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1、Situation One Establishing a company,back,next,home,Objectives,Learn some knowledge about business management Know how to write a company profile Know how to make a business card Be familiar with various types of business corporations Know how to give a company presentation Understand more about cor

2、porate culture Know how to establish an import and export company Design a company logo, create a piece of ad Develop a marketing plan,back,next,home,Step 4 Naming your co.,Step 3 Selecting your product,Step 2 Developing a plan,Step 1 Establishing your co,Step 5 Composing a co. profile,Tips,Learning

3、 expansion,back,next,home,Step 1 Establishing your own I/E company,back,next,home,What is a company?,Company: A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. In its broadest sense, a company is an aggregation of people who stay together for a common purpose. Corpo

4、ration: A corporation is a large business or company.,back,next,home,1Cautions to run an export company,Before you start your own company, do you know how to run a company? Decide which are DOS and which are DONTS.,back,next,home,(1)Learn how your best competitors are handling international trade. (

5、2)Have an understanding of import/export financing. (3)Take international trade classes at the college level. (4)Visit trade shows and trade missions. See . (5)Investigate the potential opportunities and benefits of international trade.,back,next,home,(6)Rely on a single source of supply / customer.

6、 (7)Have an understanding of intellectual property rights. (8)Join an international trade association specializing in your business. (9)Personally visit your offshore suppliers / customers. (10)Take advantage of online resources such as /oit.,back,next,home,(11)Inspect and approve merchan

7、dise before it is shipped. (12)Consider hiring an international trade consultant. (13)Become personally familiar with all monetary transactions. (14)Rely on handshake agreements. (15)Rely solely on others including employees for importing/ exporting expertise.,back,next,home,(16)Provide dispute sett

8、lement provisions. (17)Make assumptions as to vendors compliance with your specifications. (18)Check out your suppliers/customers before establishing relationship. (19)Use a trade lawyer for agent and distributor agreements and licensing requirements. (20)To begin, start on a very small scale.,back,

9、next,home,Answer,back,next,home,2.The organization of a company,Search the internet and find out about the organization of a small I/E company and a large corporation. Then fill in the blanks with proper names.,back,next,home,A small I/E company,back,next,home,Deputy manager, 2 salesmen/women,A larg

10、e corporation,back,next,home,domestic operations, personnel, purchasing, financial, production, dispatch, sales, overseas sales, R information on your products or services; an analysis of the target market and industry, including trends and forecasts; an examination of the competition And their stre

11、ngths and weaknesses in contrast to your own; international marketing strategies, including customer profiling and the development of sales and distribution channels; employment and training issues; financial requirements and forecasts; and much more.,back,next,home,(3) Conduct research to find the

12、right market There are two main types of market research. Secondary market research consists of information collection from published sources (books, newspapers, market reports, studies, and periodicals) and the Internet. Primary market research frequently involves personal contact techniques such a

13、s interviews and consultations and is best attempted after you have familiarized yourself with the potential market through your secondary research efforts.,back,next,home,(4) Devise marketing strategies for your target market The basic marketing formulathe four “Ps” of product, price, promotion and

14、 place is just the beginning when it comes to international marketing. Your plan will need to address many other factors, such as payment (international transactions and currency exchanges), paperwork (increased documentation), practices (different cultural, social and business styles), partnerships

15、 (strategic alliances to strengthen your market presence) and protection (increased risks relating to payment, intellectual property or travel) and many more. Understanding all these facets of international business will transform your marketing plan into marketing action.,back,next,home,(5) Enter t

16、he market The research is complete and the Export and marketing plans have been devised. You feel ready to enter the market and are seeking the best strategy to reach potential customers. There are as many market entry strategies as there are markets; however, these strategies can be loosely grouped

17、 into three categories.,back,next,home,Direct exports, as the name implies, involve direct marketing and selling to the client. In a reasonably accessible market such as the United States, direct exporting of products or services may be a viable option. But in less familiar markets, with different l

18、egal and regulatory environments, business practices, customs and preferences, direct exporting may not be an option.,back,next,home,Indirect exporting is frequently used to enter new markets. Businesses selling products enter into an agreement with an agent, distributor or a trading house for the p

