已阅读5页,还剩36页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson One Whose Book Is It ?objectives:1. 能听、会说本课词汇,做到发音准确,语调自然。对mine,yours,hers,his的要求能书写。2. 掌握询问某物属于某人时的提问和问答方式。3. 通过小诗教学,帮助学生运用不同的语言形式巩固所学内容。4. 通过教学自然拼读,掌握a-e的发音规律,并能初步应用。5. 能借助图画理解故事,巩固本课所学内容。6. 通过接龙游戏提高学生的记忆。Focal Points:7. 名词性物主代词mine,yours,hers,his与形容词性物主代词myyourherhis的区别,并能初步应用。8. 能用自然拼读含有a

2、-e字母组合的单词,做到举一反三。Difficult Points:9. 能借助图画初步进行故事阅读。Teaching aids:10. 字母卡片若干;本课单词卡片;单词实物;录音机;每人一张白纸等。The First PeriodTeaching contents:1)listen and practice. textbook,notebook,storybook,workbook2)work in pairs. 3)Play a game.Step 1师生常规问候。在Nice to see you again!的歌声中开始本学期第一堂英语课。T:Good morningeveryone!

3、Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!Ps:Nice to see you too Miss Wu!T:How about your summer vacation?Ps:Terrific!T:Good!Step 2Listen and practise: workbook notebookstorybook用直观的方式教学和操练textbook。T: OKnow whats this?(指着新发的书)Ps:Its a book.(教师拿出单词卡片)T:Good this is a textbook.(重读text,并把单词卡片text和book拼读起

4、来)教师再带读单词,确保学生发音准确。方案一:教师可以用同样的方法教学另外三个新单词,让学生对复合词有进一步的感知。方案二:通过教学单词textbook,让学生了解构词规律后,鼓励他们通过复习已学的单词自己猜测新单词,比如学生已学过note,work等单词,教师再引导他们说出notebook,workbook,这样可以培养学生的学习能力。以同样的方式教学storybook。T:Class have you got any storybooks? Storybooks.(重读storybook)Nowlook herewhats this?(拿出一本故事书)Ps:Its a book.T:Rig

5、htIts a book.(出示单词卡片book) Do you know what is about?(把书的标题给大家看,比如 snow white)Ps:Its a story.(出示story单词卡片)T:YesIt is the story of snow white.So this book is a storybook.Read after mestorybook.(重读storybook,同时把story和book两张单词卡片并列到一块)Ps:Storybook.practice把新学到的单词放到旧句型中操练。T:Whats this?(拿起学生P1的notebook)Ps:I

6、ts a notebook.T:Whose book is it?(向学生P1提问)P1:Its my notebook.T:Whose book is it?(再问全班,引导学生回答)Ps:Its his notebook.教师再变化单词textbook,workbook,storybook分别向几个学生提问,引导学生回答“Its a” “Its hismyher”组织学生work in pairs进行句型操练。Step 3Work in pairs1. 教师示范,让学生感知句型。T:Boys and girlswhose book is it?(拿起自己的书,重读whose)Ps:Its

7、your book!T:Good! Its my book.How about this one?(拿起一个学生的书)Ps:Its his book.T:Goodits his book.在本环节中,教师要让学生巩固my your her his 的用法,比如可以说它们是四只刚孵出的小鸡宝宝,还不能独立,需要鸡妈妈的照顾,所以不能单独出现,后面必须加上另外的单词才能使用。也可以用Chant的方式(注意节奏)让学生熟记该句型:Whose book is it? Its my book.Whose book is it? Its your book.Whose book is it? Its he

8、r book.Whose book is it? Its his book.可以采取一组问一组答,然后轮流问答的方式进行。2. 引导学生操练句型。1) 教师首先带领学生复习学过的单词textbook,notebook,storybook,workbook,帮助学生进一步了解复合词的构成法。2) Work in pairsP1:Whose textbook(notebook,storybook,workbook)is it?P2:It is my textbook(notebook,storybook,workbook).Step 4Play a game.方案一:可以先和几个同学一起示范课本上

