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1、mba英语真题及答案详解2005年mba英语真题及答案详解 考生须知 选择题的答案须用2铅笔填涂在答题卡上,其它笔填涂的或做在试卷或其它类型答题卡上的答案无效。其他题一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定要求作答,凡做在试卷上或未做在指定位置的答案无效。交卷时,请配合监考人员验收,并请监考人员在准考证相应位置签字(作为考生交卷的凭据)。否则,所产生的一切后果由考生自负。 205年全国攻读工商管理硕士研究生入学考试英语试题 setio i obuary(0 ints) diretios: he are 0ncoplete setencesin thietion forech sntne h

2、re a fur choices mkeda,b, cdoos e ne tht bes complte te sentence an mk o asweson answ shet1. aertise ote ai heir capaignsa ong pole as thy aecosiderable sendng _. a powr .fce c. nrgy. ablit2.we boght some _hirs fr th garn s hat they are eay ore aay . dapig badjustig c. indng . foldg 3 he new sped re

3、strits werea _debaed issue,a. eavi b. hotly c.deeyd. proundl 4 i changeo job hs_ im wi a ne chalngein e a. ntroued . initate c. esene d.led.no_ur hugr f youhanteateni yesrday a matter b urpi . wne dprolem 6. h ianist played beifully, howng a real _ or thmusic a feelingunerstanig c appreciaon d. sens

4、e 7. thebssintoa rgend tartedshoutng at rert to s he wastol a. fewb. arged c. ushe d. burs . politi soul never lose_ of theneeds othe peoplethey reprsent a. view . sight c regrd d. prot 9 the eploees treto settlhe distebydiret _wi thboss a,notiaionb.cnnion. ssciatin. commicaon 0. yoventear al th fat

5、so dt _ tonions a.ash b.jump c. much . ly 1. iam _aware of need to beytheve te copeiioa. greaty bfar c. mh d. well 12. th manager hs alwayattede to the _of mportantbusiess imself.transacio b. olutonc anslaion simuaion 13. asi know t all coutr gets a(n) _fromtaesa noe breenu . rnd d. aymnt4, the gove

6、rnmen ha decided to redue _ o limpors. . ee. chargc. tariff . uition 1. the dfo finaial proisinot oly to roducersbutalsoto consmer a. connects b. ins .asociates d. reltes1. the aiy f bnk ceate epoits idetermie by te rtioof luid assets hctey_. a. mou b conan c. ran maintan 1 .the frst seriusprospet f

7、 a cue fr ads_aramentwhich dea it effs ha emre thr th b. rathe tha c moreh d lesan1 s prs didwene was young, se wa _by isgrama bred b. brought .ed d. grown 1te apanese dolabuingmakstadeseger to _dolas in far ofanotergernet interhtp:/cn/a.le in out . e go of d. letof i20. te lcl people could hrl

8、y tin on good wy to _ the diater f the ar a. sae off getof c. pu of d. takeof ecton cloze(1 pis) rections:rea the foloing text cothe best wo(s) r eh umed lank an ar a, b, c r don anwer shet 1. a ew decad go, world baking commun nted w eectrc funds ranse (ef) sytems to moveone mor efficentl across cu

9、nres and aroud the glbe. the _21_benef of such systems was to _22_he fot f caita that a unavilalefor ?_23_ ceks beng cleard ro banking_24_. tday, we undstad tat benfs of electronic nig are ar mr _2_ than just edcing flotnsh. the worl o bnkin_26_evolutionzedit s _ mor effiient ad fstr, bmoregloba. an

10、dnow_28_thenrnet, ef stem are incaingl _29withthe nw ord of e-cmerc and e-trade. _30_99 a 0, eft value_from less ha $ trillio o nearl40 rillion, moe than h _3_economic poduct of all te coutrie and territories o thenire wold. these tatstics_3_soud emphasie th ue iportance of rasntiol eft satelie, wir

11、less, an caebs eectroic und ransfers _34_ the ub of gobalenterrisesuch elecrnic cash is _35_entral t th ideao a emergi “worldwd mind.” withot h satelli ad fier nrastuctre to suport the fow f eectroi fuds, t orld economy ou gind to halt.sctin ii rading cmhensio(0poits) drctions: ad te folowin fou paa

12、es. answeth tions bew ch pasae coosing a, , cnd dmark yr awrs on answer set . passae one wok at nosard ims-eenis, nigh, or weeknds-stig is tl amin faiis. one-ifth of ll eploed amrica work vriable or rating shits, and one-hi wok knds, arig to harrit presser, soiology proessor t e univesy maryland. re

