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1、翻译题1.Because the users sense of time is much slower than the processing speed of the computer , time-slice multitasking operations seem to be simultaneous.50由于用户对时间的感觉要比计算机的出来速度慢得多,因此分时段的多任务操作看上去去似乎是同时进行的。2.An operating system has three major-functions : coordinating and manipulating computer hardwa

2、re , organizing files on a variety of storage media ,and managing hardware errors and the loss of data.一个操作系统有三个主要功能:协调和操纵计算机硬件,组织各种存储介质上的文件,管理硬件错误和数据丢失。3.Linux is ratherunique because it is distributed along with its sourcecode under the terms of a General Public License(GPL),which allows everyone

3、to make copies for their own use , to give to others ,or to sell.Linux颇为独特,因为它连同其源代码一起按照通用公告许可证的条款发行。该许可证允许每个人复制Linux供自己使用、送给他人或出售。4.Sometimes described as the brain of computers , the CPU is a microprocessor chip-a single piece of silicon containing millions of tiny electrical components.有时把计算机描述成大

4、脑,中央处理器是一个微处理器芯片,亦即一块含有数百万微小的,精密布线的电气元件的圭。5.Aprogramming language is any artificial language that can be used to write a sequence of instruction that can ultimately be processed and executed by a computer.一个程序设计语言是用于编写可由计算机运行的一系列指令的人工语言。6.Programs written with OOP language are generally shorter in l

5、ength and contain fewer bugs ,or mistakes ,than those written with non-OOP languages.使用面向对象程序设计语言编写的程序,比使用非面向对象程序设计语言编写的程序,一般来说长度要短且包含的错误也少。英译汉或汉译英第一单元A1.digital video disc数字视盘2.word-processing program文字处理程序3.memory chip存储芯片4.coded message密码电报5.cell phone移动电话6.integrated circuit集成电路7.laptop computer

6、便携机8.hard disk drive硬盘驱动器9.videocassette recorder盒式磁带录像机10.programming language编程语言1.台式机desktop computer2.个人计算机personal computer3.中央处理器central processing unit4.计算机程序computer program5.计算机硬件computer hardware6.计算机软件computer sofeware7.数字计算机digital computer8.计算机芯片computer chip9.操作系统operating system10.磁盘操

7、作系统disc operating system(DOS)第一单元B1.compact disc光盘2.external storage device外存储设备3.tablet computer平板电脑4.instruction cycle指令周期5.voice recognition software语音识别软件6.video display monitor视频显示器7.hard drive硬盘驱动器8.graphics symbol图形符号9.binary digit二进制数字10.computer component计算机部件11.pipeline processing流水线处理12.p

8、hysical memory物理内存13.control unit控制单元1.软盘floppy disk2.液晶显示器liquid crystal display3.输入设备input device4.输出设备output device5.微处理芯片microprocessor chip6.计算机程序员computer programmer7.图行用户界面graphical user interface(GUI)8.程序计数器program counter9.指令寄存器instruction register10.存储单元memory location11.只读存储器read-only mem

9、ory(ROM)12.随机存储器random-access memory(RAM)13.数字图像digital image第二单元A1.mailing list电子发送清单2.proprietary software专有软件3.cc line抄送行4.bcc line密送行5.e-mail etiquette电子邮件网规6.e-mail convention电子邮件常规7.click on an icon点击图标8.confidentialdocument秘密文件9.classified information密级信息10.signature file签名文件1.计算机网络computer n

10、etwork2.已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail3.电子系统electronic system4.附件行Attachments line5.版权法copyright law6.电子邮件程序e-mail program7.信息高速公路information superhighway8.电子邮件地址e-mail address9.计算机病毒computer virus10.硬(磁)盘hard disk第二单元B1.network administrator网络管理员2.system folder系统文件夹3.screen resolution屏幕分辨率4.background color

11、背景色5.default configuration默认配置6.radio button单选按钮7.check box复选按钮8.font size 字体9.World Wide Web万维网10.refresh rate刷新率11.family media computer家用多媒体电脑12.monitor screen监视器屏幕13.hidden file隐藏文件14.client application客户应用程序15.community form社区论坛1.主页home page2.屏幕保护程序screen saver3.控制面板control panel4.电子邮件帐户e-mail