9、的游戏,然后组织几组同学分别表演。方案二:教师当裁判,让学生分小组表演本部分内容,评出口语最流利的一组。方案三:实行淘汰制,学生分小组表演,如果其中一个人出错,即被淘汰并由另外一个人顶替。教师应在本环节中调动学生参与的积极性,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。Step 51. 总结本课所学内容,布置作业。T: Boys and girlswhat did we learn today?( 引导学生回忆学过的内容)Ps:We learned textbooknotebook,storybook,workbook.(教师引导学生说出单词)T:GoodAnything else?Ps: A game.T:Af

10、ter classyou may play the game with your classmates. Do not forget to preview lets talk.2. 与学生道别。课后反思:The Second PeriodTeaching contents:1)listen and practice:mine 2)lets talk.Step 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学单词。Step 2Listen and practise: mine1. 创设情境,引入mine的教学。T:Whats this?(指着自己的课本问)Ps:Its a textbook.T:Right

11、Whose textbook is it?Ps:Its your book.T:Yesit is my bookIt is mine.(重读单词mine,并做出手势)(板书my book 和 mine,并在中间画上等号)T:How about this?(指着自己的钢笔)Ps:Its a pen.T:RightWhose pen is it?Ps:Its your pen.T:Yes It is my pen.It is mine.( 板书my pen 和 mine并在中间画上等号)2. 用旧句型操练新单词。n whose workbook is it?n It is mine。3. 也可以用

12、Chant的方式操练。Whose pen it it? It is my pen. It is mine.教师可用本课所学单词替换,也可用第1-4册中的相关词汇做替换练习。Step 3Lets talk重点句型“welcome back to ”Come and get”whose book is it? Its mine.”1. 听第一遍录音,让学生了解对话大意。T:Lets turn to page 2 and look at pictures.What can you see in the pictures?Ps: Teacherboys and girlsmany books.T:Ye

13、syou are so clever!What they are talking about.Qestions:1) How does the teacher greet the pupils?2) What are they talking about?2. 打开课本,听第二遍录音并讲解课文。3. 听第三遍录音,学生跟读课文,注意语音、语调在情感表达中的作用。4. 分组练习对话并表演。Step 4应注重培养学生正确的书写习惯,从最基本的环节入手,为他们以后的学习打下基础。让学生正确识别大小写是养成良好写作习惯的第一步。1. 可要求学生每人回家做26个字母的大小写卡片各一套。2. 熟练地做大小

14、写字母的配对练习。Step 51. 小结本课。2. 布置作业,道别。课后反思:The Third PeriodTeaching contents:1)listen and practice:yourshershis. 2)listen and circle. 3)listenchant and write “whose?”Step 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学内容。1) 用mine和my造句。2) 表演对话。Step 2Listen and practise: yours hershis.教学单词yours hers his.并注意将这些单词和另外一组单词your her his.进

15、行比较。1. 教师示范,学生感知其用法。T:Whose book is this?(拿起自己的书)Ps:Its your book.T:Yes its my book.so its mine.T:How about this one?(拿起P1的书)P1: Its my book its mine.T:Yesits your book. Its yours.(重读yours)教师在黑板上板书your book 和yours,并在中间加上等号。让学生感知其意义。教师可以用同样的方法教学hers his。2. 教师再用textbook,notebook,storybook,workbook做练习。

16、3. work in pairs。学生操练句型,教师进行引导并可参与其中。为了让学生对这几个单词有更深刻的记忆,教师可以说mine,yours,his和her这四个单词是长大了的鸡宝宝,不需要妈妈的照顾,已经独立了,所以要单独使用。4. 通过游戏“找,找,找”进一步熟悉 my your her his 和mine yours hershis 的区别。 my your her his mine yours hers教师在黑板上画出以上表格,让学生识别每个单词,然后把同类的单词放在一起。此时教师要提醒学生其中有一个单词可以“充当两个角色”(即his有两种用法。)该项活动也可以放在下一课时的开头进行

