1、从题型出发突破gre长阅读 gre阅读长*究竟难在什么地方,该如何备考呢?我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何突破长阅读,从题型出发一提到长阅读,很多同学都一筹莫展:“来吧,我已经躺好了,随便你怎么踩踏.”那长*究竟难在什么地方?字数多,长*有四五百字,题目多,一篇长*有四道题呢;句子长,有些句子两三行,根本不知道在讲个什么鬼;花的时间多,很久才做完呢(这个地方的做完真的就只是做完,因为做完以后你也不晓得自己到底做得对不对)然后这个难题就被很多同学归结为gre长阅读最难的就是单词不会,长难句看不懂,阅读速度慢,然后就开始花大量的时间来背阅读单词和长难句分析。那么,背阅读单词+
6、同学们最后却不会做题。有人可能会说,那这不是太功利化了嘛?难道我学gre就是为了做对题嘛?我必须负责任地说:还真是这样。最后你的成绩就是显示你有没有做对题,而不是你有没有读懂*。因为我始终认为,读懂*不一定会做题,但是理解题型的逻辑与方法,就算*读得不是很清楚,最后也可以做对题。而做对题,这才是重点,这也是我们的目标。总结:如何突破长阅读,从题型出发,才能取到事半功倍的效果,所以接下来,你就可以问一问自己了,阅读题型到底有哪些?每种题型分别对应怎样的解题逻辑?gre考试阅读模拟练习题it is a popular misconception that nuclear fusion power
7、is free of radioactivity; in fact, the deuterium- tritium reaction that nuclear scientists are currently exploring with such zeal produces both alpha particles 5 and neutrons. (the neutrons are used to produce tritium from a lithium blanket surrounding the reactor.) another common misconception is t
8、hat nuclear fusion power is a virtually unlimited source of energy because of the enormous quantity of deuterium in the sea.10 actually, its limits are set by the amount of available lithium, which is about as plentiful as uranium in the earths crust. research should certainly continue on controlled
9、 nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proven 15 practical.1. it can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about the current state of public awareness concerning nuclear fusion power?(a) the public has been delib
10、erately misinformed about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.(b) the public is unaware of the principal advantage of nuclear fusion over nuclear fission as an energy source.(c) the publics awareness of the scientific facts concerning nuclear fusion power is somewhat distorted a
11、nd incomplete.(d) the public is not interested in increasing its awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.(e) the public is aware of the disadvantages of nuclear fusion power but not of its advantages.for the following question, consider each of the choices separately an
12、d select all that apply2. the passage provides information that would answer which of the following questions except?a how much incidental radiation is produced in the deuterium tritium fusion reaction?b what is likely to be the principal source of deuterium for nuclear fusion power?c why are scient
13、ists exploring the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction with such zeal?答案:1.c 2.acgre考试阅读模拟练习题1 until 1984 only aspirin and acetaminophen shared the lucrative nonprescription pain-reliever market. in 1984, however, ibuprofen was expected to account for fifteen percent of all nonprescription pain-reliev
14、er sales.on that basis business experts predicted for 1984 a corresponding fifteen percent decrease in the combined sales of aspirin and acetaminophen.the prediction mentioned in the last sentence above was based on which of the following assumptions?(a) most consumers would prefer ibuprofen to both
15、 aspirin and acetaminophen.(b) aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen all relieve headache pain and muscular aches, but aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause stomach irritation.(c) before 1984 ibuprofen was available only as a prescription medicine.(d) the companies that manufacture and sell aspirin a
16、nd acetaminophen would not also manufacture and sell ibuprofen.(e) the introduction of ibuprofen would not increase total sales of nonprescription pain reliever.2 new regulations in mullentown require manufacturers there to develop five-year pollution-reduction plans. the regulations require that ea
17、ch manufacturer develop a detailed plan for reducing its released pollutants by at least 50 percent. clearly, the regulations will not result in significant pollution reduction, how- ever, since the regulations do not force manufacturers to implement their plans.which of the following, if true, most
18、 weakens the argument?(a) mullentowns manufacturing plants are not the only source of pollution there.(b) detailed plans would reveal that measures to reduce released pollutants would also reduce manufacturers costs for materials, waste disposal, and legal services(c) pollutants that manufacturing p
19、rocesses create but that are not released directly into the environment must nonetheless be collected and prepared for disposal(d) any reductions in pollutants released from mullentowns manufacturing plants would not be noticeable for at least five years.(e) each manufacturer will be required to sub
20、mit its plan to a committee appointed by mullentowns officials.3 until 1984 only aspirin and acetaminophen shared the lucrative nonprescription pain-reliever market. in 1984, however, ibuprofen was expected to account for fifteen percent of all nonprescription pain-reliever sales.on that basis busin
21、ess experts predicted for 1984 a corresponding fifteen percent decrease in the combined sales of aspirin and acetaminophen.the prediction mentioned in the last sentence above was based on which of the following assumptions?(a) most consumers would prefer ibuprofen to both aspirin and acetaminophen.(
22、b) aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen all relieve headache pain and muscular aches, but aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause stomach irritation.(c) before 1984 ibuprofen was available only as a prescription medicine.(d) the companies that manufacture and sell aspirin and acetaminophen would not a
23、lso manufacture and sell ibuprofen.(e) the introduction of ibuprofen would not increase total sales of nonprescription pain reliever.参考答案:ebcgre考试阅读模拟练习题the manager of a horse show is placing seven obstacles-one chicken coop, one gate, two stone walls, and three fences-on a jumping course that consi
24、sts of seven positions, numbered and arranged consecutively from 1 to 7. the placement of the obstacles in the seven positions must conform to the following conditions:no two fences can be placed in consecutive positions.the stone walls must be placed in consecutive positions.1. which of the followi
25、ng is an acceptable placement of obstacles in the seven positions,in order from the first position to the last position on the course?(a) chicken coop, fence, gate, stone wall, fence,stone wall, fence(b) fence, gate, fence, fence, chicken coop,stone wall, stone wall(c) fence, stone wall, stone wall,
26、 gate, chickencoop, fence, fence(d) gate, stone wall, stone wall, fence, fence,chicken coop, fence(e) stone wall, stone wall, fence, chicken coop,fence, gate, fence2. if one of the fences is in the third position and another is in the sixth position, which of the following must be true?(a) the chick
27、en coop is in the seventh position.(b) the gate is in the second position.(c) the gate is in the seventh position.(d) one of the stone walls is in the first position.(e) one of the stone walls is in the fourth position.3. if one of the stone walls is in the seventh position,which of the following must be false?(a) the chicken coop is in the second position.(b) the chicken coop is in the fourth position.(c) one of the fences is in the first po
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