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1、.Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in?Section ASection A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:country, month, Mrs., furniture, quiet, call sb. at 2. Talk about the kinds of buildings. townhouse, f

2、armhouse, apartment 3. Learn to read and write the ads for rent and being wanted.(1) Small apartment for students. ¥850 a month.(2) House with three bedrooms. Call Mrs. Tong in the evening.(3) House with furniture for a family of three.(4) Looking for a quiet double room under¥300 per month.4. Learn

3、 to find out the language rules and give more examples. Teaching aids 教具录音机/房屋图片/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习There be句型, 引入1a。1. (方案一) (就教室里的情况,复习There be句型。)T:Boys and girls, please make sentences with“There be”structure.(拿一支钢笔放在讲台上。)S1:There is a pen on the t

4、eachers desk.(出示几把尺子, 放在手上。)S2:There are many rulers in your hand.S3:T:Good! You are great. (方案二)(教学生唱下面的歌, 活跃气氛, 复习There be句型, 自然导入本课。) T:Lets chant. (用幻灯片展示。)There are books on the tables.There are children on the chairs.There are pencils in our hands.And theres a teacher over there.There are word

5、s on the blackboard.There are pictures on the walls.But the cute animal in my pocket is the best thing of all. 2. (教师将A、B、C三幅图, 呈现给学生,引导学生学习1a的新词汇和句型。) T:Now, lets look at the pictures. Which one does your home look like, S4?S4: “A” looks like my house. T: This is an apartment building. Boys and gir

6、ls, what kind of home does S4live in?A Ss: An apartment building.(用同样的方法呈现并学习B、C两幅图, 引入1a。)(板书, 英汉对照。)apartment building 公寓大楼townhouse市镇住宅Bfarmhouse 农舍What kind of home do you live in?你家是什么样的?Its an apartment building.是一座公寓大楼。3. (以对话形式练习各种房子类型。)T:Which house do you like best?S5:I like townhouses bes

7、t.CS6:I like apartment buildings best.S7: I like farmhouses best.T:Good job! I know some of you like townhouses, some of you like farmhouses, but Kangkang likes apartment buildings best. Do you know what kind of home Wang Wei likes?(通过问题的形式, 自然过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)呈现1a。1. (设置并板书

8、听力任务, 让学生带着任务听录音。)(1)What kind of home does Kangkang live in?(2)What kind of home does Wang Wei live in?(3)What kind of home do Wang Weis grandparents live in?2. (让学生听1a的录音, 回答问题。然后师生一起核对答案。) T: Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Then we will check the answers together.3. (将关键词写在黑板上, 呈现1a,

9、 为下一步学生不看书自由对话打下基础。)kind of homean apartmenta townhousegrandparentslive in a big farmhousein the countryMichaellooking fornearlets helpStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)巩固1a, 完成1b。1. (1)(放1a的录音, 让学生听, 注意语音和语调。)T: Now, lets listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation

10、.(2)(让学生模仿录音,两人一组,互换角色,朗读对话。)T: Pair work. Read 1a aloud in different roles, imitating the tape.(3)(老师引领学生,根据黑板上的关键词复述1a。)T: Retell 1a after me according to the key words on the blackboard.(4)(让学生两人一组看黑板上关键词表演对话。)T: Work in pairs. Act 1a out according to the key words on the blackboard.2. (让学生完成1b,并

11、相互核对答案。)T:Finish 1b by yourselves, and then check the answers with each other.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)呈现2a, 完成2b, 2c。1. (呈现出一则求租广告。)T: Heres an ad.WANTEDHouse with furniture for a family of threePlease call Mr. Li at 8838-4558T:The ad shows Mr. Li wants to rent a house from others. If Mr. Bro

12、wn has a house for a family of three, what phone number can he call at?Ss:He can call Mr. Li at 8838-4558.T:Yes. Mr. Brown has a house for rent. And he can also write an ad. Let us help him.(板书,并要求学生理解rent。)FOR RENTHouse with furniture for a family of threePlease call Mr. Brown at 8636-4328 T: The a

13、d shows Mr. Brown wants to rent his house to others.2. (呈现2a, 完成2b。) (1)(在黑板上画出表格。让学生听录音,填表格。)T: Listen to the tape and complete the table.NameWhat kind of houseTelFOR RENTMs. Zhangsmall apartment for studentsMrs. Tong6628-5669WANTEDhouse with furniture8838-4558Bob139-7382-4946(2)(让学生再听2a的录音,核对答案。)T

14、: Now, listen to the tape again, and then check the answers.(学生听录音的同时,教师板书2a中出现的生词并在听完录音后教读生词。)month, Mrs., furniture, quiet, per(3)(让学生阅读2a,完成2b。)T: OK. Next, I want you to read 2a and finish 2b. I will check your answers in 3 minutes.3. (让学生完成2c。假设林林家有房子要出租,屋内家具齐全,其电话号码是8857-6391。琳达家要租一套带有三个卧室的房子,

15、她的电话号码是6631-9245。请学生帮助他们设计两则广告。把全班学生分成两组, 一组写求租广告, 另一组写出租广告, 看哪一组完成得又快又好。)T: Suppose Linlin wants to rent a house with furniture to others. His telephone number is 8857-6391. Linda wants a house with three bedrooms. Her telephone number is 6631-9245. Please help them write two ads. I will divide the

16、 class into two groups: one group writes the ad for being wanted, and the other group writes the ad for rent. Then lets see which group does better.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过活动,提高学生的总结、归纳和应用能力。1. (在黑板上写出在1a和2a中出现的三个短语。让学生学会从已掌握的知识中总结、归纳语言规则,并加以运用。)(板书)a townhouse with two floorshouse with

17、three bedroomshouse with furniture(让学生们去发现他们的结构规律,再尽量多地写出类似的短语。看谁写得又多又好。)T: Look at the three phrases from 1a and 2a. Think them over, and find out the rules of their structures. Then write out the similar phrases as many as you can. Lets see who does the best!For example: a house with a large garde

18、nan apartment with twenty floorsa girl with big eyesa boy with long hair2. (把全班分成四组做调查, 三分钟后请几名学生向全班汇报。完成1c。)T:Now, lets survey about different types of homes in your group. And report it to your class three minutes later.Example:S1: What kind of home do you live in?S2: Its an apartment.HomeNumberHomeNumberapartmenttownhousefarmhousedormitory(三分钟后, 叫几名学生汇报。)T: Stop here, please. Ill ask one student of each group to tell us the result. You may do it like this:In our group, three students live in apartment buildings and two students live in.3. (假设张先生一家三口从外地来北京做生意,


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