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1、英语八年级上第一单元知识点复习Where did you go on vacation?1. 主要知识点:复习一般过去时复合不定代词的用法反身代词的用法近义词的区别系动词的用法动词后的to do和doing 的区别ed形容词和ing形容词的区别动词过去式的构成及不规则动词表 感叹句的结构和连词的选择2. 复合不定代词用法:1)something,anything,nothing,everything是指物的不定代词。2)somebody,someone,anybody,anyone,nobody,everybody, everyone是指人的不定代词。3)somewhere,anywhere,

2、nowhere,everywhere是指地点的不定副词。4)当形容词修饰不定代词、不定副词时,放于其后; something special; somewhere wonderful;anything interesting.5) 不定代词、不定副词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。如:Is everybody here? 大家都到齐了吗?6) something,somebody,someone,somewhere用于肯定句及表示请求或建议的疑问句中.Why dont you visit someone with me? 你为什么不跟我一起去拜访下某个人呢?(表建议)I bought som

3、ething for my father.(肯定句)7) anything,anybody,anyone,anywhere用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句中。如:Did you do anything interesting? 你做了有趣的事吗?(表疑问)3. ed形容词与ing形容词的区别eg. Bored and boring; interested and interesting; excited and exciting.ed形容词修饰的是人,而ing形容词修饰的是物bored (adj),意为“感到厌倦的、无聊的”,其主语是某人; boring(adj),意为“令人厌倦的、无聊的”其

4、主语是某物。 如:I got bored with the boring work. 我对这无聊的工作感到厌倦。4. 系动词的用法:1)seem to do sth. 好像做某事 如: They seem to wait for you. 他们似乎在等你。 2)seem(to be)+adj. 似乎. 如:He seemed ( to be) ill yesterday.昨天他似乎病了。 3)It seems that + 从句 似乎. 如: It seems that he was ill yesterday. 昨天他似乎病了。其他的系动词(后面直接加形容词)有: be ; feel(觉得)

5、; keep(保持); stay(保持);look(看来.); smell(闻起来)sound(听起来) taste(尝起来)Eg: keep/stay healthy; taste good.5. 反身代词的用法:myself , ourselves, yourself , yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves. 1)作动词或介词的宾语:经常在enjoy, teach, hurt, buy, introduce, dress, kill等动词和by, for, to, of等介词后作宾语。He is teaching himself

6、 English.她在自学英语。She was talking to herself.她自言自语。He lives by himself in the country.他独自住在乡下。2)有关反身代词的短语:1) Help yourself! 请随便吃吧!/请自己去取吧!2) Make yourself at home! 别客气!3) make yourself heard /understood. 使你的话被人听得见/理解4) teach oneself 自学=learn by oneself5) by oneself 独自6) for oneself 为自己;替自己7) enjoy one

7、self 玩的愉快8) dress oneself 给自己穿衣6. 近义词的区别1)get to/reach/arrive 都是“到达“的意思get to+地点=reach+地点= arrive at+地点(小)=arrive in+地点(大)注意:若他们后面要加地点副词here, there, home等,则不需要加介词。2)few与little 的区别: 肯定否定许多可数A fewfewQuite a few不可数A littlelittleQuite a littlequite a few与quite a littlequite a few 意为“很多;不少”,修饰可数名词复数;quit

8、e a little 意为“很多;不少”,修饰不可数名词。a. He stays here for _ _ _days. b.There is _ _ _water in the bottle(瓶子).3)because of + 名词/代词/名短 I had to move because of my job. 因为工作的原因 because +从句 I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢4)so.that; suchthat (如此以至于) so+形/副+that 从句:She is so popular that everyone likes her

9、. such+名短+ that 从句:She is such a popular girl that everyone likes her.5)too mamy; too much; much tootoo many + 可数名词复数 意为“太多. ”He always has too many questions to ask me.too much + 不可数名词 意为“太多. ”I have too much homework to do today. much too + 形容词 意为“太. ”This book is much too useful.7. 一般过去时1).和一般过去时

10、连用的时间状语:Yesterday morning/afternoon/ evening, just now, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last month/ week/ night/year/ summer/Thursday, a moment/half an hour/three years ago, in 19992) 如何判定一般过去时句中有“介词+表示过去时间的数词或名词”构成的短语,如 in 1949, on March5,1920等There was only one school in our hometown in 1982.

11、 句中有“一段时间+ago”构成的短语,如five years ago, two years ago等。 He came to the school three years ago. 句中有“last +表示时间的名词”, 如;last year, last month等 We visited the Great Wall last Sunday. 句中有表示“过去“的词语或短语,如once(曾经),at that time, just now(刚才).I went to your classroom just now.俩个或俩个以上的词用and 连接,如果前一个动词用一般过去时,后面动词也用

12、一般过去时They talked, laughed, and walked to the village. 如果句子中找不到明显的时间状语,根据上下文来判断 How long did you live here? I lived here for about one year.8. 一般过去时的规则词和不规则词的变化1). 直接加ed, 如:work-worked.2) 以不发音的e 结尾的,加d.如 live-lived3) 以辅音字母加y 结尾的, 把y 变i , 加ed.如study-studied4) 以元音字母加y结尾的,直接加ed, enjoy-enjoyed不规则动词表现在时过去

13、时中文意思Is , amwas是Are were是beginbegan开始buildbuilt建筑buybought买cancould能catchcaught抓comecame来cutcut切digdug挖Do,doesdid做drivedrove开车winwon赢telltold告诉maymight可能meanmeant意味着meetmet见面putput放readread读riderode骑runran跑saysaid说seesaw看sellsold卖sendsent发送shakeshook摇singsang唱sleepslept睡觉smellsmelt闻eatate吃feelfelt感觉

14、到fightfought打斗findfound找flyflew飞speakspoke说sitsat坐9. 感叹句常用的感叹句的结构:1)What +adj.+ 复数名词 / 不可数名词+主语+谓语! 2)What +a/an+adj.+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!3)How +adj. +a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 4)How+adj./adv. +主语+谓语! eg: 1.What an interesting book it is! = How interesting a book is! 那本书多么有趣啊! 2._a clever girl she is! A.Who B.What C.


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