Unit 3 Is this your eraser 教案_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Is this your eraser? 教案一、单元教材分析本单元围绕“识别物品的所属”,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.; Are these/those your/her/his pens? Yes, they are. No, they arent.”,体会一般疑问句的用法;由形容词性物主代词的用法,到初步学习名词性物主代词的用法;学习如何写“失物招领、寻物启事”,巩固所学单词的拼写“How do you spell pen? P-E-N.”。 通过本单

2、元的教学,使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和失物招领。教师应着力培养学生能在日常交际交往中有效地使用语言实行表达,与他人沟通信息,为今后学习打下坚实的语言基础。本单元与第二单元衔接紧密,由this,that的学习过渡到these, those的学习,由指示一个人、物过渡到指示多个人、物,使学生学会区分远近单复数。二、单元学情分析本单元的主题是识别物品的所属,同时引导学生采用实物演示、课件模拟、小组合作学习和Role playing的学习策略,学习新词汇,掌握重点句型,使学生能比较好地解决类似问题(失物招领、寻物启事),既能提升学生解

3、决问题的水平,又能巩固所学知识。该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生最关心的问题,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。培养学生拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。三、单元教学建议采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用实物演示、教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。四、单元课时分配本单元可用4课时完成教学任务:Section A (1a-2d) 用1课时Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时Sectio

4、n B (1a-2c) 用1课时Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时 Period 1 Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握下列词汇: pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary, his, hers, mine, yours, teacher, excuse me, Youre welcome. 2) 能掌握以下句型: Excuse me. Is this/that? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Excuse me. A

5、re these/those? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. What about ?3) 能初使用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。2. 情感态度价值观目标:通过“识别物品的所属”的学习,让学生们学会爱惜自己的学习物品,养成照看好自己的物品的好习惯,发现不属于自己的物品,应即时归还物品的主人。该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生最关心的问题,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)能口头应用以下句型: Excuse me. Is this/t

6、hat ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Excuse me. Are these/those ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. What about ?2)能初步使用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。2. 教学难点:能初步使用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. Greeting the Ss. Good morn

7、ing! /Hello!/ Hi! .2. Let some Ss show their family photo. Ask: Is this your? Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isnt. Are these/those your? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 3. Collect some items (pen, ruler, cup, book, pencil) from the students and ask: Whats this in English? Whats that in English? (Help t

8、hem answer like this: Its a/an ) Have them work in pairs to practice the questions. 4. Provide more words by showing the students the picture in 1a. T: What can you see in the picture? Collect their answers. Also ask them to finish 1a by themselves. Check their answers. 4. Let Ss read the new words

9、aloud after the teacher. Then try to remember the new words. . Presentation1. Pretend that you dont know whose these things are and ask A: “Is this your book?” And lead him/her to answer: “Yes, it is. Its mine.”Then take another one and ask its owner: “Is this your schoolbag?” Help him/her to answer

10、: “No, it isnt. Its his.” Have the students ask and answer in pairs. (Maybe when they do this, theyll make mistakes, so the teacher come to them and give them help if necessary.) Then ask them to act their dialogues out. Is this your book? Yes, it is. Its mine. Is this your schoolbag? No, it isnt. I

11、ts his/hers.2. Tell Ss: my book = mine; his book = his; her book = hers . ListeningT: Now please listen to the three conversations, the first time you only listen. Then I play again. And this time you listen and number the conversations.(Point to the boxes to show where students write the numbers fo

12、r the conversations. Teacher plays the tape and students listen to it and finish 1b.)T: Lets check the answers, OK? Ss: (from left to right) T: Thank you. . Pair work 1. Get the students to work in pairs to practice these conversations. 2. Ask them to practice in groups. Walk around the classroom to

13、 check pronunciation and intonation. Then call some groups to perform their conversations in front of the class. . Listening 1. Work on 2a.T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)S1: This is S2: This is S3: T: No

14、w please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen to a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Lets see who will do fastest and best.(Play the recording for the students to listen.) (让学生把听到的物品选出来,放在自己的桌子上,让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更易引起学生学习的兴趣。)T: Now lets check the answers

15、. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names, OK?(Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.) 2. Work on 2b. T: Now please read the words. One holds the things, the others read them aloud one by one. (One student holds the things, and the other students s

16、ay the words aloud.)T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line. (Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)T: Lets check the answers. Id like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.

