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1、CBD= Central Business District,Do you like shopping?,Lets talk about shopping,What do you think of shopping? Is it fun? Interesting? Difficult? What do you usually buy when you go shopping?,It is one of Mr. Lijiachengs shopping mall, but it made Mr. Li worried recently.,Why?,Problem in the shopping

2、mall: Expensive articles lost every week.,How to solve the problem: Hire a detective.,Main character: Sherlock Holmes,detective ditektiv 侦探,侦探想知道谁杀死了比尔。,e.g. Mr. Li hired a detective to look into the accident.,e.g. The detective wanted to know who killed Bill.,time: Monday morning,suspected person N

3、o1:,可疑人物一号,a well-dressed woman,suspected person No. 2 :,a poorly-dressed woman,She walked out of the shop.,Guess: Who is the thief? How does she/he steal the goods?,Dont judge people just by appearance.,Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便,1. once adv. 曾经, 以前 1) long time ago e.g.People are not as

4、honest as they once were. adv. 一次 1) once twice three times e.g. I visited my mother once a month.,词汇,3) at once = right away = immediately e.g. After school , come home at once. 4) once again / more e.g. Read the new words once again.,词汇,2. temptation n. 诱惑 1) the temptation to do sth e.g. the temp

5、tation to steal 2) temp v. 怂恿 temp sb to do sth e.g. The hot weather tempted me to go swimming.,词汇,3. article n. 物品, 东西 1) small / cheap article 文章 e.g. This is a good article.,词汇,4. wrap v. 包裹,卷 1) wrap sth up e.g. Please wrap them (up) for me. The assistant wrapped the dress up as quickly as possi

6、ble.,词汇,5. simply adv. 1) = only = just 仅仅 e.g. He is simply a workman. She looks simply lovely./He lives simply. 2) = in a easy way 简单地 e.g. Explain it as simply as possible. 3) simple adj. 简单的 e.g. a simple life / sentence / problem,词汇,6. arrest v. 逮捕 1) arrest sb e.g. The policeman arrested the t

7、hief. The criminal was arrested yesterday. 2) arrest sb eye 引起某人的注意 e.g. The bright of colors of flowers arrested my attention.,词汇,Listening,Is stealing often happen in small shops or large ones? 2.Who watched the well-dressed woman? Why? It often happens in the large shops. A detective arrested the

8、 well-dressed woman because she didnt pay for the dress.,Brief Reading,Are people as honest as they once were? No, they are not so honest as they once were. When and Where did the story happen? It happened in a large store on a Monday morning. Did the woman buy anything? Yes, she bought a few small

9、articles. Did the woman pay for the expensive dress? No, she walked out of the shop without paying. Does she really a thief? If not, why? The real thief were the woman and her daughter.,People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before-especially in larg

10、e shops,(,),People are not _honest _ they _ were. The temptation _ is greater than _- especially in large shops,so,as,once,to steal,ever before,A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.,A detective recently watched _ woman _ always_ a la

11、rge store_ Monday mornings.,a well-dressed,who,went into,on,One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her.,_ there were _ people in the shop _ when the woman _, so it was _ _ the detective _ her.,One Monday,fewer,th

12、an usual,came in,easier,for,to watch,The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.,The woman first bought a few small _. _ a little time, she ch

13、ose _ _ _ in the shop and _ it to an assistant_ _ it_ for her _ quickly_ possible.,handed,articles,After,one of,the most expensive,who,wrapped,up,as,as,dresses,Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the sho

14、p-assistant was her daughter. The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week !,Then the woman simply _ the parcel and _ out of the shop _ _. When she _, the detective _ that the shop-assistant was her daughter. The girl _ her mother a free dress _ !,was arrested,found out,gave,once a week,took,wa

