已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、现在分词的七种用法现在分词的七种用法(一)作定语. 动词现在分词单独作定语,通常放在所修饰词前。例如:th leepingbo itom.2现在分词短语作定语放在所修饰词的后面,意思同定语从句差不多。例如 :tell th chidrenlyig outside t to makeo mh nis. = ell the chil wh areplying ousid no o make too muchoise.3. 现在分词可相当于非限制性定语,常用逗号分开。例如:to, wein beuifl lothes, follod me don hil tom, ho is rig eutiful

2、chs, ollowe m dnthe l4. 有时现在分词可以和副词或名词构成复合词作定语。例如:this is anelshseag counry.(二)作表语现在分词作表语多表示主语的特征。如using,dicouraging, uzzling, refrehin,atnishig, exctng 等。例如:the soryis ving.(三)现在分词在句中作宾语补足语,这时现在分词和前面的宾语有逻辑上的“主表”关系或“主谓”关系。例如:w ll oun is quimetinteesting (主表关系) s ar goinguptairs th.(主谓关系)(四)作状语现在分词作状

3、语,其逻辑主语一般是句中的主语,如果不是,需在v- 形式前加名词或代词主格作逻辑主语。1. 作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。例如:eing il, mrydtcme to school esterday.2.作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句。例如:eeing the eacher coming, t stuents stpd talking.如果现在分词表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生,常在现在分词前加上wen或whi。例如:whilewaig or the lae,i ad a lonlk wisimn3. 作条件状语。v-in 形式作条件状语时,相当于一个条件状语从句。例如:woin ha

4、rder, youll b o. 1iyourc.4. 作让步状语,相当于让步状语从句。例如:eihing alot two hndrdji,he stonwa moved by him alone. 作结果状语。例如:h ied, levng nothin bu dt.6. 作伴随状语或方式状语。例如:e sat by the adsde,eging.(五)现在分词的完成式表示它发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作之前。例如 :havin finishi omework, he lethe classrom.(六)现在分词的被动式当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,用v- 形式的被动式。例如:tefact

5、ory being bilnow a b one(七) 现在分词的否定形式是由“not 现在分词”构成。例如:nt haing een invied othepty, h a to styhom.高中英语现在分词用法练习题(一)1.taknpitu_ eryiteresin. a is b. are c. o be . b 2._ the bad nw ade h cry. a. har b. heard hearing . s heain 3._ desrthad aw benisk etur. a eing rossed b. havig cre cossing d. to hav cro

6、sd 4.r ca , dishd _ hhole book. .to rea b to hve rd .ran d read i alwaysnjy _ to pol muic at nght. a tolisten.lstnin cthat canlistn d. i a lisen e acosderig_ a tri aund thesland. a k b.totke c.o tking d takg . hpe u ot mind atyour nepapera. ok b. y oking . i ookig d. mytlook 8.hena ans heat tops _ ,

7、 he ie a.to eat b. batn c. at d. eat .icat help_he ist ave. .thinkin b. thnk c. t tnk d. hogh of0.so far as i am cncerne, prfe edig_ . .tha meat forjoy c nstea f sleeping to dkng 1 ges witho _ that knoedge is imprnt a. talking b. tellig . saying d. mentioning2. e areoki foward _oufiensnxt wee. a ose

8、 b to seing to e seng d.shall ee1.h spt lt of mone _ bs nd maazines. . buy . buy c. to buy . bht 14.the sikwormis ect wort _. a. to kn b. knowg c obe known . bg kown 1.shewent out witho_ god-bto . .y b. ay c aig d.beng said 1hecrios sudent ket on _ qson. a. asksb. akingc. tosk d. ake 17hssucha stran

9、gpeson;tes_wht hell o nx. no nwing b. not okowc. n know d. eing own 1.wen sh heardthe d new, he burs_.a. nt crying b. ou to tears c. cryng d ut cryng 19.you mstnevr rosshe street withot _a.witn b t wait . waitingor d. towait for 2.scieniss suced _ protein out of oldnewsapes a o make b. ataki c.makin

10、 d. in aking 21.i became_ aftr wchi oo uchelevis. red b.borin cbre d.bores 22i fet_ bhi intee innew inention. a.enuge oenouage c as ouraged d. ncouage 3.esat here _a nvel. a rea b. reading c. reads d. had read2 dontake up t_ cild. a. sleep slpt seping d. spy5aovrb es:“a _ stone gaths o moss” . ol .