12、account5.集成开发环境integrated development environment6.文件扩展名file extension7.特洛伊木马程序Trojan horse8.超文本标记语言Hypertext Markup Language tab9.“外观”选项卡Appearance tab10.选项按钮option button11.Windows资源管理器Windows Explorer12.操作系统更新operating system update13.统一资源定位符Uniform Resource Locator14.阴极射线管cathode ray tube15.视频卡v

13、ideo card第三单元A1.main memory主存储器2.virtual memory虚拟存储器3.time-slice multitasking分时段的多任务处理4.desktop operating system桌面操作系统5.videogame console电子游戏机6.spreadsheet program电子数据表程序7.context switching上下文切换8.command interpreter命令解释程序9.professional version专业版10.file access文件存取1.外围设备peripheral device2.多任务操作系统mult

14、itasking operating system3.多用户操作系统multiuser operating system4.单用户操作系统single-user operating system5.单任务操作系统single-tasking operating system6.存储介质storage media7.手持式计算机handled computer8.功能键function key9.网络管理工具network management tool10.引导程序bootstrap program第三单元B1.multimedia technology多媒体技术2.peer-to-peer

15、networking对等联网3.Web site网站4.installation routine安装例程5.phone-enabled PDA能打电话的个人数字助理6.screen based desktop基于屏幕的桌面7.point-and-click user interface指点式用户界面8.command-line user interface命令行式用户界面9.operating environment操作环境10.operating system kernel操作系统内核11.expanded memory access扩充内存访问12.overlapping windows重

16、叠窗口13.file folder1.触摸屏touch-sensitive screen2.局域网local area network3.32位处理器32-bit processor4.“开始”菜单Start menu5.系统实用程序system untility6.移动电话mobile phone7.源代码source code8.网络服务器network server9.万维网服务器Web server10.拨号联网dial-up networking11.多用环境multiuser environment12.程序图标program icon13.笔记本电脑notebook comput

17、er第四单元A1.storage register存储寄存器2.function statement函数语句3.relational language关系语言4.object-oriented language面向对象语言5.assembly language汇编语言6.intermediate language中级语言7.minitranslationprogram小型翻译程序8.artificial intelligence人工智能9.artificial language人工语言10.data declaration数据声明1.可执行程序executable program2.条件语句c

18、onditional statement3.赋值语句assignment statement4.逻辑语言logic language5.过程语言procedural language6.机器语言machine language7.函数式语言functional language8.结构化查询语言Structured Query Language(SQL)9.低级语言low-level language10.运行计算机程序run a computer program第四单元B1.Web page网页2.target machine目标机3.multiple inheritance多重继承4.st

19、andalone Java application独立运行的JAVA应用程序5.Java compiler JAVA编译器6.Java applet JAVA小程序7.garbage collection垃圾收集8.interactive file-sharing交互式文件共享9.security mechanism安全机制10.multithread programming多线程编程1.存储器分配memory allocation2.面向对象程序设计object-oriented programming (OOP)3.机器码machine code4.万维网浏览器Web browser5.可

20、执行代码executable code6.运行期异常处理runtime exception handing7.JAVA虚拟机JAVA Virtual Machine8.即时编译just-in-time compilation9.可移植应用软件portable application software10.本机代码native c完形填空1. In some computers-typically Handhelds and Videogame consolesthe entire operating system is small enough to be stored in ROM .For

21、 nearly all personal computers ,servers ,workstations, mainframes ,and supercomputers, the operating system program systems program is quite large , so most of it is stored on a hard disk . The operating systems small Bootstrap Program is stored in ROM and supplies the instructions needed to load th

22、e operating system systems core into memory when the system Boots .This core part of the operating system called the Kernel , provides the most essential operating system services , such as memory management and file access .The kernel stays in memory all the time your computer is on . Other parts o