19、urpose of selling (or marketing and selling) the products in the target market. Due diligence is critical when selecting an agent or distributor for indirect exporting.,back,next,home,The third market entry strategy involves strategic partnerships with other companies or individuals with complementa

20、ry skills and capabilities. A partner can often provide the insight, contacts and expertise that fill the gap in your export readiness.,back,next,home,(6) Get your product or service to market Every market has its own set of rules and regulations covering safety, health, security, packaging and labe

21、ling, customs and duties among other things. Additionally, these rules and regulations may vary depending on the product or service you are exporting. Product-based businesses with shipping requirements will benefit from developing a relationship with a freight forwarding company and a customs broke

22、r.,back,next,home,(7) Explore financing options While there are overnight export success stories, most companies must be prepared to invest both time and financial resources to see the return on their investment and the subsequent success. Consequently, financial stability and a secure cash flow are

23、 important during this period.,back,next,home,In some cases, businesses can rely on their domestic sales to sustain their early export efforts. If this is not possible, it is a good idea to know what financing options are available. Exporters must develop a financial plan to understand and address t

24、he diverse costs associated with exporting, complete with a two- to three-year cash budget to cover expenses and a capital budget.,back,next,home,(8) Understand the legal and regulatory issues There are numerous international conventions, treaties and national, regional and municipal rules that can

25、affect your ability to operate successfully in foreign markets. Exporters may also encounter disputes with agents or distributors, clients or creditors. It is important to understand your rights and obligations when resolving disputes, selling goods or services and protecting intellectual property.,

26、back,next,home,(9) Put it into practice You have committed yourself to exporting. You have the skills and the resources to undertake the challenge. You have researched the market and prepared your export plan, international marketing plan and financial plan. Your market entry strategy is clear and t

27、he support system (i.e. freight forwarder, customs broker, financial lenders, and legal advisors) is in place. You have gone through the export process step-by-step and feel confident that you have covered all the bases. Now, it is time to put all this skill and knowledge to use. The world is waitin

28、g for your product or service!,back,next,home,Learning expansion,back,next,home,Reading 1,Service Business In a company brochure IBM states that it is the largest service business in the world. Through its Global Services division, IBM offers product support services, professional consulting service

29、s, and network computing services around the globe. Many businesses have outsourced entire service functions to IBM, counting on the company to provide the services better than anyone else.,翻译,back,next,home,brochure brEuFuE n.小册子 e.g. Ill send you the brochure right away. 我会把公司简介即刻给您寄去。,back,next,h

30、ome,division diviVEn n.部门 e.g. He works in the foreign division of the company. 他在公司的外事部工作。,back,next,home,outsource autsR:s v.外购 e.g. We outsource all our computing work. 我们把全部计算机技术工作包给外边做。,back,next,home,译文 服务性企业 在公司简介上,IBM声称它是世界上最 大的服务性企业。通过遍布全球的服务体 系,IBM向全世界提供产品售后服务、专业 的咨询服务以及网络计算机服务。很多公司 将整套的服务

31、业务都外包给IBM,指望其提供 比其他公司更好的服务。,back,next,home, Currently the services side of IBM brings in $43 billion, over half the companys total revenue. The services strategy has been very successful for IBM to date and promises to be the engine of growth into the future. Going forward, IBMs strategy is to focus

32、 on total solutions and to be a truly valued, trusted, and indispensable partner for its key clients. This strategy means providing clients with total service solutions in such wide-ranging areas as human resources, marketing, product design, and customer relationship management.,翻译,back,next,home,r

33、evenue revinju: n.收入 e.g. Rent is one form of revenue. 房租是一种收入。,back,next,home,indispensable indispensEbl adj.必不可少的 e.g. The computer is now an indispensable tool in many businesses. 目前计算机是很多公司不可或缺的用具。,back,next,home,client klaiEnt n. 客户 e.g. The manager said (that) he believed (that) the client wou

