



1、.Unit 1一百年以后活到九十岁将会有更少的树更少的污染爱上独自生活养宠物去滑冰有能力做某事穿的随意世界杯实现看见某人做某事在未来在某方面帮忙做某事花费多少时间大量的看起来像和一样使某人做某事in one hundred yearslive to be ninety years oldThere will be fewer treesless pollutionfell in love withlive alonekeep a petgo skatingbe able to do sthdress casuallythe World Cupcome truesee sb. do sthin

2、the futurehelp withit takes sb. some time to do sthhundreds oflook likethe same asmake sb. do sth不仅仅反复感到厌烦宠物鹦鹉在空间站获奖在每个人的家里把A与B比较Unit2不让进入为某事与某人吵架不时髦的时尚的什么事?给某人写信谈论某事通过电话什么事?付的钱向某人借某物给某人买某物发现not justover and over againget boredpet parroton a space stationwin the prizein every homecompare A with Bkee

3、p outargue with sb. about sth.out of stylein styleWhats wrong?write sb. a lettercall sb. uptalk about sth.Whats the matter?pay forborrow sth from sb.buy sth for sb.find out向某人要某物其他的每个人邀请某人做某事对某人生气和某人相处好与某人打架直到才该是的时候尽承受太多压力埋怨某事参加看见某人在做某事对某事了解从开始送某人去把比较逼得太紧认为做某事一方面,另一方面。ask sb. for stheveryone elseinv

4、ite sb. to do sthbe angry with sb.get on well withhave a fight with sb.not untilIts time for sthasas possibleunder too much pressurecomplain about sth.take part insee sb. doing sthknowabout sthstart fromsend sb. to compare withpush sb. hard find it to do sthon the one hand, on the other handUnit 3从出

5、去脱下;起飞跳下来逃跑考虑做某事进来发生了什么事碰巧做某事赢得金牌历史上听说对某人讲某事沉默的发生在最近的时间里对某人意味深长你可以想象它有多奇怪真令人惊异我不会相信你你在开玩笑!get out oftake offjump down run awaythink about doing sthcome inWhat happened?happen to do sthwin the gold medalin historyhear of / abouttell sb. sthin silencetake placein recent timeshave meanings to sb.You ca

6、n imagine how strange it was!Isnt that amazing?I dont believe you!You are kidding.Unit4对某人很愤怒不再首先传递信息被期望做某事擅长于更擅长于最擅长于在某方面做得好感冒健康成绩单感到紧张做某事吃力克服忘记去做某事改变某人的生活听起来像感到不舒服一天三次同意某人的决定be mad at sb.not anymorefirst of all / at firstpass on the messagebe supposed to do sthbe good atbe better atbe best atdo we

7、ll incatch a coldin good healthreport card get bored have a hard time doing sthget overforget to do sthchange ones lifesound likefell sickthree times a dayagree with ones decisionA和B之间没有区别打开照料处在危险中Unit5玩得开心让某人进去让某人失望拿走收拾好身份证学校大扫除环游世界上大学赚很多钱受教育一个专业足球运动员好像谋生捐钱给学校和慈善机构Theres no difference between A and

8、 Bopen upcare for / babysitin dangerhave a great time let me in let me downtake awayput awayID cardschool clean-uptravel around the worldgo to collegemake a lot of moneyget an educationa professional soccer playerseen likemake a livinggive money for schools and charities捐赠一直受伤做某事很困难事实赞成某事的原因反对某事的原因手

9、机让某人做某事上课与某人共度时光嘲笑某人Unit6-7收集贝壳一双溜冰鞋为慈善机构捐款第一个做某事的人整整五小时用尽才艺表演把某物藏在具有俄罗斯风格的give awayall the timeget injuredhave a difficult time doing sthin factthe reason for doing sththe reason against doing sthmobile phonelet sb. do sthin classspend time with sb.laugh at sb.collect shells a pair of skatesraise m

10、oney for charitythe first one to do sththe whole five hoursrun out ofa talent showstore sth inbe in Russian style越多越好了解中国历史一个有多彩历史的城市收到某人的欢迎在远处对感兴趣你介意(不)做某事吗?一点也不调低马上排队等候插队尝试不做某事一直跟着某人回去生气,恼怒一个说英语的国家紧靠某人站着即使最好做某事The more, the betterlearn about Chinese historythe city with a colorful historybe welcom

11、e by sb.far awaybe interested intake an interest inWould you mind not doing?Not at allturn downright awaywait in linecut in linetry not to sthfollow sb. aroundgo back to get annoyedan English-speaking countrystand close to sb.even if Its better to do sth你最好别做某事控制捡起扔垃圾熄灭排队违反纪律当心在公共场所没问题马上Unit 8查阅给某人某

12、物如此美丽的一朵花Unit 9三分之一三分之二的人口是多少?我也不Youd better not do sth.keep downpick updrop litterput outjoin the linebreak the ruletake carein public no problem in a minutelook upmake sb. sthmake sth for sb.such a beautiful flowerso beautiful a flowerone thirdtwo thirdsWhats the population?Neither of I以为主题度假害怕做某事

13、有困难睡着了靠近无论何时广东在中国的南部老挝在中国的南方新加坡在中国的南方已经成为例如等等开始做某事上课毕业被开除是而不是宁愿也不be themed withtake a holidaygo on vacationbe afraid/ fearhave problems (in) doing sthbe asleep/fall asleepclose towheneverGuangdong is in the south of China.Laos is on the south of China.Singapore is to the south of China.have beensuch asso on start doing sthtake a lesso


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