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1、BBC步入商界Unit16ComplainingtheProductsandServices抱怨商品和服务 Unit 16 Complaining the Products and Services 抱怨商品和服务 MR. SAKAI: I m sorry to have to say this, Clive, but we have got a problem. 酒井先生:克莱夫,这样讲很抱歉,不过我们有麻烦了。 CLIVE HARRIS: Hasn t the consignment arrived yet? 克莱夫哈里斯:货物还没到吗? We sent them off on. 我们发货

2、的时间是在 MR. SAKAI: No, Clive, you misunderstand me, the consignment arrived two days ago. 酒井先生:不是,克莱夫,你误解了,货物两天前就到了。 Right on schedule. 按时到的。 No, the problem is with the product itself. 但,问题是产品本身。 CLIVE HARRIS: What is it? 克莱夫哈里斯:怎么回事? MR. SAKAI: Last night I had a phone call from one of my warehouse

3、managers. 酒井先生:昨天晚上,我接到一名仓库经理的电话。 He was very excited with the new product. 他对新产品很惊喜。 He was certain that his son would love one. 他确信他的儿子会很喜欢。 So he took one home, opened it up and switched it on, and heard this. 因此,他带了一个回家,打开、启动,但听到了 CLIVE HARRIS: Do you have any idea how many units are defective?

4、克莱夫哈里斯:你知道有多少件有缺陷吗? MR. SAKAI: We spent the day checking the whole consignment. 酒井先生:我们花了一整天检查全部货物 Unfortunately it looks like batch numbers 993 and 994 all have the same problem. 不幸的是,看起来993和994两批都有这一问题。 Everything else seems fine. 其他的都还画稿。 But it was a long job. 但花费的时间很长。 My staff had to check eve

5、ry toy. 我的工作人员不得不对每个玩具逐一检查。 CLIVE HARRIS: Kazo, I will get this sorted out immediately. 克莱夫哈里斯:加须,我会立即解决这件事。 MR. SAKAI: Clive, it is essential that we have these on the shelves by the end of this week. 酒井先生:克莱夫,我们一定要在这个周末把玩具上架,这很重要。 CLIVE HARRIS: I am sending Derek Jones over on the first flight. 克莱

6、夫哈里斯:我派德里克琼斯搭乘最早一班飞机赶过去。 And I shall send Don to the suppliers to make sure it won t happen again. 我会派堂去供应商那里确保不会再发生这种事。 DON BRADLEY: There are two hundred fault circuit boards. 堂布拉德利:有200个坏电路板。 Our product for the far Eastern launch is defective. 我们在远东的产品上市已是不完善的了。 This will damage our reputation i

7、n the market place and it s very embarrassing for us. 这会损坏我们的市场声誉,使我们很尴尬。 I want to know what you re going to do to remedy the situation. 我想知道你们采取什么措施来补救这种情况。 MR. CLAYTON: Mr. Bradley, we have tracked down the problem. 克莱顿先生:布拉德利先生,我们已经找到了问题所在。 We can guarantee that it won t happen again. 我们能保证不会再出现

8、这样的问题。 There was a localized problem in quality control which we have isolated and rectified. 在质检本地化上有个问题,我们对此已进行了隔离和矫正。 We now have a new Quality Assurance programme. 我们现在用的是一套新的质保程序。 DON BRADLEY: That s all very well but you have failed to meet the terms of the contract. 堂布拉德利:这很好,但你们没能达到合约的条款。 I

9、am afraid we have no option. 恐怕我们别无选择。 We will have to terminate the contract and find a new supplier. 我们不得不终止合约,另找供应商。 MR. CLAYTON: Mr. Bradley, I understand your concern and recognise that it s a very unsatisfactory situation, 克莱顿先生:布拉德利先生,我理解您的担心,也承认这是个很不令人满意的情况, but may I point out it was just t

10、wo batches that were defective. 但我想指出只有两批出现缺陷 DON BRADLEY: It may have been just two batches but we now have two hundred defective products on the market with the Bibury name on them. 堂布拉德利:或许只是两批,但我们现在有200件有缺陷的产品在市场上,而上面印的是Bibury的名字。 MR. CLAYTON: Mr. Bradley, we appreciate that the situation has da

11、maged your reputation. 克莱顿先生:布拉德利先生,我们了解这种情况损及贵方的声誉。 And we are very sorry. 我们很抱歉。 But we also have a good reputation. 但我们也有着良好的声誉。 And that reputation is built upon reliability and good relationships with our customers. 我们的声誉是建立在产品的可靠性和良好的客户关系上的。 We supply many leading panies and we are very embarr

12、assed by this incident. 我们为很多主要公司供货,这次事件也使我们很尴尬。 I must assure you that it won t happen again. 我必须向您确保,这种事情不会再次发生。 DON BRADLEY: How can I be certain that it won t happen again? 堂布拉德利:我 _确信这种事情不会再次发生呢? JENNY ROSS: Hello, this is Bibury Systems. 詹妮罗斯:你好,Bibury系统公司。 The fax machine that we hired from y

