已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、广东省2012年普通高中教师职务培训学科专题三作业范例学科:生物题目:探究性实验天然植物色素的提取与稳定性研究教学设计 提交者:杨永利(韩山师范学院生物系) 作业范例:一、教学目标 1. 知识目标:学会查阅科技资料,学会实验方案的设计,实验数据的处理,科研论文的写作方法。学会分光光度计、酸度计等相关仪器的使用方法,了解植物色素提取的基本原理和方法,色素稳定性研究的必要性及影响色素稳定性的因素。 2. 能力目标:初步掌握科学探究的方法;培养学生善于发现问题的能力,并通过小组讨论,查阅资料,与教师交流等,培养学生分析、解决问题的能力。 初步培养学生的科研意识和科研能力,通过本实验的训练,使学生初步

2、体验了科学研究的过程,培养学生初步的科研题目的选择、申请、实施等能力。3.情感目标:培养学生的团队合作精神,严谨认真和勇于创新的精神,体验科学研究的艰辛和乐趣二、学情分析本实验是植物生物学的设计性实验之一,在此之前,学生已具备了有机化学、无机化学、植物生物学实验的基本知识和技能。故学生完全具有完成本实验的能力。三、材料用具 实验室配备有722分光光度计、干燥箱、电热恒温水浴锅、粉碎机、酸度计及实验所需玻璃仪器等。药品和试剂:乙醇、乙酸乙酯、石油醚、柠檬酸、亚硫酸钠、H2O2、硫酸钠、硫酸铜、硫酸锌、硫酸镁等。学生根据自行设计的方案,自行准备材料和用具。 四、实验重点 1文献查阅,合理可行的实验

3、方案的设计 2实验结果的分析讨论及课程论文的撰写。 3小组汇报,教师评价。 五、实验难点 1影响色素提取的因素的确定;2影响色素稳定性的因素的确定及各类因素对色素稳定性的影响等。六、教学流程本节课教学设计一共分为 7 个环节,包括组内讨论、组间交流、实验操作、数据处理、撰写课程论文、小组汇报和评价。教学流程如下:查阅资料,小组讨论,确定实验材料,设计实验方案:通过查阅相关文献,进行组内讨论,初步设定影响色素提取的因素及影响色素稳定性的因素,并确定实验材料(实验材料要求尽量是别人没有做过的实验材料),自主设计实验方案,并与教师讨论后确定实验方案。开题报告,组间讨论交流:各组推荐一名同学做开题报告

4、,介绍本组实验方案,对其他小组对其实验方案提出质疑,进行解答和辩论,进一步修改实验方案。实验实施:小组成员配合,利用课余时间进行实验。完成课程论文:按照科技论文的撰写方法,写出课程论文,并根据实验情况,提出设计方案可能存在的缺陷、建设性意见及进一步探究的问题。小组汇报,组间交流:各小组选派一名同学以PPT的形式汇报实验结果、分析和结论,实验收获等。其他小组提问,组间进行交流;教师向小组每位成员提问,考察学生参与实验的情况、分析问题解决问题的能力等。评价:小组自己评价,小组间相互评价,教师评价。数据处理:根据实验数据绘制各种表格、图表。 七、教学过程设计教学程序 教师引导 学生活动 设计意图 查

5、阅资料,小组讨论,确定实验材料,设计实验方案: (1)实验总题目“天然植物色素的提取及稳定性研究”由教师指定,各组的实验题目根据材料不同自行拟定。 (2)分组:同学可自由组合,由班长总体安排,六人一组,每组男女生需搭配开。组员自己选出组长。确定组长的职责(与教师的沟通、组员工作的分配)(3)指导学生查阅文献:因是大一学生,还不知怎样查阅科技文献,故教师需讲述科技文献查阅方法。(4)学生通过阅读科技文献资料,确定实验材料,制定实验方案。并通过小组讨论,与教师交流,确定实验方案。 (1)查阅科技资料,阅读科技资料。(2)组内讨论,确定实验材料,制定实验方案。(3)通过与教师交流,确定实验方案。 引