17、(Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.) . Pair work1. T: Now please practice the conversation with your partner. 2. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. 3. T: Now collect some more school things from yo

18、ur classmates. Then make a new conversation with your partner. Then practice your conversation.4. Ask some pairs stand up and act out their dialogue using the school things they collected. . Presentation1. Take a pen and a dictionary from S1. Then ask another S2. (S1= Li Ming, S2= Sun Tao)T: Is this

19、 your pen, Li Ming? S1: No, it isnt. Its his. T: This is not Li Mings pen. Its Sun Taos pen. (Write Li Mings, Sun Taos on the blackboard. Tell Ss this knowledge is “名词所有格”,It is the same as my, his, her, your .) T: Then what about this dictionary? Is this your dictionary, Li Ming? S2: No, it isnt. I

20、ts Sun Taos. (This time help S2 answer the question with “Sun Taos”)2. Let Ss understand the using of “名词所有格”, and repeat the sentences: This is not Li Mings pen. Its Sun Taos. What about this dictionary? Its Sun Taos. . Role-play 1. Read the conversation and underline the school things in the dialo

21、gue. (Ss read the dialogue and underline the school things. Check their answers with their partner.)2. Now look at the screen. Read the conversation again and match the things with its owner. (Ss read the conversation and match the things with its owner. Check their answers with their partner.) 3. L

22、et Ss read the dialogue after the teacher. Then let Ss practice the conversation. 4. Ask some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. 5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达水平实行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后实行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)Homework: 1. Let Ss collect their school things and try to say them in Engl

23、ish.2. Collect some things from your classmates. And make a conversation with your partner.Period 2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 总结归纳辨认物品的所有者所用的句型。 Excuse me. Is this/that ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Excuse me. Are these/those ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.2) 根据不同场景,能用英语对物品的

24、所属实行提问和回答。3) 培养学生听、说、读、写的水平及创新思维水平。2. 情感态度价值观目标:通过展开小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,相互学习、相互协助,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 总结归纳辨认物品的所有者所用的句型。2)通过实行不同形式的对话练习来熟练使用辨认物品所有者的句型,同时复习所学的学习用品的词汇。2. 教学难点:总结归纳辨认物品的所有者所用的句型;熟练使用这些句型。三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision1. Greeting the Ss and Check the homework. 2. (Ask Ss to put som

25、e school things on their desks.) Let some Ss stand up and say what school things they have. 3. T walks around the classroom, pick up the things and ask about them. T: Is this your pen? S1: Yes, it is. Its mine. T: Is this your eraser? S2: No, it isnt. Its hers. T: Are these your books? S3: Yes, they

26、 are. T: Are those your rulers? S4: No, they arent. They are his. . Grammar Focus. 1. 阅读指导:1)老师总结已学过的辨认物品的所有者所用的句型。第一类为辨认单个物品时,较近处的用Is this; 较远处的用Is that;回答用Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 第二类为介绍多个物品时,较近处的用Are these ; 较远处的用Are those 回答用Yes, they are. / No, they arent.2)物主代词分为两类,一类是形容词性物主代词,另一类为名词性物主代词。 在

27、用法上形容词性物主代词 + 名词 = 名词性物主代词 2. 学生阅读并完成下列句子。(可借助课件来完成此任务) 这是你的铅笔吗?_ _ your pencil? 是的。它是我的。Yes, _ _. Its _. 那是你的书包吗?_ _ your schoolbag? 不是。它是他/她的。No, _ _. Its _/_. 这是他的绿色钢笔吗? _ this _ _ pen? 不是。那只蓝色钢笔是他的。 No, _ _. The _ _ is _. 这些是你的书吗?_ _ your books? 是的。/ 不是。Yes, _ _. /No, _ _. 那些是她的钥匙吗?_ _ her _? 不是

28、。它们是她的。No. _ hers. 3. 掌握下列缩写形式 it is = _ they are = _ is not = _ are not = _ that is = _ name is = _ . Practice 1. T: Lets work on 3a. Look at the pictures in 3a. We can see the first picture is close to us, but the second picture is a little far from us. When we ask about them, we must pay attentio

29、n to the use of this, that, these and those. 2. Now try to complete the questions and answers about each picture. 3. Check the answers with the class. 4. Explanation: this/these “这,这个/这些”,用于指代在时间或空间上说话人较近的人或物。 that/those “那,那个/那些”,用于指代在时间或空间上说话人较远的人或物。. Practice 1. Lets work on 3b. T: Read the quest

