Answers for Unit 1_第1页
Answers for Unit 1_第2页
Answers for Unit 1_第3页
Answers for Unit 1_第4页
Answers for Unit 1_第5页
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1、I. VocabularyStudy carefully all the new words and phrases in the box selected from the text. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary.regimen, transient, intermittent, exacerbation, replenish, prestigious, assess, determine, contribute to, underlie

2、, address, alleviate, imperative, dearth, identify, deprivation, intensify, innocuous, irritability, severity1. Ginger is used in travel sickness preparations and to alleviate morning sickness, colds, and joint pains.2. In 1923 Amelia earned her flying license issued by the prestigious Federation Ae

3、ronautique International(国际航空联盟).3. Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in Earths atmosphere in the amounts of greenhouse gases, aerosols (small particles), and cloudiness.4. The Government regularly re-runs the housing demand model to assess the long-term housing demand

4、.5. With social deprivation one may have limited access to the social world due to factors such as low socioeconomic status or poor education.6. Mescaline meskln; -lin【化学】墨斯卡灵一种生物碱,用做幻觉剂is completely innocuous, and its effects will pass off after eight or ten hours.7. During a rigorous chemotherapy

5、regimen, he went into shock with blood poisoning.8. It was once labeled a cultural desert because of its dearth of cultural and artistic activities.9. When the ship reached port, it gave abundant evidence of the severity of the storm.10. In the new study, college students experienced more symptoms o

6、f anxiety and irritability on a cloudy day compared with on a sunny day.11. The symptoms of stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) are the same and depend upon the particular region of the brain that is affected. But while a stroke is permanent, a TIA by definition resolves its own.12. It is imp

7、erative that the letter be posted immediately.13. We will intensify capacity in scientific research and technological development, as well as intensify development and introduction of new technologies and products, and boost their application.14. Today would be mostly fine and sunny, with intermitte

8、nt shower.15. CRM客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)tools help identify those high-volume purchasers - the backbone of your business - and target them in a way that cultivates the best possible relationship.16. After delivery, no patient underwent the abnormal liver function or liver disease pr

9、ogression or exacerbation.17. Their maturation maturation: mtjre()n 生殖细胞之形成 process is not only important for establishing normal visual functions, but may also underlie the dendritic dendritic: dendrtk 树枝状的;树状的 remodeling of ganglion ganglion: ggln 组织 神经节;医 腱鞘囊肿 cells during development.18. China w

10、ill further perfect these systems, maintain reasonable amounts of grain in reserve, replenish the grain market risk funds and reinforce the governments ability to regulate grain markets.19. These concerns were not adequately addressed in the report.20. The point of our study was to determine what is

11、 true, not what is practicable.II. ClozeFill in the gaps with any words you think fit.通读全文,同时填入语法词或固定搭配词汇。剩下的实词,判断所需词词性,根据前后文意义填入实词。实词空多有不止一个正确答案。Sleep disorders are on a rise these days. Many people, young and old are (1) suffering from sleep disorders. Primary sleep disorders may be due to psychol

12、ogical or medical conditions of the patient. Without a proper sleep, the quality of life keeps degenerating. Hence it is important to (2) consult a doctor if you suffer from any sleep disorder. Primary sleep disorders are a result of disturbances in sleep patterns (3) or sleep-wake generating mechan

13、isms. Some sleep disorders are severe enough to interfere with normal functioning of any person.Sleep disorders are of many types. However, primary sleep disorders can be (4) majorly of two types. Dyssomnias dyssomnias: dsmnis 睡眠失调 are sleep disorders characterized by lack of sleep (5) which happen

14、either due to abnormalities in the quality or (6) amount / quantity of sleep. It can happen due to problems arising (7) from inside the body or it may also be related to external factors. There is usually a disturbance in the circadian rhythm of sleep.Parasomnias异态睡眠are sleep disorders where the pat

15、ient goes through some unusual experiences (8) during sleep. The patient may sleep walk or have (9) nightmares. The patient might also have sleep terror disorder. Other abnormal (10) experiences include tooth-grinding, bed-wetting, sleep sex, sleep talking, exploding head syndrome where the patient

16、wakes up after hearing loud noises etc.There are also (11) various medical conditions that are accompanied by sleeping disorders. Persons suffering from psychosis psychosis: sakss n. 精神病;精神错乱, panic, and mood disorders etc. (12) undergo experience / have sleeping disorders. These disorders are not t

17、ermed as primary sleep disorders. Here sleep disorder is secondary to a disease. However, to draw a clear boundary between anxiety causing sleep disorder and sleep disorders (13) causing anxiety or depression is difficult.Treatment for primary sleep disorders is (14) conducted / done through medicat

18、ions, behavioral treatments, rehabilitation etc. Sleep disorder can be acute or (15)chronic. The requirement of sleep - the quality, timing etc. (16) varies from individual to individual. Hence, the treatment also is very person specific. The patients medical conditions, psychological well being, ps

19、ychiatric history are all taken into (17) consideration before prescribing the treatment.Hence, consult your health care professional and (18) discuss your problems in detail with her/him. She/he will be able to guide you to the right kind of treatment which you require.Primary sleep disorders are c

