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1、湖南省普通高校对口招生考试复习丛书英 语 复 习 知识点精讲精练第一轮复习用书参考答案(含同步检测卷)(2018年版)2018年湖南英语复习知识点精讲精练参考答案知识点精练部分基础模块一56Unit 12【词汇复习】 一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. address 2. last 3. engineer 4. company 5. manager;manage 6. patient;有耐心的 7. repair 8. 职业的;假期 9. computer 10. 服务;service 11. join12. ability;able13. 申请;apply 14. 工作,职业 1

2、5. 性别;sex 16. 职位17. 顾客 18. nurse 19. taught;taught;teacher二、重点短语英汉互译。1. 职业学校 2. name card 3. 名 4. last name 5. be/ come from 6. 电话号码 7. e-mail 8. 讲汉语 9. 开车 10. 修电脑 11. teach us English 12. 用英语朗读 13. 为游客服务 14. sing a song 15. 发电子邮件 16. 玩电脑游戏 17. apply for 18. sales manager 19. 个人信息20. a little;a few

3、【知识精讲】考点一 AC 考点二 DB 考点三 DA 考点四 CB跟踪检测15 CDABA 610 BDBCA 1115 CDCBD【语法点拨】 句子成分考点一 主语1. country music 2. We 3. One-third 4. To swim 5. Smoking 6. The rich 考点二 谓语1. practices 2.(1)may keep (2)students 考点三 表语1. American 2. yours 3. cold 4. exciting 5. twenty-one 6. to teach 7. playing 8. out of 9. up;ov

4、er 考点四 宾语1. exhibition 2. me 3. five 4. the old 5. to see 6. listening to (1)your dictionary (2)elected 考点五 宾语补足语1. in 2. to lend 3. entering 4. order 考点六 定语1. beautiful 2. developing;developed 3. women 4. to enter 5. teaching 6. about how 考点七 状语1. most 2. in;for 3. have passed 4. making 考点八 同位语cous

5、in跟踪检测15 CBDBB 610 ACBAD五个基本句型考点一 主语+谓语(不及物动词)1. He came 2. The plane arrived 3. translates 考点二 主语+系动词+表语 1. fell 2. became a teacher / turned teacher 3. tall and strong 考点三 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语1. her thanks 2. holding/having 3. to have 考点四 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语1. my son 2. your car 3. for 4. to 考点五 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语

6、补足语14. chairman 15. green 16. as a child 17. to come back / return 18. getting on真题回放15 BCCDD跟踪检测15 BCDCB 610 BDABD 1115 DABAD1620 ABCDCUnit 34【词汇复习】 一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. 数量;quality 2. need 3. 吸引人的;attract 4. snow 5. rain 6. wind 7. sun 8. cloud 9. fog 10. laptop 11. welcome 12. without 13. weathe

7、r 14. guest;host 15. invite;invitation16. 签名;sign;signal 17. 意外,惊奇;surprised;surprising 18. 不同的;difference;困难的 19. 备忘录;memory;remember;member 20. 活动;act;action;active21. supermarket;shop ;store;mall;shopping center 22. 令人愉快的;please;pleased;pleasing;pleasure 二、重点短语英汉互译。1. on sale 2. 随便吃 3. shopping;d

8、o shopping 4. 购物清单 5. MP3播放器 6. e-dictionary 7. birthday 8. play with fire 9. 手机;mobile phone;smart phone 10. unit;original;present;total【知识精讲】考点一 AC考点二 BD考点三 AD考点四 CD考点五 BA跟踪检测15 ACDBD 610 BDBAA 1115 ACCDB【语法点拨】考点一 定冠词(一)1. the 2. the girl 3. the (二)the house (三)the moon (四)1. the second 2. the ver

9、y 3. the biggest (五)the piano (六)1. The 2. The Greens(七)1. the young 2. the true (八)1. east 2. The Yellow River (9) the forties(the 1940s);her twenties (十)The tiger (十一)1. The Great Wall 2. The United Nations 3. The Times 12. beginning 顺便说一下在白天 在半夜in the end the same as在前部 在右边/左边the other day with t

10、he help oftomorrow yesterdayafternoon考点二 不定冠词(一)an orange (二)A boy (三)a kilo (四) a flower (五)a third (六)1. a European 2. an honest类例: 一所大学 a useful bookan umbrella 一个丑陋的人an hour X射线a one-eyed an honoura uniform 7. 一点儿 a fewafter a while 突然as a result 大体上事实上 不知所措catch/have a cold an enda walk 授课break

11、/rest 发烧过得愉快 bath/showera look 喝点东西nice trip swim谈话 have/take和某人说话 in a hurry总而言之 在某种程度上a living 生火愚弄 结束考点三 零冠词(一)1. Hunan Province 2. China (二)1. breakfast 2. football 3. English (三)1. fish;chicken 2. Life;art (四)Animals (五)1. monitor 2. president;The president (六)bus (七)1. in July 2. on Sunday 3.

