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1、2014-2015学年度第一学期第三次检测英语试题 八年级 英 语 (100分)亲爱的同学,英语考试开始啦!你要有信心成功在等着你!.词汇考查.共(15)分A. 按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式(5分)1.travel (名词) 2.begin(名词) 3.tradion (形容词) 4.I am ill and the doctor asked me to take the m (药)three times a day. 5.The letter is my p_ (私人的)thing, and you cant read it.B. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词(5分)1.These

2、people are all great (science)2. Ill get good grades by_(improve ) my reading skills(技能).3. We all know that the pigeon(鸽子)is the symbol of p .4. My brother thinks robots can work as a person, but I (agree) with him.5. Its (possible) for me to finish my homework in such a short time.C.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5

3、分)1Now the _ (pollute) is very serious.2His sister always plays a part in _ (save) the animals3He _(be)a teacher after he leaves college.4There _(be)fewer children in peoples homes in 10 years.5What will you do tomorrow afternoon?I _(play)basketball with Jim.II单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1He promised his f

4、ather _ all subjects at school. Astudy Bto study Cstudying Dstudied( )2Although she is very tired, she keeps on_ the piano. A. practices B. practicing C. to practice D. practice( )3He may come,but Im not sure _ that. Aabout BOn Cwith Dto( )4Im reading a book _ Mr. Lu Xun. I like his works. A. for B.

5、 by C. at D. to( )5Jim is too tired _ on. So he took a rest. A . to walk B. to going C. goes D.going( )6_ are you going to be a basketball player? Im going to practice basketball every day.来源:Zxxk.Com AWhat BHow CWhen DWhere ( )7 _ are you going to make a soccer team? After I finish my high school.

6、AWhat BWhen CWho DWhere ( )8_the word before you forget it. A. Write down B. Listen to C. Learn from D. Put up( )9The old man is very healthy.I think he will live_. Ato be 100 years old B100 years old Cat 100 years old Din 100 years old( )10What will the future _? No one can predict exactly(准确地). Ab

7、e like Bbe Clike Dlike as( )11Some old houses _in my hometown last summer. Afall down Bfell down Cwrite down Dwrote down( )12What do you think Sally will be_10 years? Aafter Bbehind Clater Din( )13 How many people came to school on the first day of this term(学期)? Its hard to say._people,I think. Ahu

8、ndred of Bhundreds of CTwo hundred of DTwo hundreds of( ) 14. How much _ do you want? A. money B. shoes C. moneys( ) 15. How many _ are there on the table? A. water B. cup of water C. bottles of waterIII.完型填空。(10分) What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a _1_in the future.You

9、 can ask it to do everything_2_you.It will serve you_3_hours a day. The robot will_4_like a human. It can talk with you when you are _5_.You wont know whether it is a human_6_ a robot when you meet it on the street. People will have_7_time to work and more time to travel.The vehicles (交通工具)in the fu

10、ture will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it.They will_8_ you to any place you want to visit.You can go to_9_during your travel when you feel tired.All vehicles will be_10_because theyre driven by robots.( )1A.rocket Brobot Ccar Dcomputer( )2A.on Babout Caround Dfor(

11、 )3A.eight Btwenty Ctwentyfour Dfortyeight( )4A.sound Blive Clook Dtake( )5A.happy Balone Ccomfortable Dill( )6A.so Band Cor Dbut( )7.A.less Bfew Cmore Dmost( )8A.make Btake Clet Dturn( )9A.school Bwork Cparks Dsleep( )10A.safe Bdangerous Cunpleasant DimpossibleIV.阅读理解(30分)每小题1.5分A Susan and Henry m

12、oved into a house ten years ago. They liked it very much. But now it is too small for them. They have three children and two dogs. Susan and Henry decided to sell their house and buy a bigger one.They are going to clean the house and paint the house today. Henry will paint the living room light blue

13、 and the kitchen white. Susan will clean the windows of every room. Susan has three beautiful dresses, and she is going to give them to her sister. The kids have some nice baby toys, and they will give them to their friends. There are some old school papers, and the kids are going to recycle them. N

14、ow the house is very clean. They asked a real estate agent (房产经纪人) to help them sell it. People will come and look at it next Sunday. Susan and Henry are looking for a new apartment now. 根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. Susan and Henry have children now.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five ( ) 2. Susan and Henry want t

15、o sell their house because it is .A. too smallB. too oldC. not beautifulD. not clean( )3. The underlined word “paint” means “ ” in Chinese.A. 回收B. 评估C. 推翻D. 上漆( ) 4. How will Susan deal with (处理) her dresses?A. She is going to throw them away.B. She is going to give them to her sister.C. She is goin