20、ommon and can be treated. As soon as you realize that you are having troubles with sleep, (19) contact your doctor as sleep is extremely important for normal (20) functioning of the body.III. Translation1. Translate the following passage into Chinese.1) 英语句子较长,结构较复杂;汉语长句常由并列复合句构成。2) 英译汉一般用分译法,一个长句拆成

21、若干个小句。3) 汉译英一般用合译法,若干个小句尽量合译成一个主从复合句。在分析句子时,先确定英语句子的主句的主谓宾,再加入其他成分。 无论是英译汉还是汉译英,首先要找到句子的核心词,确定英语的句子结构或汉语句子的核心内容。主谓宾定状补,先确定前者再考虑后者。The key to diagnosing insomnia and other sleep disorders is history and sleep laboratory monitoring. 诊断失眠及其他睡眠障碍的关键是研究病史和在睡眠实验室对病人做监测。Short-term problems related to diffi

22、culty with initiating sleep may be situational or environmental. 短期的难以入睡这种失眠一般是由环境因素引起的。Long-term problems with sleep, lasting weeks to months, may be more psychophysiologic such as with chronic anxiety or depression. 持续数周甚至数月的长期睡眠问题可能更多的是由心理生理因素引起,如患有慢性焦虑症或抑郁症。A thorough history of personal or job-

23、related issues, caffeine, alcohol and other drug use, related medical problems, abnormal leg and body movements at night, problems with daytime napping and somnolence as well as night time snoring, and apnea spells will all direct the practitioner to the cause of most problems. 医生要想找到多数失眠的原因,就得做详细的病

24、史检查,要了解个人或工作状况,咖啡因、酒精摄入及其他药物服用史,相关的内科疾病,夜间腿部及躯体异常活动,昼间瞌睡,夜间打鼾及呼吸暂停时间等情况。A good sleep study often confirms the diagnosis and leads to specific interventions. 对睡眠情况进行认真检查通常可以确诊失眠,进而采取特定的治疗措施。2. Translate the following passage into English.随着现代生活节奏的加快,人与人之间的竞争和矛盾日益增加,我们的精神处在一种高度紧张的状态,焦虑症、抑郁症等的发生率也在不断增加

25、,失眠的症状也随之产生。Insomnia is induced with the development of more and more cases of Anxiety and Depression due to the increasingly intensified competition and conflict and constantly enhanced strain in the quickened modern world.许多疾病也可以伴有失眠症状,如神经官能症、高血压、肿瘤、脑血管疾病、肺结核、冠心病。Many diseases, such as neurosis, h

26、igh blood pressure, tumor, cerebrovascular diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis and coronary heart disease, are also accompanied by insomnia.这些疾病的某些阶段可以出现失眠症状,或因疾病加重而影响睡眠,在疾病好转后,失眠症状可以减轻或消失。Sleep disorders may emerge in some phases of these diseases or the exacerbation may affect sleep, while insomnia w

27、ill alleviate or disappear with the improvement of the diseases.失眠与年龄有密切的关系,年龄越大失眠发生率越高。Insomnia is closely related with age. The older a person becomes, the more likely he may develop insomnia.老年人入睡时间延长,年轻人一般几分钟就能入睡,而老年人平均40分钟才能入睡,The time needed to initiate sleep by senior citizens is lengthened.

28、Generally, young people only take a few minutes to go to sleep while elderly ones, on average, spend forty minutes.加之老年人睡眠变浅,夜尿增多,夜间醒来的次数也增多,因此失眠的症状也随之加剧。With less sound sleep, increased nocturia and more wake-up, senior citizens suffer from much severer insomnia.脑力劳动者用脑过度,特别是学生,学习紧张,容易出现失眠症,而体力劳动及经

29、常参加锻炼的人,失眠就不易产生。Brainworkers, especially hardworking students are easily affected by insomnia for their overtaxing their brains while manual workers are less likely to suffer from insomnia. I. TranslationTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the text. 1. As an anticonvulsant and muscle

30、relaxant, the beneficial effects start to emerge at 10 and 20 times the dose required for sedation, respectively.如果服用10倍用于镇定催眠的剂量的话,(安比恩)可用作抗痉挛药物,20倍剂量的话,(安比恩)可用作肌肉松弛剂。2. Though the impact is immediate and relieving, it comes with the cost of possible side effects that are to be watched out for and

31、acted upon at once.尽管见效快,但是也有副作用,必须在服药时就得注意并且按医嘱服用。3. They can sometimes carry on complex conversations and respond appropriately to questions or statements, so much so that observers may believe them to be awake.他们有时候会进行比较复杂的谈话并且对别人的提问和陈述回以妥帖的答复,以至于旁观者可能相信他们是醒着的。4. Ambien makes a person fall sleep

32、for 7-8 hours at a stretch and so it should be taken only when the required time is available; that goes to say that it should not be taken during working hours or before driving, etc.安比恩让一个人连续睡上七八个小时,所以只有在有充足的时间睡觉时才能服用,也就是说在工作时间或开车前不能服用。5. Ambien consumer information is highly imperative as that wo

