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1、最新七年级英语下册完形填空知识点总结及经典习题(含答案) 一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 完形填空1 It is Sunday today. We have 1 classes. Were going to the zoo. How happy we are! We want to take the early bus, 2 we get up very early. There are many different kinds of 3 there. First we go to see the elephants. They have very 4 noses. The

2、 monkeys are 5 all the time. Its 6 to count(数) the number. We want to see the pandas. I hear they live only in 7 before. But now some other countries have 8 in the zoos. But we cant 9 any of them today. 10 a pity(遗憾)! We go to see many other animals. We have a good time in the zoo. D. noB. many1. A.

3、 someC. any D. orC. but2. A. soB. and D. flowersB. animalsC. birds3. A. trees D. shortC. long4. A. smallB. tall D. eating and drinkingB. singing and dancing5. A. jumping and runningC. talking and listening D. dangerous6. A. freeB. easyC. difficult D. EnglandC. Canada7. A. AustraliaB. China D. themC.

4、 herB. him8. A. it D. listen toB. hear9. A. findC. look for D. What10. A. WhenB. WhereC. How)9;(D)8;(B)7;(C)6;(A)5;(C)4;(B)3;(A)2;(D)1( 【答案】 );(10D;A【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了周日在动物园的所见所闻,感觉过得非常愉【解析】 快。没有。根据前很多;BC D 任何一个;一些;)句意:今天是星期天。我们没有课。( 1A 。 It is Sunday today. 文语句可知,在周日应该没有课,故选DC 并且,表并列;B 因此,表原因;)句意:我们想

5、坐早班车,所以我们起得很早。( 2A we get up very 与或者,表选择。根据语句但是,表转折;D We want to take the early bus 。Aearly.的含义可知,它们是因果关系,故选鲜花。根据语境可 动物;树木;)句意:那里有许多不同种类的动物。3(A B C 鸟类;D 。知,此文介绍的是动物园,故选B短的。根据生活常识可知,( 高的;B 小的;)句意:他们有很长的鼻子。4A C D 长的; 。C大象的鼻子很长,故选吃喝。根C 谈话与听;D 唱歌和跳舞;B 蹦跳;)句意:猴子们一直在跳跃和奔跑。5( A 。A据生活常识可知,猴子的性格就是蹦跳,故选危险的。根

6、据文中的语自由;A )句意:很难数清它们的数目。6( D 困难的;简单;B C 可知,想数清猴子的数量是很难的,故句The monkeys are jumping and running all the time. 。C选英格兰。根D 加拿大;C 中国;B 澳大利亚;A )句意:我听说他们以前只住在中国。7( 。B据生活常识可知,熊猫最初只生存在中国,故选 (8)句意:但是现在其他一些国家的动物园里也有了它们。A 它;B 他;C 她;D 它们。 。Dthey可知此句要用人称代词的宾格形式,故选根据前文语句中的 (9)句意:但我们今天找不到他们中的任何一个。A 找到;B 听说;C 寻找;D 听。

7、根据 。A语境可知,到动物园是看动物的,故选 。Dwhat a pity,好遗憾,故选 (10)句意:好遗憾啊!固定句型结构 【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺 单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。 完形填空2 We see many animals,like rabbits,bees,birds,sheep and so on,but do you know 1 these animals say things? First,lets see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something 2 it ru

8、ns away at once. When it runs,its tail moves up and 3 . When other rabbits see this,they run 4 . Many other animals use this kind of 5 . When a bee has found some food,it goes back to its home. It cannot tell 6 bees where the food is by speaking to them,but it does a little dance in the air. They ma

9、y tell other bees 7 the food is. Some animals say things by making sounds like a man does. 8 , a dog barks when a stranger comes near. Some birds can make several 9 sounds,each with its own every animal has its 10 language. ,meaning. In a word D. whereB. when1. A. howC. why D. happy2. A. interesting

10、C. near itB. dangerous D. onB. again3. A. upC. down D. backC. tooB. slowly4. A. quickly D. runningB. movingC. language5. A. way D. many6. A. the otherB. smallC. all the D. whose7. A. whatB. howC. where D. At firstB. Very oftenC. As usual8. A. For example C. useful9. A. strangeD. differentB. interest