12、Christmas 4. in summer;the summer (八)1. children 2. Grandpa (九)at first at lastat noon at night黄昏时 日出时日落时 天亮时at midnight face to facewatch TV step by step困境中 有危险准时 及时work fun ofroom for make troublepleasure weighthand in hand考点四 冠词的比较与位置(一)到学校去;因病住院;吃饭;坐牢;将来;乘船;第二年;究竟;根本不可能;代替(二)1. in the snow 2. A

13、fine rain 3. the dinner 4. the music 5. an art 6. a pleasure7. great success (三)1. The Smith 2. A Mr. White 3. a Ford 4. the London(四)the white (五)1. such a 2. What an 3. Many a 4. kind a 5. nice a 6. quite a few 7. All the 8. Both the真题回放15 BACAB跟踪检测15 ABABB 610 CCCCD1115 CACDB1620 BABDA2125 DACBC2

14、630 AAABA 3135 CBACB3640 DBCDAUnit 56【词汇复习】 一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. hobby 2. survey 3. 钓鱼 4. 最喜欢的 5. hate 6. 慢跑 7. expensive;dear 8. 便宜的 9. boring 10. order;订购11. collection;collector 12. 享乐;enjoyable;joy 13. paint;油画 14. waitress;waiter;waiting room 15. excited;使兴奋 二、重点短语英汉互译。 1. eat out 2. crazy 3.

15、 games 4. chess 5. the piano 6. listen to 7. collect stamps 8. 去钓鱼 9. fly a kite 10. jogging 11. a glass;cup 12. 各付各的【知识精讲】考点一 CA考点二 DB 考点三 BC考点四 CA跟踪检测15 DADBC 610 ADCBA 1115 DAABC 【语法点拨】考点二 可数名词(三)1. is 2. is 3. a 4. cattle;cows 5. fish随堂演练1. 将下列词组译成英语。 some branches two busesthree foxes four coac

16、hesfive boxes six matchesseven inches eight asses2. 写出下列单词复数形式。Chinese JapaneseEnglishmenFrenchmen Germans AustraliansAmericans Greeks Swiss3. 选择最佳选项。(1)D (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)C (6)B(7)D (8)A考点三 不可数名词(一)1. 一张纸 一滴水两杯茶 a piece of breada bowl of rice three blocks of ice 2. 许多食物 一点时间大量金钱 plenty of rainsome

17、 advice little(二)1. Light;lights 2. happiness;a great happiness 3. beauty;a beauty 4. in a bed;for bed 5. flowers;in flower 6. a holiday;on holiday随堂演练16 ACAABC考点四 名词所有格(一)名词所有格的构成1. Childrens Daythe teachers officenovels2. a window of the roomthe gate;the schoolof China3. of my brothers;of yours(二)

18、名词所有格的用法1.(1)Kings praise(2)Kings praise(3)doctors2.(1)Tom and Johns(2)Toms and Johns3. two hours ride;five hundred metres;一千元的订货单;地球卫星4. 在诊所;to my uncles5. elses 6. 我的一张照片;我拥有的一张照片随堂演练15 BDACA 68 DAB考点五 名词的句法功能(一)1. honey 2. major 3. child;education 4. students 5. Mr. Gong 6. an hour (二)1. shoe sto

19、re 电话号码air pollution coffee cuptooth brush 诺贝尔奖bus-stop 看孩子的人one-parent family first aidblood pressure 空调goods train sports meetsales manager2. women doctors;boy students3. 金牌 金色阳光银币 银白头发石桥 铁石心肠雨滴 雨季随堂演练16 DCABAC考点六 名词词义辨析随堂演练15 CDAAD真题回放 16 ADCDCC跟踪检测 15 AABBC 610 ACBDD 1115 DDCCC 1620 ACDCC 2125 D