13、ult isstress on fmialrelatonhis, which is likel t continein coming decaes. the consquenceso wrkin irrgula hurs vary acording to ene, econmi level, and et ornot chien are involved. single mher re more likely t wok igh and eeds han arriedmothers.m i clrical, es, or ohr low-pai jobs patiipat dispopotio

14、ly in wking late and graveyard hifts.maried-cple househods it childre areincresingly becomin dual-earner househod,generating rept-hft uples. scool-agd hildre, oe, ay benf rom parents nostandard work scheduls beauseo thegaer likelhoo ht a rent wl be hom bore oratr soo. one ohr hnd, a corelation xists

15、 between nonstndard or cdules an both maita instability and a delie in th qity f mrige. nontandard working hous m famlies sped less tie togee or dinrbut mor tim tgeh r bafasone-onne inatio bewen parents nd cildren vaies, ever, base o parn, hf, and ag of cilden. thee is aso a geater reianc on child c

16、ae by relatves and rofsioa ovider. wokng nonstandard hous is les a hoie o mos and mora mdt of mplyer. pesr believes ha th ned f swing shfts ad weekend orkwill coi t rie in te omi dcades e report ha in som eroea cunries there are ubstntial salary premus for ployes orking rregular ors-somimes as mh a

17、50% hghe. he conenice of vng evces availb 24 hurs a day continue to rive this trnd.unrtunatly, ays presser, t issue is vituly asn frm pbli disourse. e emphizsthe ned fo focue stus on os and enit o orkig odo, he physical and oional ealt o people wrking nigh and wekends, and the reaso ehind he necesit

18、y for working hee hours“nostanr wok cdules nt only ghl prealent mong ameicn mile bu aso eerte a lvel of complexity in amily nconing aneeds rtr atntion,” se ss.3wic f he following demnratesta wrkin at nonstanard me is taking its ol n meri famiies?a.stress on alal latonsips. b.rotaing sits. cevnngs,ni

19、ghts,orweeknds its cnsequences. 37which te followig affected moby woring irreglarors? a.cidn. b.marriage .sinlemotrs. d.wokng woen.3.who would bein avor o the practice of woi onstadard ors? a.hildrn. .aets cmoyees dproessional child oviers.39it i pied tat the consequences o nnstndard wr shduleare a.

20、emphasi b.abst.nlctdrvalent 40hatis the auhos attitue twds woring ireguar ors? aositive.betive.indfferent. d.obective. passaewoos human bings ctul1y decide before thyhn whn any hmn being-exetiv, seialie exert, or person nth street-encuners a complex isue and forms an opinon, oen wtna matter o cods,

21、hw thoroughly has he or she explod he mplications f te vaous cuses of acton? aswer: not vry thoouhl ve fe pople, no tterhow ielet or expercd, can ta ivetr o the many bracpossibilites, ossibl oucomes, side fets, and sired coseuees of policy or a couse o actio na matt of scods. yet, hs oprid themsevs

22、on beig dcsive ofen tr to d ust that an oce their brains loc on apiion, most o ter thikg tertercnsists of finig supprt f i very serius sideffet of arguentaive dcision akng cn e k of suppor fo th cse coueof aton te pt of the “losin” ai whe one faction wis the meetin a t ers see theselve as losin, heb

23、ttle oten doesnt en whnthe meeng ends. aner, esetmen, an alouy may ead tem to sabotae the 4ecision lter, o to reopn the dbate at ate meetins.there s a etter. s ilosopher adous hxly sid, “it ist o is rigt, but what is righ, at ouns.” he trucre-iquiry meth ofer a bter alterative to argumentie eision m

24、kig b debte wt the ep of te nternet and wirelss cpur technology he ga between exerts and executv is beg dramticall co by actuly ptting te raks o the thinking proes, slowin t wn, an organiingthe flow f loic, its possible to reate a leel f claiy that eer argumation a neve mtch. te trtured-inuiry poces

25、 nroducs leve of oncptl clarity by rgniing the contritons of the exp, hen brins the eps an t decson makes clsr together. althogh it st psle r ecessary o preet orm inste o listen in n evey intgence analysis meein, i ossible o oraniz the xpert informaton t gie the decisi mak mc greter insig to t meani

26、ng. this prcssmy somewat resble a mareting u gop; it a siple, remarkably clever way to brn deiso maes coer to the source o the eper infomat andopinons nwhic hey ut bas thei deisio. 4fr the irst aragaphw canlearn tht .excuive,pcialzed expe, are nomore clever than pern h eevery fe pope dec1de befr hey