11、ing C. easyB. own10. A. realD. old )9;(A)8;(C)7;(A)6;(A)5;(C)4;(C)3;(B)2;(A)1(【答案】 D)10B;( 【分析】短文大意:我们看到过很多动物,每种动物都有自己语言。【解析】在哪如何,)连词辨析。句意:你知道动物如何表达自己吗?1(howwhenwhere何时, 。里,Awhy为什么,由下文几个例子可知是指动物怎样交流。故选once)形容词辨析。句意:当兔子看到危险的东西会马上逃走。由下文2(away runs at it 高兴near 危险的,附近,ithappydangerous有趣的,interesting,”危

12、险的东西“可知是 。B的,故选)副词辨析。句意:当它跑时,它的尾巴上下摆动。兔子在跑时尾巴是上下摆动的。3( 。C。故选”上上下下“意为up and down(4)副词辨析。句意:当其他兔子看到这种情况也跑。这是它们交流的信号。可知当它们看到其它兔子摇尾巴时是危险的信号,因为它们也跑。quickly很快地,slowly慢慢的,too 项正确。返回,故C也,back(5)名词辨析。句意:许多其他动物也用这种方法。可知很多动物用这种方法传递信息。 。A跑”。故选;running意为 “language意为 “运动”;意为 “语言”;way意为“方法”moving (6)形容词辨析。句意为:它不能通

13、过说话告诉其他蜜蜂食物在哪里。此处是传递信息的,所以是给其它的蜜蜂传递信息,the other其它的,small小的,all the所有的,many 。A很多,故选(7)连词辨析。句意为“它通过跳舞告诉其他蜜蜂食物在哪里”。根据It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, 可知它们跳舞的目的是为了告诉其它蜜蜂 。故选C在哪里,whose谁的, what食物在什么地方。什么,how如何,where(8)短语辨析。句意:例如,当一个陌生人走近时它会叫。根据上文Some animals say things

14、by making sounds like a man does.一些动物通过像人一样弄出声音来表达自己。可知此处是举了一个例子,for example例如,very often非常频繁, as usual像平时一样,at 。Afirst起初,开始,故选(9)形容词辨析。句意:有些鸟能发出有各自含义的几种不同的声音。根据each with its own meaning.每种声音都有它自己的意义。可知它会发出不同的声音。strange奇怪的, 。 Ddifferent不同的,故选interesting有趣的,useful有用的,(10)形容词辨析。句意为:总的来说,每一种动物都有自己的语言。根

15、据上文内容可知 。旧的,故选B自己的,easy简单的,oldown每种动物都有自己的语言。real真正的,【点评】此题考查完形填空。这种题型全方位考查学生的综合运用语言的能力。包括时态,语态,名词的单复数,固定搭配,代词,副词,形容词的用法等做题时一定要结合前后语境,利用前后句的关系判断出所要填的单词,并在此基础上根据句子的需要确定各种变化形式切忌盲目作答,每填出一个空都要有依据。做完后根据所填答案再读一遍短文,检查一下前后语义是否连贯,是否符合前后语境,形式上有没有问题等,从而校正答 案。 完形填空3 March 22nd is World Water Day. It started in1

16、993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on(号召)us to 1 and protect water. Today, were facing terrible water problems. Among them, wastewater problem is especially 2 . And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is Wastewater. What is wastewater? It is used water.

17、Usually, wastewater comes from homes, 3 , hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing the clothes, taking showers and using the kitchen. The rain also 4 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind

18、of water is sure to have 5 harmful in it. 6 must we treat(处理)wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own 7 . How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need diffe

19、rent ways of treatment. Wastewater 8 homes can be reused. Then there will be 9 wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned 10 it goes back to nature. C. carryB. save1. A. drink C. seriousB. popular2. A. easy B. lakesC. rivers3. A. factories C. changes into4. A. gets backB. hands in C. nob

20、ody5. A. nothingB. something C. Why6. A. WhatB. Who C. health7. A. workB. interest C. fromB. for8. A. on C. better9. A. lessB. more C. before10. A. andB. whether【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)C;(7)C;(8)C;(9) ;10)CA;(【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文介绍污水的产生及对人的危著和处理,号召人们节约用 水。 (1)句意:它不仅使我们思考水的重要性,也号召我们节约和保护水。A. drin