6、导学生从无从下手,学会针对一个科研课题如何着手。培养学生查阅资料、阅读科技文献、设计实验方案的能力。 开题报告,组间讨论交流:各组推荐一名同学做开题报告,介绍本组实验方案,对其他小组对其实验方案提出质疑,进行解答和辩论,进一步修改实验方案。 组织各小组进行开题报告。 (1) 各小组由组长汇报前期准备情况,小组的实验方案。(2)其它小组提出质疑,报告小组答辩,经组内讨论和组间讨论,进一步完善实验方案。 (1)初步培养学生提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。(2)使小组各成员进一步了解实验的目的、意义和方法。 实验实施:小组成员配合,利用课余时间进行实验。 (1)随时关注各组实验进展情况,针对学生

7、实验中提出的问题,与学生共同探讨,解决。(2)指导学生如何进行数据记录。(1)根据实验方案准备实验材料、仪器、药品等。(2)熟悉仪器的使用方法。(3)缺少药品的登记及购买。 (4)组长协调分工,根据实验方案,进行实验。争取每个组员都能参与实验的各环节。(5)随时记录实验数据。(6)数据异常时,小组讨论,分析原因。并重复实验,验证分析是否正确。(1)培养学生的动手能力。(2)组长的协调能力。(3)团队合作精神。(4)发现问题、解决问题的能力。数据处理:根据实验数据绘制各种表格、图表。 指导学生进行实验数据的处理。实验操作和记录提出要求 根据实验数据,绘制表格、图表; 利用SPASS等软件处理数据

8、。初步学会实验数据的处理方法。 完成课程论文:按照科技论文的撰写方法,写出课程论文,并根据实验情况,提出设计方案可能存在的缺陷、建设性意见及进一步探究的问题。 指导学生初步学习科技论文的撰写(1)根据实验数据,参考阅读的资料,撰写课程论文。 (2)对实验结果进行分析。(3)如实验失败,分析失败的原因。以后实验中出现类似问题,应如何解决。(4)根据实验情况,提出哪些实验方法可进一步改进。并提出下一步的科研思路。(1)培养学生撰写科技论文的能力。 (2)分析问题、解决新问题的能力。(3)培养学生的创新精神。 小组汇报,组间交流:各小组选派一名同学以PPT的形式汇报实验结果、分析和结论,实验收获等。

9、其他小组提问,组间进行交流;教师向小组每位成员提问,考察学生参与实验的情况、分析问题解决问题的能力等。 (1)组织学生进行课程论文答辩。(2)考察小组每位成员参与实验的情况。(3)根据学生汇报情况,提出问题,考察学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 (1)各小组选派一个同学,根据撰写的课程论文,汇报实验情况。(2)其它组员可适当补充汇报不足之处。(3)汇报小组答辩:其教师提问,其它小组针对实验中的问题提问,汇报小组进行答辩。期间,小组间可讨论,回答问题。(1)培养学生汇报科研成果的能力:不仅要会实验操作,还要学会将自己的科研成果充分的展示给大家。(2)答辩能力。(3)团队合作精神。 评价:小组自己评

10、价,小组间相互评价,教师评价。 对各小组、小组中各成员做出评价。(1)小组进行自我评价:每位学生自我评价,组员之间互相评价。(2)组间评价:对其它小组做出评价。(3)教师对各小组、小组各成员做出评价。 (1)培养客观良好的自我评价,互相评价的能力。(2)找到自己不足,并改进的能力。 九、教学反思通过探究性实验天然植物色素的提取与稳定性研究很好的培养了学生初步的科研兴趣、科研意识和科研能力。学生从针对一个科研课题无从下手,经过本实验的整个过程后,初步具备了怎样进行科研题目的确定、科研项目的实施、科技论文的撰写等能力。有些小组提出了一些有意义的新的实验方法,有些小组自行确定了校级“大学生科技创新挑

11、战杯”的题目,并申请成功。大多数同学都提高了对科研的兴趣,具备了一定的科研意识和能力,之后都积极参与到了各类科研项目中。由于本实验由于有一定的难度,在实验过程中会出现众多的问题,学生通过观察、提问、分析与教师交流、解决问题等,较大的提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。,都能够较好的。但本实验耗时较长,完成一般需要1个月左右的时间。难免会出现有些小组完不成整个实验的情况。故在以后的教学中考虑降低实验的难度、减少实验所需要的时间。 学科:语文题目:基于研究的作文指导课设计简案:“人生艺术化”提交者:胡立根(广州市,深圳大学)一、教学思考:从真实写作的情况、学生作文的发展过程和国外作文教学的先进经验



