1、数学英语词汇 词汇 (例句)数学 math, mathematics, maths 算术 math, mathematics, maths, arithmetic计算 account, calculate, compute, count加 plus, adding, addition 3加3等于6。 3 plus 3 equals 6.减 minus, decrease, reduce, subtract 6减3等于3。 6 minus 3 equals 3.乘 multiply. 2 乘以3 等于6。 2 multiplied by 3 is equal to
2、 6.除 divide, except, remove 6除以3等于2 。 6 divided by 3 equals 2.平均值 The average value of 6和9的平均值是7.5。 The average values of 6 and 9 is 7.5.平方 square 15的平方是225。 The square of 15 is 225.立方 cubic 4的立方是多少? How much is 4 cubic?幂 power 3的2次幂等于9。 2 to the power of 3 is equal to 9. 3的2次幂等于多少? What is 2 to the
3、 power of 3?平方根 the square root 9的平方根是正负3。 The square root of 9 is plus or minus 3. 9的算术平方根是3。 3 is the arithmetic square root of 9. 或者 the arithmetic square root of 9 is 3.立方根 the Cube root 64的立方根是多少? How much is the cube root of 64?开方 root , (缺省指开平方) 16的开方是正负4。 The square root of 16 is plus or min
4、us 4.代数 algebra 小数 decimal(fraction) 小数点 the decimal point 循环小数 Circulating decimal分数 fraction 二分之一,a half, 三分之一,One third, 5分之3,three-fifth百分之十,ten percent整数 integer 正整数 positive integer 负整数 negative integer 有理数 Rational number 无理数 Irrational number绝对值 Absolute value -5的绝对值是5。 The absolute value of
5、 minus 5 is 5.函数 function 数列 sequence 集合 set 比例 proportion, ratio 15比3等于5。 15 than 3 is equal to 5,或者The ratio of 15 than 3 is equal to 5.折扣率 the rate of discount, deposit rate 这件衣服的折扣率是80%。This dress is a discount rate of 80% 这件衣服八折销售。 This dress twenty percent off sales.结果 result, as a result, end
6、ing问题 question, problem, issue,matter答案 result, solution,key回答 answer, reply to几何 Geometry 平面几何 Plane geometry 立体几何 Solid geometry路径 route 线 line,thread, string 直线 a straight line 最短路线 the shortest route 最短距离 the shortest distance 循环跑道 Circular runway角angle 、三角形triangle 顶点vertex,apex、边edge 、直角right
7、angle 、钝角obtuse angle、锐角acute angle , O是角D的顶点,A、B是其两条边。 O is the vertices of angle D, A, B is the two edges. A、B、C是直角三角形D的三个顶点。A, B, C is the three vertices of a right angled triangle D.勾股定律 The Pythagorean Law三角形triangle、四边形Quadrilateral, quadrangle 、五边形pentagon、六边形hexagon,sexangle、菱形Diamond、平行四边形P
8、arallelogram、梯形Trapezoid,ladder-shaped、正方形Square、长方形Rectangular园circle、椭圆ellipse、直径diameter、半径radius,semidiameter、圆心the centre of a circle、 园C的半径是r, 那么,它的面积是3.14乘以r的平方。 If the radius of the Circle C is r, then, its area is equals to 3.14 times the square of r.圆弧circular arc、 圆心角central argle, radius
9、 angle、半圆semi-circle、 切线tangent line、 相交intersect圆锥circular cone、圆柱cylinder ,circular column;等于 equal to, come up to, amount,be equivalent to大于 greater than, 10大于5。 10 is greater than 5.小于 less than 5小于10。 5 is less than 10.大于等于 greater than or equal to A 大于等于5。 A is greater than or equal to 5.小于等于
10、less than or equal to B 小于等于10。 B is less than or equal to 10.方程/方程式/等式:equation 解方程 solve equations, solve an equation单位 unit 重量weight 体积 volume,capacity、面积area 温度temperature 浓度concentration,potency水的浓度是多少? How much is the water concentration?若正方形D的棱长为A, 则它的体积多少?If the edge length of square D is A,
11、 then what is its volume number?已知长方形D的边长为A和B,求它的面积。 Known two side length of rectangular D is A and B, what is its area?Km kilometer 千米/公里、微米m micronmeter、毫米mm millimeter、cm厘米centimeter、分米dm,decimiter, Inch 英寸、码 yard 、英尺foot,feet、尺chi =10cun、寸cun、丈zhang=10chi1码等于36英寸。 The 1 yard is equal to 36 inch
12、es. 1米等于39.37英寸。The 1 meter is equal to 39.37 inches. 1米等于3尺。 The 1 meter is equal to 3 chis. 1米等于3.28英尺. The 1 meter is equal to 3.28 feet.海里Nm, nautical mile,sea mile =1.852KM、英里mile=1.61KM千克kg,kilogram、ton吨t=1000千克、磅lb,pound=0.4536千克,盎司Oz=28.35gram, 克拉ct=0.2gram秒second 分钟 minute 小时 hour 年year 月month 日day星期 week平方米square meter、亩mu=666.7平方米、公顷ha,hectare=10000平方米立方米cubic
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