



1、步步登高UNIT4 水平测试 人教新目标七年级下 听力部分 I-III(略) A. a reporterB. a doctor9. Please call Tommy _8886-9238 if you want a job笔试部分 C . a playerD. a teacher_ a waiter.I.单项选择(从下列每组单词中选出与画线部分2. What do you want _ after you leave school?A. up,for B. to, forC. on, asD. at,as意义相同或相近的选项。每小题1分,共5分)A. do B. beC. toD. to b

2、e10. I dont know _ she is.1. I wear a white uniform and I help doctors.3. He is a bank clerk. People _their money to Mr. Smith says she is a shop assistant.A. am inB.put onC. haveD. dresshim or _ money from him.A. whereB. whenC. whatD. how2. I am very busy when people go out to dinner.A. get;giveB.

3、get;get11. We must help _ when they are in danger.A. am freeB. have no timeC. give;getD. give;giveA. otherB. others C. anotherD. the otherC. am not freeD. both B and C4. What does your uncle do? _.12. Tom is ill _. His mother works _. 3. Whats your father?A. He is Mr. GreenA. in hospital;in the hosp

4、italA. Who is your fatherB. He is from JapanB. in a hospital; in hospital B. What does your father doC. He is a library assistantC. in the hospital; in hospitalC. Whats your fathers jobD. He often plays tennis after school.D. in hospital; in hospitalD. both B and C5. Can you give _the dictionary?Sur

5、e.13. Police is a dangerous _ interesting job.4. My brother enjoys reading the Evening Newspaper.A. herB. hisC. sheD. heA. butB. andC. so D. orA. likes readingB. wants to read6. We are an international school _kids _7-1514. Its _to go across the road when lights are red.C. needs to readD. hopes to r

6、eadA. for,ofB. for, forC. to,atD. to,forA. busyB. difficultC. danger D. dangerous5. I am kind of tired7. _boy in green has _exciting job.15. Some writers like working _night and sleepA. kinds ofB. lots ofC. a littleD. a lot ofA. The, a B. The, anC. A, theD. A, an_ the day. II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)8. Are

7、 there any _ in the room ?A. in; atB. in;inC. at;inD. at;at1. I am a _. I like talking with people and Yes, there are.III. 阅读理解(共20分)writing something.A. newspapersB. newsC. moneyD. childANameSmithMilerCarterJobcookTeacherdoctorPlacehotelschoolhospitalWants to bereporterofficeractorWhyInterestingrel

8、axingfun1.What does Miler do?with Chinese on weekends? Come to join us. Call John at 8379-0532 for more information.A. Hes a cookB. Hes an officer(信息).C. Hes a teacherD. Hes a doctorPing-pong Club2.What does Smith want to be?Do you like to play ping-pong? Do you want to play ping-pong well? Mr. Cai

9、can teach youA. A reporterB. An actorYou can come here every Saturday afternoon.C. A doctorD. An officerTel:8123-85963.Where does Miler work now?Add: Room 212 in schools PE Building.A. In a hotelB. In a schoolLearning JapaneseC. in a hopitalD. In an officeCan you speak Japanese? Do you want to learn

10、 Japanese? Please join the Japanese Club 4.Why does Carter want to be an actor?now. Call Jane at 8786-1234.A. Because he thinks it it exctingTime:8:30 a.m.11:00 a.m.(from Monday to Friday)B. Because he thinks it it relaxingMusicians WantedC. Because he thinks it is dangerousAre you a music lover? Ca

11、n you sing or dance? Can you play any instruments(乐器)?Welc-D. Because he thinks it is funome to our Star Rock Band.5.Where does Smith work now?Please call Tina at 8906-0987 or send an e-mail to A. In an officeB. In a school6.Gina is a good teacher and she wants to find a job.Who my offer

12、(提供)C. In a hospitalD. In a hotelA. TinaB. JohnC. JaneD. Mr. CaiB7.How long does Japanese learning take(花费)every day?Teachers WantedA. 2.5 hoursB. 3.5 hoursC. 4 daysD. 5 daysAre you a teacher? Do you like children? Can you help them8.If you are a music lover, you want to be a dancer, how can you con

13、tact(联系)with them?A. Call 8123-8596A. she doesnt learn English and Chinese wellB. Call JaneB. she often helps me with themC. Send an e-mail to C. I dont learn them wellD. Go to Room 212 in Schools PE Building4.根据上下文给出与(4)处划线单词意义相同或相近的单词:_9.Who can teach you to play ping-pong?5.将(5)处划线部分翻

14、译成汉语A. TinaB. JohnC. JaneD. Mr. Cai_10.Now Vera can speak Japanese well and she teaches childrenBJapanese. She works from Monday to Friday.Can you guess whereThe Whites come from Canada. They live in Toronto. Mr. White is a doctor. Mr.Whiteshe works?doesnt work. She has a lot of housework to do ever

15、y day. They have two sons. Jack is tenA. The Ping-pong ClubB. The Star Rock Bandand Tom is eight. They are students. Jack doesnt want to be a doctor but Tom does . JackC. The Teacher ClubD. The Japanese Clubwants to be a pilot. Their daughter, Lisa, doesnt go to school. She is only four. Lisa wantsI

16、V. 阅读表达(共10分)to be a singer.A根据短文内容完成下面的表格,使横项成为一个完整的句子(每小题1分,共5分)Family membersJobMr. White1. _2. _has no workJack3. _In the future.Toms dream jobis to be a doctor4. _his father.Lisawould like to be5. _(1)I have a good friend named Li Na. She is not tall, but looksLovely. She works hard. In class,

17、she listens(2)_teacherscarefully and learns well.After class, she reads man y books. They areabout science,history, Chinese. She is very kind to help her classmates.I dont learn English and Chinese well, so (3)_.Li Na is an(4)excellent girl. I want to learn from her. I think sheis my best friend. (5

18、)We often go to school and go home together.根据要求完成下列问题(每小题2分,共10分)1.将(1)处划线句子分解成两句话1)_2)_2.在(2)处填上一个适当的词:_3.从ABC三个句子中选择一个最适当的填入(3)处V. 综合填空(每空1分,共15分)you want to _7_to her?”A.选词并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次“No,”says Mr. Black, “But please give her something quickly. She is very hungry.”work, report, teach,be ,giv

19、e ,wear, get_8_ he goes back to the restaurant. He is glad to see that a waiter is now at his table.1. _2. _3. _1. The boy wants to be a _when he grows up.Because he is good4. _5. _6. _at writing.7. _8. _2. My father _ very hard. He often comes back late. VI. 书面表达(15分)3. Ms. Wang is an English _. 假设

20、你是校报总编,现需招聘一名校报记者, 请你拟一份招聘广告张贴在学校广告栏内。4. Can you _ me the story book? I like it very much.要求: 1. 乐于与人交流;2. 擅长写新闻报道和故事; 3. 愿从事校报记者工作。5. We often _ help from our teacher.联系人: Tom电话:6. Students dont like to _uniforms at school.Wanted: Do you like _7. I want _ a doctor in the future._B. 根据短文内容,选择正确的单词填空,有2项多余的_here, people, hungry, talkdo ,glad, to ,a , but, back_ Mr. Black takes his daughter _1_ a restaurant. They sit down, and _there are a lot of _2_ in the restaurant. They wait for a long time, but_no waiters come to their table.


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