1、山东省高考模拟卷按秘密级事项管理启用前2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (模拟卷)英 语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题.5分,满分375 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、 d四个选项中选出最佳选项。 o t adrid?thre may e a slg
2、htchill (寒冷)in th ,wit teprtr tyin arond inmrc, butsains handsm caitai slowlytatingt wr p.even oreattrti re thcultural event. wexhibtinon the livngad working pces o spais etes atit, iasso,a jut pnd i the stio athe fudacn mpre t pas e reoleos 23 it uns ul 11 ith relyeiees borrowed from hi faily.later
3、 thiummer, the400th anivesay of theath o the aisace(文艺复兴) painteri grecwill bemarked an excitng hbitn atthe mseod prado atpase del rd fro 24 une to 5 ocoerhwto go?thewidst rngeof flihtssoffrd eayjet -fm brito, ednurg,gatwick,livepoandltn. bitihirways n itssiserirlinberia ombineces fm ethow a ldoncit
4、y. yaarfes fromancheste andstnsd;ireuroa fliesfrmgatwibarajas airpors3km north-ea ofheciy centeand is seredb frequenttra onetrolne8,butth shortest undergrod jurney s a bitomple ih at leaone chng at nuev mniteros station tks about 30 mutes.th re o any sati te city centr i4. th aiport epessus runs eer
5、y to 35 miute round the cloc; one ay. takes 40 intst reachtciy entre. a taxi tkes hf he m. a fat at f 30 coers mosofceral marid.1. wen wil e exhbitio abut picasso close?a. on mrch. b. on may c.24 ue. d. on 5 october2. wic airline perates flghs frommanchest to madrid?a. eyj. byanair. . i eurpa. . bri
6、ishaways.3wat iste fastst way to reach cent madrid obarajas airpt?atake a ai. tak city bu. . tak metoline8 dae hpot expesbus.bmy shool apared on thenws at we cue amade nimortntchangeior locaare.o cassha lted a larg rdn in wht aonceony a vacntlt t aa lo o wru it as allwohit. 1 t listes (水泡)fromdiging
7、, nd we all oinect bt, too.ilearne lotaboutgrdeningad cllaboan (合作), and ten i learneabot he meia r eacheteleoed th tv stationand inorme the of what w hd accomlished. she poke ih he prdue th poducerecke wth the directors, ut he sad thewerelenty of storis siilar to ours. heyntekno hatwsspeci aout ou
8、partcular adn, siceman sools anttem.te teaer expned that,afr gigon te interet o larn out t prarie (大草原),we had da pairi gardn. we had goto pririand goten seeds from te plant, an then weplantdthe. we dd not wter thearen,butwe dd weed it w cided to let aurewatertwith ain, sine tat wsow priries grei th
9、e as weta picurefthgarnt t nws atonin the icture, tegaswas sohigta it stoo tller hanthefourt grae studenss a result, the poduern eporter t ouchol. e nterviewed the heamas daskehim n qetos otthe grde.after hat, theyiterviwedus, ad w explained to tm wt h larned though thi project.htnigt, w ah te w, nd
10、 theree we.thnews repoter o our stoy. it was ol woutes ng, but t wa us. we weramo.al thawor, llse biser, wa wortht w neat whnw sawte areneery day, bt now wekn that te wolecit thought so, to.4. wha seed to b he vrectrs iia reacin o thegarden?a he erexcied. b. ey wer surrisd.c. y wereworrid. d. ey wer
11、 unintesd. wa is secil abot te gaden?a. weswer aled to sead natray. th gs ge fastr thn cmmongras.c. th seedcamero te ants fa prairie.d.undrround wer wa use for t lants.what doehe nderline wo “at”rfer o int ataragaph?a. egters onour had. b. ou hrd work wawrtwhle. the garenwoub faos te rjet would fini
12、shed. hw di theauthor felboutthe proect?a. anyed. b.ios. c. pod d. retf.cheas up!across he country, sors injres area safety cnern foyoun thles. no, h aman edca associatin(ama) has anewt of guidenes aimd atprectngplyrs fo th dangerof cnusios - seious ijuries cause by a o o thhad“by raisi awarene of t
