1、AbstractBody language plays an important role in intercultural communication. Each movement of a person can express ones emotions and attitudes. Body language is different in different countries with intercultural view, however, it has the same purpose that it helps people communicate in an effectiv
2、e way. People from different cultures always use different nonverbal means of communication, conveying non-verbal information which plays a necessary role in international business. In intercultural communication, if both parts cant be deeply in the same cultural background, it will be more likely t
3、o create misunderstandings which cause failure in communication. Therefore, the negotiators should have strong cultural consciousnessand get familiar with many different forms of non-verbal communication so as to understand each other well, observe negotiation opponent, and use nonverbal expression
4、more effectively.This paper discusses the types of body language , its important functions, and the important role body language plays in international business negotiations. Different countries have difference in posture, facial expressions, gestures and body space (distance). This paper also expou
5、nds the importance of non-verbal communication. The discussion on body language in intercultural communication helps people reduce or avoid misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication because of the differences of body language under different culture background.Key words: body language; interc
6、ultural communication;international business; negotiation中文摘要体态语在跨文化交际中起着不可或缺的作用。 一个人不同的行为动作表达着不同的 情感和观点。在不同的文化背景下以及在不同的国家里, 体态语不尽相同。然而,体态 语都有一个共同的目标, 那就是帮助人们有效地交际。 不同文化的人会用不同的非语言 交际,非语言交际传递着不同的信息, 这些信息在国际商务中起着非常重要的作用。 在 跨文化交际中, 交际双方若不能进入同一文化背景之中, 就容易产生不解或误解, 从而 是交际失败。因此,谈判人员应该要有较强的文化意识以及熟悉多学不同的非语言交
7、际 形式,以便尽可能地观察对手, 领会对方的非语言信息, 同时更好地运用自己的非语言 表达。本文重点论述了体态语的类型和重要功能, 并且论述了体态语在国际商务谈判中的 重要作用。不同国家在手势,姿态,面部表情,眼神与体距等方面的文化差异,论述了 非语言交际的重要性。 对跨文化交际中的体态语进行探讨, 有助于人们减少或避免在跨 文化交际中因体态语的文化差异而引起的误解。关键词 :体态语 , 跨文化交际 , 国际商务 , 谈判1. IntroductionBody language is an important part of non-verbal communication. Intercul
8、tural communication is the process of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. Body language (non-verbal communication) which is not carried out in words, but through one s voice qualitifeasc,ial expressions, gestures, body movement, or attitudes towards space and time and s
9、o on. People can communicate with one another not only through verbal communication but also through non-verbal communication; moreover, the latter plays more essential role and mainly expressesreal emotion and attitude through gesture, posture, facial expression, eye behavior, and body contact . Th
10、is paper intends to present different forms of body language under different culture and its functions so that we can improve our communication skills and abilities by understanding it well and put it into effective use.“ Research shows that when people meetmseoone for the first time, only 6% of the
11、ir initial impact on others is determined by the content of what they say; the other 94% of their message is made up of body language (55%) and the tone of their voice( 39%). ”(Zhang Jianqing,2004: 105).Body language used to be neglected by many people, simply because of its non-verbal nature. But t
12、hings are different now: business people are paying more and more attention to non-verbal ways in their communications. As the trend of globalization is strengthened step by step, international communication is frequent and important day by day. Thus, the significance of body language in intercultur
13、al communication has been greatly realized.Body language is also interlinked with spoken language and a whole pattern of behavior from a person. In addition to that, various body language signs can complement each other to make a particular meaning clear and strengthen the meaning of what we communi
14、cate.Owing to cultural differences, the same body language has different meanings and communicative functions, because each culture has some social norms that govern the conduct of people ssocial behaviors, which causes a lot of trouble in intercultural communication. Therefore, in intercultural com
15、munication, it is of great importance for us to understand the body language. This paper focuses on the cultural comparison of the body language, so that business person can put it into practice appropriately especially in business negotiation.As a business person, if you want to communicate with yo
16、ur partner sucessfully, you should get familiar with different body language in different country so as to make the trade much closer and further. At the same time, you had better make full preparations for body language communication before going to make deal with people from different culture. In
17、this way, people are likely to avoid misunderstanding body language.2. Different Forms of Body Language under Different Culture2.1Gesture2.1.1 Same gesture, different meanings under different cultures insult.Owing to the existance of cultural differences in the world, the same gesture may convey dif
18、ferent meanings to others.One person s positive gesture may be another personHands on hips signals hostility in Mexico, anger in Malaysia, impatience in the United States, and in Argentina it indicates a challenge. In China, it is a sign that there is a need for relaxing or a pause as one has been t
19、ired or a sign of relief after hard work; it is sometimes adopted to display ones strength in quarreling with other people.Making a circle with one sindex finger at the temple is normally used when talking privately about a third person, which means that person is crazy,often in a joking way. But in
20、 China,it means thinking.In Russia, receiving a very slow applause indicates great appreciation, but in many countries this would show lack of appreciation.Chinese people may express their agreement, approval and praise by nodding the head, smiling, while Italians show their satisfaction in this way