17、。Step 3Play a game.根据教材p4 的游戏原理练习mine,yours hers和 his。游戏方法。方案一:1) 将学生分成四个小组,男女生各两名,间隔排列。2) 学生A手拿一本书或画有一本书的卡片说:“Its my book. Its mine .”3) 学生B拿着自己的书说:“Its my book. Its mine .”然后再拿着学生A的书说:“Its your book. Its yours。”4) 学生C拿着自己的书说:“Its my book. Its mine .” 然后再拿着学生A的书说:“Its her book. Its hers。”5) 学生D拿着自己

18、的书说:“Its my book. Its mine .” 然后再拿着学生B的书说:“Its his book. Its his。”6) 学生交换顺序,继续游戏。方案二:比比哪一组同学先猜对。把全班分为五个组,让学生用句型“Its my /your /her /his book. Its mine/ yours /hers /his .”猜测书是谁的。每个人最多猜一次,以调动学生参与的积极性。先猜中的组获胜。P1:Its my book. Its mine.T:No.P2: Its Lilys book. Its hers.(对 Play a game.的练习最好从语言形式过渡到语言意义,体现

19、在情景中交际的原则。此活动的目的是调动学生的学习积极性,初步学会运用mine,yours,his ,hers)Step 4Listen and circle.1. 学生独立将图片所表示的单词大声朗读一遍。2. 分小组互相检测。3. 教师检测朗读情况。4. 听音,选择答案。5. 教师检测练习的完成情况,并作必要的解释。Step 5Listen chant and write:whose?1 教师先引导学生认识小诗中的单词。2 学生分小组尝试朗读并理解小诗。3 听录音,完成所缺单词的填写。4 再听,跟读小诗。5 小诗朗读比赛。Step 61. 引导学生总结本课所学内容。2. 布置家庭作业:复习词汇

20、、对话和小诗,预习故事。3. 道别。课后反思:The Fourth PeriodTeaching contents:1) Read and make up a similar story.2) Look listen and say: -ame -ake -ate ace.3) Looksay and tick the word that names the picuure.Step 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习前三节课所学内容。Step 2Read and make up a similar story: Whoes Book?1.首先让学生自己读故事,了解his mine yours

21、hers的用法,读懂故事文意,并初步体会其中的幽默意味。2.提出问题,检测学生的理解程度。3.表演故事。1)方案一:让两个学生进行表演。方案二:教师扮演其中一个角色,再和一个学生配合呈现故事。3) 让学生自由组合,发挥其想象力,编一个新故事,再进行表演,比如可以用my book 和mine进行替换,教师应在学生的表演中发现问题,给予纠正。4.用所学的其他单词仿遍故事。Step 3Looklisten and say: -ame -ake -ate ace.1. 教师读单词game,name,same或播放录音,让学生感知-ame的发音。2. 学生跟读。T: Boys and girlsread

22、 the words after me.3. 学生自己读,教师可以给出类似的单词让学生尝试拼读,如lame,fame,tame等,甚至可以给出一些无意义的词。4. 鼓励并引导学生自己归纳出这些单词的发音规律。T: 同学们,你们能发现这些单词有什么共同的地方吗?Ps:Yesthere are “a”and “e”.T:You are so clever.大家有没有注意到它们发音上的特点呢?Ps:”a”发成“/ei/”5. 认识发音规律后,让学生自己拼读第三排单词。6. 以同样的方法教学其他组合,可用的单词有:lace,race。Pace,fame,came,tame,fate,late,rate

23、,fake,make,take。7. 和学生一起大声朗读所有单词。Step 4Look say and tick the word that names the picture.1. 先引导学生自己拼读本部分所有单词,教师要注意纠正学生错误的发音。2. 给出一定的时间让学生完成选词。3. 教师订正答案。Step 5小结本课,布置作业,与学生道别。课后反思:Lesson 2 I Have Music on FridayContents:The first period:1)Listen and practice; 2)Listen and chantThe second period:1)Wor

