1、四川省大学英语三级考试样题SICHUAN COLLEGE ENGLISH SAMPLETESTBand Three(120分钟)注意事项一、请将自己的校名、姓名、学校代号、准考证号和试卷代号(A或B)分别填写在答题纸、听写填空、翻译和作文纸上。看清试卷封面上的试卷代号,你做的是A(或B)卷,应在答题纸试卷代号一栏相应的字母A(或B)上划线。划错或不划,将被判为零分,责任由考生自负。二、答题前请仔细读懂每一部分题目的说明要求。三、多项选择题的答案一定要做在答题纸上。每题只能选一个答案,多选作答错处理。选定答案后,用2B浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。其正确方法是ABCD。使用其他符号答题者
2、不给分。划线的浓度一定要盖过字母底色。四、如果要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规定重新答题。五、听力理解第三部分听写填空的答案一定要写在试卷二相应题目番号后面的空格处。一空一词,多写无效。翻译和作文用钢笔或圆珠笔分别按要求写在试卷二的翻译纸和作文纸上。写在其它地方无效。注意保持卷面干净、整洁。六、考试时间为120分钟。试卷做完后,请把试题册(包括试卷一和试卷二)和答题纸放在桌上,一律不得带走。待监考人员收完所有试卷之后考生方可离开考场。试卷一Part 1 Listening Comprehension (15%) (20 minutes)请取出试卷二。Part II
3、Vocabulary and Structure (20%)(20 minutes)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then maek the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through
4、the center.16. The local government warned the citizens water directly from the tap unless it is boiled.A) not drink B) not drinking C) do not drink D) not to drink17. His face looks but I cant remember his name.A) similar B) alike C) likely D) familiar18. I went to the dentists yesterday, and had t
5、wo teeth .A) pulling B) pulled C) be pulled D) to pull19. One man was instantly killed and three were in a traffic accident last night.A) damaged B) harmed C) injured D) ruined20. This is your letter to me. Do you object to the whole class?A) to my reading it B) to read it C) me to read it D) me rea
6、ding it 21. The economic study on market must lay an emphasis on the relationship between supply and .A) demand B) as great as C) shortage D) sale22. The population of the region has doubled in the past ten years.A) larger than B) as great as C) more than D) as many as 23. The company decided to a n
7、ew managing system for higher efficiency.A) adjust B) adapt C) adopt D) admit 24. This is Mr. Evans, invention has helped hundreds of deaf people.A) whose B) which C) that D) whom25. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when a previous record is .A) matched B) broken C) kept D) announced2
8、6. the story, Mary decided that the new film was not really worth seeing.A) Have been told B) Having been told C) Being told D) Been told27. We must our minds where to go for our holiday this year.A) make out B) make for C) make off D) make up28. Only when he finished the task that he had made a mis
9、take.A) he then realized B) did he realize C) does he realize D) he did realize29. The policeman stopped my car because the engine heavy smoke.A) gave off B) gave out C) gave up D) gave away30. I bought a new house last year, but I my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A) didnt sell B
10、) hadnt sold C) havent sold D) dont sell31. Our neighbor is a helpful person he would be right there when you need help.A) so that B) such as C) such that D) so as 32. He cannot play tennis here until the manager recommends that he a member of the club.A) is B) has been C) will be D) be 33. Take the
11、 raincoat with you it rains.A) in any case B) in case of C) in the case of D) in case 34. paper and printing invented by the Chinese, the world civilization would not have been so wonderful as it is today.A) If there was not B) There had not been C) Had there not been D) If there were not 35. We had
12、 to put the meeting off so many people were absent.A) since B) unless C) lest D) thoughPart III Reading Comprehension (40%)(35 minutes)Directions: There are four short reading passages in this part . each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four
13、 choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Question 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Natural rubber is obtained from rubber as a white, milky liquid known as
14、latex (橡桨) . This is treated with acid and dried, before it is sent to countries throughout the world. As the rubber industry developed, more and more rubber was required. Rubber plantations (种植园) were set up in countries with a hot, humid climate, but these still could not supply sufficient raw rub
15、ber to satisfy the requirements of developing industry.It was unsatisfactory for industry to depend on supplies coming from so far away from the industrial areas of Europe. It was always possible that supplies could be stopped by wars or shipping trouble.For many years, attempts were made to produce
16、 a substitute, but they were unsuccessful. Finally, aw method was discovered of producing artificial rubber which is in many ways superior and in some ways inferior (劣的)to natural rubber. Artificial rubber is produced in factories by a complicated chemical process. It is usually cheaper than natural