11、rolling .rl d. lls 26.the havy i kp s _ for t hours a wit b. wated c waitin d. t wit 27.i found dog_ove y acar on th r a. t run b. ru c. rn d. runing28. found th baby _ on the floor a. slpt b. sleep c. sleep dsleeping29jack saw a omn _ nath dg , se wakeup to e. a sood b. stands c.to stan .standin3th

12、eygot thei a_ t he gara. a. ewashe bwahed .beingwahed d. ohveenwashd31. _ with hsreport , itol him ite ital oer again. . issatisactory b. not bng stisfed c havin not sasfed .dissatifn 32._ ur shos inou hns, werossed te strm. a. tarry barrying c. card d. crr 3_ my hoer, i wenthom.a havin fnihed b. in

13、ihed c.bingfnshed d. finish 4._ te orunloe,i wen n a. fidng .fnd c. had found dhv ound35_a aeles elo, forgtll aot t. as b.b c. being dwas 36._ crfull, ts letter iserybeautiful a. type b. yping c type d. t ye3nimas a do may amazingthings wen propery_.trainb traning c.train d. o trin 8. you mustb crfu

14、l whn_onthhighway. a. youriving b are driing c. drivind. yo erern 3.if_, i il go toe paytonig. a. iie b. ining . o vite d. invited40.touns of pouts_rom coalare ow n daiy use. a mde mae c. aking d t mae 4.eninesare machis _ owr o motin. a. poe . prodcing . producd . i produng 2urg this tle soe oldies

15、ere wonded , nd se_. . is .misse c. ising d to mis43weather _ , we willhavea picnc torow a et b. ermts. permitt dpertting44.the vacatin _ oer , he stuent am back oschoo is bare c.wasd.eg 45._, we ft off orwor. a tr sttin th u . having setthe sun. th su havingse d. bn esnse.4._ the pantin, e v h of r

16、elf. a. inisig b. afiise c. benished d. having fnishe 47_ the way to tke, he traveller went nhs journey. ellng b avng tld c.avnben tod .hod 48.the unitesat as developed nt amden nato in avery orttime_ i man thr cntries. . ompars b. coparing c. to copare d.comar 4.he you find oethin in you wriingthat

17、 nees_, should mak t the aper. .obe crrecting b. corect c. to corc d.corectin.none of s ojctedt _ og to te birthday pty . nvi bivting c. hinvid invite 现在分词练习题(二) cat tand _ ith ne in th samoffce. s jst refuss _taing while she wa ri. a.wokig;stpping b. to work;stoping c. ring; to stopd. to work;t st

18、2t si there _noing. coe and he m with this table a b. to o c. doig d.anddoing 3the wild fowr loked ikea soft rage lanket_the dert. . coering b.coved c over d. o coer 4. tos ner willing t ltr any f hisoinion. its o use _wh him. a. to argu b argung c.aue .aviagued .te str left, _a lot o amageto ts aa.