20、CDAAUnit 78【词汇复习】 一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. message 2. volunteer 3. provide 4. service;serve 5. 十字路口 6. place 7. cross 8. probable 9. opposite;反对 10. past;浆糊 11. turn;转折点 12. 家务;homework;house number 13. information;inform;非正式的 14. 外国的;foreigner;国内新闻 15. along;单独 16. subway;地铁;地下通道 17. surround;round 1

21、8. direction;direct;indirect二、重点短语英汉互译。1. traffic lights 2. 张贴,举起,搭建 3. hand out 4. 持续,坚持,别挂电话 5. forward 6. 过马路 7. post office 8. 向左/右转 9. go straight 10. 往前开 11. crossroads 12. the Olympic Games 13. take;leave【知识精讲】考点一 CD考点二 BD考点三 BD考点四 AC考点五 AD跟踪检测 15 BDBAC 610 CADAB 1115 DCABC【语法点拨】代 词考点一 人称代词(一

22、)1.(1)both(2)him to(3)me(4)she 2. Dear me / Goodness me;Me(二)1. You, he and I2.(1)I and John(2)I and you(3)I and Mary(三)1. on sale 2. gift for 3. must be 4.(1)Its(2)colder and colder(3)ten minutes walk(4)in the park 5.(1)to drive(2)it that 6. it 7. it 8. stand it随堂演练 16 CABDDA考点二 物主代词(一)our;ours (二)

23、1. with my own 2. of my own (三)of his随堂演练 16 ADDBCC考点三 反身代词(一)1. himself 2. speak to (二)1. expressed 2. myself (三)1. found herself 2. feeling myself (四)1. by themselves 2. to oneself随堂演练16 ACDCDB考点四 指示代词(一)1. this 2. that 3. these 4. That 5. This;that;This(二)1. that 2. one 3. the old ones 4. those 5

24、. Those随堂演练15 CBCAD考点五 相互代词1. each other 2. each other 3. one anothers 随堂演练14 ABCD考点六 不定代词(一)1. any;some 2. Some 3. Some 4. some 5. some 6. Any 7. Any 8. any 9. some 10. some(二)1. too tired 2. too much 3. Very few 4. a few 5. little 6. a little 7. too many 8. So much 9. Few 10. A little随堂演练15 BCBBA

25、68 CCD(三)1. one for all 2. All the 3. all year 4. Each 5. have 6. Each / Every 7. None 8. None of 9. None 10. None of us(四)1. both of 2. both her 3. Either 4. either 5. Neither of 6. Neither of them 随堂演练15 BACAB 610 BDDCB(五)1. another 2. another 3. another 4. the other 5. other 6. others 7. any othe

26、r 8. others(六)1. Somebody / Someone 2. anyone/ anybody 3. anybodys 4. Everybody 5. nobodys 6. Nobody / No one(七)1. everything 2. everything 3. anything special 4. something 5. Nothing 6. anything随堂演练15 DCBAD 610 DACDB真题回放17 DCCACBB跟踪检测15 DDDCD 610 BDBDD1115 ACACD 1620 BBAAC2125 CABCAUnit 910【词汇复习】 一

27、、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. online 2. perform 3. 资格,条件 4. 证书;证明 5. reduction 6. gain 7. organize 8. contact 9. mention 10. remember 11. memory 12. pleasure 13. timetable 14. experienced 15. staff 16. point;观点 17. steward;air hostess 18. stressed;pressure 19. improvement;证明 20. united;unite;unit 21. recept

28、ionist;desk;room 22. excite;exciting;excited 二、重点短语英汉互译。1. in line 2. fill in/out 3. 提供机会 4. 考试及格 5. poor at 6. tooto do 7. had better 8. 一些建议 【知识精讲】考点一 CA 考点二 AC 考点三 BD 考点四 CD 考点五 AB跟踪检测15 DDCBB 610 AADBC 1112 AB【语法点拨】考点一 表示时间的介词(一)1.(1)at (2)the moment/at present (3)at the same time 2.(1)on (the m

29、orning of ) (2)on Sundays 3.(1)in October (2)in a few (3) in six months time (4)in four weeks next Friday (二)1. for 2. during 3. through (三)1. from;to 2. since 3. ago (四)1. before 2. by the end of 3. till 4. until (五)1. after 2. after 3. within 4. in随堂演练15 BACCB 610 CADDC 1112 AD考点二 表示地点的介词(一)1.(1)a