33、uld offer you with good amount of help which is needed to deal with the problems arising from using this drug.必须要弄清楚安比恩的使用须知,这样能很好地帮助你对付因为服药产生的问题。Part IV Medical Terminology 【幻灯26】Every student learning medical English finds medical terminology so vast and challenging. Medical Terminology is a speci

34、al vocabulary used by health care professionals for effective and accurate communication. Because it is based mainly on Greek and Latin words, medical terminology is consistent and uniform throughout the world. It is also efficient; although some of the terms are long, they often reduce an entire ph

35、rase to a single word. The one word gastroduodenostomy (strudu:dinstmi n. 胃十二指肠吻合术:在胃与十二指肠之间进行吻合的手术), for example, stands for “a communication between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine”.【duodenum: ,dju(:)di:nm adj. 十二指肠duodenal: ,dju(:)udi:nl adj. 十二指肠的anastomosis: ,nstmosis 复ana

36、stomoses吻合:两条管道间的连接;吻合术:两个正常分开的腔隙或器官间通过手术、创伤或病理方式造成的开口】 The medical vocabulary is vast, and learning it may seem like learning the entire vocabulary of a foreign language. Moreover, like the jargon ( d:n n. 行话,术语) that arises in all changing fields, it is always expanding. The task seems overwhelmin

37、g, but there are methods that can aid in learning and remembering words and can even help in making informed guesses regarding the meanings of unfamiliar words. 【幻灯27】Most medical terms can be divided into component partsroots, prefixes, and suffixesthat maintain the same meaning whenever they appea

38、r. By learning these meanings, you can analyze and remember many words. The fundamental unit of each medical word is the root. This establishes the basic meaning of the word and is the part to which modifying prefixes and suffixes are added. A suffix is a short word part or series of parts added at

39、the end of a root to modify its meaning, indicated by a dash before the suffix, such as -itis. A prefix is a short word part added before a root to modify its meaning, indicated by a dash after the prefix, such as pre-. Lets start the study of medical terminology from prefixes and suffixes. e.g. 幻灯2

40、81. Insomnia is a sleep pattern disorder that affects millions of adults worldwide at one time or another. (Text A)disorder=dis- + orderword =prefix + rootdis- is a prefix denoting “absence, removal, separation”, which decides the meaning of disorder as “a disruption of normal physical or mental fun

41、ctions; a disease or abnormal condition”.2. Hormonal imbalance can lead to dearth d: of sleep specially, in women specially, during the menopause season. (Text A) hormonal = hormon + -al word=root+ suffixSuffix al suggest that the word is an adjective.word-building中的两个练习都由学生课后完成,学生课堂讲解也可由老师讲解,视时间定。红

42、体字为附加的词干和词缀的解释。如果学生没有解释,由老师上课补充第一部分为从课文中选出的词汇,第二部分为跟某主题相关的构词结构。I. Word-building (1)Study the italicized words in bold in the sentences selected from the text, try to figure out prefixes and suffixes and finish the following table:1. Insomnia is a condition where the person has difficulty initiating

43、or maintaining sleep. (Para. 1, Text A)wordsprefixes suffixesmeaning examplesinsomnia-iacondition ofamnesia mni:z i记忆缺失, diarrhea ,da i ri 腹泻, parasomnia深眠状态,pr smni: hyperthyroidism haipairidiz()m 甲状腺机能亢进-ismcontidion ofmechanism 机理,机制mek nizm automatism :t mtizm 自动症hyperthyroidismhyper-over, exces

44、s, increased, abnormally highhypertension 高血压hyperventilation ,haip ventilein换气过度,过度呼吸hypertrophyhaip :trfi 肥大 prostatic hypertrophy 前列腺肥大hypnosis hipnusis 催眠,催眠状态-sis, -osis, -asis, -iasis,-esis, condition of重音在倒数第二个音节acidosis ,sidusis 酸中毒, thrombosis r u mb usis 血栓形成, sclerosis sklrusis 硬化症:hypnos

45、ishypn/osleephypnagogic,hipnudik 安眠的;入眠前的hypnic hipnik 催眠的,睡眠的hypnodontia牙科催眠术,hipnudnir insomniain-, im (used before b, m, p)notincontinentinkntinnt失禁的,不能自制的, inability, inacidity无酸性, imbalancereplenishre-back, againregurgitationri,g:d itei n 回流,反流,逆流, refluxri:flks 回流,反流, recuperateriku:p reit (ve

46、rb 动词) 健康复元psychiatric-ic, -ical (ic+al)pertaining tometric, anatomical, pelvic, neuroticbipolarbi-two, twicebicuspid, dimorphous, amphinucleolusdisorderdis-absence, removal, separationdisorganised, disease, disappear, undiscoveredcaffeine-ine, -inalkaloid, haloqen, amic, amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine, heroinantibioticsanti-againstanti-insomnia, anticonvulsantabnormalityab-away fromabduct, II. Word-building (2)MeaningWord PartsExamplesfirstp


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