21、k喝;B. 。BC. carry搬动;根据大意介绍知道是节约和保护水资源,故选save节约; (2)句意:其中,污水问题尤其严重。A. easy容易的;B. popular欢迎的;C. serious形容 。年的主题,因此知道是最严重的问题,故选C2017词,严重的。从后一句污水是 (3)句意:通常,废水来自家庭、工厂、医院等。A. factories工厂;B. lakes湖;C. rivers 。知道是产生污水之地,故选A,,从homes, hospitals河流 (4)句意:雨水在暴风雨中沿着街道流淌时也会产生废水。get back取回,hand in上交,change into变成。根据

22、上文可知:废水是由各种各样的活动产生的,包括洗衣机、淋 。C浴和使用厨房根据下文also知道是与前面相同的是下雨也产生污水故选 (5)句意:不管它来目哪里,这种水肯走会有有害的东西。nothing什么也没有,表示否定意义;something某物,通常用于肯定句;nobody没有人,表示否定意义。污水是对人 。Bit是指污水,它里面应该是物质而不是人,故选A和C,有伤害的,排除 (6)句意:我们为什么必须处理废水呢?what什么,询问某物,who谁,询问人物;why为什么,询问原因。根据后面的回答,介绍了处理废水的原因,即为什么必须进行废 。水处理?故选C (7)句意:我们必须关心我们的坏墳和我

23、们目己的健康。work工作,interest兴趣,health健康。既然污水对人体与环境有危害,那么我们就应该关心环境与身体健康,故选 。C (8)句意:家庭废水可以重复使用。on在上面;B.为了;C. from来自。根据41空前 。Cwastewater comes from homes知道答案家中的污水进行再次使用,故选 (9)句意:那么污水会更少。 less更少的,修饰不可数名词;more更多的,better更好 。A的,根据上文,家里产生的废水再次使用由此可以推断出:将有更少的废水故选 (10)句意:此外,废水必须在回归目然之前加以净化。and和;whether是否; before 。

24、之前,结合句意,工厂在排放污水前应该进行处理清洁,以减少对环境的污染,故选C 【点评】考查完形填空,整体把握语篇大意,揣摩上下文文意,理解语境并,选择最符合作者表达意图的选项,。牢记常见的固定动词短语、句式,把握其各自的含义和用法;理清 上下文之间的关系,选择合适的选项。 完形填空4 Sports are very important. People from different parts of the world enjoy sports. Sports are 1 for peoples health. Some people like to play sports games by t

25、hemselves, but some 2 watching others play sports games. They buy tickets or 3 their TV to watch games. Sports 4 with the four seasons. People would like to play 5 games in different seasons. Most peoples favourite sports are swimming and skating. Swimming is in summer and skating is usually in 6 .

26、Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside. Some people play sports for 7 and fame while others just play for fun. We can 8 sports here and there. Some sports are so 9 that people everywhere like them a lot. Football, for example, is very popular all over the world. People 10 d

27、ifferent countries cant understand each other, but after a game they often become very friendly to each other. C. bad1. A. lovelyB. good C. touch2. A. enjoyB. reply C. turn aroundB. turn over3. A. turn on C. changeB. play4. A. take B. popularC. interesting5. A. different B. spring6. A. winterC. autu

28、mn B. money7. A. flowersC. energy B. look8. A. talkC. watch C. boring9. A. friendlyB. interesting B. toC. outside10. A. from)9;(C)8;(B)7;(A)6;(A)5;(C)4;(A)3;(A)2;(B)1( 【答案】 A);10B;(【分析】文章大意:这篇短文主要讲述了全世界的人们都喜欢运动,人们在冬季【解析】和夏季进行不同的运动。一些运动是非常有趣的,很多人都很喜欢。来自世界不同的国家 的人们,互相不能交流,但通过运动和比赛能够成为朋友。有坏处; be bad fo

