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1、.M1U11. 我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树。I think the best way to protect the environment is to plant more trees.2. 周末去公园野餐听起来像是个不错的主意。Going to the park for a picnic at the weekend sounds like a good idea.3. 当我回顾童年的时候,我仍然以为那是我一生中最快乐的时光。When I look back on my childhood, I still think of it as the happiest time in my

2、life.4. 这个曾做过模特的女孩现在是著名演员。The girl who used to be a model is now a famous actress.5. 和她多谈几次你就会发现她不像你原来认为的那么坏。Talk to her more, and you will find that she isnt as bad as you thought she was.6. 天越来越黑了,我决定找个地方住下来。As it was getting dark, I decided to find a place to stay.7. 善于利用时间的学生通常会取得好成绩。Students wh

3、o make good use of their time usually achieve high scores.8. 尽管你的烹饪技术在如此短的时间内很难提高,你还是应该坚持练习。Though it is difficult to improve your cooking skills in such a short time, you should still keep practising.M1U21. 这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。The soup smells delicious! I cant wait to taste it.2. 我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说

4、什么语言呢?What language are we supposed to speak when we get to Italy since we cant speak Italian?3. 天看上去好像要下雨了,别忘了带伞。It looks as if it is going to rain. Dont forget to take your umbrella.4. 尽管她家人让她不要这样做,但她坚持要去非洲研究野生动物。She insisted on going to Africa to study wild animals there, although her family aske

5、d her not to.5. 他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛。They are the best team in the country. They certainly deserve to win the match.6. 她很累,想要好好睡一觉。She was very tired and felt like having a nice sleep.7. 这就是你的过错。没必要再为你自己辩解了。It is your fault. There is no need for you to defend yourself anymore.8. 既然约翰已经到了,我们就立刻开始

6、工作吧!Now that John has arrived, lets start working right away. M1U31. 美国的孩子在达到16岁时就可以准备参加驾驶考试了,是吗?When they reach the age of 16, children in the USA can prepare to take their driving test, cant they?2. 用过这药的人最清楚它的副作用是什么。Those who have tried this medicine know best about its side effect(s).3. 战争引起了全世界

7、的油价上涨,不是吗?The war caused oil prices to rise all over the world, didnt it?4. 当她躺在医院里的时候,她后悔没有听从母亲的劝告。When she was lying in hospital, she regretted not following her mothers advice.5. 当你踏入社会的时候,知道如何和人相处是重要的。It is important to know how to get on with others when you enter into society.6. 经常锻炼帮助那位影星强身健体

8、,并保持苗条的身材。Regular exercise helps the film star get into shape and keep a slim figure.7. 他们都认为这是我第一次来到这个城市。实际上,我曾在这里生活过两年。They all thought that it was my first visit to the city. As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years.8. 孩子们喜欢读哈里波特,许多成年人也是如此。Children like reading Harry Potter, and so do

9、many adults.M2U11. 在我们还没来得及认真考虑之前,请不要排除这一建议。Lets not dismiss the suggestion before weve even thought about it carefully.2. 我记得在看完头两页之后就把书收起来了,可是现在书不见了。I remember I put the book away after reading the first two pages, but now it has gone missing.3. 警方调查了这次事故,认为事故大约发生在午夜时分。The police looked into the a

10、ccident and believed it occurred around midnight.4. 由于天气恶劣,机场被关闭了。The airport was closed because of/ due to the bad weather.5. 领居们报告说看到他身穿一件黑色大衣离开了房子。The neighbours reported seeing him leave the house in a black coat.6. 据说这种植物能在非常寒冷的天气里存活下来。This kind of plant is said to be able to survive in very co

11、ld weather.7. 虽然玛丽什么也没说,但约翰认为这事肯定和她有关。Although Mary did not say anything, John assumed that she was linked to the accident.8. 一个孩子能在互联网上创建一家玩具公司,这有可能吗?Is there any possibility that a child can start a toy company on the Internet?M2U21. 你最好在旅行的时候带张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。Youd better take a map with you while tr

12、avelling so that you wont get lost.2. 她热衷于打羽毛球,正在组织一次学校联赛。She is enthusiastic about playing badminton and is now organizing a school tournament.3. 他打算独自一人去山里野营,尽管他的朋友都叫他不要去。He is going camping in the mountains alone, even though his friends have told him not to.4. 请记下我的电话号码。万一有什么重要事情,可以打电话给我。Please