16、g to give them to her friend.D. She is going to sell them online.( ) 5. is going to help them sell the house.A. Susans sisterB. Their friendC. A real estate agentD. Henrys sister BMenu Sandwiches Chicken $5.20 Egg $3.6 Beef $4.5 Turkey $6.50Drinks Yogurt $ 2.00 Orange juice $1.70 Coke $2.50 Coffee $

17、2.80Rice Friend rice $ 3.50 With chicken $ 4.80 With beef $7.50Desserts(甜食)Pizza $2.50Bananamilkshake $3.50Chocolate$5.506.Howmanykindsofsandwichesarethereonthemenu?A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveD.Two7.Youarethirsty,butyouonlyhavefourdollarswithyou.Whatcanyoudrink?A.Yogurtandcoke.B.OrangejuiceandCoffee.C.Yogur

18、tandorangejuice.D.Cokeandcoffee8.Tonywouldlikeaturkeysandwichandapizza.Howmuchshouldhepay?A.$6.50B.$9.00C.$8.00D.$7.509.Whichofthefollowingisthemostexpensive?A.CokeB.Yogurt.C.BeefsandwichD.Ricewithbeef.10.Howmuchshouldyoupayifyouorderaneggsandwichandabananamilkshake?A.$7.10B.$7.80C.$8.50D.$9.3 C We

19、call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival .There is a name for each Chinese year.We may call it the year of the horse,the year of the monkey or the year of the pig.And this year is the year of the sheep. Before New Years Day,people are busy shopping and cleaning their house.On New Years Eve, the

20、re is a big family dinner.After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year.On the morning of the New Year,people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends.They sayGood Luckand Happy New Yearto each other.People usually have a very good time during the Festival,but the c

21、hildren are the happiest because they usually get a lot of pocket money and sweets from their parents and friends. 判断正误(T或F):( ) 11. The Chinese New Year is the Spring Festival. ( ) 12.On New Years Eve,people arc busy shopping and cleaning their houses. ( ) 13.After the big family dinner on New Year

22、s Eve,all the family put on their new clothes to welcome the new year. ( ) 14. People go to see their friends during the Festvial. ( ) 15. Most people eat mooncakes to get a lot of pocket money from their parents and friends. DMarkTwainwasanAmericanwriter.Onedayhewenttoacitybytrain.Hewantedtoseeoneo

23、fhisfriendsthere,Hewasaberybusyman.Heusuallyforgotsomething.Whenhewasinthetrain,theconductor( )askedhimforhisticket.MarkTwainlookedforthetickethereandthere,buthecouldntfindit.TheconductorknewMarkTwain.Hesaid,“Showmeyourticketonyourwayback.Andifyoucantfindit,itdoesntmatter.”“Oh,butitdoes,”SaidMarkTwa

24、in.“Imustfindtheticket.IfIcant,howcanIknowwhereIamgoing?”16.WhatwasMarkTwain?_17.MarkTwaintookthebustothecity ( )(判断正误)18.MarkTwainwenttothecitybecausehewanted_(补全句子)19.将划线句子译成汉语_20.MarkTwainwantedtofindtheticketbecausehedidntknowwherehewouldgo.( )(判断正误)V. 补全对话(5分)A. Where are you going to work?B. I

25、 want to be a computer programmer when I grow up.C. What do you do?D. What do you want to be?E. How are you going to be a computer programmer?F. Whats it about?G. Im going to practice basketball every day. A: Hi, Wang Hao! What are you doing? B: Hi, John! Im reading a book. A: 1 B: Its about compute

26、rs. A: Isnt it boring. B: No, I like computers very much. 2 A: Really? 3 B: Im going to read many books on computers. And Im going to study computer science at a university. A: Great! B: What about you? 4 A: I like playing basketball. So I want to be a basketball player. B: How are you going to do t

27、hat? A: 5 B: Yeah. Its the best way to become a good basketball player.VI.句型考查.(共15分)A. 句型转换.(共10分)1. Im going to be an engineer when I grow up. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to be an engineer when you grow up?2. He often gets to school early in the morning(用tomorrow改写句子)He to get to school early tomorrow. 3.Therewillbeaheavyraintomorrow.(改为否定句)_beaheavyraintomorrow. 4.Will the flowers come out soon? (作否定回答) No, _ _. 5.I added two spoons of butter(对划线部分提问) butter did you add ?B.根据汉语,完成英语句子。(5分)1.你可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。You can _ some ice cream _ the juice.2.请打开电视机。我想看新闻联播。Please _ _ the TV.I want t


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