27、 thik ho prid teselesn ben deive ftn fit do s d.peole end tocider careuly before makng ecsions 42.dging frm t conxt, at os th word “thm” (lin 4, pragrah ) rfer o?a.ecison er. bth “long” fatn. c.ange, rntmet, and ausy d.ohe epl 4.ldous leys rerk (prgrph 3) impl th . .thr is a subte diffrnce betw

28、ee rit nd wrngb.we annot tel wois rght and what i wrg hat is rigt is more iportn tan who is right d.hai rigt accunts or the queton who s rght 44.ccording te uthor, the fncton of he strucred-inquiry ethd i ato make dcson by dbat b.t apl the iner and wireless comute echnoogy.ct brke on thinki proce, s

29、owin it down .torate a level f onceptl clriy 45.he tructureinuir roce can b eful for a.dein makers iteignce analsi meetingc.te xperts informtion drketn ocsgops pasg hesport i hedig fo an insolube mrriag ih tlevson an he pie pectator will no a privat parase. all o thi wil e in te future of sport te s

30、ctaor (the tliion ud) will e te prity and prfessional cubwill ave to readjs their tructues to aat the new rlity: spr a usiness. te nw tcnlogies wimean hat spectaors wil no lge hae wait f bracasts by e covential hnls. the wl e the one ho decie what t ee. ad thy will have to pa for it. i he unted stat

31、 te stm of the ture has aledy stare: ay-as-yo-iew. everythin ill e oeed by eleiion anhe spettor llonl aveto coos he reve sprts ilustrae recny plshed a fll rfle of the life f e sporter t ho i thddle o te et century. it plin that tensms would beale oeletther vew of th ac on a ggantic, flt cree ocupyng

32、 th whole o onwal, ith age o a clait whic canot foresee at presen; ty owatch rm th tais sads just behind the batter n age of basel or from the hemetof he r plri an merca otal game. an at hir dspol will be he se in s th prder of the reore proramer has t elt replay, to cose whch cmra o me ad to deie t

33、he oud hte toea te pbli, t plae,he rinr an s n.mny spors exetives, argey too old and o consrvative to feel a he wit t nw tnlogi ilbelie tat spotmut ctrol e xpnsin of televion covrage n or to survi and enure that spectors aen mtches they do not ev ccept the evidnce which conradicts ther view while te

34、res bkball than ever on evisio, fo exampe, i is alo etan tht aketball i mor poulr tn er. t is aso te aruet of hes sprs eeuive ha televiion hang t moest ams. tis is t, but h futu f hos team s also most. thav reahed tir ceing . it is te o he mae.the geat eet ntinully tact lager audince.te wold bing co

35、stute on nw techologies s hat pol can ake te utmost use of teir tie and ,in their m hve ace t te reatest pssi range of recretionlctiviie. spo wil ave o adapt itself the n wold. e mot isionay executives go the. that phisoph is:rahr an see evision take over sport why nt hae pors taen over televison? 4

36、.wt do the wrter mean by ue o the phrse“a inislublmariage” in th fi parph? a.sprt i combin ith control tvin ctleision ditte sport. .sport nd elvison ill o eir wn ays7.what does “th”in lne 2 prrph 2 tand for?abradcast. bhnes. specttor d.tecoloies. .how do may ports exeutives feel with th

37、newtechnogies? a.ty are too ld todo anythngb.the eel ill at eas cthey eel completely at home. .tecnologi cango hand in hand ith sort i ong t e iscussed n he ollowng prgphs? ate philphy of visinar execuies b.the prs of teevsion tinoer sort. c.eliion cvrag ansion. dan exaple t hw how srt ha tano

38、r teleon.50wht igh be the aprpiae tile of thispassae? a.t rgumensf sprts xctives. b.the piohy f isionry xecuts. c.sorts and televisi n he 21t entury. dsport: a bunes. passag r cvenince foodlp compas b creatig gowh, but ha i is effect on peole? for people who thik coking was the funation o civilizion

39、 ,th micrwave s the ast eney. thecommuion f an toeher s esly broen by a vic that lieraes hoehol itize fro waing for mealmes. the first gretrevoltion n te hstoy o fod i in dagr f eng udne. the copanishp of thecampfire, cokingpot ad ommon tae, wich hav hele to bon human incllaborati lig fo at eas 1500 year cod be destroyd. meal hv etail sated f the ise fcoveniece foo. he ny mal regull tken togther i bria ths day are att wekend, mong famiie strugglig to retain smethi of he ol symol o togetherne. ndee,the da irs eal has allutdisappeared. n he20t cetry hleure britih s wa undrminedy h c


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