13、write down my telephone number. You can call me in case anything important happens.5. 我们学校建了一个有半个足球场那么大的游泳池。Our school has built a swimming pool half the size of a football field.6. 他先给火车站打了电话,以确认开往纽约的火车十点发车,然后立刻打车去火车站。He called the railway station first, so as to make sure that the train to New Yor

14、k would leave at ten oclock. Afterwards, he took a taxi there immediately.7. 2002年该国的森林覆盖率只有16.55%。In 2002 only 16.55% of this country was covered with trees.8. 如果你打算来,请提前告诉我,以便我为你做好一切安排。If you are going to come, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange everything for you.M2U31. 你可以借阅任何一本

15、你喜欢的书。You can borrow whichever book you like.2. 她不仅是一位作家,还是一位母亲,所以她的书很受孩子们欢迎。She is a mother as well as a writer, so her books are popular among children.3. 秘书把我领进经理的办公室,并让我稍等片刻。The secretary led me to the managers office and asked me to wait for a while.4. 当你在阅读时遇到生词时,不要总是借助词典查阅。When you come acros

16、s a new word while reading, dont always look it up in your dictionary.5. 这家餐馆的名字和餐馆主人的兴趣有关系吗?Does the name of the restaurant have something to do with the interest of the owner?6. 战争结束后不久,他就回到家乡,开始写他的第一部小说。Shortly after the war, he returned to his home town and started to write his first novel.7. 她一

17、直很尊敬她的叔叔,因为他是一位杰出的医生,挽救了很多人的生命。She always looks up to her uncle because he is an excellent doctor who has saved a lot of peoples lives.8. 尽管村民们遭受了各种各样的困难,但他们并不气馁。Though they suffered various difficulties, the villagers were not discouraged.M3U11. 我不知道您能否给我一些如何提高英语水平的建议。I wonder whether/if you can gi

18、ve me some advice on how to improve my English.2. 我一旦收到车票就会打电话告诉你。Once I receive the tickets, I will call you and let you know.3. 当他醒来的时候,发现自己躺在一张温暖的床上。When he woke up, he found himself lying in a warm bed.4. 我不会说法语,不过一个好心人帮了我的忙,告诉我怎么走。I didnt speak any French, but a kind man came to my aid and told

19、 me where to go.5. 正好与人们认为的相反,沙漠也可以成为美丽的地方。Contrary to popular belief, the desert can be a beautiful place.6. 她非常感激她的老师们,他们给了她很过关心和鼓励。She was very grateful to her teachers, who gave her much care and encouragement.7. 到18岁时,他已经游历了欧洲大多数的国家。By the time he was eighteen years old, he had travelled to mos

20、t of the countries in Europe.8. 他把他的狗松开了,现在哪儿也找不着它。He set his dog loose, and now it is nowhere to be found.M3U21. 虽然我理解你,但我并不同意你的见解。While I understand you, I dont agree with you.2. 你能在方便时帮我查一下这个单词吗?Can you help me look up the word in the dictionary when it is convenient for you?3. 据说,每天喝八杯水对皮肤有好处。It

21、 is said that drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for your skin.4. 1985年美国把玫瑰定为国花。它象征着美与爱。The USA made the rose its national flower in 1985. It stands for beauty and love.5. 如果你准备充分,你肯定会通过面试的。It is certain that you will pass the interview if you are well prepared.6. 约翰的篮球打得比山姆好是因为他做过一年的学校篮

22、球队队员。John plays basketball better than Sam in that he was in/on the school basketball team for one year.7. 入口处的指示牌标明山中有熊,所以游客需要当心。The sign at the entrance indicates that there are bears in the mountains, so visitors should be careful.8. 这本书的简化版与原版有很大不同。The simplified version of the book differs from

23、 the original greatly.M3U31. 能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运。I feel very lucky to have won the holiday and have made so many friends.2. 尽管对薪水不满意,他还是继续为这家公司工作。He continued to work for the company even though he was not happy with the pay.3. 很难想象如果没有电和干净的水,我们的生活会是什么样子。It is hard to imagine what our life would

24、 be like if we did not have electricity or clean water.4. 这座城市是一个重要的商贸中心,创建于公元9世纪。This city, which is an important commercial centre, was founded in the 9th century.5. 我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包不见了。真倒霉!When I got off the bus, I found my wallet missing. How unfortunate!6. 中国正在北方植树,防止风把沙尘吹到农田上。China is planting

