1、托福口语备考练习误区指点 托福口语备考练习误区指点 ,练好内功比刷题更重要,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考练习误区指点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语备考练习误区指点 练好内功比刷题更重要来自托福口语名师的教学经验每节口语课一开始,我都会问学生一个问题:”how are you today?”一个极其简单又不简单的问题。如果学生只会回答:”fine, thank you, and you?”甚至只有:”fine!” 那不好意思,你的口语可能一点都不fine。因为这种答案就是应试教育下的产物,只注重笔试和语法,却忽略了语言最本质的作用:交流。而相反,如果学生的回答能多
2、样化一些,生活化一些,比如:”not bad, you know, just another busy day at work” 或者是:”im doing great, in fact, i just watched the new jason bourne movie and it was terrific.” 甚至更加主动一点的,反客为主地问我:”hey vincent, hows it going?” 那么恭喜你,你的口语水平还不错,至少能愉快地和别人交流。而事实上,这两种不同的回答,也代表了两种截然不同的学生,前者的口语存在一定硬伤(发音或语音语调,语法错误过多,或者是句型词汇过于简
3、单,非常chinglish),托福口语的分数一般在15-20分,而后者则至少听上去比较自然,发音标准,表达流利,虽然也有一些语法错误和用词不当,但不影响理解,托福口语分数一般在20-24分之间。口语基础差刷题难弥补所以对于本身口语就有问题的同学,如果只是单纯地刷刷tpo,而不去从根本上改善自己口语的短板,那么多半是原地踏步,很难取得突破。比如说我有个学生,看完电影疯狂动物城,却连英文名都记不住,那又怎么能在需要用到电影名称举例的时候说出来呢?又或者受人热捧的奥斯卡影帝小李子,又有多少同学知道他的全名叫leonardo dicaprio,并且可以标准地读出来呢?这就是很多学生的问题所在,从来不去
4、接触real english,从没有读过一篇国外主流媒体或杂志上的*,没有听过任何一个英文的播客或广播,美其名曰地看美剧学英文到头来也只是看着字幕图个乐,英语水平并没有得到任何提高。练口语的语言环境并不难得也许有同学会说,我们生活在中国,缺乏英语语言环境,可现在互联网那么发达,任何的学习资料,只要你想,就可以轻易地获得。就以托福的tpo模考软件为例,它其实就是很好的口语学习材料,但前提是你知道它的正确打开方式。以tpo22,口语task3中听力部分的一句话为例。well, you know, ive actually been up to the admission office a coup
5、le of times, like, to pick up some information for a friend, you know, and every time ive ever been there, wow, you can tell they are really busy.这里的well, you know, like等词叫做 verbal fillers,是指用来填补说话中的停顿或者间隔的一些无实际意义的词,这类词如果使用得当,会给人一种连贯自然的感觉。这段话也包含了几处口语中常见的连读,比如been up bi?n ?p, 因为been以n这个辅音结尾,而up又以?这个元
6、音开头,所以口语中习惯把他们连在一起读,听起来像一个词bi?n?p,同样的例子还有pick up,了解并掌握这些连读规则不仅可以帮助考生听懂听力,也可以让自己的口语表达更加连贯,流利。看似简单的tpo口语题,其实暗藏玄机,别有洞天。托福口语备考要以练好内功为主因此同学们在备考托福口语期间,一定要注重练习口语表达,练好内功,找一些适合自己的英语材料,不管是一篇来自原版杂志报刊的专业*,还是一个英语播音电视节目的播客,先努力看懂,听懂,再去琢磨里面的表达,短语,生词,最后尝试用英文来复述,如果觉得完整复述太长了,可以先从段落开始,如果觉得内容太多记不住,可以看笔记来帮助记忆,一开始可能会觉得很难,
7、但如果能坚持做一个月,口语表达将会有很大改善,更加的流利,用词和句型更加丰富,甚至连知识面也更广了。而这种提高,不仅能帮助同学们通过托福考试,更能让今后的留学生涯变得更加从容,自信。托福黄金口语80题及答案:which one do you prefer34、学生放假时应该干什么?students might have many choices to spend a vacation as long as they can make the vacation time interesting or helpful. for example, you can visit your familie
8、s or friends, go to concerts or do many other things for relaxation. you can also plan a trip to the city or somewhere you are longing for, which will help to broaden your view and knowledge. furthermore, you can also choose to have a vacation internship, and the experience will increase your income
9、 as well as make you familiar with the society. so there is never lack of choices.35、学生应该穿校服么?i consider that students should not have to wear the school uniforms. first of all, young people often express their feelings through the clothing that they wear. uniforms will take away this form of expres
10、sion. moreover, i think that our school uniforms are too traditional, especially in colors and styles. in summer, girls must wear skirts but i like trousers. in addition, the weather change every moment. students cannot adapt to the environment wearing one or two uniforms.36、他人遇到困难应该立马帮助还是考虑好了在帮助?i
11、definitely agree that one should observe before helping others when there is a danger. firstly, you must keep a clear mind if you are ableto help solving the emergency, otherwise you may do nothing but even put yourself in danger. for example, if the rescue needs more people or other tools, you shou
12、ld stop and think about where to get them. in addition, some imprudent actions may even deteriorate the situation. if you move a patient with heart attacking frequently, it can even cause death. so i think one should observe before helping others.37、人们是否应该一直说真话?i dont agree that people should always
13、 tell the truth. though honesty is one of the most important qualities of a human being, its better to tell a white lie sometimes. two years ago, my families suffered terribly from the death of my little brother. my mother covered the truth to mygrandparents and told them that my little brother went