13、ou has broken down. 我们租的你们的传真机坏了。 The paper keeps jamming. 传真纸总是卡住。 It hasn t worked properly since you installed it. 自从你们安装后就一直不能正常工作。 We would like someone to e and fix it now. 我们希望你们现在派人来修好。 Look, I spoke to someone three hours ago. 听着,我三小时前就跟你们的人讲了。 They said an engineer would e before lunchtime

14、. 他们说午饭前会有个工程师过来。 But in the service agreement it says that you will send someone within twenty-four hours. 但在服务协议里,你们承诺的是二十四小时内派人维修。 We need it fixed today. 我们需要它今天就修好。 Well, if you can t get it repaired today then we will have to cancel our rental agreement. 如果你们今天不能修好,我们就不得不取消我们的租赁协议。 KATE MCKENN

15、A: Hello! 凯特麦凯纳:你好! JENNY ROSS: Wele back. 詹妮罗斯:欢迎归来 I hear the American launch was a great suess. 我听说美国的产品上市很成功。 KATE MCKENNA: I think we ve cracked it. 凯特麦凯纳:我想我们大获全胜了。 Orders for Big Boss are right on target. “大老板”的定单纷纷而来。 And I had a wonderful holiday. 我度了个不错的假期。 For a few weeks I managed to sto

16、p thinking about Big Boss. 我试着这几周不去想 “大老板”。 So how have things been here? 这里的事情怎样? Is this post mine? 这是我的信件吗? JENNY ROSS: No. This is yours. 詹妮罗斯:不是。这才是你的。 You haven t heard the news? 你还没听说吧? KATE MCKENNA: What s happened? 凯特麦凯纳:怎么了? JENNY ROSS: There s a problem with the circuitry on some of the u

17、nits that went to Japan last week. 詹妮罗斯:上周运往日本的产品有些电路板出了问题 KATE MCKENNA: What! 凯特麦凯纳:什么! JENNY ROSS: Derek flew to Tokyo to look at the problem. 詹妮罗斯:德里克已飞去东京查看这个问题。 KATE MCKENNA: So it s serious. 凯特麦凯纳:那么说,是很严重了。 JENNY ROSS: Yes. And Don s gone to the ponent supplier to find out how it happened. 詹妮

18、罗斯:是的。堂已经去了零部件供应商那里去调查事情的原因。 We think we have tracked the problem down to just two batches, but. 我们认为,出问题的产品只有两批,不过 KATE MCKENNA: I don t believe this. Where s Clive? 凯特麦凯纳:我不相信。克莱夫在哪儿? JENNY ROSS: He s in a meeting. 詹妮罗斯:他在开会。 KATE MCKENNA: Jenny, I need to talk to him as soon as possible. 凯特麦凯纳:詹妮

19、,我要尽快跟他谈。 I ve negotiated sales of over 80,000 units to the States. 我已经商定了超过8万件产品销往美国 DON BRADLEY: We have three options. 堂布拉德利:我们有三个选择。 We can re-negotiate with Southford Components or we can work with MAGL or Parkview. 我们可以重新与Southford零配件公司协商,或者我们可以与MAGL或Parkview合作。 CLIVE HARRIS: A crucial factor

20、is how quickly they can deliver. 克莱夫哈里斯:重要的是他们能多快供货。 DEREK JONES: MAGL certainly claim to be the fastest. 德里克琼斯:MAGL一定是宣称供货最快的。 But I m worried that although they are fast they may not have the best quality control. 但我担心,虽然他们是供货最快的,但他们可能没有最好的质量控制。 CLIVE HARRIS: And quality control was the problem wi

21、th Southford Components. 克莱夫哈里斯:质量控制正是Southford零配件公司出问题的地方。 DEREK JONES: Exactly. Although they have promised that their system is improved. 德里克琼斯:一点也不错。尽管他们承诺质检系统已有改善。 DON BRADLEY: Looking at these quotations, I don t think Parkview are the best option. 堂布拉德利:看一下这些报价,我认为Parkview不是最好的选择。 They offer

22、a very fast delivery time, they have a very high reputation and they are the nearest supplier to the assembly line. 他们提出的供货时间很快,他们的声誉很好,他们是离装配线最近的供应商。 But they are very expensive pared with Southford. 但与Southford 相比,他们的价格很高。 DEREK JONES: Don, price can t be a factor at this stage. 德里克琼斯:堂,价格在这个阶段已不是

23、关键。 DON BRADLEY: I don t agree with you. 堂布拉德利:我不同意。 I think we have to get the best service at the best price. 我认为我们必须以最好的价格获得最好的服务。 克莱夫哈里斯:我认为,我们可以和Southford零配件公司重新谈判获取一个更好的协议。 CLIVE HARRIS: I think we can re-negotiate a far better deal with Southford Components. But we must move fast.Come in. 但我们一定要快进来。 KATE MCKENNA: Clive, what on earth s going on? 凯特麦凯纳:克莱夫,到


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