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1、初三下易混词考点练习(下)41. few/little/a few/a little A. Theres _ time left. Well be late if we dont hurry.B. We still have _ apples at home. We neednt buy any now.C. Therere _ apples at home. Youd better go and buy some.D. I still have _ money on me, so I can buy apples with it.42. neither/either/none A. _ of

2、 them is here. All of them have gone to Shanghai.B. _ of his parents is a doctor. They are teachers.C. _ Damao or Xiaomao will go there for the dinner. One of them should stay at home.D. He speaks _ English nor Japanese. He speaks Chinese.43. both/all/wholeA. _ the books are here. You may choose any

3、 of them!B. _ of the twins like spending _ their money on books.C. The workers worked the _ day. means. The workers worked _ day.44. cross/across/through/over/pass/pastA. The car _ by with a thick smoke behind just now.B. The boss walked _ me without saying a word at half _ one. I dont know why.C. T

4、he sunlight is shining in _ the window.D. Go _ the bridge. means _ the bridge.E. They climbed _ the tall wall, didnt they?45. arrive/get/reachA. Please tell me when youll _in Taiyuan. Ill meet you at the airport.B. Can you tell me how to _ to the nearest police station?C. Please call me when you _ S

5、hanghai.D. The passengers were worried because the train didnt _on time.46. noise/sound/voiceA. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than _.B. You have a beautiful_, the man said to her in a sweet _.C. We shouldnt make any _ in the reading room.47. so/norA. - They have supper at six ever

6、y day. - _ do we.B. - They dont use animals to do farm work now. - _do we.48. be asleep/fall asleep/go to sleep/go to bedA. I usually _ at half past nine every evening.B. The young man lay on the sofa and _ soon.C. The baby _. Please dont talk.49. pardon/sorry/excuse meA. _, I am late.B. _? I didnt

7、hear what you said,C. _, could you tell me the way to the station?D. I beg your _, Sir, for coming here late.50. spend/take/pay/costA. It _ me an hour to read English every day. means I _an hour reading English every day.B. The T-shirt _ me eighty yuan. means I _ eighty yuan on the T-shirt. C. She _

8、 100 dollars for the ticket. means She _ 100 dollars on the ticket.D. I am going to _ my summer holiday in my hometown.51. interest/interested/interestingA. Are you _ in the _ storybook?B. He says he has no _ in visiting the places of _. I dont know why.52. sleepy/sleep/asleepA. I didnt get to _ unt

9、il late last night.B. I felt very _ because I didnt _ well last night.C. He fell _ during the meeting.53. as/likeA. Football is not so popular _ ping-pong in Chino,B. If you do _ I told you, youll make fewer mistakes.C. You should do it _ this,D. The girl looks _ her mother. 54. fall/dropA. Unluckil

10、y,the runner _ his stick on the ground.B. I heard Tony _ down from the tree and hurt his leg.55. miss/loseA. She _ her wallet on her way to the supermarket.B. They were very sad because they _ an important football game.C. We all _ you very much. How soon will you be back?56. much too/too much/too m

11、anyA. Mr. Green eats _ food, so he is _ fat.B. I have _ books to read and _homework to do today.C. Watching TV _ is bad for your health.57. be famous for/be famous asA. Yao Ming _ a basketball player,B. China _ its food in the world.58. look over/look up/look for/find/find outA. The old man _ his mo

12、ney everywhere, but he couldnt _ it.B. If youve _ who broke the window, please tell me.C. If you dont know the new words, please _ them _in a dictionary,D. After the doctor _ the patient very carefully, he said there was nothing serious.59. used to/be used to/wouldA. Granny _ living in city now.B. H

13、e said he _ come tomorrow.C. I _ live with my grandparents, but now I have my own home.60. search/search for/findA. The police _ their missing children here and there, but they didnt _ him.B. The policeman _the thief to see if he stole the money.61. none/no oneA. _ of the workers went to see the fil