30、ions and complete the answers. You should pay attention to this/that and these/those。 2. Ss read the questions and answer the questions with their partner. Then write down their answers in the blanks. 3. Check the answers with the class. . Game 1. Divide the Ss into five or six groups. Each group ha

31、s six to eight students. All the students in a group put some of their school things into a box. (T makes a model for the Ss.)T: I have many things in this box. But Im sorry I dont know whose these are. Could you help me find the owners? Lets see who can find all the owners first and write the owner

32、s names in the chart. You only have two guesses. Language used for the task:T: Is this your math book?S1: Yes, it is. Its mine.T: Is that your ruler?S2: No, it isnt. Its hers. My ruler is blue. T: Kim, is this your dictionary?S3: No, it isnt. Its his. T: Jim, are these your erasers? S4: Yes, they ar

33、e. They are mine. T: Here you are.S4: Thank you. . ExercisesDo some more exercises. (使用多媒体课件来做更多的练习题来巩固所学的知识)Homework 1. Review the Grammar Focus again.2. Play the game with your friends after class. Then write down the conversation on your workbook. Period 3 Section B 1a-2c 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握下

34、列词汇:baseball, watch, computer game, ID card, notebook, ring, bag, library, lost, at, call 理解下列词汇:ask, some, found, classroom, e-mail2) 掌握下列句型: Whats this? Its a watch. How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.3) 能够使用目标语言询问东西的所属,或者寻找物品的主人。4) 能够读懂一些简单的招领和寻物启示。 2. 情感态度价值观目标:通过学习“询问物品所属”及阅读“寻物启事和失物招领”。既能够提升学生遇到类似

35、挫折时的解决问题的水平,激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。又能培养学生拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)学习新词汇及询问如何拼写词汇的句型。2)通过听、说的训练来让学生熟练掌握询问物品的所属或寻找物品的主人。3)阅读一些简单的招领和寻物启示,并能获得相关信息。2. 教学难点:阅读一些简单的招领和寻物启示,并能获得相关信息。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.2. Review the school things we learned in Section

36、 A. Let Ss say the school things they have.3. Pick up some school things from the students desk and ask about them. (Using this, that, these, those) Let other students answer the questions. They must say the owner the things. T: Is this Li Meis ruler? Ss: Yes, it is. Its hers. T: Is that Li Meis pen

37、cil? Ss: No, it isnt. Its Wu Mings. T: Are these Li Meis pens? Ss: Yes, they are. Theyre hers. T: Are those Li Taos books? Ss: No, they arent. Theyre Zhang Bins. . Presentation1. T: Look at the picture.(Show students a picture of a watch.)T: Whats this in English? Its a watch.(Ask a student) Whats t

38、his in English?S1: Its a watch.T: Good. (Ask another student.) Whats this in English?S2: Its a watch.T: How do we spell watch? (Show students the spelling.)W-A-T-C-H, watch. Read after me, please.S3: W-A-T-C-H, watch. 2. (Teach the other words “baseball, computer game, key, notebook, ring and ID car

39、d” in the same way.) T: Lets say the words again. Whats this in English?(Show the words random. Ask questions like this.)S4: Its a key.T: How do you spell it? S4: K-E-Y. Practice 1. T: Now look at the 1a. Here are some new words in the box and some pictures below the box. Match the words with the th

40、ings in the picture. Ss: OK. (Ss work with their partners try to match the words with the things in the picture.) 2. Check the answers. 3. T: Now please work with your partner, practice the conversation in 1b. Use the pictures in 1a.(Students practice the conversation. As students work, the teacher

41、moves around and help them.) 4. Ask some pairs to act out the conversation. . Listening 1. Work on 1c. T: Listen to the conversation. Pay special attention to the names of objects. You will hear some of the names, not all of them. Circle on the picture each item whose name is mentioned in the conver

42、sations.(Play the recording twice. Students listen and circle the items.)T: Lets check the answers, OK?S1: T: Who would like to say the circled words again?S2: (Check the answers with the class)2. Work on 1d.T: Please look at the two pictures in 2b. One is Linda, and the other is Mike. Listen to the