14、煞有介事地在封面上清楚地写道,论文包括4个小题目:1.介绍;2.蓝鲸吃什么;3.蓝鲸怎么吃东西;4.蓝鲸的非凡之处。作文,不仅仅是一个技巧问题,更是一个思维与认知的问题。 2.明确本次研究性作文的内容与要求:做一个专题研究,内容是关于“人生艺术化”,广泛搜集材料,发现问题,形成观点,最后形成文字。要求:(1)至少阅读一本关于艺术或者美学方面的书;(2)至少了解研究一两个你认为在人生艺术化方面做得比较好的人物的生平事迹;(3)作文必须写出你对人生艺术化这个问题的真正的研究与思考。你的作文必须体现你是研究所得,作文是你的研究成果。(4)题目自拟,1200字以上,给时:10天。 3.研究方法指导:就

15、本话题,要研究些什么?或者,我们怎么做研究? 第一,必须明确概念:什么是“人生”,什么是“艺术化”?“艺术化”的本质是什么?第二,有哪些人是艺术化的人生,有哪些不是,从中发现一些规律第三,从中寻找原因,为什么有的人艺术化,有的人生不是艺术化的? 导致人生缺少艺术化的因素有哪些(主观的,客观的)第四,在这个问题上有哪些错误认识?第五,怎么样才能艺术化?第六,我们今天谈这个问题有什么价值?或者说,现实社会这个问题是怎样的状况。第七,你还有哪些追问?研究中,追问太重要!这些问题,你应该找些才材料,发现些东西。写作,就是写出自己的发现(问题,规律等)和发明(方法等)。4.写作指导:并不要求把所有研究的

16、东西全部写出来,写作时要有所选择,选择最有价值的东西,写成自己的文章。5.提供参考资料:人教版教材必修四101页。参考书目:朱光潜谈美书简,林语堂生活的艺术,林语堂苏东坡传其他参考作品:丰子恺,梁实秋,宗白华,周作人,范增等人的作品。可以研究的人物:苏东坡,王维,李白,范增,黄永玉也可以研究你周边的你认为其生活有艺术化特色的人物。学科:英语作业标题:高中英语阅读课 作业 提交者: 许绍菊 (广州市 , 嘉应学院) Unit 7: How Well Can We Listen? byKathleen T. McWhorterI. Teaching objectives: Students wil

17、l be able to:1.use reading strategies to understand the article.2. get the information about role of listening in improving human relationship3. develop students awareness of listening to others.4. find out the meaning of the new words.5. talk about why they should listen to others and what they sho

18、uld do to be a better listener in their own words or the new words and new structures they learnt in the reading .6.write a composition on the topic How to be a good listener? by using the languages they learnt in the text and in their own words.7. develop students autonomous learning ability.II. Re

19、ading strategies:1. Predicting from the title2. Skimming for the main idea3. Predicting from topic sentences4. Reading for key informationIII. Main vocabulary:(省略)IV. Teaching aids: multi-media equipments (computer, slides, PPT,etc.) V. Homework: writing and detailed reading VI. Teaching procedures

20、Lead inStep 1: T. introduces the difference between “hear” and “listen” by asking Ss some questions to make students have a clear idea of Hearing is by ears and listening is by mind and develop the students interest in what is about to be taught. Brainstorming the reasons why we should listen to oth

21、ers to activate students existing knowledge and to encourage them to share their personal experiences or opinions on the theme of the text so that Ss can be interested in the topic and relate it to something they are familiar with.Reference:To gain information. (information is power)To get feed back

22、.To participate in anothers storyTo hear of their experiences and insights.To broaden our horizons (to learn)To create a good relationship.To respect and value others.Pre-readingStep 2 T presents the title of the article and Ss try to predict what it may be about. Reading strategy training: predicti

23、ng from the titlePrediction:1.What will be mentioned about listening in the text?2.The title is a question. How does the title strike you? How will the author try to answer the question? Take a guess.3.If you were given the same title and were asked to write an essay, what ideas would you like to co

24、nvey and how would you arrange them in a coherent way?While-readingProviding time for students to practice reading skills independentlyStep 3: Ss read through the article without details to check their prediction and find out the main ideas for each part ( 4 parts ). Read with a purpose. Read for th

25、e main ideas.Reading strategy training: Skimming and ScanningParts ParagraphsMain Ideas11The rise of the issue: peoples complaints about others not listening; the possible consequences of the problem.22-4The analysis of the reasons for the failure in communication: misunderstanding resulting from po