25、trees in the north to stop the wind from blowing sand onto farms.7. 因为大雾,我们参加毕业典礼迟到了。We were late for the graduation ceremony as a result of the thick fog.8. 这尊金属雕像是为了纪念一位著名学者而建的。This metal statue was built in memory of a famous scholar.M4U11. 这些话的目的不是为了伤害你,而是为了鼓励你。These words are not meant to hurt

26、you, but to encourage you.2. 在节日那天,孩子们可以捉弄那些拒绝给他们糖果的邻居。On the day of the festival, children can play tricks on neighbours who refuse to offer them sweets.3. 我昨天给姚明写了封信。你知道他是如何处理球迷来信吗?I wrote a letter to Yao Ming yesterday. Do you know how he deals with letters from his fans?4. 为了做这份分析,我咨询了几位经验丰富的专家。

27、To do this analysis, I consulted several experienced experts.5. 他头痛好长时间了,因此医生建议他休假。He had suffered from headaches for a long time, so the doctor recommended him to take a vacation.6. 我刚从英格兰回来,现在告诉大家一些最新消息。I have just returned from England and now I would like to update you on some of the latest news

28、.7. 你找出你汽车的毛病了吗?Have you figured out whats wrong with your car?8. 有些人想放弃,但队长敦促他们继续前进。Some people wanted to give up, but the captain urged them to march ahead.M4U21. 今晚将为新任校长举行餐会。你想来吗?There will be a dinner party tonight in honour of the new headmaster. Would you like to come?2. 李教授坚持不懈,最终做出了这一著名发现。P

29、rofessor Li hung on and finally made this well-known discovery.3. 他们确信能让自己的汽车模型不通电就跑起来。They are sure that they can make it possible for their model cars to run without electricity.4. 这家公司一直领先,因为它对市场变化的反应很快。This corporation has always led the way, because it reacts very quickly to market changes.5. 我

30、们必须更新我们的设备,否则将无法与其他大公司竞争。We have to update our equipment. Otherwise, we wont be able to compete with other corporations.6. 一个常见问题是,大多数人不敢挑战常规。One frequent problem is that most people dare not challenge the routine.7. 我们不得不修改设计,以控制预算。We had to change the design to keep the budget under control.8. 与此同

31、时,他试图发明一种新技术,以节省成本。Meanwhile, he attempted to invent a new technique to reduce the cost.M4U31. 星星看上去是静止的,但实际上它们一直在运动之中。The stars look as if they were still, but in reality they are in constant movement.2. 今早,杰克扛一个重箱子时把背给弄伤了。Jack injured his back when lifting a heavy box this morning.3. 这台打印机似乎工作不正常。

32、This printer doesnt seem to function properly.4. 至于空气污染,我想汽车尾气是主要原因之一。As to air pollution, I think gases from cars are one of the chief causes.5. 最后很重要的一点,我要感谢所有朋友,老师和家人的支持。Last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends, teachers and family members for their support.6. 我们已训练了一个半小时,该休息一下了。W

33、e have trained for one hour and a half and it is about time we took a rest.7. 这位妇女被指控在杂货店偷东西,但她坚称自己是清白的。The woman was accused of stealing in a grocery, but she insisted she was innocent.8. 这项计划旨在挽救珍稀动物,具有非常重要的意义。This plan, which is meant to save rare animals, is of great importance.M5U11. 昨天汤姆和妻子吵了一

34、架。为了表示歉意,他给妻子留了张卡片,上面写着:“对不起,请原谅我。”Tom had an argument with his wife yesterday. To apologize, he left his wife a note, saying, Sorry. Please forgive me.2. 当我走进房间时,他假装在看书。When I walked into the room, he pretended to be reading a book.3. 父母应该设法劝阻子女吸烟。Parents should try to discourage their children fro

35、m smoking.4. 我给他办公室打电话,但打不通。I rang his office but couldnt get through.5. 她克服了害怕在大众面前说话的心理,发表了一个简短的演讲。She overcame the fear of talking in front of a big audience and gave a short speech.6. 我宁可走路而不愿意坐公共汽车。I would rather walk than take a bus.7. 你竟提出这样的建议,真是荒唐。It is absurd for you to put forward such a

36、suggestion.8. 关于对付这种疾病的最佳方法,医生们的意见仍有分歧。There are disagreements among doctors about the best way to deal with the disease.M5U21. 他喜爱文学,尤其是经典作品。He is fond of literature, classics in particular.2. 在许多美国城市,在饭店内吸烟是违法的。In many American cities, it is illegal to smoke in restaurants.3. 时间不多了,我们必须立即行动起来。We must act now because time is run


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