21、.The “ V”for victory sign is accepted in both China and English speaking countries. However, this sign previously means the number2 in China.People of English speaking countries keep their middle finger crossed index finger to mean that the person is hoping for good luck.While in China, it means the
22、 number Different gestures , same meanings under different cultureDifferent cultures have different non-verbal signals to convey some subtle information.When it comes to counting 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Enlish speaking countries are different from Chinese. They point index finger or crook mid
23、dle finger, ring finger and pinkie to indicate 1; they use index finger, crooking middle finger and ring finger with the thumb pressing the pinkie to indicate 3; they stretch out the closing five fingers plus the index finger of the other hand to indicate 6; they primarily stretch out the hand, then
24、 successively add the middle, ring finger, pinkie and thumb of the other hand to indicate 7, 8, 9, 10.In China, if one wants to express “ shame on you h”e ,or she will extend the forefinger and touch his or her own face with the tip of the finger several times. While English-speaking people extend b
25、oth forefingers with palms down in front of his or her body, and then one finger makes several burshing movements over the back of the other.In China, people put the thumb or forefinger on the nose to confirm if he or she is mentioned or called. While many people of Enlish speaking countries always
26、get this meaning by pointing at himself or herself with the palm inside.2.2 PosturePosture is a functional source of cultural understanding. The same posture may cause serious conflicts when in different cultural region.Greeting, nodding and shaking heads, sitting and standing, which movements of th
27、e head, arms, hands, legs communicate oneesmotion and feelings, as well as oneself-image and energy level.Posture, whatever type it belongs to, sends different messages to other people. When you stand in an upright position, you impress others as being energetic;when you are sitting with a hand supp
28、orting your chin,you give others the impression that you are either deep in thinking or in the blues; when you lean forward while listening, it will strike the speaker that you are attentive and interested in what he is saying; but if you look away from time to time while listening, it will be inter
29、preted as being either absent-minded or lacking interest and so forth.Surely the signal for,“shNaok!in”g one s head from side to ,sisdeshared among peopleall around the world?False!In Creece, Turkey and Iran, swaying head from side to side means, a”“yes”.Taking greeting for example, in some countrie
30、s, people would like to shake hands with others when meeting, while in some eastern countries, such as Japan, people bend to show their greetings. In some countries, people embrace and kiss each other.In English speaking countries, like America and Britain, females often hug males and kiss their fac
31、es to say goodbye. And in East Asian countries and western countries, males seldom hug but often shake hands to show welcome. Japaneseoften show welcome by bowing. In the countries like Arab, Russia, France, East Europe and some countries at the bank of the Mediterranean, males often hug tightly and
32、 kiss each other s cheeks to show welcome. P living in Latin America also do the same thing. It is common to see youth of the same sex hold hands and hug in China. But in English speaking countries, it will be regarded homosexuality.While taking nodding and shaking heads for example, on most occasio
33、ns, people nod their heads to show the emotion of agreement, while shaking heads conveys disagreement. Nevertheless, Celongese uses two different forms to means “ yes ”W.hen facing the fact, they will nod to agree. However, when they agree with the opinion of others, they will shake heads to show th
34、eir agreement.According to Chinese tradition, people who are sitting have right to take charge of others: Monarch sits and officer stands; father sits and son stands; leader sits and employee stands and so on. So the young give the old a seat to show respect. But in America and Britain, people who a
35、re in charge of others have tendency to stand. They will make use of the height of space to indicate the high status. People who have high status choose to sit when they are conversing with you, which mean they want to create harmonious and equal atmosphere and lessen space. So adults will bend down
36、 when they are talking to children.“ Froyd once said:No onekeep secret. If he does not talk and keep silent, he will talk with his fingers. In a whole, part of his body will sell him out. (Shi Din”gle,Peng Chunping,2004:104)2.3 Facial ExpressionThe rapid facial signals are the primary system for exp
37、ression of emotion. It is the face that you search to know whether someone is angry, disgusted, afraid, sad, etc. Words cannot always describe our feelings. Words are not adequate to express what we see in the book on someone face at an emotional moment.The movement of eyebrows carries messageslike
38、greeting, surprise, fear and so on. Generally speaking, westerners use more eyebrow movements to convey messages than Easterners do. It is reported that westerners can send up to 28 different messagesthrough eyebrow movements. However, some eyebrow movements are regarded as shared ones, like a locke
39、d eyebrow, which indicates anxiety; or a raised one, which often indicates onesThe meaning of smile varies from person to person who is in different culture. For instance, when a foreigner pours all his drink out at the seat of a bus and feels very embarrassed.The Chinese conductor smiled at him, wh
40、ich would make him angry. As a matter of fact, the smile means “ Nevermind ” .However, the smile expresses an emotion of avoiding answering a question.Smile is a very common and effective way of nonverbal communication. Quite a number of businesseshave started training their employees to learn to sm