30、t home (2)corner 2.(1)at a small (2)in the box (3)in the south 3.(1)on the desk (2)on the north 4.(1)to (2)to school (二)1. over 2. above 3. on 4. under 5. below (三)1. in front 2. in the front 3. before (四)1. in 2. into 3. through 4. across随堂演练15 CBBDC 610 AABBA 1115 BDDAC考点三 易混介词(一)1. among 2. betwe

31、en 3. between 4. among (二)1. except in 2. write 3. besides 4. except for 5. except where 6. but (三)1. with 2. by 3. by hand 4. in English 5. with a pen (四)1. for 2. to 3. toward(s)随堂演练15 BAABC 610 DCBDA 考点四 习语中的介词(一)介词+名词1. at hand 2. cost 3. heart 4. at home 5. at last 6. at least 7. loss 8. 其实 9.

32、因此 10. 每次,一次 11. 从不,决不 12. 有时 13. 同时 14. at work 15. 顺便提一下 16. 手工 17. 牢记 18. 偶然 19. mistake 20. by sea 21. by air/plane 22. example 23. moment/while 24. from now on 25. 有时26. 无论如何27. 万一28. 负责29. common 30. addition 31. in the air/sky 32. danger 33. in debt 34. detail 35. distance 36. in fact 37. 有效;

33、实施中38. 将来39. in half / into halves 40. 在掌握中41. 以纪念42. a hurry 43. in line 44. in order 45. memory 46. moment/while 47. in the past 48. 亲自49. 代替50. 公开地 51. in secret 52. in return 53. run 54. 不管55. 立即56. in time 57. 妨碍58. in a word 59. 换句话说60. of course 61. 下班62. account 63. average 64. on board 65.

34、business 66. 值班,上班67. on earth / in the world 68. on fire 69. on foot 70. 独自地71. 故意地72. on sale 73. 在旅途中74. on time 75. out of breath 76. out of control 77. out of danger 78. 过期的79. 发生故障80. 失业 81. 使人吃惊82. under control 83. 时新的84. 欣然85. the help(二)形容词+介词1. afraid of 2. angry with 3. busy with 4. 小心5.

35、 与不同6. disappointed 7. good at 8. famous for 9. 为所熟悉10. full of 11. interested in 12. proud of 13. 受欢迎14. 对满意15. 与相似16. strict with 17. surprised at 18. sure about/of (三)动词+介词1. up to 2. agree 3. aim at 4. apply for 5. arrive 6. 请求7. begin with 8. believe in 9. 属于10. borrow 11. 喜欢12. come from 13. 提

36、出14. deal with 15. 对有好处16. 做得好17. 处置 18. 梦想19. feed on 20. fillwith 21. get on 22. get through 23. 浏览 24. hand in 25. 发生26. 收到来信27. 帮助做28. 搜寻29. join in 30. 敲 31. laugh at 32. learn from 33. listen 34. look after 35. 看36. look for 37. 支付38. 玩(弄)39. 当看待40. search 41. send for 42. 对喊43. 参加 44. talk wi

37、th 45. think of 46. 考虑47. 转向,求助48. wait for 49. work on 50. worry about 51. 写信给随堂演练15 DABCB 610 DBDBD真题回放16 CAAAAC跟踪检测15 DBADB 610 CADBD 1115 BCCDC 1620 BBABA 2125 ACDAC 2630 DBADB 3135 DBDDB 3640 AABDC基础模块二Unit 12【词汇复习】一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. skate 2. mountain;hill 3. vacation;holiday 4. return;turn

38、 5. slip6. hesitation 7. 家庭杂物 8. volunteer 9. 火腿 10. Internet 11. jazz 12. comedy 13. spend 14. band 15. rent 16. order 17. prefer 18. keep 19. beach;沙滩;bank 20. sail;sailing;sailor 21. typical;type 22. training center 23. brave;勇敢 24. smart phone 25. ski;skiing;滑水(运动) 26. wonderful;wonder;仙境 27. sp

39、ecial;speciality 28. relax 29. moving 30. amusing;amused;使快乐 31. career plan;carrier 32. daily;everyday;every day 33. movie;cartoon 34. parent;祖父母;father;母亲 35. trip;旅行;巡游;outing36. household;housework;housewife 二、重点短语英汉互译。1. pop music 2. action film 3. horror film 4. talk show 5. 摇滚乐 6. 乡村音乐 7. 参观动

40、物园 8. 去游泳 9. pick apples 10. play badminton 11. table tennis 12. climb 13. 去航海 14. 去滑冰 15. go fishing 16. 看电影 17. watch 18. listen to music 19. gym 20. club【知识精讲】考点一 CAD考点二 CA 考点三 BD考点四 BA考点五 BC考点六 DA跟踪检测15 CABDA 610 BDCCA【语法点拨】考点一 形容词的基本用法(一)1. beautiful 2. clever 3. well-educated 4. interesting 5.