23、f the operating system, such as Customization utilities, are loaded into memory as they are needed.46第二段的译文:在以掌上电脑和电子游戏机为典型代表的一些计算机中,整个操作系统小到可存储在只读存储器中。对几乎所以的个人电脑、服务器、工作站、大型机以及超级计算机而言,操作系统相当大,因此大部分存储在硬盘上。操作系统的小型引导程序存储在只读存储器上,并在系统启动时提供必要的指令,用于将操作系统的核心装入内存。操作系统的这个核心部分称为内核,它提供最基本的操作系统服务,如内存管理和文件存取。在计算机

24、运行的整个时间内,内核一直驻留在内存中。操作系统的其它部分,如定制实用程序,需要时装入内存。2.A multiuser operating system allows a single computer often a mainframeto deal with simultaneous input, output, and processing requests from many users. One of its most difficult responsibilities is to schedule all the processing requests that a centra

25、lized computer must perform. IBMs OS/390 is one of the most popular mainframe multiuser operating system.47第五段的译文:多用户操作系统允许一台计算机,常常是大型机,处理同时来自多个用户的输入、输出和处理请求。这种操作系统所担负的最困难的职责之一,是调度一台集中式计算机必须执行的所有处理请求。国际商用机器公司的OS/390是最流行的大型机多用户操作系统之一。3.A network operating system (also referred to as a “server operati

26、ng system”)provides communications and Routing services that allow computers to share data, programs, and peripheral devices. Novell NetWare, for example, is almost always referred to as a network operating system. The difference between network services and multiuser services can sceen a little haz

27、yespecially because operating system such as UNIX, Linux, and Sun Microsystems Solaris offer both. The main difference ,however ,is that multiuser operating systems schedule requests for processing on a centralized computer, whereas a network operating system simply routes data and programs to each

28、users local computer where the actual processing takes places.48的译文:网络操作系统(也称“服务器操作系统”)提供通信和路由选择服务,这些服务允许计算机共享数据、程序以及外围设备。例如,Novell NetWare几乎总是被称为网络操作系统。网络服务与多用户服务之间的区别可能似乎有点模糊特别是因为UNIX、Linux、太阳微系统公司的Solaris等操作系统提供这两种服务。然而,主要区别在于多用户操作系统为在一台集中式计算机上进行处理而调度请求,而网络操作系统则是把把数据与程序传递到各个用户的本地计算机上,实际的处理是在那里进行的

29、。阅读理解1. A programming language provides the tools a programmer uses tocreatesoftware and produce a lengthy list of instructions, called sourcecode, which defines the software environment in every detail what it looks like , how the user enterscommands,and how it manipulates data .A computers micropr

30、ocessorunderstandonly machine language. Therefore, instructions written in ahigh-levellanguage must be translated into machine language before a computer a computer can use them.一种编程语言提供了一个程序员使用的工具来创建软件和生产的指令,称为源代码,它定义了软件环境,冗长列出每一个细节是什么样子,如何在用户输入的命令,以及如何操作数据。计算机的微处理器只了解机器语言。因此,在高级语言编写的指令必须被翻译成机器语言的计

31、算机一台电脑前,可以使用它们。Theprocessof translating instructions from a high-level language into machine language can beaccomplishby two special types of programs : compilers andinterpreters. A compiler translates all the instructions in a program as a single batch , and theresultingmachine language instruction

32、s , called object code , are placed in a new file .Most ofthe programfileon a distribution CD for commercial software arecompiledso that they contain machine language instructions that are ready for theprocessorto execute.As an alternative to a computer , aninterpreterconvertone instruction at a tim

33、e while the programsrunning. An interpreter reads the first instructions, converts it into machine language ,and thensendsit to the microprocessor . After the instruction isexecuted, the interpreter convents the next instruction , an so on.从一本翻译成机器语言的高级语言指令过程可通过两种方案实现特殊类型:编译器和解释。编译器将所有的指示为一个单一的批处理程序

34、,以及由此产生的机器语言指令,称为目标代码,放在一个新文件。关于为商业软件分发CD大多是编译的程序文件,使它们包含机器语言指令,随时准备为处理器来执行。作为一台电脑的选择,翻译转换一次一个指令,而程序的运行。解释器读取第一个指令,转换成机器语言,然后将其发送到微处理器。指令执行后,解释修道院下指令,等等。70页的第三题2.Multitasking, in computer science , is a mode of operation offered by an operating system in which a computer works on more than one task