19、 a. cad b. to ae caused o cus .havig cause 6_ , th ore expesiv the amera, h bettrts quliy. a general spang b. pi eneal c. gnerally pkg d. spkinggeely7. “yocantcatc me!” jneshouted, _away . rn b. rning c toru .an 8. icouldnto m hoework withll hat nise_. .in b.oes o c. wen on d. tog on 9. he gotwellpr

20、epard orte jb interv, or h olnt rik_ egoodoportunty. atoe b. loin .t be ls . bei los 10._for manyyears,the two brothers antronizeec oter a. beingspted .havin serated c.hain sparatd d. o bsearated 11. th anage, _it cler tousth he dint agree ithus, left t eetingom. . hoa ae b. avng me cmde d.making 12

21、 rallyant understnd _her ie tht. .ou rea .you totre c. w tea . tratin. eveybdy inthe vilage likes jak because eisgod attelng and _ oks a urning up b.putgup . maingu d. showing up 14. adig i n exeiecequitedffeetfomatch tv; eear pctures_ inyour id nsteadof efore yr eye! a.o rm b form . fring d.hagform

22、e 15.do ae the atr_whieyou brush your eeth a. run b. running ben u d.to run 16. according to a recet surey, chilrn spenup to25 us eek _tv a. o watch b. to wachn c. watchng d. wach 17.the insted _a taxi for me een thoughi tldm i livderb. a.fi b. tofnd c. on findig .indin 1 having eenll ied fornearly

23、a mnh, he had a hard t_ teexa. . pss b.to pass c. passe .pasn 19.he looked aound ancagh a n_ his had n the poetof a passenger. aput b.to beputting c. o p d. puttin 20 aco willbmmediael iredif he i foud_ n th kithen. .oke . smokng c.to mok d smoked 2. ediscovey nw evidee ed to_. a. te thifhavng auht

24、b.cath thetief c. he thiebeig aght .h ie to b cught 2.i cdt find mky o ecarwen_home. a leavin to leav c.left . hvinget 23. tough_ mone,his parentmanged to nd himt univrity. a. lced b. lackingf c.lacking d. lacked i2._to ulght for oo uch time willd harm to ones skn. a.exposed b. having epos .eg pose

25、d. aftr begexosd 25.reallyapreciate_ to relax w you on his ice isnd a. t hae d ime b. aing time c.to hae tim thavntime 2. e earns a langge by making itakes a _ them . orr b. crrectig c. rects d t corrc 27. mrre me up his ind odevo al he ad to_ some csor oor chlde. .set up b. ettig u c. have et u d h

26、ai setup 8 omms nw ieas hv o betested maytims before_ acpfuly b. ful accpng c. ful been acee d. flyaceped 29_hs,youhould avenroubh th difficut or. nwg . i yo re kowin c. fomknown d. ify had kon 30.nver_ athin hmself, tesientistwent onwih his rerch. ling b to lose c. lose d to elos 31_md hery happ. a

27、. heaentswil come b. er pens to me . er pent came d.hr paretoing 32. the_glwaast sen_ na ak. a.missi; payin b. ssing; lay c. msd; play d. misse; o play 33. onws ery unhappyr_ t th pary. a. havig not be vtd b not hnginvitd .hvin notnvitd d. t hving ben iied 34. whenhe asoung, he usd to go therean wah

28、_ . . to epairbies b. iksto be epared c.bikesbeng rprd .ang kes 35.ferhe prty, te ildewerallowd toinihof he_ sanices and aks. a remaini b.rt c leaving d. remaned 3. oliceman reported_ an ollad risk_ ve fastnthe hhwy. a. to ee; ing b seen; drivg c. o se;drive d. to see; driven 37.i eall aprecat_ tp m

29、e, but isue that i can anag byyself. a.you frig b. ha yuoffer c. ou ffer d.that u arfering8.hat woried hey mostws_ tog oscool. a. hisno allowng b i no e alowed . his beng t alowed d having not been alowed 9. slwly sopened he lettr,_ a. her adsslightly trembln b. rembing her hands slihtl c. hhans tmb

30、led slihtl d.sightlher hns wee treled 0. wha d you hikof the book? oh, excellnt.is worth_ second tme. a. tored . tberead c. raig d bng rea 41. it was_ computer games th ook the by a lotof tme tat he ught t hae spnto hslson a. tohve pyd b. plng c. laed d. hvin playd 4the ol mantodthe sory n a_voice ndthltte girlfelt ery _. a. frihtening; frihtened b. rhend;figtning .


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