2014年4月大学英语B 电大 网络 远程教育必过题库-词汇结构_第1页
2014年4月大学英语B 电大 网络 远程教育必过题库-词汇结构_第2页
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2014年4月大学英语B 电大 网络 远程教育必过题库-词汇结构_第4页
2014年4月大学英语B 电大 网络 远程教育必过题库-词汇结构_第5页
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1、1、Janes dress is similar in design _her sisters.A.like B.with C.to D.as答案:C解析:be similar to固定搭配,为“与相似”之意。这里应注意,没有“be similar with”的搭配。2、_ these honors he received a sum of money.A.Except B.But C.Besides D.Outside答案:C解析:beside意为“除之外,还有”,except意为“除之外,不再有”,注意,beside在句中的位置较灵活,可放在句首,亦可放在句中;而except多放在句中,依

2、据题意而定。而用于否定句时,beside,except和but可相互替换。3、_her and then try to copy what she does.A.Mind B.See C.Stare at D.Watch答案:D解析:mind +doing;see to it意为保证、务必做到可用于开头;stare at意为“盯着,直直地看”;watch意为“看”,此题由情景可选出D。4、Will you_ me a favor, please?A.do B.make C.bring D.give答案:A解析:do somebody a favor为固定搭配,意为“帮某人一个忙”。5、Its

3、bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A.behavior B.action C.manner D.movement答案:A解析: behavior意为“行为”;action意为“行动”;manner意为“礼貌”; movement意为“运动、移动”。 后面的“smoke”属于行为,因此可选出A。6、- Its a good idea. But whos going to_ the plan?- I think John and Peter will.A.carry out B.get

4、through C.take in D.set aside答案:A解析:carry out意为是“贯彻、执行;完成、实现”; get through意为“通过、从内部穿越”; take in意为“接收、收留”; set aside意为“留出;不理会”。由题意可选出A。7、Two days is not enough for him to finish the workHe needs _ day. A.other B.the other C.the third D.a third答案:D解析:由题意可知,他需要更多时间。A、B可泛指为另外一天,与题意不符。而C特指了“第三天”,该题不用特指。因

5、此选D。8、The red flower goes from one to _ in the class. A.the other B.others C.another D.other 答案:C解析:one to another意为“从一个到另外一个”,为固定搭配。9、The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A.broke downB.broke out C.broke up D.broke in答案:A解析:break down意为“机器或车辆出故障;垮掉”; br

6、eak out意为“爆发”;break up意为“散开,分散”;break in意为“打断对话”。由题意可选出A。10、How can he _ if he is not _?A.listen; hearing B.hear; listeningC.be listening; heard D.be hearing; listened to答案:B解析:hear有特指结果,listen是指动作。由题意为“如果他不听,那么他又怎么能听懂呢”可选出B。11、The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor

7、Brians _.A.money B.payC.expense D.loss答案:C解析:at ones expense意为“由某人支付”,固定搭配。有题意可选出C。12、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ and disorder!A.mass B.messC.guess D.bus答案:B解析:mess意为“杂乱、麻烦”;Mass意为“群众;大量”。由题意可选出B。13、If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ in her diet.A.ch

8、ange B.turnC.run D.go答案:A解析:make a change意为“做改变”,固定搭配。14、_ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A.Before B.At C.In D.Between答案:A解析:由题意并结合史实,可知题意为“在独立战争之前,美国是英国殖民地”,因此选A。15、This kind of material expands _ the temperature increasing.A.to B.for C.with D.at答案:C解析:expand意为“在大小

9、、面积、容积、体积或范围等方面的增长”,而with带有伴随状态的意思。由题意可选出C。16、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _ a day. A.customers B.supporters C.guests D.clients答案:D解析:customer意为“客户,购买者”; supporter意为“支持者”;guest意为“贵宾”; client意为“诉讼委托人”。由题意可选出D。17、What is the train _ to Birmingham?A.fee B.tipC.fare D.cost答案:C解

10、析:fare指“车费、船费和飞机票价”;fee指“加入组织或做某事付的)费, 酬金”;tip指“小费”;cost指“花费、价格”。18、You shouldnt _ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.A.cut B.do C.kill D.kick答案:C解析:kill time指“消磨时间”,为固定搭配。do time指“服刑”。19、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a _.A.messa