29、r对有好处;对(1)句意:运动对于人们的健康有益。be good for 。lovelyB有害的。根据常识可知,运动对健康有好处,故可爱;bad喜欢做)句意:有些人喜欢自己做运动;但有些人喜欢看别人做运动。enjoy doing sth. 2 ( 。A触摸,故选回答;某事。replytouchturn 打开;onturn 3 ()句意:他们买票或者打开电视看比赛。 overturn 翻转过来; Aturn onTV转过身。根据后面的around,可知是打开,故选而变化;故选,因change玩耍;play 带走;take )句意:运动随四个季节而变化。4( 。C (5)句意:人们想在不同的季节做

30、不同的运动。different不同的;popular流行的; 。Ainteresting有趣的。故选 (6)句意:游泳是在夏天,滑冰通常在冬天。winter冬天;spring春天;autumn秋天, 。A根据常识可知,滑冰项目一般在冬天,故选 (7)句意:有人做运动为了金钱和名誉,而另一些人只是为了开心。flower花儿; 。B,可知相配的是金钱,money,故选moneys ; energy能力,能量。根据fame (8)句意:我们可以到处看运动比赛。talk谈论;look看;watch观看,观看运动比赛常 C,故选用watch (9)句意:有一些运动是那么的有趣,以至于世界各地的人们都非常

31、喜欢。friendly友好 。B like them a lot ,可知运动很有趣,故选interesting有趣的;boring无聊的,根据的; (10) 句意:来自世界各地的人们开始时相互不同了解,可是一场比赛之后就变得相互友 。外面,故选A来自;to到;outside好起来了。from 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意文中前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分忻,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答室可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通

32、 呖,语意连贯。 三个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案。、BC5阅读下列短文,从A How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electricity or batteries? This 1 bothered (使烦恼) British inventor Trevor Baylis. So in 1996, he 2 a wind-up (装有发条的) radio. It doesnt need any 3 or batteries. You wind it up by hand. It plays for abo

33、ut an hour. Then, you wind it up 4 , and it plays for another hour. Today its made in South Africa. Then in 1999, Baylis invented a mobile telephone that is powered by 5 .The shoes have a small battery that is powered when you 6 . This battery is connected to a mobile phone. These two simple inventi

34、ons can bring 7 communications to all parts of the world. Baylis doesnt have a university degree in engineering. In 8 , he left high school before graduating. He just loves 9 things to help people. He never knows when 10 will come to him. The idea for the telephone came to him in a dream. C. wish1.

35、A. dreamB. problem C. borrowedB. found2. A. invented C. electricityB. wind3. A. water C. finally4. A. suddenlyB. again C. caps5. A. clothesB. shoes C. restB. walk6. A. sleep C. expensive7. A. modernB. hard C. timeB. order8. A. fact C. collectingB. making9. A. selling C. ideasB. money10. A. experimen

36、t【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)A;(9) C;(10)B 【分析】本文介绍了不用电的收音机是如何发明的。【解析】 (1)句意:这个问题使得英国发明家Trevor Baylls感到烦恼。A.dream梦想,B.problem 。B希望。根据前文提到了没有电会怎样,可知空缺处填入problem,故选C.wish问题, (2)句意:他发明了一个装有发条的收音机。A.invented发明,B.found发现,C.borrowed借。根据前文提到他感到烦恼,可知他应该发明一样东西,空缺处填入invented,故选 。A (3)句意:它不需要任何电

37、或者电池。A.water水,B.wind风,C.electricity电。根据前文提到的 How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electricity or batteries 可 。Celectricity,故选知,空缺处的意义为 (4)句意:你再一次摇起它。A.suddenly突然的,B.again再一次,C.finally最终。根据前 。Bagain,故选文提到You wind it up,可知空缺处的意义为再一次,填入 (5)句意:在1999年,Baylis发明了用鞋子提供电力的移动电话。A.clothes衣服,

38、。,故选B鞋子,C.caps帽子。根据后文提到用鞋子供电,可知空缺处填入shoesB.shoes (6)句意:当你走路的时候,这个鞋子有一个电池在充电。A.sleep睡觉,B.walk走路, 。,故选BC.rest休息。根据常识可知,鞋子都是用来走路的,可知空缺处填入walk (7)句意;这两个简单的发明可以给全世界各地带来交流。A.modern现代,B.hard难 。A贵的。根据句意可知,空缺的意义为现代的,填入modern,故选的,C.expensive (8)句意:事实上,他毕业前就离开了高中。A.fact事实,B.order顺序,C.time时间。根 。Afact,故选据后文提到他没毕