24、k in pairs; 2)Listen and circle; 3)Lets talkThe third period:1)Play a game 2)Add an e to the red word to make a new one. 3)Read and match 4)Read and tick.objectives:1. 掌握本课表示科目的词汇,要求发音准确、理解词义。2. 教学小诗Whats your favourite? 巩固本课所学胡内容,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。3. 能向别人询问最喜欢的人和事物,并能就此问题作出回答。Focal Points:1. 能听懂、会说本课单

25、词,注意划线部分单词的发音。2. 能用所学语言向别人询问最喜欢的人和事物。Difficult Points:仿编小诗Teaching aids:单词卡片;录音机;秒表等。The First PeriodStep 1Listen and practice.1. 导入。T:Boys and girlsnow we are having our English classThe next class you will have ?Ps: 语文T: Yes Chinnes. Read after meChinese.Ps: ChineseChinese.T: who is your favourt t

26、eacher?Ps:Miss Wu.T: Miss Wu is your favourte teacher.Do you like ChineseP1?P1:Yes I like Chinese.T:Do you like ChineseP2?P2:NoI dont it.按照类似的方法教学单词English/art/PE.教师带读单词,再请几个学生朗读单词,确保发音准确、自然。4. 通过游戏巩固所学单词。具体方法如下:A:I like Chinese.B:I like Chinese and English.C:I like Chinese English and art.D:I like

27、Chinese English art and PE.Step 2教学新单词:music mathscomputerscience.1. 本部分的教学方法可以仿照上一部分上课的方法进行。2. 将新单词套入旧句型中操练。A: I have maths on Friday.B: who is your maths teacher?A: Miss Chen.可以请几组同学表演。Step 3Listen and chant2. 听第一遍录音,让学生理解大意。3. 听第二遍,让学生边听边回答问题,也可以通过选择的方式帮助学生理解小诗。1) Whats your favourite day?A. Wedn

28、esday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday2) 2 Whats your favourite subject?A.English B.Chinese C.matth D.PE3)who is your favourite teacher?A.Miss Wu is my favourite teacher. BMiss Chen is favourite teacher. C.Miss Yang is my favourite teacher DMiss Qu is my favourite teacher3.分角色朗读。方案一:教师和学生一问一答。方案二:男生和女生一

29、问一答。方案三:小组一问一答。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课所学单词和小诗,预习其余单词。3. 与学生道别。课后反思:The Second PeriodStep 1师生问候。T: Good morningclass!Ps: Good morningMiss Wu!T: How are you?Ps: Fine thank you and you?T: not bad Thank you.Step 2Work in pairs1.教学新句型。T:Whats your favourite dayP1?P1: Monday is my favourite day.T: Why?

30、P1: Because I like science.T: OHI see Because you have science on Monday.教师要重读ON让学生感知其义。2.操练句型。双人活动,完成课本上的表格。A. Whats your favourite day?B: Monday is my favourite day.A: Why?:B: Because I have science on Monday.此环节中教师要引导学生大声说英语,而且正确地书写下来。Step 3Listen and circle1.学生将单词快速朗读一遍。2.听音,完成练习。And answer 1)Wh

31、o is the maths teacher? 2)Why does he like Thersday/ 3) Who is the science teacher? 4)What day does he like best?3.再听,检测答案,教师作必要的解释。4.听第三遍,复述,表演。Step 4Lets talk1.教师提出问题,让学生带着问题听录音。Question 1: How many persons are there in the dialogue?Question 2: Whats the favourite day of Rose?Question 3: Why doesn

