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1、你会打算盘吗?(什么名词) Do you know how to work an abacus.(C)他放弃了他的想法。 He abandoned the idea.离弃将沉的船。 Abandon the sinking ship.抛弃孩子。 To abandon child.他们沉溺于饮酒 thay abandon themselves to drinking.我不在北京期间,请你帮我看房子 Please look after my house during my absence from Beijing.A.D.is the abbreviation for “advertisement”

2、 A.D是advertisement的缩写Abduct woman 拐带妇女人有说话的能力 Man has the ability to speak.更适合他能力的工作A job more suited to his abilities我会尽全力照顾他们I take care of them to the best of my abilities.他是一位有才干的老师He is an able teacher.他当然会做饭He is certainly able to cook.在十二月里,如此温暖的天气太不正常。 This warm weather is abnormal for Decem

3、ber.废除奴隶制Abolish slavery天有不测风云There are abrupt weather changes.险峰An abrupt peak.他的态度非常无礼He had a very abrupt manner.他突然打断我He interrupted us abruptly.他不在北京He is absent from Beijing他外出了,现在在北京He is absent in Beijing.有些国家从来不下雪(缺乏)Snow is absent in some countries.他一副心不在焉的表情He had an absent look on his fa

4、ce.他昨天没有出席会议He absented himself from the meeting yesterday.没有绝对的准则There are no absolute rules.他实行独裁统治He ruled with absolute power这对于纯粹的初学者们不太适应Its not reall suited to absolute beginners.约翰拿出了我们需要的确凿证据John brought the absolute proof that we needed.John完成,绝对正确John is absolutely right这些银行将被迫承担那些巨大的损失Th

5、e banks would be forced to absorb large losses.你的脑袋能吸收这全部信息吗?Can your brain absorb all this information?她专心学习She was absorbed in study.减少震动absorb the shock光线被黑色表面吸收Light rays are absorbed by black surfaces.这些小公司被大企业联盟兼并了。The small firms were absorbed into large cartels.从几条抽象的原则开始Starting with a few

6、abstract principles.抽象名词Abstract noun抽象画,艺术Abstract painting .art他的抽象画被纳入到很多收藏中His abstracts are held in numerous collections.摘要,抽象概念,抽象物Abstract从橘子中提取液汁To abstract juice from orange.写一篇文章的摘要Abstract an essay她企图转移我对工作的注意力She tried to abstract my attention from my work那人从我口袋里偷走了一支笔That man abstracted

7、 a pen from my pocket.使时间,空间,物质的概念抽象化To abstract the notions of time, space and matter在抽象意义上In the abstract.我会说堕胎是一个悲剧.That abortion is a tragedy该项目是一彻底的失败This project is a completeabortion这种病毒可能导致怀孕动物流产。The virus can cause pregnant animals toabort医生只好将胎儿引产。The doctor had toabortthe baby.上尉指示他们中止执行任

8、务。The captain instructed them toabortthe mission.他戒酒了。 He abstains from wine.我弃权不投票。 Iabstainedfrom voting不合理的推论。Absurd reasoning相信数字13会带来厄运是荒诞不经的。It is absurd to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck印尼的石油蕴藏量丰富。Indonesia isabundantin petroleum deposits.森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。There isabundantfirewood in th

9、e forest去年玉米丰收There was anabundanceof corn last year.宴会中有丰富的食物和饮料。At the party there is food and drink inabundance.人容易滥用权力.Its easy toabuseones power他虐待他的妻子和孩子。Heabusedhis wife and children.相互辱骂to abuse each other政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题 The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of

10、drugabuse.他见到我就连声辱骂He greeted me with a stream ofabuse这不仅仅是一个学术问题。Thisisnot merelyanacademicquestion.依我良好的学术背景,我能胜任。 With my strongacademicbackground, I am competent.他是一所音乐学院的学生He is a student in anacademyof music.他被科学院开除了。He was expelled from theAcademyof Sciences.增进国际间的和平与友谊to accelerate internati

