loved that. After story time, I chose my books. In the

23、 library, I could have any books I wanted. There were so many books that it took me a long time to choose! The kids could borrow two books at most a week. And the adults could have three books at most. For a six-year-old kid, story books were my favorite. Then its time to go home. We took many books

24、 from the library. At night, when I was in bed, my mother would read me a story. Sometimes it was nice to read an old story, but sometimes a new one was great. ( )45. On weekends the writer went to the library with _. A. her father B. her mother C. her friend D. her classmate ( )46. The writer liked

25、 _ books best. A. science B. story C. cartoon D. art ( )47. Which is NOT true about the library? A. There were many books in the library. B. The books in the library were for people of all ages. C. The kids could sing and dance in the library. D. The writer didnt like the library. C The class in Ame

26、rica is almost the same as that in China. But something is different. 1. In America, if the teacher asks you a question but you dont understand, you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to repeat(重复) it. If you dont know the answer, it is all right to tell the teacher that you dont know. Then

27、 he or she knows what you need to learn. 2. You mustnt be absent on a test day. If youre seriously ill, call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test. If your teacher allows(允许) a make-up test(补考), you should take the test in one or two days after you go back to school. 3. Be on t

28、ime! It is impolite to be late. If you come in late, be sure to do it quietly. Take your books out of your bag after you enter the classroom. Then go to your seat and sit down quietly. In the US, you neednt knock before you come into the classroom. 4. If you have to leave during(在期间) the class, do i

29、t quietly, too. There is no need to ask for the teachers agreement. . When a teacher asks you a question but you dont know the answer, you)48 ( should _. A. repeat the question B. tell the teacher you dont know C. give an answer D. put up your hand ( )49. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined

30、word “absent”? A. 早到的 B. 迟到的 C. 缺席的 D. 出席的 ( )50. If a student is _, she or he might take a make-up test later. A. seriously ill on a test day B. late for the test C. careless in the test D. unhappy on a test day D One day a very rich family went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to sh

31、ow his son how poor people lived , so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from the trip , the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the trip?” “Very good, dad!” “Did you see how poor people lived?” the father asked, “yeah!” “And what did you learn

32、?” The son answered , “We have a dog at home , and they have four. We have a pool that is in the middle of the ) in the garden and they have the 灯garden and they have a river that has no end . We have very expensive lamps( stars”. speechless his father was When the little boy finished , )51.How long

33、 was their trip to the countryside? ( D.Less than 12 hours C. About 48 hours A. About 24 hours. B.About 12hours )52.The father wanted to show his son _. ( B.how rich their family was A.how poor their family was D.how the poor people lived B. where the poor lived )53.The word “speechless”means_.( 胸无点

34、墨的 D. C无话可说的 B. A. 寡言少语的 毫无兴趣的 )54. What did the boy think of the trip? ( D.I dont know C.Not good A.So-so B.Very good )55. The rich man has a pool _. ( B.in the middle of his garden A. in the front of his garden D.in the middle of his house B. in the front of his house 第II卷 答题卷 温馨提示:请将试题卷的答案填写在下面答题

35、卷上,否则不给分。 题号 总分 总分人 VII VI III I II IV V得 1076584392120181711121314151619302429252227232826214035393137343238363350494743484542464441 51 55 53 54 52 说明:1-40每小题1分,计分40分;41-55每小题2分,计30分。 第二部分 (主观题 满分30分) V、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 请认真阅读下列短文,按照题目要求做题。 schoolwork,and their with problems have they Sometime

36、s worries. of lot a have often days these Students sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. “ (1)Problems and worries are normal in life, “ says Laura. “ But I think talking to someon

37、e hellps a lot. (2) we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse.” Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didnt have any money. She just kept thinking, “If I tell my parents, theyll be

38、 angry!” In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. (3) say,her, he dad, himself, sometimes make, careless mistakes,. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “ I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Luara says. Robert Hunt advis

39、es students about common problems. He feels the same way as Laura. “It is best not to run away from problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesnt need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their

40、parents have more experince, And are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing problem is like cutting it in half. So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! 任务1: 56. 请将(1)处翻译成汉语。 任务2: 57.请在(2)处填上一个词,使其句子完整且其意正确。 任务3: 58.请你将(3)处组成一个完整的句子。(注意大小写、时态和词形转

41、换) . 任务4: 59.What advice did Robert Hunt tell students? 任务5: 60.Which statememt express the main idea of the passage? A. If people have problems, they should get advice from an expert. B. If people have problems, they should keep them to themselves. C. If people have problems, they should get talk t

42、o other people. VI、词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) tell, common, thousand, fall, another, on, buy, but, write, wake Every year, the second Sunday of May is a special day for moms. Its Mothers Day. It is a good time to (61)_ our moms how much we love them.

43、 This year, the day (62)_ on May 8. In the UK, most children like(63)_ gifts to show their love to their mothers. Flowers or chocolate are some (64)_ gift ideas. (65)_ making your own gift is interesting. When I was young, I helped my dad make breakfast. Then we took it upstairs and (66)_ up my mom

44、with a surprise breakfast in bed. That is a popular way show love (67)_ Mothers Day. This year, I live 5,000 miles away from my mom. I had to think of (68)_ way to show my love. I sent her a card and (69)_ a 10-line poem (诗) on the back. I said, “Even though we are (70)_ of miles apart, no distance

45、could separate(分离) my love for you especially on Mothers Day.” 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 VII、改写句子按括号中要求改写句子,每空填一个词。 (每空0.5分,共计5分) (改为一般疑问句)71.I went bike riding with my friends last Sunday. _ you_ bike riding with your friends last Sunday? 72. David is going to be a pilot when he grows up:(就画线部分提问) _is David going to_ when he grows up? 73. You mustnt put the tomatoes into the blender.(改为祈使句) _put the tomatoes into the blender. 74.I hope Chinese Football Team can take part in the Football World Cup one day. (改写句子,句意不变) I hope Chinese Football Team will_ _ _take part in the Footbal


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