43、 conversations again. This time you will pay attention to the things Linda and Mike are looking for. Then write down the names of the things under each persons picture.(Play the recording for the students to write down the words.) T: Well, what is Linda looking for?S3: T: What about Mike? What is he

44、 looking for?S4: (Check the answers with the class) . Pair work 1. Now lets make conversations about the things in 1d. Suppose you are Linda and your partner is Mike. Make a conversation and practice it. Then you can change roles. Your partner is Linda and you are Mike. Make another conversation aga

45、in and practice it. 2. Ss make conversations as the teacher asks. 3. Let some pairs act out their conversations. . Writing 1. We all have many school things. We always lose some school things easily. Now discuss the school things you lose easily with your partner. Write them down on your workbook. T

46、hen report them to the class.2. Ss work with their partners. 3. Let some Ss report their things to the class. . Presentation(Using pictures or showing Ss pictures on the screen)1. T: Now look at the screen. This is our school library. Is it a nice library?Ss: Yes, it is. T: This is our classroom. Is

47、 this a nice classroom? Ss: Yes, it is. (Write library and classroom on the blackboard) 2. T: My phone number is So you can call me at And my e-mail address is E. So you can e-mail me at E. right?(Write “call me at” and “e-mail me at” on the

48、blackboard)3. Let the students read and try remember the new words and expressions. . Reading1. T: Have you ever picked up others things or lost anything? What are they?S1: I lost a backpack.S2: I picked up a pen.T: Good. What will you do with these things? How did you return or find them? Have a di

49、scussion with your partner.T: If you lost something, what should you do? You can answer it in English or Chinese.S1: Call “110”.S2: Tell the teacher about it.S3: Ask my classmate to help me look for it.S4: Tell my parents.S5: 寻物启事。T: You are great! Here are four notices on the board. Read the notice

50、s and circle the lost things. 2. Let some Ss say the answers.3. Read the notices again and write down the items. Then check () Lost or Found. 4. 阅读指导 在第一条信息中,开头是Lin Hai,结尾是Mike,由常识可知是Mike给Lin Hai的留言条,关键句“Is it yours?它是你的吗?”,可知是Mike拾到的该物。故此条是Found条。 由第二条信息中的第一句话“Is this your watch?”,可知是John捡到的手表。故此条也

51、是Found条。 第三条和第四信息中明确有Found和Lost的说明,故较容易确定。5. Check the answers with the class. Homework 1. Remember the new words we learned today. 2. 认真阅读下面 “失物启事”与“招领启事”并完成后面的句子。Lost My school ID card. My name is Mike. Please call 263-1412. Found New watch. Is this your watch? Please call Ann. Phone 553-7618. _ l

52、ost the school ID card? You can call _ to get the new watch back? Mikes telephone number is _? _ found the new watch?Period 4 Section B 3a-Self Check 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1)总结复习所学过的相关学习用品的英语词汇。2)总结复习形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词,并了解它们的用法。3) 能够使用目标语言询问东西的所属,或者寻找物品的主人。4) 在老师的指点协助下能够写一些简单的招领和寻物启示。2. 情感态度价值观目标:通过学习“询问物

53、品所属”及写作“寻物启事和失物招领”。既能够提升学生遇到类似挫折时的解决问题的水平,激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。又能培养学生拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)总结复习相关学习用品的词汇。2)通过读、写的训练来让学生熟练掌握询问物品的所属或寻找物品的主人。3)写作一些简单的招领和寻物启示。2. 教学难点:指导学生写作一些简单的招领和寻物启示。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.2. Review the school things we learne

54、d in Section B. Let Ss say the school things they have.3. Pick up some school things (learned in Section B) from the students desk and ask about them. (Using this, that, these, those) Let other students answer the questions. They must say the owner the things. T: Is this Li Meis schoolbag? S1: Yes,

55、it is. Its hers. T: Is that Li Meis notebook? Ss: No, it isnt. Its Wu Mings. T: Are these Li Meis ID card? Ss: Yes, they are. Theyre hers. T: Are those Li Taos computer games? Ss: No, they arent. Theyre Zhang Bins. . Presentation (Show a set of keys to the Ss.) T: These are some keys. This is a set of keys. (Write on the blackboard.) a set of 一套;一幅;一组 a set of stamps 一套邮票 a bag of 一袋子 a bag of rice 一袋大米 a bag of apples 一袋苹果 . Writing 1. Lets work on 3a. Here are two notices but som


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