已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、托福阅读高分必须跨过这3道难关 托福阅读高分必须跨过这3道难关 汇总指点常见问题应对技巧托福 阅读备考先过词汇关托福考试 中词汇是比较重要的考点,而阅读则是考察词汇量的主要部分之一,因此考生想要做好阅读,首先就需要解决词汇问题,特别是在考试中遇到生词时的应对技巧。托福阅读中的*很多都是从一些原版刊物上选取改编而成的,因此*涉及到的话题范围也相当之广,科学文化、自然科技、历史艺术、天文地理等等无所不包。而这就会造成*中常会出现各类大家在背托福单词时也没有接触过的生词。因此,考生首先要有在托福阅读中遭遇生词“偷袭”的心理准备。有些同学做阅读遇到生词就会产生恐慌心理影响发挥,这其实是完全没有必要的,

2、应对生词完全可以通过采用这些方法来进行合理应对不影响做题:1. 如果生词本身是属于专业性的词汇,那么这些词汇出现的目标就并不是为了考察大家的词汇量,而是检查考生应对生词的应变能力。而且这些生词本身也常会成为出题点,考生只要围绕这类词汇多加留意就会发现不少用于理解生词和解答题目的线索。2. 其次,生词常会附带有解释说明,有时候紧跟在词汇之后以同位语形式出现,有时候则会给出线索让大家结合上下文得出解释。托福考试阅读的大部分生词都是以这种形式存在的,大家如果不认识这类词汇,直接在词汇周围其实就能找到解答,不用担心会出现不认识生词就做不了题的情况。托福阅读如何通过限时难关?除了生词问题外,考生在做托福




6、一些了解,扩大知识面,比如读一些 the economist 的*。如果时间比较紧张,建议就拿tpo就可以了,通过做tpo了解相关背景知识。做完一篇*后,还要整体地总结一下*大意和思路,总结出每一段的段落大意。第三,运用解题技巧托福阅读考试一共有十种题型,词汇题,句子简化题,指代题和句子插入题是对核心词汇,句子核心意思和段内结构的考察;细节题,推断题,否定信息题和修辞目的题是对*细节的考察;六选三和表格题是对*的分析和总结。1. 细节题要注意利用关键词定位,关键词选择数字,人名地名和专有名词。找到关键词所在的句子,和选项进行核对的时候注意同义替换,比如:paragraph 1: it shou

7、ld be obvious that cetaceans-whales, porpoises, and dolphins-are mammals. they breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mamm

8、als.in paragraph 1, what does the author say about the presence of a blowhole in cetaceans?a. it clearly indicates that cetaceans are mammals.b. it cannot conceal the fact that cetaceans are mammals.c. it is the main difference between cetaceans and land-dwelling mammals.d. it cannot yield clues abo

9、ut the origins of cetaceans.根据关键词blowhole定位到 and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals,核对选项,conceal 和disguise 同义替换。2. 句子简化题要求正确选项能够准确表达原句的核心意思,保证逻辑关系不变 (因果,转折,对比,比较,并列),主体不变和修饰不变。我们可以先从逻辑关系入手,排除一些选项,比如:the whigs were strongest in the towns,

10、cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas democrats dominated areas of semisubstence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.a whigs were able to attract support only in the wealthiest parts of the country because democrates domina

11、ted in other areas.b whig and democratic areas of influence were naturally split between urban and rural areas, respectively.c the semisubsistence farming areas dominated by democrats became increasingly isolated by the whigs control of the market economy .d the democrats power was greatest in poor

12、areas while the whigs were strongest in those areas where the market was already fully opening.原句的“whereas”表示对比,与之相一致的只有d选项的“while”。托福阅读素材练习:圆顶的小屋内容回忆:*讲了冰屋的一些特点,包括怎么建造的。然后一段时间屋顶化了就要打开门 refreeze。冰屋是锥形的,不是半球,因为半球不好建,需要 support。参考阅读:an igloo (inuit language: iglu,1 inuktitut syllabics ? i?lu (plural:

13、igluit ? i?lu?it), also known as a snow house or snow hut, is a type of shelter built of snow, typically built when the snow can be easily compacted.although igloos are stereotypically associated with all inuit,2 they were traditionally associated with people of canadas central arctic and greenlands

14、 thule area. other inuit people tended to use snow to insulate their houses, which were constructed from whalebone and hides. snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator. on the outside, temperatures may be as low as -45 c (-49 f), but on the inside the temperature may ra

15、nge from -7 c (19 f) to 16 c (61 f) when warmed by body heat alone.snow igloos are built in the shape of a catenoid, which offers optimal ratios between the height and diameter of the structure to eliminate the structural tension which could otherwise cause it to implode or bulge. the stresses of sn

16、ow as it ages and compresses against the igloo will not cause it to buckle because in an inverted paraboloid or catenoid the pressures are exclusively compressive.10this design originates from the central inuit.10 in applied mechanics, the equation for this type of structure is written y = a(cosh x/

17、a- 1) where y is the height to any point in the surface, x is the horizontal distance to the same point, and a is a constant.10since stress is a force per unit area, if the walls are of uniform thickness the compressive stress is independent of wall thickness; thicker walls provide better insulation

18、 but do not strengthen the structure because of added weight.12托福阅读材料练习:手指的感应whether youre a hunt-and-peck typist or a rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes. but its not just your eyes catching typos when you see them on the screen. your hands know when you mess up too. thats accordin

19、g to a study in the journal science. gordon logan and matthew crump, cognitive illusions of authorship reveal hierarchical error detection in skilled typistsresearchers recruited expert typistscollege students, of courseand showed them 600 five-letter words, one at a time. and they asked the student

20、s to type those words as quickly and accurately as possible. but sometimes, the researchers inserted typos in the word as it appeared on screen, when the students hadnt made one. other times they automatically corrected typos the students did make.and the students tended to believe the screen. so if

21、 a typo had been added, they figured they must have messed up. if a typo had been corrected they thought they typed it right. but the hands didnt fall for it. when the fingers slipped up, they paused a split second longer than usual before typing the next letter. but they didnt pause when fake typos appeared on-screen only. so we apparently have two discrete mechanisms guarding against typing errors, one visual, the other tactile. to fox quick brown fixes. to fix quick brown foxes.托福阅读中的高频词汇遗迹,遗迹或残骸,陵墓,手工艺品,


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