13、he erious sks associate ith concussionsad enrng tht the ppopriat guilins r in c, we can reduct numer fyoung thlte whomay retun o the amtsoo, which a pt thirealtht furhrrsk,” id aa board mmbe jackrese r, m.d., in stemen.the plicy rcommend h yun athletes ho ay hav aconcusion be taken ff the ed a soon
14、posible. thn, ty eony o rtun to thir sport wih adocors witte aproval. th licy alo ets ge-spcic ruls for helth care rossionals adthletc gnizations in evalutingandarig for cocsin.acordng to th ene for disease ontoand prevetio (cdc),a ccussions a type tramtic (创伤) bin njry auedbyabump, blw, jt to the h
15、ad or hito the bdy hat auses the hed ad brain to move rapidly ack adorh.thistype of metca cause brain tobuce aron r twisinside the sull (颅骨)itcndaagbran ellsand crate cmicachanes ithe rain.thd saysabeteen 1.mllio and llion trmatic bri injuriesauseby sorts a eeti-reatd tiviesccur n theu.s. every year
16、. a tuy fo the ener for inu reseach and plichwethatas many as40 of high cholathlet retr to paing before te shoul.te amanew guideies shoudhelp to bing those nubr down.8.wh does th ama set te new guielines?a torai safety standars f sprts. o proectathetes romcnusion.o set rufr healthcaevluaion.d.t el l
17、yers retnt the a uicly9. wat houd yong athltes who mayhave a cncssion d?a. aoidsn the hed. .lae the field foever.c. gt tramen nime. d.switch o anoer spt.0.wt pararaph mainly aot?a. what a concuionis. . what ausesamage o brin cells.c. how the d o. d. hw acncussion can be prevente11 wich of the follow
18、i s ebest ttle fr e e?a ruls for afer play b. sport injries in the sc advice to athletes d.newpolicies r doctorsdorganicfodis vr poular. i is lso expesive om rganicfood cots tice a muc a no-oranic food, bt new pares aneoerare wllingo pay up to 200 mr fo oganc food. however, therereope whotik ti awas
19、tef mon.ere isoe main differnc bewee onic and nn-organi fo. oganic farm d tse agrilur chemials, suh s peices(杀虫剂). nmn coutriesganic fods hve pecial labels. hese gane that e poducs enatralome peopl hikorniceas lcaly grown oigiall this was tre oerie oranic farming becamoedifficlt thedmand for oganic
20、foo gr laer hnthe sply. small comies had oel ut o large manies.the werent enuggnc ingrediets(原料), suc asgrain ad catle.this made dificult for mayorgani comanestosta i bsiess.tody, many age cmaniehavean orgaic line o prduct.i organicood mr utritious? this s pat o dte. mn rmersan cosuers blieve is. y
21、thinkiclrl chmcal cseeal problms uh a cancr mny health pressionalsdiaee. fe stuiesproveht oani fod peventalth problems. health spciissr ore abou bacria(病毒),suchas li an salmonll. tee an entocotac with gaic an on- oganicood docors recmed washing rouc vry carfuly.handin meat aefly is imprantto.most op
22、lagre thanauralyrown food ses bttr.s astierfod worth etra mny? th isa mtter of opinion. wheter it is ealthieror notmayreuire mre reearchever, organcnsmersargue it ttr to bf than soy1.wh probablyeao once orgn fod consumers?a. e. . safety. c. eshess. dvariey.1. h i the ctrs sugestion? r yur own fod. b
23、. redcethe usef pesticides.makee he ood i clea. d. buy arge compaiespduct.14.hch o efollowing d mst pole agree onorgan fod?a. it tastes betr. b. itiseasie togrow.c. i ntais more ft. it s morenutritios15. wr ds this tex pralyme fom?a a ree book. b achmistry aper. a mdial reort. d ahlth magazine第二节(共5
24、小题:每小题.5分,满分25分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。the te wakup algets rsonahersawk-upcall: thehoel frnt dsk wll do one better thaging yor on in the mnig.heyll sed an actual human being to your rom. otwry theotcome in and kss o o moning. 16 nevr mn tha mo ravers naday v mar hones t builin lar
25、m clocks. 7 ere aesoe xples a ewolctthotel, if wake-up c is unanswred, they ilsed an emploee oyour door. tlas entanas alpais,nemloe sow up t ouoomto wak ou up it ta, cff anbekfast ead. t th manrinortal,a pernater thn an aumated system llto wakeu up 18 hls haveawys takthe wak-up calrousl. 1 if ou dnt
