已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、想提升托福阅读做题速度要把握好这三点 托福阅读考试中做题速度对大家来说非常重要,如何提升托福阅读做题速度业成了决定阅读成败的关键因素。今天给大家带来了想提升托福阅读做题速度要把握好这三点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。想提升托福阅读做题速度要把握好这三点托福阅读速度提升技巧一 了解阅读题型正所谓知己知彼,才能百战不殆,对于托福考试来说也是一样的。特别是最有可能拿高分的托福阅读考试部分,如果考生对于托福阅读的所有题型都了然于心,并且对其解题技巧都很熟悉的话,那么还有什么理由托福阅读拿不到高分甚至是满分。考生在备考托福阅读的时候,如果想要真正快速的提升阅读能力,还是要从阅读的

2、基础环节上去入手,也就是主对于托福阅读来说,词汇和题型等基础环节都是不可忽略的。所以,每次在做完题目之后,不能仅仅草草答案就了事了,在练习时就是要通过大量的题目来做,以此来增强自己对于托福阅读出题套路的了解,以及掌握每种题型的应对方案,争取做到读完题之后,就能立即找到题干中的有效关键词,再迅速加原谅中去定位答案。只有掌握了这些,你才能为你的托福阅读考试提升速度。托福阅读速度提升技巧二 会分析句子从小从我们读书开始,老师就要求我们在做题时要认真读题,这样才能了解题意,对正确答题有帮助。所以我们在阅读托福*的时候,通常都是习惯于逐字逐句的进行阅读,同时也会机械的把所有的英文单词的中文意思堆砌起来。

3、对于这种方法,一些简单的题目这个方法是没有问题,但是如果是一些结构复杂的句子中,如果你这样做就会造成极大的浪费。再说这个方法也不能确保你能百分之百的答对题。那么考生应该如何去应对呢?小站教育编辑建议大家,这里你最好的选择就是学会主动地去分析句子的结构,要弄清楚句子的主语是谁?这个主语怎么了,发生了什么事?哪些句子成分是修饰的?哪个是谓语部分?当考生了解了这些之后,那么你就可以读完一句理解一句,那么你的托福考试的时间就不存在不够的问题了。托福阅读速度提升技巧三 熟知篇章结构备考托福阅读考试的筒子可能都知道,托福阅读的最后一题为总结题,这一题的分值比前面的题目也要高,同时它不仅仅是考察*中的某一段


5、浅。托福阅读的修辞题目要重点关注例子托福阅读对于不少人来说都很难抓住重点,其实托福阅读*中有很多东西都有存在的意义,拿托福阅读试题中的修辞题目来说就要抓住各种例子。在托福阅读考试中,找准托福阅读*中句间关系是解决修辞目的题的关键。而在修辞目的题中,绝大一部分修辞的目的都是举例证明、支持前文提到的某个观点。那么修辞目的题中的举例证明都是如何呈现的呢?有一小部分题目,定位之后会发现定位句中直接出现了表明举例证明的逻辑词,比如for example,such as,like等。而大部分题是不会直接点明这种举例论证的关系的,需要我们结合前文(通常就是上一句话)通过句意进行分析。下面举两个具体的例子进行

6、讲解。(以下的例子是提取了tpo中段落里的定位句和之前一句话。)例1: in the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering. some of these coats are hardlike the shell of a nutfor extra protection. some are soft and tempting, like a peach or a cherry.why does the author mention “a nut”, “a peach”, and “a cherry”

7、?to indicate that some seeds are less likely to survive than othersto point out that many angiosperms can be eatento provide examples of blooming plantsto illustrate the variety of coverings among angiosperm seeds托福阅读试题解析:(1) 简单观察一下定位句,发现句中直接出现了like这一表示举例的逻辑词,所以提到nut,peach,cherry一定是为了说明前文提到的某种观点。(2)

8、 通过对定位句的句意,我们知道nut是硬外壳的例子,peach和cherry是软外壳的例子。(3) 再结合一下上一句话,注意这里定位句中出现了指代词these,是对前文的指代,也提示我们要关注上一句话。这句话说:在被子植物中,种子是被一层外壳包裹着的。(4) 结合两句话,分析可得作者提到nut,peach,cherry是为了说明被子植物的种子的外壳有些是硬的,有些是软的。对应的答案就是d。其中的the variety of是对硬壳和软壳的一个概括。例2: these fossil beds provide evidence of about 32 modern animal groups, p

9、lus about 20 other animal body forms that are so different from any modern animals that they cannot be assigned to any one of the modern groups. these unassignable animals include a large swimming predator called anomalocaris and a soft-bodied animal called wiwaxia, which ate detritus or algae.why d

10、oes the author mention “anomalocans” and “wiwaxia”?to contrast predators with animals that eat plants such as algaeto question the effects of rapid mud slides on fossilizationto suggest that much is still unknown about animals found in the burgess shaleto provide examples of fossils that cannot be a

11、ssigned to a modern animal group解析:(1) 定位句的主要意思是:这些不能分类的动物包括体型巨大的anomalocaris和软体的wiwaxia,这里出现了一个include,包括,提示后面提到的是具体的例子;此外anomalocaris和wiwaxia都是事物名称,很具体,所以也可以判断出是在举一些具体的东西来说明什么。(2) 说明的是什么呢?通常的行文思路都是提出观点然后再举例,所以我们一般直接向前,看上一句话说了什么,与这句话能否形成举例说明的关系;并且句首的these也提示我们要向前看。(3) 向前看后发现前一句话很长,因为我们已经通过定位句分析出举的是