32、t the other girls like music?Question 4: Whats Rose suggestion.(建议)?Play the recorder ,the first time ,Ss only listen ,the second time,Ss listen and repeat. Then answer the question.Step 5 Work in pairs. Let Ss practice the dialogue.Ask some pairs of Ss to act out the dialogue.Help them make their o

33、wn similar dialogues.Step 6 Homework Recite Lets talk.课后反思:The third periodStep 1Greeting .Such as: How are you ? Whats this? Whose book is it? Whats your favourite subject? Step 21Play a game .Use the cards of subjects .Ss say: I like. I dont like.How about you?Let half of Ss ask and answer one by

34、one.Step 3Ss read Listen and chant.Maybe some Ss can recite itThen P8 : Add an e to the red word to make a new one. Read the example.Ask 3 Ss to read the sentences and fill the blanks.Translate the sentences.Help them recite words.Step 4 Read and match Ask some Ss to read the sentences .All the Ss r

35、ead the sentences together.Read the sentences in groups.Now match the picture to the sentence.Step 5 Read and tickThe teacher say:My favourite colour is red. My favourite number is 7. My favourite fruit is watermelon. My favourite animals are tigers and dogs. My favourite subject is English. My favo

36、urite people is my daughter.Ss listen carefully.Then Ss make their own sentences to show their favourites.Ask about 5 Ss to talk about themselves.Read and tick ,the teacher read and the Ss tick.All the Ss read the sentences together.Read the sentences in groups.Step 6Practice .Let Ss interview their

37、 classmatesfavourites.Then make a report: His/Her favourite colour is . His/Her favourite number is . His/Her favourite fruit is . His/Her favourite animals are . His/Her favourite subject is . His/Her favourite people is .Step 71. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课所学单词和小诗,预习lesson3单词。3. 与学生道别。课后反思:Lesson 3 What Sub

38、ject Do You Like Best?objectives:1. 能听、会说本课词汇,做到发音准确,语调自然。对easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring的要求能书写。2. 能向别人询问最喜欢的人和事物,并能就此问题作出回答。3. 通过歌曲教学,帮助学生运用不同的语言形式巩固所学内容。4. 掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?5. 能借助图画理解故事,巩固本课所学内容。6. 能用自然拼读含有e-e;th字母组合的单词,做到举

39、一反三。Focal Points:7.形容词easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring的意思,并能初步应用。Difficult Points:8. 掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?Teaching aids:9. 字母卡片若干;本课单词卡片;录音机。Contents:The first period:1)Listen and practice; 2) Work in pairs;3)Listen and singThe sec

40、ond period:1)Lets talk;2) listen and circle;3)Guess,write and say.The third period:1)Look,listen and say 2)Read and write;3)Read and make up a similar story.The first periodStep 1Greeting .Such as: How are you ? Whats this? Whose book is it? Whats your favourite subject? Show some peoples phptos and

41、 ask :“Who do you like best?”Step 2Listen and practise: easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring用直观的方式教学和操练.Use the pictures to teach these words.Such as:I like PE. Its easy. I dont like maths.Its hard.More examples to teach easy magic interesting useful important useless hard bor

42、ing.教师再带读单词,确保学生发音准确Practice A: I like PE. I dont like maths B:Why do you like PE? A:Because its easy. B B:Why dont you like maths? A: Because Its hard.Step 3Work in pairs. A:What subject do you like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.Ss ask and answer in pairsThen ask

43、 some Ss to talk their favourites in front of the classroom.Maybe favourite animal, colour,day.掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?Step 4Listen and sing . Listen to the recorder 3 timesThe teacher teach them to sing the song.All class sing the songSing the song in groups.通

44、过歌曲教学,帮助学生运用不同的语言形式巩固所学内容。Step 5总结本课所学内容,布置作业。与学生道别。Copy the words: easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring.课后反思:The second periodStep 1师生问候。T: Good morningclass!Ps: Good morningMiss Wu!T: How are you?Ps: Fine thank you and you?T: not bad Thank you.Revise : A:What subject do you