11、geB.letterC.sentenceD.notice答案:A解析:leave a message为固定搭配,指“留口讯”;而letter前通常加write;sentence通常与“make、draw”搭配;notice通常与make搭配。20、You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _.A.fareB.chargeC.moneyD.pay答案:B解析:free of charge指“免费”,为固定搭配。题中handout意为“救济品”。21、Youll find this map of grea

12、t _in helping you to get around Beijing.A.priceB.costC.valueD.useful答案:C解析:句中of后应加名词,由题意可选出C。意为“在某方面有很大意义”。22、Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _.A.waitB.timeC.patienceD.rest答案:C解析:have a little patience意为“给一点耐心”,由题意可选出C。23、The car accident happened at _cr

13、ossroads a few metres away from_bank.A.the; /B./; aC./; theD.the; the答案:D解析:因为已知 the car accident发生的具体位置,所以后面的地点都需加定冠词the。24、Wouldnt it be _wonderful world if all nations lived in _peace with one another?A.a; /B.the; /C.a; theD.the; the答案:A解析:第一个空泛指“一个世界”,没有特指;第二个空“in peace”为固定搭配,意为“和平”。25、He was hi

14、t at least twice in the legs and also in _chest.A.aB.oneC.theD.his答案:C解析:and引导的并列句,前后格式需相同,选C。26、Robert, theres a man at the front door, saying he has _news of great importance.A./B.theC.aD.an答案:A解析:由情景可知,题中的news不为特指,且不能判断是一则新闻还是多则新闻,因此排除A以外的所有选项。27、Would you let _ to the park with my classmate, Mum

15、?A.me go B.me going C.I go D.I going答案:A解析:let somebody do something,为固定搭配,意为“让某人做某事”。28、Therefore, other things _ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.A.is B.are C.being D.having答案:C解析:句中other things为插入语,不能有谓语动词。而being equal表示持续状态。29、I have been looking forward to _ from my pa

16、rents.A.hear B.being heard C.be heard D.hearing答案:D解析:look forward to中的to属于介词,后加动词ing形式。而从题中可知,为主动语态,意为“我想要父母能听听我的意见”,可选出D。30、The manager will not _ us to use his car.A.have B.let C.agree D.allow答案:D解析:此处have和let意思一样,后面都要跟动词原形,let(have)+do;而agree后直接加动词不定式。可选出D。31、Theres lots of fruit _ the treeOur l

17、ittle cat is also _ the tree. A. in;inB.on;on C.in;onD.on;in 答案:D解析:in指长在树上;on指停在树上,暂时行为。32、No matter _ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.A.it was snowing hardB.hard it was snowingC.how it was snowing hard D.how hard it was snowing答案:D解析:no matter how

18、固定搭配+adj.33、A police officer claimed he had attempted to _ paying his fare.A.avoid B.reject C.refuse D.neglect答案:A解析: attempt to意为“企图做某事”。 Avoid意为“避免”;reject和refuse意为“拒绝”;neglect意为“忽略、疏忽”。由情景可选出A。34、While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, _ is very useful now for me.A.it B.which C.t

19、hat D.what答案:B解析:由句子可知为非限制性定语从句,选B。35、People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware _ he had gone.A.of whereB.of the place whereC.where D.the place答案:A解析:be aware of与be aware that均为“意识到”。而前者接名词短语,后者接句子。36、A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him _to the door.A.hurrying B.hurried C.

20、hurry D.to hurry 答案:C解析:make+do。固定搭配,“让某人做某事”。37、Both the kids and their parents _ English, I think. I know it from their accent.A.is B.been C.are D.was答案:C解析:bothare,固定搭配,“两者都是”。38、Never before _ see such a terrible car accident on the road!A.I have B.have I C.I did D.did I答案:D解析:never开头的句子需倒装,而后面的

21、动词see为原型,因此选D。39、On _ side of the street there are some trees.A.both B.either C.every D.all 答案:B解析:either为两者中的任意一个,由句中side单数可排除A、D。而路只有两侧,因此选B。40、Peter worked so fast with the maths problems _ a lot of mistakes.A.as to make B.that made C.to make D.that he made答案:D解析:sothat引导的从句,that 接完整的句子。因此选D。41、Uncle Sam sent him a _ bicycle as a birthday present.A.red sports new B.sports new red C.new sports red D.new red sports答案:D解析:形容词的常用位置顺序为:限定词(these,those)+数量形容词(three)+描绘性形容词(beautiful)+大小、长短、高低等体性形容词(large、long、hi


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