11、onal peace and friendship加速经济增长(或发展)to accelerate economic growth热使反应加速。The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated那辆汽车突然加速。The car suddenly accelerated.他有很重的美国口音。HehasastrongAmericanaccent重音落在第三个音节上。Theaccentfalls on the third syllable政府注重轻工业。The Government put theaccenton light industry请重读第一个音节

12、。Pleaseaccentthe first syllable女性用化妆品来突出眼部。The womenaccenttheir eyes with make-up.他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。Theyacceptedresponsibility for the accident我们给他一件礼物,但他不肯接受。We gave him a present,but he did notacceptit她同意了法官的判决。sheacceptedthe judges decision.他的建议被采纳了。His proposal was accepted这家旅馆承兑旅行支票The hotelaccep

13、tstravellers cheque.这个问题的解决方案是可接受的The solution to this problem isacceptable恭维话总是受欢迎的。Compliments are alwaysacceptable这个建议得到普遍的认可The proposal met with generalacceptance她礼物的接受使他勇气倍增Heracceptanceof the gift encouraged him这当中银行承兑汇票起到了至关重要的作用。Bankacceptancebill played essential function in this process.只

14、有高级官员才可以接近总统Only high officials haveaccessto the president那个山区的人们过去没有受教育的机会People in that mountain area had noaccessto education到那座大楼的唯一通道就是沿这条小路走。The onlyaccessto that building is along the track我们连不上网We cantaccessthe Internet但是如何访问这些内容?Buthow do youaccessthisdata?中国加入世贸组织也是世贸组织本身的需要。Chinasaccessio

15、nto the WTO is also required by the WTO itself他就任这一重要职务是一个重大事件Hisaccessionto the important post was a big event.他让我给他买些汽车附件He asked me to buy him someaccessoriesfor a car.他是汤姆的帮凶。He is Tomsaccessory.他在用呼吸辅助肌进行呼吸.Hewasusinghisaccessorymusclesofrespiration.这是一件很偶然的事。It is quiet an accident.他在一起交通事故中丧生

16、。He was killed in a traffic.我意外的在拥挤的公交车上遇到她。I met her by accident in the crowded bus.我们平安地归来了。We got back without accident.这完全是一次偶然的相会It was anaccidentalmeeting.他在作文里发现了一个意外的错误。He discovered anaccidentalerror in his composition.过了一会儿,她的眼睛才能适应黑暗。 Her eyes took a while toaccommodateto the darkness.这旅馆

17、可供500位来宾住宿This hotel canaccommodateup to 500 guests这个房间不够大,容纳不了这么多人Thisroomisnotbigenoughtoaccomodatesomanypeople.如情况需要,我们可以安排六个人的住处We can provideaccommodationfor six people at a push他们同邻国和解了Theyreached anaccommodationwithneighboringcountries.她要求我陪她到机场去。She asked me toaccompanyher to the airport闪电通常

18、伴有雷声。Lightning usuallyaccompaniesthunder.在那名歌手的眼里,她伴奏得精彩极了In the singers eyes,sheaccompaniedmagnificently.完成使命to accomplish ones mission我们花了一个月才行完旅程。It took us a month to accomplish the journey.你必须有一个你想要在这一周完成的目标。Youshouldhaveonegoalthatyouwant toaccomplishthisweek.调解争端to accord disputes他受到了应有的表扬。He

19、 was accorded the praise due him.他心口一致。His words are inaccordwith his ideas我们所了解的情况与他的报告不一致。Our information does not accord with his reports.权利的授予是长大成人的最重要的事情之一。Theaccordanceof rights is one of the most important things when you are grown up.他按照自己的信念行事。He acted inaccordancewith his beliefs从这些数字来看,我们

20、的公司经营得不错。Accordingto these figures, our company is doing well.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。He was asked to leave the city andaccordinglyhe went这部影片中的手风琴音乐不是很好.Theaccordionmusic in the film isnt very beautiful.请查一下我的账户余额Id like to check the balance in myaccountplease他详细描述了那个灾难性夜晚所发生的事He gave a detailedaccountof