41、 open 6. happy 7. loud 8. hungry and tired (二)1. afraid of 2. unable 3. similar4. elder 5. live随堂演练16 ACCDBA 考点二 形容词的位置 (一)1. to master 2. 180 feet high 3. alone 4. alive 5. important 6. Anyone 7. wrong with 8. else 9. Where 10. enough time / time enough 11. old enough 12. well (二)1. small;yellow;wr

42、iting 2. black随堂演练15 CABAA 610 CCCCD考点三 形容词的构成(一)1. 健忘的;wonderful;thankful;powerful;famous 2. sunny;windy;healthy;thirsty 3. wooden 4. western;southern 5. daily;lively;lonely;fatherly 6. fearless;careless 7. cultural;natural 8. 可食用的;可见的(二)worried;closed;frightened;exciting;following;boring(三)1. good

43、-looking;long-lasting 2. hard-working 3. man-eating 4. well-written;low-paid 5. 白领工人;当今生活 6. kind-hearted 7. twenty-year-old随堂演练16 BABBCA考点四 形容词的比较级和最高级构成(一)1. 加-er,-est;双写 2. quieter, quietest;more pleased, most pleased(二)worse, worst; further, furthest随堂演练16 ACDBCC考点五 形容词原级句型(一)1. as tall as 2. ma

44、ny 3. a subject 4. cheap (二)1. not 2. as (三)1. so 2. such a (四)three times (五)size (六)half (七)to join (八)big enough (九)1. the same 2. similar (十)1. from ours 2. equal to随堂演练15 DABAC 68 DBC考点六 形容词比较级句型(一)1. by 2. much 3. less (1)he (2)him(二)or (三)the taller (四)1. smaller 2. more (五)hotter (六)1. the b

45、etter 2. The more (七)1. any other 2. any of 3. all (1)the others (2)students (3)else (八)1. any of 2. of(九)1. that 2. those随堂演练15 DCACB 68 CDB考点七 形容词最高级句型(一)Of (二)one (三)the earth (四)worst (五)1. second 2. by far;my (六)1. any 2. nothing 3. anything随堂演练16 CDABBD考点八 形容词词义辨析(一)1. anxious, crazy, nervous

46、2. quick , angry, 熟练 3. famous, fit for, short for, thirsty, thankful 4. absent, 免于, tired 5. experienced, interested, 迷失, successful 6. ahead, aware, 没有, fond, hopeful, patient, short, 厌烦, worthy 7. compared, faithful, harmful, helpful, 年少于, rude, similar, 习惯于 8. 忙于, crowded, 对感到厌烦, 对坦率, ill, pleas

47、ed(二)1.(1)that(2)further 2.(1)mine (2)elder 3.(1)black (2)dark 4.(1)good (2)well (3)What a (4)smell 随堂演练15 CAACD 610 CADDA 1115 CBBCB真题回放16 CDBBDB跟踪检测15 BDBBA 610 CCBBA 1115 BCDBD 1620 BDCBC 2125 ACBAC 2630 DACAC 3135 DBBCA 3640 BBBDCUnit 34【词汇复习】一、根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. confident;信心 2. assistant;帮助 3

48、. typist;type 4. cashier;现金 5. 幼儿园 6. marketing;市场 7. graduation 8. communication 9. fluently 10. 空闲时间 11. brain;storm 12. 讲价 13. blog;WeChat 14. fare;fee 15. 交通工具 16. workplace;workshop 17. ferry;boat;船18. 方法19. comfortable;(使)舒服 20. scenery;scene 21. creative;creation 22. outgoing 23. strange;stranger 24. transportation;运输;traffic 25. interviewer;interviewee 26.方便的;不方便的;convenience二、重点短语英汉互译。1. 轻轨 2. traffic jam 3. rush hour 4. look for 5. 至少;at most 6. work as 7. strong points 8. 工作经验9. as soon as;one can【知识精讲】 考点一 AD考点二 BC考点三 DA考点四 AC考点五 CB跟踪检测15 BDCAB 68 DCA【语法点拨】 副词考点一 副词


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