39、业就离开了,可知空缺的意义为事实上,填入 (9)句意:他就是喜欢制作东西来帮助人们。A.selling销售,B.making制作,C.collecting收集。根据前文可知,他制作了很多东西,空缺处填入making,同时结合短语love doing 。,喜欢做某事,故选Bsth (10)句意:他从来都不知道想法何时会来。A.experiment实验,B.money钱,C.ideas想法。根据后文提到 The idea for the telephone came to him in a dream 可知,空缺处的意 C。义为ideas,故选【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词

40、,再根据上下文来判断所缺 单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。 完形填空6 Philip likes dogs. He asks his parents to 1 a dog for him, but his parents cant do that because Philips grandma doesnt like dogs. Philip says to his grandma, I will 2 the dog out of your way. Grandma says yes. On Friday evening, Philip 3 his dog. He is so

41、 4 and he calls his dog Fifi. One day, Grandma says she will watch TV in her room and doesnt want Philip to disturb (打扰) her, 5 Philip plays with his dog in his room. After some time, Fifi 6 the door of Grandmas room, and begins barking (吠叫) at the door. Philip tells Fifi not to bark. But Fifi doesn

42、t 7 . Philips father 8 something is wrong, and then he opens the door and sees Grandma on the floor. They 9 her to the hospital quickly. After Grandma leaves hospital, she thanks Fifi for saving (救) her 10 and says that of her family. (成员)Fifi is now one member D. buy1. A. seeB. loveC. draw D. findB

43、. keepC. remember2. A. tell C. knows3. A. callsD. getsB. thanks C. happyB. tidyD. healthy4. A. fine C. but5. A. soB. orD. because C. runs to6. A. asks forD. comes fromB. lives in B. talkC. goD. walk7. A. listen C. sounds8. A. speaksD. thinksB. watches B. needC. joinD. leave9. A. take B. lifeC. time1

44、0. A. sonD. thing【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)D;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9) ;)BA;(10【解析】【分析】文章大意:Philip喜欢狗,请求父母给他买一只,但奶奶不喜欢,于是Philip征求奶奶的同意后得到了一只宠物狗。一天奶奶想看电视,要求Philip不许让狗打扰她。过了一会那只狗跑到奶奶的房间门口叫,爸爸觉得有什么不对劲,过去一看才知道奶奶躺在地上。他们马上送奶奶去了医院。奶奶出院后非常感激并允许那只狗成为家庭的一 员。 (1)句意:Philip喜欢狗,请求父母给他买一只。固定短语ask sb. to do sth.表示让某人做某事

45、,to的后面跟动词原形。A.看;B.喜爱;C.画画;D.buy购买,选项D符合句意,故选 。D (2)句意:菲利普对他的奶奶说:“我会让狗远离你,不挡在你的路上。”固定短语,keep.out of way,表示别当某人的道;A.告诉,B.保持;C.记住;D.发现。B.符合句意,故 。B选 (3)句意:在周五的晚上,Philip得到一只小狗。A.打电话;B.感谢;C.知道;D.得到。选 。符合句意,故选D项D (4)句意:他很高兴,叫他的狗菲菲。因Philip非常喜欢狗,得到一只狗肯定非常的开 。C开心;D.健康,故选B.心,A.好;干净;C. (5)句意:因此Philip只能与小狗在他的房间里

46、玩耍。根据上文的语句 Grandma says she will watch TV in her room and doesnt want Philip to disturb (打扰) her可知,奶奶不让小狗 。打扰她,考查连词,表示因果关系,故选A (6)句意:过了一段时间,菲菲跑到奶奶房间的门口,开始在门口叫。A.请求;B.居住; 。C跑向;C.D.来自,狗跑去奶奶房门,故选B.听;A.)句意:菲利普告诉菲菲不要吠叫。但是菲菲没有听。考查动词的基本含义,7( 。A散步,A选项符合题意,故选谈论;C.去;D. (8)句意:Philip的爸爸考虑到可能发生了不好的事情。根据下文语句 he o