26、or listening.35-7How we can be good listeners.48Conclusion: restatement of the importance of listening. Step 4 Further UnderstandingFor Part 1 Questions and Answers1. How does the author begin the text?The author begins the text by putting forth the common phenomenon that people complain about other

27、s not listening to them.2. What purpose do the three parallel questions serve? The three parallel rhetorical questions, all beginning with “How often”, actually imply that failure in listening may lead to great harm.For Part 2 Skimming and Scanning1. Scan Paragraphs 24 and provide a summary for each

28、 paragraph.Para. 2: Differences in opinion or misunderstanding may account for human conflicts. Para. 3: Technology and opportunity may not necessarily facilitate human communication, and therefore they are not the key factors for good communication. Para. 4: Good listening may contribute greatly to

29、 successful communication.2. Explain the authors writing techniques in this part.To trace the key factor for good communication, the author excludes the other common factors the general public may think of. He traces the root reason step by step, from the obvious to the in-depth, from the general to

30、 the specific.For Part 3 True or False1. When it comes to listening, physical distractions tend to be more difficult to overcome than mental distractions. (F)2. Lack of interest in the topic may lead the listener to skip unconsciously part of what the speaker is saying. (T)3. A speakers thinking is

31、usually faster than a listeners; therefore, we should speak slowly and clearly when communicating with others. (F)4. In communication, appearance and impression may affect listening. (T) For Part 4 Questions and AnswersThe text ends with the sentence: “When we complain that no one listens to them or

32、 no one understands them, we should be able to provide an acceptable explanation.” What is the significance of the sentence? KEY: The ending sentence implies that if you consider the authors explanation acceptable, you should pay more attention to listening when communicating with others. In that wa

33、y, there will be more mutual understanding and fewer complaints. Step 5: Text Analysis 1. What is the theme of the text?Listening plays an important role in improving human relationships.2. How does the author develop the theme? The rise of the issue (peoples complaints)The reasons: differences in o

34、pinion; misunderstandingFurther reason: lack of good listeningBenefits of good listeningHow to be a good listenerConclusionIII. Post-reading Step 6 Group work: DiscussionGroup 1: discuss with your partner: What should we do to be a better listener? Reference:l We should try to fully understand what

35、the messages the speakers are sending us.l To understand the listener, we have to take what we think and throw it out.l We have to really listen to what they say.l We dont want to paraphrase what we think, we heard; we dont want to assume that we heard sth.l We dont want to distort what we heard.l W

36、e dont want biases or judgments about what we think we are hearing. l It is really important, as a good listener, that you put the stuff to aside, and you actually take in words, hear the information, and then process it. Then, let all the other stuff come back again.l We have to give the speaker a

37、fair shock expressing his or her idea or opinion. Group 2: Discuss with your group members and provide answers to the question:How do you feel when someone really listens to you?Reference:Respected Cared for That youve gained rapport Rewarded Satisfied Sense of achievement Group 3: make a list of th

38、e things we college students can do to be good listeners.Each student thinks of two or more things they can do (e.g. be modest, attentive, tolerant, patient, when communicating with/listening to their parents, teachers, classmates, even strangers and foreigners). Group 4:Suppose you have realized th

39、at your friend misunderstood you and you tried to explain but he/she would not listen to you. What will you do in this situation? How can the misunderstanding be eliminated? Group5: To be a better listener, what else should we do based what we have learned in this two periods?How to be a good listen

40、er?Reference:Do concentrate on what the speaker is saying. Listening is not a passive activity. Dont just listen to the speakers words. Listen for the feeling and the meaning behind the words.Maintain eye contact and use body language to show youre listening. Sit up, lean forward, and look at the sp

41、eakers face. Avoid looking at your watch or around the room.Smile and nod appropriately or give some other clue that you are hearing what is being said.Ask thoughtful questions. A good listener asks good questions to draw out the other person. Give accurate feedback. Let the other person know that y

42、ou can relate. When necessary, repeat what you hear to be sure you really understand.Avoid jumping to conclusionsAvoid hasty judgments and recognize your own prejudice. Leave your emotions behind.Avoid thinking negative thoughts like “This person is so boring!” or “She doesnt need to give so many details.” Listen more talk less. Give your full attention to the speaker. Listen carefully to what is being said. Dont interrupt


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