45、like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.Step 2Lets talk1.Ask Question 1: How many persons are there in the dialogue?Question 2: Whats her favourite subject?Question 3: Why does the girl like English?Question 4: Whats the girls suggestion.(建议)?2.Play the recorder ,the f

46、irst time ,Ss only listen ,the second time,Ss listen and repeat. Then answer the question.3.听第三遍录音,学生跟读课文,注意语音、语调在情感表达中的作用。4. 分组练习对话并表演。5.Ask several Ss to recite it.Step 3 listen and circle1. 学生独立将图片所表示的单词大声朗读一遍。2. 分小组互相检测。3. 教师检测朗读情况。4. 听音,选择答案。学生能根据答案反推问题。让学生提4个问题。5. 教师检测练习的完成情况,并作必要的解释Step 4Gues

47、s,write and say.Show the pictures, Let Ss guess the subjects.Look at P12 :A:What class does he/she like best? B: he/she likes best. A:Why does he/she like best? B:Because its.Let them talk all of the pictures. Step 5Practice :let Ss talk about their own favourites and reasonsMake new dialogues.Such

48、as: A:What subject do you like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.The similar dialogues about:day;colour;animals. Step 61. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课所学单词和歌曲。3. 与学生道别。课后反思:The third period:Step 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习前二节课所学内容。3.sing the song: My favourite DayStep 2Play a game :What ani

49、mal do I like best?StudentA does an action,and say: What animal do I like best?StudentB guess:You like best.More agtions, more guessings.Then more pictures.more subjectsStep 3Look,listen and say1. 教师读单词these he me ;mother brother; three teeth或播放录音,让学生感知e-e; th的发音。2. 学生跟读。T: Boys and girls read the w

50、ords after me.3. 学生自己读,教师可以给出类似的单词让学生尝试拼读,如Chinese Japanese te she father either throw thanks等,甚至可以给出一些无意义的词。4. 鼓励并引导学生自己归纳出这些单词的发音规律。T: 同学们,你们能发现这些单词有什么共同的地方吗?Ps:Yesthere are “e”and “e”.T:You are so clever.大家有没有注意到它们发音上的特点呢?Ps:”e”发成“/i:/” “ th”发”/ /5. 认识发音规律后,让学生自己拼读单词。6.学生一起大声朗读所有单词。Step 4Read and

51、 writeRead the 4 words, give them some time to fill the blanks.Then ask 4 Ss to read the sentence and give the answers.Check the answers.Read the sentences together. Step 5Read and make up a similar story.1.首先让学生自己读故事,了解形容词的用法,读懂故事文意,并初步体会其中的幽默意味。2.提出问题,检测学生的理解程度。Whats the dogs favourite class?Who i

52、s the artist?3.表演故事。1)方案一:让两个学生进行表演。方案二:教师扮演其中一个角色,再和一个学生配合呈现故事。3) 让学生自由组合,发挥其想象力,编一个新故事,再进行表演,教师应在学生的表演中发现问题,给予纠正。4.用所学的其他单词仿遍故事。Step 61. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:Finish the workbook.3. 与学生道别。课后反思:Lesson 4 Whats the missing word?Content:1. Numbers. 2.V-ing phrases:swimming singing watching TV doing my homework

53、 sleeping eating listening to music reading3.Sentence pattern: 1)-What are you doing? -Im doing something. 2)-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Teaching aims:1. Ss can say these v-ing phrases.2.Ss can use the following sentence pattern: 1)-What are you doing? -Im doing something.2)-How many _have y

54、ou got ? - Numbers.3.Ss can use “hundred and thousand “correctly.Important points:1. Numbers.2. V-ing phrases.3. Sentence pattern: -What are you doing? -Im doing something.-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Difficulty points :1.V-ing phrases.2. Sentence pattern: -What are you doing? -Im doing something.-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Teaching aids : Recorder cards 飞镖Teaching method: TPRTeaching Steps:Step 1: Warming u


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