21、what happened on the fateful night.部长们应该对他们的行为作出解释 Ministers should be called toaccountfor their actions.他们总共占不到总人口的5%。Together theyaccountfor less than five per cent of the population.为了成为会计师,他上夜校学习.He was going to college at night, in order to become anaccountant.董事长将任命你做他的助理.The president willacc

22、redityou as his assistant.我们把电灯的发明归功于爱迪生Weaccreditthe invention of the electric light to Adison.任何受权用户都可经由过程收集获得相干视频信息Anyaccreditusers can get relevant video information through the network.高专业性的内容能让客户更加的信任您. Tallprofessionalcontentcaninviteaclientmoreaccredityou.我们相信是他找到那本书的.Weaccredithimwithfindin

23、gthatbook.他从派驻到现在,已三年有余.Hefromaccredittonow,already3yearssuperabundant.他们开始积累大量的资料。They set out toaccumulatea huge mass of data新闻广播准确可靠但却非常枯燥。Broadcast news wasaccurateand reliable but deadly dull.请核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误Check theaccuracyof everything in your CV他被控告杀了人。Theaccusationwas that he had murdere

24、d a man.他被指责为不称职。He wasaccusedof incompetence.他不得不使自己习惯于寒冷的天气。He had toaccustomhimself to the cold weather.你会很快习惯于这个工作的。You will get accustomed to the job.他浑身痛He aches all over.他渴望参加比赛He was aching to join in the game.我后背疼I have an ache in the back.我希望做到的,我仅完成了一半。Iveachievedonly half of what Id hope

25、d to do努力和成就总是相辅相承的 Effort andachievementare always in full accord酸与碱反应生成盐。Acids react with bases to form salts如果尝着太酸的话就多放点糖Add more sugar if it tastes tooacid我们承认改革的需要Weacknowledgedthe need for reform.收到该支票后,请立即告知。 Pleaseacknowledgethis cheque as soon as you receive it.这个报告承认了问题的严重性。This report is

26、anacknowledgmentof the size of the problem.对我的申请,我还没有收到复信告知收悉I didnt receive anacknowledgementof my application.使市长了解我们的计划to acquaint the mayor with our plan他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.他不是朋友我的,只是个熟人。He is not a friend of mine, only anacquaintance.我是在一次聚会上认识他的。

27、 I made hisacquaintanceat a party.经过进一步的了解,我发现他是一个好青年。Upon furtheracquaintanceI found him a good youth.我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。We should try toacquiregood habits.经验是永远学不足的。One can neveracquireenough experience.我们应当取得更多的第一手资料We shouldacquiremore firsthand information.生命就是一个获得知识、财富和幸福的过程。Life is a process about

28、 theacquisitionof knowledge, wealth and happiness我们拥有一百英亩农田。We own 100acresof farmland.杂技演员必须身手敏捷Anacrobathas to be agile.在纲丝绳上跳舞是一种特技Dancing on a rope is anacrobaticfeat.真实的鸟巢十分精致Theactualnest is a work of art我不能举出实际数字。Ican notgivetheactualfigures实际上没有必要增加员工Actuallythere isnoneed to upstaff.他患有严重的抑

29、郁症。He suffers fromacutedepression.她有很敏锐的听力。She hasacutehearing她很快就适应了这种新气候Sheadaptedherself quickly to the new climate要将这部小说改编为适合小孩的阅读水准很难Its hard toadaptthis novel for children他很快适应了新的环境He made a quickadaptationto the new environment.我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本I bought my son anadaptationfor children of a

30、play by Shakespeare他吸可卡因上瘾。He wasaddictedto cocaine.他快变成网虫了。He is turning into an internetaddict.可卡因是极易使人上瘾的毒品。Coke is a powerfullyaddictivedrug他们还吃大量的水果。They eat a great deal of fruit inaddition.这个小女孩不太善于做加法。The little girl is not very clever ataddition.除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。Inadditionto an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil他不得不付些附加费He had to pay someadditionalcharges请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。Please write your homeaddresson the registration form.能告诉我你的电子邮箱地址吗?Can you tell me your E-mailaddress?给主教写信应该怎样称呼?What form ofaddressshould one use when writing to a bi


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