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1、单选题1.Hello,canIhelpyou?Whatareyoulooking_?A.at B.after C.for D.outof2.She_toGaoyouRestaurant.A.prefertogo B.prefergoing C.prefergoes D.preferstogo3.Danielwants_tostaywith_today.A.us,he B.us,him C.we,he D.we,him4.Jim,aboy_youattheschoolgaterightnow.A.iswaitingfor B.iswaiting C.waitsfor D.waits5.Heoft

2、enborrowsmoney_hisfathertobuyCDs.A.to B.from C.with D.on6.Therearesomegirls_underthetreeoverthere.A.Sing B.singing C.sings D.aresinging7.There_somewaterintheglass.A.is B.has C.are D.have8.MyfavouriteT-shirt_meabout100yuan.A.uses B.costs C.spends D.pays9.TheClassTwostudents_afashionshowyesterday.A.to

3、ok B.gave C.showed D.got10.Tomorrowhewillgiveusatalk_theEnglishnames.A.of B.with C.at D.on11.-Youlookverycooltoday,Amy. - _.A.Oh,Idontlookit B.Thankyou C.No.Iamnotcoolatall D.Thesameyou12.Thenewshoesfitmevery_.A.good B.much C.well D.nice13.-How_doyousleepeverynight? -Morethan8hours.A.often B.much C.

4、long D.many14.-When_Simon_schoolyesterday? -About5:30.A. does,leave B.did,leave C.did,left D.was,leave15.-Whatdoes_comefrom? -Itsfromsheep.A.silk B.cotton C.leather D.wool16.-Whendidyoustarttogotoschool? -_.A.Twomonths B.Intwomonths C.Aftertwomonths D.Twomonthsago17.Thentheshoemakercutme_theshapeofa

5、shoe.A.at B.on C.of D.into18.-_doyouwanttobuy? -SizeEight.A.Which B.Howbig C.Whatsize D.Howmuch19.-_doyoutakeyourdogforawalkeveryday? -Once.A.Howoften B.Howmanytimes C.Howlong D.Howmuch20.-Whatdoyouhave_breakfast? -Some_andmilk.A.for,biscuits B.with,bread C.for,cake D.witheggs21.Itsrainingoutside.Yo

6、umust_araincoat.A.puton B.wear C.have D.dress22.Jimlikestowear_.A.ajeans B.somejeans C.abluejean D.apairofjeans23.Ididnthave_tosay.SoIsaid_.A.something,anything B.anything,something C.anything,nothing D.nothing,anything24.Wontyoulet_helpyou?A.Iandmyfriendto B.myfriendandI C.myfriendandme D.my friend

7、andIto25.Yourbagisdifferent_mine.A.to B.with C.from D.for26. The park is quite _ your home. You can walk there. A. near B. next C. between D. far27. Lets raise some money for the poor children in mountain areas. The underlined part means _. A. put B. give C. collect D. save28. We are looking forward

8、 to_ you again. A. see B. sees C. seeing D. saw29. Lucy _ be an English teacher, but she is an actress now. A. used in B. be used to C. used to D. was used to30. _ great day we had in the Expo Site yesterday! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a130单选答案BABBDBCCBDDDCBAADCCCACCCB部分解析:9.give a fashion show

9、意为“举行时装表演”,give相当于have/hold。类似的表达还有:give a concert举行音乐会; give a banquet举行宴会; give a talk举行报告会; give a show举行展览10On在句中作“关于”讲,相当于about,on常指“关于”学术、专业或单纯某方面的内容,而about则泛指所有的人或物,有“关于,大约”之意。17. 接着,鞋匠把我切割成鞋子的形状。 Cutinto意为“把切成、割成”29. used to表示过去常常做某事(但如今已不存在); be used to do的意思是被用来做某事; be used to doing的意思是习惯于

10、做某事(to是介词,后需加名词或动名词)。MODULE11、如有always ,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, once a.,every.用一般现在时,第一、二人称复数后跟动词原形,第三人称单数后跟动词加s/es。2、如有now ,look! ,listen, at the moment .用现在进行时,结构是be (am, is, are) +v-ing3、如有tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, in +一段时间, some day, next.用一般将来时,结构:will + v

11、原型/ be going to +v原型(没有动词用be )4、如有yesterday, .ago , last.just now.用一般过去时动词加edgive sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. 给某人某物every day每天everyday每天的,日常的write it (them) down 写下,记下how about doing sth.= what about doing sth. 做.怎么样each other 互相.thanks a lot= thank you very much非常谢谢(回答谢谢可以用)Thats all right. = Youre

12、welcome. = Thats OK. = Its my pleasure. = Not at all.why dont you+v原型 = why not+.v原型 为什么不help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助别人help sb. (to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 with ones help=with the help of sb.在某人的帮助help oneself to sth.请自用食物watch sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事(现在没有做,做过)watch sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事(正在做) see, hear类似remember

13、 to do sth.想起记得要做某事(没做)remember doing sth.相起记得做过某事(做过)forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事welcome back欢迎回来new term新学期this term这学期 last /next term 上/下学学期give you some advice给你一些建议 make a mistake = make mistakes犯错误correct spelling正确的拼写what else? = what other things? 还有什么a piece of advice 一条建议 follow /t


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