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1、.【奥鹏】中国医科大学中国医科大学大学英语2(中专起点大专)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第51题, Im very sorry for the mistake Ive made. Its OK. ().A、That can happen to the rest of us.B、Whats the matter with you?C、Why are you so careless?D、You should be responsible for it.正确答案:A第52题, I must apologize for having delayed the job. ().A、Pleased

2、 to meet you.B、No, thats not your fault.C、I dont know.D、Thanks a lot.正确答案:B第53题,All the windows () have been repaired.A、breakingB、being brokenC、brokenD、broke正确答案:C第54题,Lets see () we can find out some information about that city.A、thatB、whetherC、whenD、what正确答案:B第55题,Youll never guess the answer. Do

3、you ()?A、give upB、get offC、give awayD、get down正确答案:A第56题,Though he had often made his little sister (), today he was made () by his little sister.A、cry; to cryB、crying; cryingC、cry; cryD、to cry; cry正确答案:A第57题,Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used () as a gas.A、primarilyB、seldomC、ra

4、relyD、sometimes正确答案:A第58题, Pass the dictionary, will you? ().A、By all means.B、Pleasure.C、None.D、Thanks.正确答案:A第59题,Are you satisfied with what she has done?(). It couldnt be any better.A、Not a littleB、Not at allC、Im sorryD、Thank you正确答案:A第60题, Thank you for calling.A、Dont mention it.B、Nice talking to

5、 you.C、Thats fine.D、Call back again.正确答案:B第61题, Can I help you? What would you like? I dont know. Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes? (). I think Id like some bread.A、Yes, pleaseB、Thats itC、No, thanksD、It doesnt matter正确答案:C第62题,How did you find me selling my dress?I saw your ().A

6、、kiteB、flyC、bookD、flyer正确答案:D第63题,When do the bids rise most?The bids rise most just before the close of the ().A、auctionB、actionC、activistD、act正确答案:A第64题,By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.A、shall stayB、will have stayedC、have stayedD、have been staying正确答案:B第65题,The comm

7、ission is made up of five people, () two women.A、includingB、involvingC、includedD、involved正确答案:A第66题,Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A、instanceB、circumstanceC、situationD、environment正确答案:B第67题,I have heard () he will come tomorrow.A、whenB、howC、whatD、that正确答案:D

8、第68题, Thanks for your help. ().A、My pleasure.B、Quite right.C、Never mind.D、Dont thank me.正确答案:A第69题,Obsessive () can be very irritating.A、perfectionismB、awarenessC、personD、critic正确答案:A第70题,Could you do me a favor? ().A、Never mind.B、With pleasure.C、Cant complain.D、Not at all.正确答案:B第71题,(), I have neve

9、r seen a more capable man than John.A、As long as I have traveledB、As I travel so muchC、Now that I have traveledD、Much as I have traveled正确答案:D第72题,Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A、meetB、meetingC、have metD、to meet正确答案:C第73题,I think I shall read a book instead. ().A、Great. Watchi

10、ng TV programme is much better.B、No way. Our TV set doesnt work now.C、OK. Lets turn on the TV set.D、Good idea. Thats much better than watching a bad TV programme.正确答案:D第74题, (). Yes, where is ladies room please?A、I can help you.B、Let me help you.C、May I help you?D、What can I do for you?正确答案:C第75题, I

11、s this raincoat yours?A、is hangingB、hangsC、has hungD、hung正确答案:A第76题, I am afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth. ().A、Dont worry about it.B、Whats wrong with you?C、Whats happened?D、You have done well.正确答案:A第77题,Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A、he caredB、does he careC、did he

12、 careD、he cares正确答案:C第78题, I dont think that its true. Hes always telling strange stories. ().A、Why not!B、I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C、I know. But this time I cant decide if he is right or not.D、I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.正确答案:C第79题,The mana

13、ger discussed the plan that they would like to see () the next year.A、carry outB、carrying outC、carried outD、to carry out正确答案:C第80题,My watch () at nine oclock, but now it ().A、went; stoppedB、went; is stoppingC、was going; stoppedD、was going; has stopped正确答案:D第81题,Please enter your () when you pay.A、st

14、ateB、PINC、welfareD、address正确答案:B第82题,() at the meeting are some experienced teachers.A、PresentedB、Having been presentC、Being presentedD、Present正确答案:D第83题,She is continually () her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.A、abusingB、teasingC、usingD、tempting正确答案:A第84题,Jack won t

15、he championship of the competition, () made the whole family excited.A、thatB、whoC、whichD、what正确答案:C第85题,The room was designed () a study.A、beingB、beenC、to beD、to have been正确答案:C第86题,Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She () for twenty years by next summer.A、will teachB、has been teachingC、would hav

16、e taughtD、will have been teaching正确答案:D第87题,The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to () understanding.A、fosterB、harvestC、brightenD、activate正确答案:A第88题,It is his first visit to Europe as the ().A、presideB、residentC、presidencyD、president正确答案:D第89题,Food is to men () oil is to

17、machine.A、whatB、thatC、whichD、in which正确答案:A第90题,The book is well ().A、worth readingB、worthy to readC、worth to readD、worthy reading正确答案:A第91题, I think the shop is closed at this time of day. ().A、No, I think its open.B、No, I think its closed.C、Yes, I think its open.D、Yes, I dont think so.正确答案:A第92题,I

18、 first met Simon three years ago. She () at a university at that time.A、has workedB、was workingC、has been workingD、had worked正确答案:B第93题,How often do you eat out? (), but usually once a week.A、Have no ideaB、It dependsC、As usualD、Generally speaking正确答案:B第94题, I am very sorry. Can I get you another one? ().A、Thats fine.B、I dont forgive you.C、No, forget about it.D、Its none of your business.正确答案:C第95题,We were in the same college, () was male-only at that time.A、t


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