26、 gt you calwithinfive nuts ofth eqested i, you wont aety fo our rom. traveer,too, still wnt oave an t of wake-up call. tu 285guets at crown aza ound at 53% considred a wakup cll very mportant. 20 in the l 98s, hotels trnedoautomated systems tn al yod get aa ina silnc. in he eecomptitiere for loal ut
27、omers, however,man tels a gettin ceaivewh the waep cl. ome ol evenhav recordnsof elebit voics. and ore hotels willack to th inpern system of wake upcall.a.bu tey ight bing you ffee.b if dnanswr,youl get awakep kock.c.rwn plaza,for intanc,has a wkeup cal garante.d. but the wake callbcameless rsl over
28、 te ear.e. th otel gs 15 to 0 requestsfr wake-upallseahay.f the humn wak-up a is a way o persalize ageststay.g someguest sleep thouh thecll, whle others tu thiphon ringers off.第二部分语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。myname is mrad gibson. i ave ben t heto of a
29、 te fr five monno. some people mighwodr21 eart iwd hooseto do tht. have walked through ths foestanyties. on2 decee2011, 2 roledintothe foretand edestucion (摧毁) begn icont 23 he thought hat hese forest ould be 4 orever. s, o 14 dcmer201, packed p my ife,5 o y jobpans,d med 6 metes o h opf this tree i
30、 av een her evr sice.life in e tee ops ca be 26at times i hve me en i feefrtrated (沮丧) and wish coul 7 , tonwhe, jushave a 8 of sceryor a minute! tere aretims to, en i eel terribl i mssmridsandfamil. 0 teetme, nylflovin te 31 .livng o the tees ben insprng. i illit 3 here or as lon st tke, 3 honstyho
31、pe it ont be too 34 re an p myfeeton the gound beow ndstnd n orest t will nvr e35 .a w .whenc. hod where2.a wterbanmsc. achinr. touists23.a. beahepc. ked. spa24.a. soldb. stolenc. ptced.lst2.a grewoutb. fel shoc. rn t. let go2. refrshngb rsc.chalengingd. rwarding27.gt upb.etway c ie . give p2.a chag
32、eb ookc. eahd. tch29.a nuedb. nervusc. sorryd. lonel30.a.eyondb withoutc. deited. unke1.hetb. exeiencc. backgrun . postion32a. eturn b. op c.sad ie33.bt b. thoghc. bcausd so34.oonbln c neard. bad5.a. moedb. oec. red d misse第二节(共0小题:每小题1.5分, 满分1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。onemoning o er gandsos
33、 eddng,peg mcormck reivedsom bad es. the91year-oldwas in th osia atra all n shfounotsh would b unab to attend th 6 (clbrate) n mason, nw ereynnon toccrmac, randn brian 7 s wielaurea mae a harfet pa 38 (ncde) her in the days activies. 39 (follow) byawedding htogaer, he oup maea urrie isit 40 he hopit
34、abefor heding othereception“se was s citd to wach1 (we) et marrid,”the bidesai “sheas mply living for hi weddi so e brouh the wdi her”“when e walkedinothat room,shwas 42 (obvius) hocked,” the poograher sad.“sh justept 43 (sy)i ct eeve youre hee!d thakng hmfor omigt se he the wahe he hr hans,44 (tuch
35、)tr face and jst loket te, yucold tll thesch a eial.i dnt hink sh lease brans han45 enti me that w wre n the room”“it mant the orld to bringhdding to er,” teroomsid.“iwas suchasal portonf e da to tade in or uch aeal oment”第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分1分)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友john来信询问中国人过春节的风俗习惯。请你结合自己家乡的实际情况给他回信,
36、内容包括:1.春节的简介;2.过节的风俗习惯;3邀请他来中国过春节。注意:.词数0左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;信的开头已为你写好。de jo,im gld th yoreinerestein the chinse springfstival. yours,lh第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。thouh it is one of h faddmemories f y letody, here ar time when i ememr h fae clearly,esecillyhis eye as heha ellow sots on hs eyes e cald him spott hewul av en a sra(流浪) d, untilh cme t
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