14、m last night.B. - How many workers went to see the film last night?- _.C. - Who went to see the film last night? - _.62. have been to/have been in/have gone toA. They _ Beijing for five years,B. They _ Beijing three times.C. - Wherere they? - They _ Beijing.63. so/suchA. It is _ a heavy box that he

15、cant carry it.B. The box is _ heavy that he cant carry, it.C. I had _ much work to do that I slept very late last night.64. join/take part inA. The children _ the English Evening and had a good time.B. When did your father _ the Party, do you know?65. except/besidesA. Millie is good at sports _ foot

16、ball, he also does well in playing basketball.B. We all passed the exam _ Li Ming. How unlucky he is!66. die/dead/dying/deathA. His father _ two years ago. means His father has been _ for two years.B. Mary is always sad when she thinks of her little cats _.C. The doctors are trying to save the _ man

17、.67. as/for/since/becauseA. _ everyone is here. lets start the meeting.B. - Why didnt he come to school? - _ he was ill.C. There must be nobody in the classroom, _ the light is off.D. _ I am young, I often give my seat to old ones on buses.68. still/already/yetA. He is over seventy. But he is _ work

18、ing on the farm.B. He has not come _.C. They have _ finished doing the homework.69. be able to/canA. Mum said Huahua, you _ watch TV after you finish doing your homework.B. They may _ win the competition, for they have practised for a long time.C. Jim _ not be in the office now, for he left an hour

19、ago.70. own/have/there beA. I _ a new computer. My uncle bought it for me as a birthday present yesterday.B. You should do it with your _ hands.C. _ a CD player on the desk. Whose is it?71. as well/too/also/eitherA. Mr. Green can _ speak Chinese well.B. I havent heard from him. She hasnt heard from

20、him, _.C. I have been to Beijing twice, _.D. People in Korea celebrate the Spring Festival _.72. give up/give inA. You cant _ English, because its very important.B. Finally I _ and accepted the job.73. turn on/rum off/turn up/turn downA. Please _ the radio. I cant hear the news clearly.B. Please _ t

21、he radio. Its too noisy.C. Please _ the light. Its too dark here and I cant see anything.D. Please _ the light when you leave here.74. try out/try onA. Please _ the new shoes. I dont know if they fit you.B. The boy is clever and he likes _ new ideas.75. hear of/hear from/hear aboutA. We havent _ him

22、 since last Christmas.B. I dont know the writer, but I have _ him.C. I have never _ such a funny story before.76. hand in/in handA. I have 1,000 yuan _. But thats not enough.B. You should _ your exam papers on time.77. send up/send away/send forA. The police were _ when the accident happened.B. The

23、boss _ the worker because he was too lazy.C. Our country _ another man-made satellite last year.78. thanks for/thanks toA. _ the police, the parents found their lost child soon.B. _ helping me with my English.79. steal/robA. The thief _ the mobile phone from me.B. The man _ me of my mobile phone. 80

24、. that/which/whoA. This is the best film _ has been shown this year.B. You can take any seat _ is free.C. Is there anything _ I can do for you?D. Those _ know the answer, put up your hands. E. The teacher, _ comes from England, speaks English.、【参考答案】41. A. little;B. a few;C. few;D. a little, a few42

25、. A. None;B. Neither;C. Either;D. neither43. A. All;B. Both, all;C. whole, all44. A. passed;B. past, past;C. through;D. across, Cross;E. over 45. A. arrive;B. get;C. reach;D. arrive/reach46. A. sound;B. voice, voice;C. noise47. A. So;B. Nor48. A. go to bed;B. fell asleep/went to sleep;C. is asleep49

26、. A. Sorry;B. Pardon;C. Excuse me;D. pardon50. A. takes, spend;B. cost, spent;C. paid, spent;D. spend51. A. interested, interesting;B. interest, interest52. A. sleep;B. sleepy, sleep;C. asleep53. A. as;B. as;C. like;D. like54. A. dropped;B. fell55. A. lost;B. lost/missed;C. miss56. A. too much, much too;B. too many, too mu


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