



1、英语写作部分:提纲提纲或考摘要(见另一份资料)提纲分为两类,话题提纲(tpic outne)或短语提纲,和句子提纲(sentnceutlin)。话题提纲的内容由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成;句子提纲由完整的句子构成。i写作步骤:a 决定题目b 设计一个主题或论点c 收集细节ii 提纲的格式提纲有别于摘要,有严格的格式要求。toc: thsis: outlie:i. a. 1. a) b) 2 b. . iii a. b.规则1. 整个提纲至少有三层:tpic, hesis, oulin.在最后可以添加的部分是onlusio(结论)。2. 主题部分thsis,必须是一个完整的句子,不管

2、是在话题提纲还是在句子提纲中都不能改变。3. 部分若有分项,分项不能少于2个,即有1必有2,有a必有b。4. 处于同一层次的分项具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑,分项必须用相同的语法结构来表达。5. 不能将话题提纲(toic utline)和句子提纲(stnceoutlie)混用,前后要保持统一。6. 话题提纲的第一个字母要提写,短语后不必句号,而句子提纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。exame 1:tpc: theschool ibrary thess: he libray plays veymprtant part n a stdents lie. outine:. stuent eeds t

3、 bro boksfomtheirary. a. heneedsefrence boks to scoure. h ma at red oels stoesii.he an ad ewsaprs and mgzies inhe lbry . many mgans ar avail in he reading roo.b thre are nspaps foaypovinces.iii. he nedsitin hsjnioradsni yars a he liray povdes him withooksfohi research. b. henees it t wi his grduatio

4、napr.example2:原文来自专升本英语考试试题集模拟二摘要原文opic: threepassonsthei: mylie has ben overne by threeassos.outline:i. threpassionshs goerned lfe ii i ave soht oe a. i bringsunontrledfeelngs o me. b. t rliee my oneline. c. have sen thesion of te haven inthe unio of lve. iii. i hesought knoledg ai have wished to n

5、estan te heasfme b.ihave hsd toko wy t tas shie. i hae rto underta theworld arond me. iv. longo ipe outt vlutann makes mesffer. v. have und my lifeworth livi.opi: trepasonthesis:mylife a been governed y ree passiosuine:.tre pasions ii seeing le a. bringig uncontroed eelins b. relivng mlonelness c briging tevsionf the haen iii. skig nwled a hing o understand theartf mn wihing oknowy the sars sie c. wishingtoundsnd heworld a


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