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1、关于爬山生活场景口语 1. she is no enemy to mountain climbing. 她喜欢登山。 还能这样说: she is fond of climbing. she prefer climbing. 应用解析: an enemy worthy of sb.s steel 值得某人与之交锋的劲敌,强敌; be an enemy to 厌恶;仇视; go over to the enemy 投敌 2. he is an expert at mountain climbing. 他是登山专家。 还能这样说: he is an expert mountainer. he is

2、an expert in climbing mountain. 应用解析: climb over a fence 翻过围墙; climb to power 上台;捞到大权; on the climb 有迁升的希望; climb aboard 上车 3. he spent the holiday indulging his passion for climbing. 他在度假期间尽情享受登山的乐趣。 还能这样说: he enjoyed the pleasure of climbing during vacation. he enjoyed the climbing to full during

3、his trip. 应用解析: indulge oneself in eating and drinking 纵情于吃喝; indulge in tobacco 吸烟无度; indulge in dream 爱空想 4. now is the best season for climbing. 现在是登山的最佳季节。 还能这样说: it is the best season to climb the mountains. climbing is at its best. 应用解析: be seasoned to 适应; season with 添加; at seasons 不时地; regul

4、ar season 常规赛,倒行赛; dull season 萧条季节,淡季; flood season 汛期,洪水期 5. a good climber would have professional climbing gear. 登山好手要有一些专门的登山工具。 还能这样说: to be a good climber, you need professional climbing gear. as a good climber, one should have professional mountaineering equipment. 应用解析: hunting gear 打猎用具; p

5、arty gear 宴会的衣服; put into gear 开动机器;着手工作; gear up 挂快挡;加速 6. its not a difficult climb. 这次攀登并不难。 还能这样说: climbing mountain is not so difficult. the mountain is not hard to conquer. 谚语: nothing is difficult to a man who wills. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 7. we now set out to climb the mountain. 这时我们开始爬山。 还能这样说: now w

6、e begin to climb the mountain. we start to go mountain-climbing. 应用解析: get set 预备开始; set forth ones views 阐述己见; set by 把搁在一旁; set free 释放;解放; set in ones attitude about 抱定自己对的态度 8. he dropped behind when we were climbing the mountain. 我们爬山时,他掉队了。 还能这样说: he logged behind our team when climbing the mo

7、untain. he dropped off when we climbed the mountain. 应用解析: drop drinking 戒酒; drop a hint 暗示; drop sb. a line 给某人写封短信; drop with fatigue 累倒了; drop in on a friend 顺便走访朋友 9. we climbed up the mountain and reached the summit. 我们爬山,并且最终到达了山顶。 还能这样说: after a period of climbing, we finally reached the top.

8、 we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. 应用解析: beyond ones reach 力所不及的;不能理解; make a reach for 伸出手;企图抓住; reach after 竭力达到;伸手想抓; reach back 回忆;回顾 10. mountain climbers need unflinching will. 登山者需要坚韧不拔的毅力。 还能这样说: mountain climbers need a lot of pluck. mountain climbers need perseverant will. 谚语:

9、 a blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 秋波送盲,白费痴情。 11. at the top of the hill, we saw the magnificent scene laid out before us. 在山顶,我们眼前呈现出壮丽的景色。 还能这样说: we had a good view when we reach the top of the mountain. when we reached in the summit, a splendid view burst upon our sight. 应用解析: s

10、leep like a top 睡得很死,熟睡; from top to bottom 从上到下;全部的; on top 在上面; from top to toe 从头到脚 12. did you enjoy the mountaineering trip? 你很喜欢登山旅行吗? 还能这样说: did you have fun in the mountaineering trip? did you like the mountaineering trip? 应用解析: enjoy oneself 过得愉快; enjoy reading 享受阅读; enjoy life 享受人生的乐趣; enj

11、oy over ones wine 饮酒作乐 13. mountaineering is very popular among young people. 登山很受年轻人的欢迎。 还能这样说: many young people are fond of mountaineering. mountaineering is welcome among young people. 谚语: you are only young once. 应准予年轻人及时行乐。 14. i believe mountaineering is really beneficial. 我相信登山是很有益处的。 还能这样说:

12、 i think we can get a lot from mountaineering. i am of the opinion that mountaineering is helpful. 谚语: believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼见的不能全信,道听途说的更不能信。 15. i am for the hills this vacation. 我赞成今年休假去爬山。 还能这样说: i agree with the idea that we will climb the mountain this vacation.

13、 i approve of climbing the mountain this vacation. 应用解析: a hill of beans 没有多大价值的东西; as old as the hills 古老的; over the hill 巅峰期已过; up hill and down dale 到处 16. the mountaineers ran into a snowstorm. 登山运动员遇上了暴风雪。 还能这样说: the mountaineers came across a snowstorm. the mountaineers met a snowstorm. 应用解析:

14、be run off ones feet 非常忙碌; the run of 自由参观或使用; run across 偶然遇到; on common run of 普通类型的; on the run 逃走,躲藏,匆匆忙忙; in the short run 近期内,不久 17. burdened with so much equipment, i climbed with difficulty. 我背着这么多的设备,登山很吃力。 还能这样说: too much equipment made it difficult for me to climb. i had difficulties in climbing because of too much equipment. 应用解析: the burden of sth. 常说等的主题、要点; burden oneself with something 加负担于自己 18. they laughed at my puny efforts at rock-climbing. 他们取笑


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