15、lked,without,paying,Language points,1、shopping made easy made 为过去分词, 有 “被” 的意思(标题不用句子, 所以标题省略be) make v. 制造;使怎么样 make a car/watch make the room clean make shopping easy = Shopping is made easy.(句子),once 曾经,以前 once upon a time Once upon a time, there is no war on earth. = long time ago I just met him

16、 once. _ Once Ive decided, I will let you know. _ As long as I need him, he will come to me at once. _,2. People are not so honest as they once were.,once a week,once a day twice a week three times a month 5 times a year -How often do you go to the bookstore? -Once a month. 他一个月要去两次医院 He has to go t

17、o hospital twice a month.,比较状语从句so/as as 比较以下两句: He is not so tall as John. She is not as tall as John. so as 通常用于否定句比较多 As as用于肯定句 他和他哥哥考试考得一样好。 He did as well as his elder brother in exam. 他并没有Tank 那么聪明。 He is not so smart as Tank. He is as quick in answering as his sister (is). (动词常省略) Make a sen

18、tence:_,3. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before.,temptation to do sth. 的诱惑 temptation to steal 偷窃的诱惑 resist the temptation to do sth. 抵抗不了的诱惑 (resist vt. 抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住) I cant resist the temptation to_.,Laugh, shout, buy expensive clothes.,4、A detective recently watched a well-dresse

19、d woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. watch v. 观察, 监视; 当心(口语中) watch the enemy watch sth. 当心 Watch your head! (威胁),“well+动词的过去分词”组成复合形容词,做定语 well-designed 设计得不错 well-educated 有教养的 well- _,known, done, behaved, informed.,5. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than

20、 usual when the woman came in little和few的用法 little和a little与不可数名词一起使用。little表示否定,有“几乎一点儿也没有”的含义,在口语中常用not much;a little表示肯定,具有some的含义。 He has (very) little hope of winning this race. =He hasnt much hope of winning this race. Have we got any bread? Yes, theres a little/some in the fridge. few和a few与复

21、数可数名词连用。few表示否定,与little相似,在口语中多用not many;a few表示肯定,有some的含义。 They had few guests last weekend. They didnt have many guests last weekend. little的比较级为less,few的比较级为fewer。 During the holiday, there is less noise in the building. There are fewer travelers than there usually are.,1.Be quick! There is very

22、 _ time left.A. much B. a little C. few D. little 2.She has _ good friends in our school, so she is very happy. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 3.Could you give me _ ink, please? a bit B. a little C. many D. few 4.There is _sheep over there. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little,6、After a litt

23、le time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. after a little time 过了一会儿 handto 递给(比较有权威的人) handed it to an assistant (前一个以 “o” 结尾, 后一个以 “元音” 开头的, 读时需再在它们之间加一个w音, 又如:my heart go on. ) pass sth. to sb. 一

24、个一个的传递(更常用) hand in 上交,wrap v. 包裹 wrap sth. up for sb. 为某人打包 Please wrap them (up) for me. 请替我把他们包好 pack v. 打包(指为了携带, 运输的方便而打包) I will take/get/have it. Please wrap them for me. / Please pack them for me. as as possible 尽可能 I have sent you as many books as possible. He went home as soon as possible.

25、,7. Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. simply 仅仅 = only He killed himself simply because the money. I only need knowledge. 我只知道他是我们的老师。 I only know that he is our teacher.,without doing sth,He left the room without saying anything. Tank has kept working

26、for 3 day without sleeping. 他不吃早餐就去上课了。 He went to school without eating breakfast. John不刷牙就睡觉了。 John went to bed without brushing his teeth.,8. When he was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. arrest v. 逮捕 vt. 逮捕,扣留 When she was arrested, she refused to say anything. The criminal was arrested. (criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者;adj. 犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的) n. 逮捕,扣留 sb. be under arrest 某人被逮捕 Tony is under arrest now. control/under control 控制/被控制,find out 发现(后跟的宾语一般是抽象的) find out the truth 发现真相 Find out the secret 发现秘密 find sth. 找到(sth. 是看得见,


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