12、不能分类的两种动物,所以只需要找前一句话中和不能分类的动物相关的表述。或者通过 these向前找具体指的是哪些不能分类的动物。因此我们只需看后半部分,发现不能分类的动物是指不能分到任何一个现代族群中的动物。(4) 结合两句话,分析可知作者提到anomalocaris和wiwaxia是举例说明不能分到任何现代族群中的动物。对应d项。托福阅读背景材料之说谎容易影响健康in the dilemma,vince vaughns character is keeping a huge secret from his best friend: his wife is cheating on him. va

13、ughns “dilemma,” of course, is whether or not to tell his buddy. but, he may not know hes also putting himself in harms way by lying to his friend. guilt is just the beginning.在影片进退两难中,文斯沃恩饰演的角色进退两难的是:该不该告诉自己的好朋友,好朋友妻子给他戴绿帽子的事情。殊不知,对好友隐瞒真相的同时,也给自己的健康带来隐患。内疚只是个开始。along with guilt, people who lie, omi

14、t the truth or keep a secret are at risk for some not-so-pleasant health complications. for starters, lying releases stress hormones the same ones that are triggered in whats called your “fight or flight response,” this increase in stress hormones causes your heart rate and breathing to increase, di

15、gestion to slow down, and hypersensitivity of muscle and nerve fibers,” she says.除了内疚,撒谎的人隐瞒真相可能令人不快的健康并发症的风险。撒谎的时候,体内会释放压力荷尔蒙,而压力荷尔蒙会诱发“或战或逃”反应。增加的压力荷尔蒙会影响心率和呼吸的加快,消化减慢,肌肉和神经纤维高度紧张。these affects may not sound that serious, but over time, they can lead to conditions that no one would want, such as c

16、oronary artery disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure. why? because blood pressure rises in the heart when youre lying, “which can be life threatening over a prolonged period of time,” says dr. smith. (this is why polygram or lie detector tests accurately test for lying, because they measure

17、jumps in blood pressure).这些影响听起来似乎还不严重,但是,天长日久,会导致出乎意料的后果:冠心病、中风、充血性心力衰竭。为什么?因为撒谎时,血压会升高。撒谎成习可能威胁生命。这也是多项描记图和测谎仪能测试出人是否撒谎,因为撒谎时,人的血压会升高。frequent truth telling made lying more difficult, and frequent lying made lying easier.” 老实人很难撒谎,常撒谎的人说谎容易。托福阅读的水平差距体现在哪里对于托福阅读来说考生们的差距经常就体现在到底读到了什么水平,有些人在有限的托福阅读时间

18、内与别人所读出来的东西要相差许多,这就会对托福阅读试题造成困扰。很多考生在平时练习时习惯边读*边在题目上划线,似乎不做记号 ,思维就无法跟上托福阅读的速度,但是到了真正上机考试,不能对*做记号的时候,考生难免会乱了阵脚。有些考生因为托福阅读时间紧,所以根本没等读完全文就直接做托福阅读试题,这种抱着侥幸心理的考生真的上了考场其实是很危险的,因为单凭对*局部的理解,根本无法掌握*的整体内容和观点。而还有一些考生必须把*一字不漏的阅读和翻译之后才能做题,往往忽视了阅读的速度,这种细读的方法之适用于两种情况:一种是考生已经具备相当强的阅读水平,而且长期运用这种方法,另外一种是这篇*是你曾经读到过的,即


20、e courses arent all “econ 1011”and “the history of europe: 1500-present”. a trend among many colleges and universities is to offer courses that are slightly off the beaten track . many of these courses draw their themes from pop culture or sports, or they may be the brainchildren of professors who w

21、ant to share their passion with students. they may be no less serious than traditional courses, but they certainly cover new academic ground. students take these off beat courses for a variety of reasonshoping for an easy a, to try something fun, or to explore a new interest.1) you can boldly go whe

22、re no other philosophy student has gone before in georgetown university s “philosophy and star trek” course, where students discuss the nature of time travel, the ability of computers to think and feel, and other philosophical dilemmas facing the crew of the starship enterprise.2) discover how brick

23、 really felt when opal left him for his neighbors best friends sister in the university of wisconsins course entitled “daytime serials: family and social roles.” students analyzethe plots, themes, and characters of daytime soaps and discuss their impact on modern life.3) if youve been longing to res

24、earch how hot dogs, theme parks, and the five-day workweek have impacted american leisure culture, check out the university of iowa course “the american vacation”. this course pays particular attention to how american families varying backgrounds shape their vacation experiences.4) bowdoin college s

25、tudents can delve into “the horror film in context” in the schools english department. students read freud and poe and watch hitchcock and craven, all while discussing the horror genre s treatment of gender, class, and family.5) at williams college, students can learn more about those in the cement

26、shoe industry by enrolling in “comparative history of organized crime”, which compares the work of goodfellas from the united states, italy, japan, and russia.6) if youve got a romantic urge for adventure, check out barnard colleges course on “the road movie”, which studies easy rider and thelma and

27、 louise, while also discussing the genres literary precursors , like on the road and the odyssey.7) if hitting the road doesnt satisfy your rebellious streak, sign up for brown universitys course on “american degenerates”, in which students discuss how early british-american writers embraced the gro

28、tesque , monstrous, “not our kind” status bestowed on them by the mother country and reflected their zeal for cultural and physical degeneracy in their literature.8) those artsy types at the rhode island school of design can put down their paintbrushes and take “the art of sin and the sin of art”, which contemplates the relationship between sin and the art world. the course catalog invites you to “lust with the saints and burn with the sinners ”.9) if talking about death several times a week in class sounds like a good time to you, try purdue universitys “death and the nineteenth cen


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