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1、语法填空,真题再练,命题特点,备考指南,1. 短文长度:约200个词。 2. 短文体裁:以能体现正能量的故事性记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章为主,也可以是说明文或议论文。 3. 设空类型:给词题7个,纯空格3个。,4. 给词题的考点。 必考谓语动词12题,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气和主谓一致。如果是2题,其中一题通常是be动词,一般体现主谓一致。 必考非谓语动词14题,包括不定式、现在分词、过去分词、动名词,一种形式一般只考查1个小题。, 必考词类转换13题,一种转换只考1个小题,如由形容词变为副词不设两道。 名词由单数变为复数考查01题。有可能会有一个小题要求考生填名词的所有格。, 比较等级考01题。

2、 代词考01题。题中给出人称代词的主格,要求考生填其宾格、名词性物主代词、形容词性物主代词、反身代词等,如果本身是考查主格的,不用给提示词。,5.纯空格题的考点。 必考从句连词1题。 并列连词考01题。 介词考01题。一般只考简单介词,不会要求考生填像due to, because of, in front of之类的短语介词。, 冠词考01题。 其它考01题。包括助动词(如强调谓语动词的do, does, did;构成部分倒装的do, does, did; 构成一般疑问句的do, does, did)、构成强调结构的it或that、连接性副词(before, ago等)题。,一是掌握基础语法

3、:要复习课程标准或考纲“附录2 语法项目表”中规定的24个语法项目。切实掌握每个项目中的基本用法,不淡化,但也不必深化。千万注意语法不要过细、过繁、过多、过难,不要将简单语法复杂化,而应想方设法使复杂的语法简单化,让语法变得更简、更易、更有趣。 二是熟悉考点语法。,根据语义, 确定词形,分析句子,确定词性,解题四步走,提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据,通读全文,理解大意,总结提升,检查搭配, 前后连贯,语法填空 单句练习,谓语动词(时态及语态, 及主谓一致),1. For example, I _ (or

4、der) a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50. 2. It was said that the flight to New York_(cancel) due to the foggy weather. 3. Work hard ,or you_(regret) one day. 4. So far, our country_(make) great achievements in many fields. 5. Doing exercise in the morning_ (be)good for our hea

5、lth.,ordered,was canceled,will regret,has made,is,非谓语动词( to do, doing, done 及变形),1. I joined in a marathon _ (host) by the city sports club. 2. On their return, the father asked his son _(explain) what he had learnt. 3. He passed me and then turned back,_ (look) at me with a smile. 4.I am looking fo

6、rward to _(receive) your letter. 5.Although_ (face) with all kinds of difficulties, he never wanted to give up.,hosted,to explain,looking,receiving,faced,形容词修饰中心名词,作表语描述主语的性质或状态,1.In a few years to come, video lessons will be _(wide)used at school. 2. I was deeply _ (move) by his deeds. 3._ (fortuna

7、te), his parents passed away when he was fifteen years old. 4.After that success, she became_(much) confident in life. 5. To keep healthy, you should keep a _ (balance) diet.,Unfortunately,widely,moved,副词修饰形容词,动词,副词或在句中作状语修饰整个句意,形容词和副词,more,注意具体语境中形容词和副词形和意的变化及比较级的应用,balanced,构词(word-formation),1.Th

8、e race gave a great deal of _(please). 2.Hearing that news, he was full of_(angry) 3. Im very careful not to give out my _ (person) information. 4. Its normal for me to feel nervous, because the exam is of great _ (important). 5. He became a professor in his_(thirty),pleasure,anger,personal,importan

9、ce,thirties,冠词(article),1.As we all know , failure is _mother of success. 2.It was _hot summer night and the moon was shinning brightly across _ night sky. 3. It is a pity that I dont have _ good command of English. 4. He always finds out the cause of failure so that he will not make _ same mistake

10、in his future life.,the,a,a,the,a/an泛指;the 特指(语境判断) a/ an; the在某些短语里的固定搭配,the,连词(conjunction),1.The little boy wouldnt leave the shop _he bought what he wanted. 2.I could have ignored him when he fell down , _ I stopped to help him. 3. I like singing_ my sister likes dancing. 4. Work together,_ our

11、efforts will eventually pay off.,until / till,but,while,and,看两个句子间的逻辑关系来判断,代词(pronoun),1._ took the baby an hour or so to calm down. 2.With all _ homework finished, the children went home happily. 3.He always devotes _ to the research that he likes in his spare time. 4._ is impossible 5.Id appreciat

12、e _ if you would give me the opportunity.,It,their,himself,Nothing,it,人称代词,物主代词,不定代词,指示代词,反身代词 代词作主语和宾语的正确形式 It 做形式主语和形式宾语的固定句式,介词(preposition),1. Bored, Tom couldnt concentrate _what his mother was saying. 2.We should adopt positive attitude_ failures in life. 3.Thats the way _ which I have been le

13、arning English. 4.The dictionary is what I want, but I dont have enough money _ me. 5. Nowadays, almost everyone has realized smoking is harmful _ peoples health,on,to/towards,in,with,多半考察其与动词和名词的固定搭配,to,从句(clause),1. The most unusual car _ had only three wheels was a Benz. 2. I was going out _ the

14、phone rang. 3.So careless was I _ I had forgotten all about that. 4.I believe the truth_ our efforts will eventually pay off. 5. After this experience, I find out_ life means.,that,when,that,what,that,状语从句:从属连词的选择 定语从句:关系代词和关系副词的选择 名词性从句:引导词的选择,固定用法,1. Mary was too careless _ deal with the math ques

15、tion correctly. 2. Im afraid I have trouble _ (learn) English well. 3.There is no point_ (persuade) his son to adopt their suggestions. 4. Some students usually lose heart and dont study as hard _ before when they fail in the exam,to,learning,persuading,as,Yangshuo, China It was raining lightly when

16、 I 1 _ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn黎明. But I didnt care在乎. A few hours 2_, Id been at home in Hong Kong, with 3 _(it) choking smog令人窒息的烟雾. Here, the air was clean and fresh清新, even with the rain.,its,before,arrived,1. 2015全国新课标卷I,本文作者记叙了从香港 到桂林阳朔旅游的经历。,Id skipped跳跃 nearby Guilin, a dream pl

17、ace for tourists seeking觅寻 the limestone石灰岩 mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 4 _ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 5 _ (painting). Instead, Id head straight for 直奔Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away 6 _car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.,by,paintings,which/that,Yangshuo 7_(be) really beautiful. A study of travelers 8 _ (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor “猫途鹰”names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations目的地 in the world. And the town is fast beco


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