35、at a time. There are server types of multitasking .Context switching is a very simple type of multitasking in which two or more applications are loaded at the same time but only the foreground application is given processing time; to activate a background task , the user must bring the window or scr

36、een containing that application to the front .In cooperative multitasking ,background tasks are given processing time during idle times in the foreground task (such as when the application waits for a keystroke),and only if the application allows it .In time-slice multitasking , each task is given t

37、he microprocessors attention for a fraction of a second. To maintain order , task are either assigned priority levels or processed in sequential order. Because the users sense of time is much slower than the processing speed ofthe computer , time-slice multitasking operating seem to be simultaneous.


39、多任务操作看上去似乎是同时进行的。3.many schools and businesses have established e-mail privacy policies ,which explain the conditions under which you can an d cannot expect your e-mail to remain private. These polices are sometimes displayed when the computer boots or a new user logs in . Count decisions , however

40、, seem to support the notion that because an organization owns and operates an e-mail system , the e-mail message on that system are also the property of the organization. The individual who authors an e-mail message does does not own all right related to it, The company or school that supplies your

41、 e-mail account can., therefore ,legally monitor your message . You should use your e-mail account with the expectation that some of your mail will be read from time to time. Think of your e-mail as a postcard , rather than a letter , and save your controversial comments for face-to-face conversatio

42、ns.31的译文:许多学校与工商企业已经制定电子邮件隐私政策,阐明在什么条件下能够或不能期待电子邮件保持私密性。这些政策有时在计算机启动或新用户登入时予以显示。然而,法庭判决似乎支持以下看法:因为一个电子邮件系统为一个机构所拥有和运行,所以上面的电子邮件也为该机构所以。电子邮件的作者并是所以与电子邮件相关的权利都拥有。因此,給你提供电子邮件帐号的公司或学校可以合法地监控你的电子邮件。使用电子邮件帐号时,你应该想到:你的一些邮件会被人不时地阅读。你应该把电子邮件视作明信片而非信件,并将可能引起争议的言论留待面谈时再说。4.You should also keep in mind that leg

43、al constraints shape how e-mail is used in the workspace . E-mail , like any other written document , is protected by copyright law , So, you need to be careful not to use e-mail in any way that might violate copyright law . For example, if you receive an e-mail from a client , you cannot immediatel

44、y post it to your companys website without that clients permission.23页的译文:你还应该记住,法律约束对在工作场所所如何使用电子邮件具有决定作用。像任何其他书面文档一样,电子邮件收版权法保护。因此,你得小心,不要以可能触犯版权法的任何方式使用电子邮件。例如,如果你收到一位客户的电子邮件,在没有得到该客户允许的情况下,你不能将电子邮件马上发布到你公司的网站上。Also, lawyers and courts treat e-mail as written communication, equivalent to a memo o

45、r letter . For example, much of the antitrust case against Microsoft in the late 1990s was built on recovered e-mail message in which Bill Gates and other executives chatted informally about aggressively competing with other companies.译文:还有,律师和法庭把电子邮件视为书面通信,将它等同于备忘录或信函。例如,20世纪90年代末针对微软的反垄断案在很大程度上机是以

46、恢复的电子邮件为根据的;在这些电子邮件中,比尔盖茨和其他经营主管人员非正式地聊到与其他公司展开大胆有力的竞争。4.Legally, any e-mail you send via the employers computer network belongs to the employer. So, your employers are within their right to read your e-mail without your knowledge or permission. Also , deleted e-mails can be retrieved from the compa

47、nys servers, and they can be used in a legal case.24的译文:从法律上讲,你通过雇主的计算机网络发送的任何电子邮件都属于雇主。因此,你的雇主有权阅读你的电子邮件而无须你知道或得到你的允许。另外,删除的电子邮件可从公司的服务器上恢复,而且它们可用于法律案件。5.A computer system includes a computer, peripheral device, and software. The electric , electronic ,and mechanical devices used for processing dat

48、a are referred to as hardware .In addition to the computer itself , the term “hardware” refers to components called peripheral devices that expend the computers input , output , and storage capabilities . Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool , To be useful .a computer requires a set of instructions , called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other compu


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