17、 rubber.At present, the world requirements for rubber are so great that both natural and artificial rubber are used in large quantities.36. The demand for raw rubber has been on the rise along with the development of in the world.A) plantations B)transportation C)industry D)trade37. Raw rubber used
18、to be produced mainly .A) within Europe B)in dry countries C)in industrial countries D)outside Europe38. Compared with artificial rubber, natural rubber is .A) expensive B)cheap C)inferior D) superior39. The direct cause of the production of artificial rubber was .A) A) the great difficulty of shipp
19、ing raw rubberB) B) the high qualities of artificial rubberC) C) the insufficient supplies of natural rubberD) D) the great cost of natural rubber40. The best title for this passage should be .A) Natural Rubber B)The Cost for Rubber C)Artificial Rubber D)The Value of Rubber Passage TwoQuestions 41to
20、 45 are based on the following passage.Noise, commonly defined as unpleasant sound, is a kind of environmental pollution. Particularly in crowded urban areas, the noise produced as a by-product of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and seriously affects the quality of t
21、he those who are suffering from it.Unlike the eye, the ear has no lid; therefore noise penetrates it easily. Loud noises signal a big danger to human beings. In response, the heart would beat faster, the skin would become pale, and the muscles would get tense. As a matter of fact, some of these resp
22、onses persist even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased.Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the same ways that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise an
23、d our response may be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being (安乐) ,causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long known that hearing loss is a number one nonfatal (非致命的) health problem,
24、 but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and cancers may be affected by noise pollution as well.41. What is the authors main point?A) A) Loud noises signal a big danger.B) B) Noise may be a serious threat to our health.C) C) Hearing loss is a number one nonfatal health problem.D)
25、D) Noise is unavoidable in daily life.42. What does the word “noise” mean in this passage?A) A) A by-product of technology.B) B) Unpleasant sound.C) C) Physical and psychology harm.D) D) A danger to peoples life.43. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A) A) Noise is our number on
26、e problem.B) B) Our response might last longer than the noise itself.C) C) Our body could resist the noise quite effectively.D) D) Noise is limited to urban areas.44. According to the passage, the human beings immediate response to noise may be the following EXCEPT that .A) A) the heart would beat f
27、aster.B) B) The skin would become paleC) C) The muscles would get tenseD) D) The hands would cover up the ears45. The word “it” (Line 4, Paragraph 1) refers to .A) harm B) life C) technology D) noise Passage ThreeQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. Anyone who doubts that global (全
28、球性的)financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the“tigers”of the Far East。The situation in Asia shows how power has shifted from individual governments to the markets。 The trend towards globalisation began in the early 1970s when the system of fixed exchange rat
29、es, set up after World War II, stopped functioning. This meant that the value of currencies(货币)would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments. By 1990, nearly all worlds major economies had got rid of restrictions on how much money could be moved in and out of their countri
30、es.Other factors contributing to the rise of globalisation are new communications technologies, and better transportation systems. These have enabled companies to grow into multinationalsproducing goods on one side of the planet and selling them on the other.As we approach the century, the trend of
31、globalisation seems unstoppable. However, a look at history suggests that things may not go that smoothly. The last time the world tried to create a global economy, its efforts were spoiled by a world war and the worst depression(经济大萧条)in history. How successful it will be this time depends on how m
32、uch we have learnt from the past.46. What would happen along with the global economy?A) A) Free movement of goods and capital between countries.B) B) Firm control of national economies by the governments.C) C) The great depressions in many countries.D) D) Economic crises in developing countries.47.