47、pens the door and sees Grandma on the floor. 可知,爸爸的顾虑是正确的,A.说;B.看;C.听起来;D.考 。D虑,故选 (9)句意:他们赶快将奶奶送到医院。固定短语take sb. to the hospital表示把某人送到医 。离开。故选A需要;C.加入;D.A.院。送;B. (10)句意:她非常感谢菲菲拯救了她的命。考查名词辨析。A.儿子;B.生命;C.时间;D. B。事物。选项B符合句意,故选【点评】考查完形填空 , 首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所 缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。 完形填空。7

48、John is a worker from England. He 1 in the center of London, but his factory (工厂) is far from his 2 .Every morning he gets up at 6:00 and 3 to work at 7:00.He usually walks to the bus stop to 4 a bus. He walks to Center Street and 5 down the street. Then he turns left at the second crossing. The bus

49、 stop is 6 the park. He 7 at the bus stop at 7:20, the bus takes 8 to the neighborhood of the factory, and there isnt any other bus to the factory. 9 he gets off (下车)the bus,he walks to the factory and starts(开始) his work. John is very 10 every day, but he likes his work very much. C. lives1. A. pla

50、ysB. likes C. family2. A. houseB. park C. goes3. A. turnsB. runs C. buyB. drive4. A. take C. going5. A. goB. goes C. between6. A. inB. across from B. looksC. visits7. A. arrives B. hisC. him8. A. he C. When9. A. BeforeB. After C. busy10. A. dirtyB. quiet【答案】(1)C;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9

51、) ;B;(10)C【解析】【分析】【分析】文章大意:约翰是来自美国的一名工人,他住在纽约市中心,但是他所在的工厂离他家很远。每天早晨,他六点起床,七点去上班。他通常步行去公交车站去乘公交车。他步行到中心街,沿着这条街走,然后他在第二个十字路口左转。公交车站在公园对面,他七点二十到达公交车站,公交车带他到工厂的附近。下车后,他步行 去工厂,开始工作。约翰每天都很忙,但是他非常喜欢他的工作。(1)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:他居住在伦敦中心,但是他的工厂离他家很远。根据下文but his factory (工厂)is far from his house可是他的工厂离家很远。可知此处是说他居 。C

52、喜欢,live居住,故选住的地方和工厂很远。play玩,like(2)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:他居住在伦敦中心,但是他的工厂离他家很远。根据He usually walks to the bus stop to take a bus.他通常步行去汽车站乘公共汽车。他坐公共汽 。Afamily家庭,故选车去上班。可知他的工厂离他家很远。house家,park公园,(3)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:他每天早上六点起床七点去上班。turn转弯,run跑, 。Cgo to work去上班,固定短语,故选go去,(4)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:他通常步行去汽车站乘公共汽车。根据He usually wa

53、lks to the bus stop他通常步行去车站,可知去乘公共车,take a bus坐公共车,固定短语,故 。选A(5)固定短语和语境理解。句意:他步行到中心街然后沿着这条街道走。go down the street沿着街道走,固定短语,句子时态是一般现在时,根据he,可知谓语动词用第三人 。称单数,故选B(6)介词辨析和语境理解。句意:公共汽车站在公园的对面。in在.里面,公共汽车站不可能在公园里,across from在.对面,between在.之间,经常和and一起连用,在 。B两者之间,故选(7)动词辨析和语境理解。句意:他7:20到达汽车站。他七点从家步行出发七点二十到 。到

54、达,固定短语,故选A看,lookvisit参观,arrive at达汽车站。arrive到达,(8)代词辨析和语境理解。句意:公共汽车带他到工厂的地区。take及物动词后面跟宾语,he他主格,作主语,his他的,形容词性物主代词修饰名词,him他,宾格,作宾语, 。C故选(9)连词辨析和语境理解。句意:当他到达后他下车步行到工厂开始工作。根据下文he walks to the factory and starts(开始) his work. 根据下文他步行到工厂开始工作。可知他在 。B在.时候,故选之后,之前,下车之后,before在.after在.when(10)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:约翰每天很忙,但是他非常爱他的工作。dirty脏 。忙的,此


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