34、ld come next week. 经理说他相信客户下周会来的。,back,next,home, 目前该公司的服务业务每年为公司带来430亿美元的收入,占公司收入总额的一半以上。迄今为止,IBM主打的服务策略一直十分成功,并将推动其走向未来。随着公司的进步与发展,IBM采取了这样的策略-全力将自己打造成对客户真正有价值的、值得信赖的和必不可少的合作伙伴。这样一个战略策略意味着给客户提供人力资源、市场销售、产品设计和客户管理等全方位的服务。,back,next,home, No one in IBM would suggest that these positive results have

35、been easily achieved. Switching from a manufacturing to a service and customer focus is indeed a challenge. It requires changes in management mind-set, changes in culture, changes in the ways people work and are rewarded, and new ways of implementing customer solutions.,翻译,back,next,home,switch swit

36、F v.转换 e.g. The current will switch over after I push this button. 我按下这个按钮之后,电流会被转换。,back,next,home, IBM的公司员工没有人会认为这样一个结果是轻而易举得来的。从注重生产制造转向注重服务和客户维护,这确实是一个挑战。它要求改变管理理念、企业文化、员工工作方式和奖励措施,并用新方法解决客户问题。,back,next,home, At IBM this change has evolved over decades. It is suggested that Louis Gerstners lega

37、cy at IBM may well be the definitive switch that the company has made from hardware to services and the strategic focus on customers. Many companies (such as Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, and Cisco) have viewed IBMs success and are attempting to make the same transition to services. It is not a

38、s easy as it looks.,back,next,home,翻译,legacy legEsi n.遗产 e.g. These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。,back,next,home,transition trAnziFEn n. 过渡 e.g. We hope there will be a peaceful transition to the new system. 我们希望能够和平过渡到新的制度。,back,next,home, 在IBM,这样一个转变已经进行了几十年。有人认为路易斯

39、郭士纳给IBM公司留下的最大遗产就是使公司的重心从硬件开发决定性地转向技术服务和至关重要的 顾客上。 很多公司(比如惠普公司、太阳微系统公司、思科公司)都注意到了IBM的成功,并且也努力转向提供技术 服务,但这并不像表面看起来那样容易。,back,next,home, In moving into services, companies discover what service businesses such as hospitality, consulting, health care, financial services, and telecommunications have kno

40、wn for years: services marketing and management are different- not totally unique, but different. Selling and delivering a computer is not the same as selling and delivering a service that solves a customers problem.,翻译,back,next,home,hospitality hRspitAlEti n. 殷勤、款待 e.g. Thank you for your gracious

41、 hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。,back,next,home,unique ju:ni:k v.独一无二的 e.g. He occupies a unique place in English literature. 他在英国文学中占有独特的地位。,back,next,home, 在转向技术服务的过程中,公司发现像食宿招待、咨询服务、健康医疗、金融和电信等服务内容多年来已被大家熟知。而为市场营销和管理提供服务确实不比寻常,虽不是独一无二,却也与众不同。销售并提供一项服务与销售并运送一台计算机是不同的,因为前者切实解决了客户的问题。,back,next,home,Exercis

42、es,Decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) or not mentioned in the text (NM). ( ) IBM is a computer company that pays no attention to the service business. ( ) IBM provides its service business with the help of other businesses. ( ) The services strategy has promised

43、 to be the driving force for IBMs development in the future. ( ) Hewlett-Packard has viewed IBMs success and is attempting to be better than IBM. ( ) What Louis Gerstner regrets is the switch that the company has made from hardware to services and the strategic focus on customers. A: F F T NM F,back

44、,next,home,B. Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the text.,By saying “IBMs strategy is to focus on total solutions” the author means that _. A. IBM is focusing on new strategies to solve its problem in computer business. B. The best solution for IBMs problem is to go f

45、orward and made more contributions to hardware development. C. IBM will go all out and completely solve all the problems on its way to success.,back,next,home,What service does IBM offers through its Global Services division? A. It offers human resources, marketing, product design, and customer rela

46、tionship management. B. It offers product support services, professional consulting services, and network computing services around the globe. C. It offers consulting, health care, financial services, and telecommunications.,back,next,home,According to the third paragraph, Louis Gerstner might be _.