41、ile, especially in the service industry.2.4 Eye ContactAs the saying goes, eyes are the window of soul. Eye contact is a very important way to judge the intimacy of the communicators. But what is considered appropriate eye contact varies from situation to situation and from one culture to another. H
42、ow can we distinguish someone is sad or happy when he is smiling?Eye contact is one of the essential non-verbal abilities to communicate. Actually, we are least aware of our non-verbal communication skills like body language and especially eye contact, yet these non-verbal skills often speak louder
43、than our words.When you maintain eye contact, you will present confidence in yourself and what you are communicating. Listeners will take you more seriously, and will take what you say into consideration. If you lose eye contact or focus on everything else but the person you are speaking to, the tru
44、th in your points may be lost.Arabs have warned their countrymen never to do business with those who do not look you straight in the eye. In the United States, one cannot expect to find a good job if he forgets to look directly at the interviewer eyes. Canadians, Australians and many other westerner
45、s hold that direct eye contact in communication carries the message of honesty, sincerity and frankness.In Britain, you must avoid staring at the strangers but at the same time avoid ignoring them. When communicating with one another, if you are not looking at the person you are talking to, your beh
46、avior could imply fear, contempt, uneasiness, guilt or indifference. In making a speech, the lecturer should exchange eye contact with the audience from time to time, but not bury his or her nose in the manuscript.2.5 SpaceSpace here refers to the physical distance between two communicators. Differe
47、nt arrangement in the space carries different messages of distance in different country.Space is generally divided into four kinds with reference to spatial differences: Space within 50cm is considered an “ intimatedistance ”as, such a space permits not only intimate conversations but also physical
48、contacts. Besides, such a distance is best fit for exchanging important information. Space ranging from 50 cm to about 1.2m is regarded as “ personal distance ”as, within such a distance people may have casual conversations with friends or acquaintances. Space from 1.2m to 3.7m is considered “ socia
49、l distance ” , which is the d for an interview, a business talk and so on. Such a distance is not fit for sharing anything personal. Space ranging from 3.7m to the limitation of our sight and hearing is called “ public distance ”w,hich is often used for public speeches and for meeting strangers. ( X
50、u Xianzhong ,2001:60-66)The significance of studying the difference in space is that space speaks. If you increase the intimate distance to personal distance, the person (who is talking with you) would get the immediate feeling that he or she is distanced or rejected by you. And if you reduce the pe
51、rsonal distance to intimate distance, you are most likely to make the other one uncomfortable or create a misunderstanding, as there is no message suggesting such a change.3. Body Language Plays Very Important Role in Intercultural CommunicationBody language serves a variety of functions in intercut
52、ural communication. Firstly, it can replace verbal communication. Sometimes we wave our hands instead of saying goodbye or hello to our friends. Secondly, it can modify verbal communication. Loudness and tone of voice is an example. Thirdly, it regulates social interaction. Eye movements play an imp
53、ortant role in turn taking. When one is about to stop speaking he or she looks at the other pesonesyes to convey the intention of changing roles. Fourthly, it conveys our emotions and our attitudes towards the people we are communicating with. Most people around the world smile when they feel happy
54、or funny and frown upon something if they feel disgusted.3.1Feeling expression=6%words+39%sounds+55%actionBody language is essential in intercultural communication. According to a survey, more than 90 % of a expression is conveyed by sound, tone and appearance.It is said that feeling expression is 6
55、% of words, 39%of sounds and 55%of action, explaining as follows:Action: Kinesic, gestures, eye contact, and other behavior all help produce clear impression immediately. Your actions and facial expressionsyou used is eight times stronger and clearer than what words you uesed to express your feeling
56、s. Therefore, we should be aware of the function of body language, and attach importance to it.Sounds: What you said may lead to misunderstanding, because one-third of the expression from sound will produce influence on your communication. When we communicate with others, we must ensure our voices s
57、o as to express our idea better.Words: Do remember, when vision disappears and sound is cut down, we can do nothing but speak out our words to inform the message.Therefore, when we transmit information or communicate with others, in order to pass on our message to others and make it fully understood
58、, we had better put proper body language into better use, accompanied by pronunciation and voice.3.2Understanding body language is very helpful in learning foreign cultureAs a matter of fact, understanding one country s body language is to know more aboutcountrys culture, because it is the different
59、 culture that makes body language different. By understanding body language under different cultural backgrounds, we can know more about the countrys customs, ethnic and religious beliefs.Something could be ranged in privacy in a certain culture while not at all in other cultures, for instance, income, age, marriage and so forth are taken as privacy in most Western cultures. When we understand it, we will avoid talking about thes
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