33、The word “multinationals”most probably means .A) A) companies producing many kinds of goodsB) B) companies controlling economies of several countriesC) C) companies having branches in several countriesD) D) companies operating many factories within a district48. According to this passage, national e
34、conomies in most countries are now controlled by A) global markets B) individual governmentsC) large companies D) several multinationals49) Which of the following does NOT appear in the process of globalization?A) A) New communications technologies.B) B) Better transportation systems.C) C) Global fi
35、nancial markets.D) D) Fixed exchange rates.50. To create a global economy, it is very important for us .A) A) to keep world peaceB) B) to develop multinationalsC) C) to promote transportationD) D) to control national economiesPassage FourQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.EL Nino(
36、厄尔尼诺)has existed for a long time. It was first observed by Peruvian fishermen, who noticed that the sea warmed up every few years around Christmas time. They named the phenomenon EL Nino, which is Spanish for “the child”, and refers to the young Christ.In more recent years, scientists have establish
37、ed that EL Nino appears every two to seven years. Its cause is still unknown, but its clear that when it does appear, it can disrupt(扰乱)weather patterns over three quarters of the earth, in affects the worlds weather system more than any other phenomenon except the seasons. That EL Nino killed over
38、2,000 people in floods and droughts(旱灾)and caused $13 billion worth of damage.Plenty is now known about EL Ninos destructive potential, but the phenomenon itself remains mysterious. Despite years of research, scientists are still unable to predict how destructive an EL Nino will be when it arrives.
39、However, progress is being made on forecasting when one will occur. This is very important because, if enough warning is given, steps can be taken to limit the destruction and suffering that following a bad EL Nino. At the very least, farmers would know whether to plant dry-or wet-weather crops.51.
40、Peruvian fishermen named the phenomenon EL Nino probably because .A) A) it appeared every few yearsB) B) they observed it firstC) C) it appeared around Christmas timeD) D) the sea noticeably warmed up52. Which of the following affects the worlds weather system most powerfully?A) A) EL Ninos. B) The
41、seasons. C) Floods. D) Droughts.53. Despite the efforts made by scientists, they are still unable .A) A) to predict EL Ninos destructive potentialB) B) to forecast when an EL Nino will occurC) C) to warn people of an WL Ninos arrival D) D) to determine the cause of EL Nino54. El Nino affects the wor
42、lds weather system by .A) A) disrupting weather patternsB) B) causing floods and droughtsC) C) changing the seasonsD) D) destroying the crops55. Forecasting an EL Nino helps .A) A) to plant dry-weather cropsB) B) to understand the phenomenon betterC) C) to decrease its destructive effectsD) D) to pr
43、event its possible destructionPart IV Translation from English into Chinese (10%) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, there are four sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read in Part Three of the Test Paper. You are allowed
44、15 minutes to do the translation. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify the meaning in the context. Write your translation on the Translation Sheet.1. 1. (Lines 2 3,Paragraph 3, Passage 1)Finally, aw method was discovered of producing artificial rubber which is in many ways superior a
45、nd in some ways inferior (劣的)to natural rubber. Artificial rubber is produced in factories by a complicated chemical process. It is usually cheaper than natural rubber.2. 2. (Lines 1 2,Paragraph 3, Passage 2)Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding
46、in the same ways that we would respond to danger.3. 3. (Lines 2 4,Paragraph 2, Passage 3)This meant that the value of currencies(货币)would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments.4. 4. (Lines 4 6,Paragraph 3, Passage 4)if enough warning is given, steps can be taken to limit
47、 the destruction and suffering that following a bad EL Nino.Part V Writing (15%)(30 minutes) Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 80 words on Family Cars in China. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline. Wri
48、te your composition on the Composition Sheet.Outline:1 1 小汽车正在进入中国家庭。2 2 家用汽车的利和弊。Words for reference:Convenience, travel, cost, traffic jam, pollution, fuel试卷二听写填空Spot DictationSection C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully during the first reading. The
49、n listen to the passage again. When it is being read the second time, you should fill in the six blanks numbered from 13 a) to 15 b) with the exact words or phrases you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In the eighteenth cen
50、tury, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns to the cities, 13 a) there was more work for them to do.On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every family had a horse and 13 b) . People needed another form of transportation. 14 a) in many countries tried to meet this need. The first bicycle appeared 14 b) . People called it “the horse on wheels”.People liked bicycles because they we
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