47、 A. a famous professor in the field of business management B. a government official in charge of business properties C. a former leader of IBM.,back,next,home,In the passage, which of the following changes is NOT included in switching from manufacturing to service business? A. changes in the ways pe

48、ople are rewarded. B. changes in the ways of delivering a computer. C. changes in the companys traditional thought.,back,next,home,C. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,dorm, realize, fine, true, simple, experience, comfort, invite He has never been away

49、from home. So being homesick is a new _ to him. She is new here. She doesnt know the way to her_ . I have a nice, _ room on the third floor. I soon _ that I had made a silly mistake. Mr White has got a wedding _ from his friend in Paris. Could you tell me the _ about it? The store-owner _ $500 for s

50、elling goods of low quality. He _ told her that he worked for the corporation.,back,next,home,1. experience 2. dorm 3. comfortable, 4. realized 5. invitation 6. truth 7. was fined 8. simply,Reading 2,What is a Corporation Not all businesses are corporations. Small ventures can be owned and managed b

51、y a single individual. These are called sole proprietorships. In other cases several people may join to own and manage a partnership.,翻译,back,next,home,sole sEul adj.唯一的,仅有的 e.g. He has the sole agency for Ford car. 他有福特汽车的独家代理权。,back,next,home,proprietorship prEpraiEtEFip n.所有权 e.g. The paper makes

52、 an attempt to correct the errors incurring in the understanding about proprietorship and ownership system. 多年来人们在所有权与所有制认识上存在误区。,back,next,home,partnership pB:tnEFip n.合股关系 e.g. They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定终止合作关系。,back,next,home,公 司, 不是所有的企业都是公司。小的商业投资可以被一个单独个体所拥有和管理,这些就叫做独资企业。另外,

53、几个人还可以共同拥有和管理一个合伙企业。,back,next,home, Almost all large and medium-sized businesses are organized as corporations. For example, General Motors, Bank of America, Microsoft, and General Electric are corporations. So are overseas businesses, such as British Petroleum, Unilever, Nestle, Volkswagen, and So

54、ny. In each case, the firm is owned by stockholders who hold shares in the business.,翻译,back,next,home,General Electric 美国通用电气公司 (General Electric Company),世界上最大的提供技术和服务业务的跨国公司。现任董事长及首席执行官(CEO)是杰夫伊梅尔特。,back,next,home,petroleum pitrEuliEm n.石油 e.g. Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits. 印尼的石油蕴藏

55、量丰富。,back,next,home, 几乎所有的大中型企业都是以公司的形式组织起来的。例如,通用汽车、美国银行、微软和通用电气都是公司。外国企业(指美国本土以外的企业)也同样如此,如英国石油、联合利华、雀巢、大众汽车和索尼。在每种情况下,企业都被持有股份的股东所拥有。,back,next,home, Although the stockholders own the corporation they do not manage it. Instead, they vote to elect a Board of directors. Some of these directors may

56、be drawn from top management, but others are non-executive directors, who are not employed by the firm.,翻译,back,next,home,Board of directors 董事会 董事会由股东会或企业职工股东大会选举产生,由两个以上的董事组成,它是业务执行的权力机关、企业的法定代表,又称为管理委员会或执行委员会,对公司股东大会负责并报告工作。对股东大会所作的决定,董事会必须执行,除法律和章程规定应由股东大会行使的权力之外,其他事项均可由董事会决定。,back,next,home, 股东

57、拥有公司,但他们不管理公司,而是通过投票选出董事会。某些董事可能会从最高管理层中被选拔出来,但是另一些董事是非执行董事,他们不受雇于企业。,back,next,home, The board of directors represents the shareholders. It appoints top Management and is supposed to ensure that managers act in the shareholders best interests.,back,next,home,翻译,is supposed to 认为必须,认为应该 e.g. We are

58、supposed to be there at six. 我们应该是在六点钟到那里。,back,next,home, 董事会代表股东的利益,负责任命最高管理层,并确保经营者的行为能保障股东的最大利益。,back,next,home, Unlike partnerships and sole proprietorships, corporations have limited liability, which means that stockholders cannot be held personally responsible for the firms debts. When Enron and WorldCom went belly-up in 2002two of the largest bankruptcies everno one demanded that their stockholders put up more money to cover the companies debts. Stockholders can lose their entire investment, but no more.,翻译,back,nex


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