14、 to take military duty because my grandparents are too old to accept the brutal fact. until now, they have no doubt that their little grandson is in an army and they had a happy life every day until their time came.38、应该通过第一感觉判断一个人还是要通过长时间的观察?i dont agree that people can judge a person by the appear
15、ance at the first glance. in the famous novel pride and prejudice, miss elizabeth considered that mr.darcy was an offish and arrogant man when she first met him. finally, she realized that she was totally wrong when mr.darcy helped her solve her sisters wedding problem and hold her familyreputation.
16、 in fact, mr.darcy was so cool and didnt know how to express his feelings. similar things often occur in our daily life. therefore, it is hard to judge a person by the appearance at first glance.39、收到一大笔钱你会怎么花?是 practical purpose 还是 for fun?if i receive a large amount of money, i would like to buy a
17、 practical thing like a piano so i could learn how to play it. first of all, learning how to play a piano is a long-term process, that is to say, it is a nice method to strengthen willpower. moreover, learning it can also make me understandmusic better and cultivate my emotional intelligence. in add
18、ition, the biggest dream in my childhood is that i can perform a melody for my friends in a party. thats cool, isnt it?40、喜欢与家人朋友用什么方式交流?书信,电话,邮件?为什么?i usually communicate with family or friends by telephone. firstly of all, i feel more close to my family or friends by directly talking to them. hear
19、ing their voices gives me a sense of intimacy, especially for a student far away from home. furthermore, its more efficient to communicate by telephone. i can directly describe my life and receive information about my family or friends in just several minutes, while transferring information by lette
20、r or e-mail cost time and energy. so id like tochoose telephone.41、人应该享受人生还是匆匆的度过人生?i dont support having a relaxed and unhurried life. first of all, pressure engenders impetus. if you always keep living a relaxed life, you can learn nothing and even find life tedious, because you have no idea what
21、you are living for. furthermore, its impossible for one to be relaxed forever. life is full of chances and challenges. if you are used to an invariable and easygoing life style, youll be not able to deal with the chances or emergencies in your life. thats why i oppose the relaxed and unhurried life
22、style.42、旅行时喜欢直接到目的地还是欣赏沿途的风景?well, i prefer also enjoy the view on our way. first of all, i think my purpose to travel is to enjoy the beautiful scenery, whatever at the destination or on the way, so we should also spend time viewing the scenery on the way if they are beautiful and worth to see. se
23、cond, we could make our trip full of surprise, because we cant predict whether there is beautiful scenery on the way, and if we find some place wonderful on my way, it must be a huge surprise for me, and it must be better than only going to the destination. all in all, i prefer enjoying the view on
24、our way.43、应该保留古建筑还是拆除古建筑?i think old buildings should be protected and the reasons behind my view are many. first, old buildings present a places history, tradition, local custom and even some unique character. they were designed to be preserved as they were in early times. they serve as a mirror r
25、o remind modern people of their past that they should be proud of.second, people can make money because most old buildings are tourist attractions which attract tourists from all over the world. if they do not exist any more, visitors might go back with regret. in addition,tourism is always a big su
26、pport to economy. therefore, we could try to bring the funding into the budget to do whatever is necessary.44、遇到困难时,喜欢独自依靠经验解决还是听取家人朋友的意见?i think its more important to learn from personal experience, although advices from others are helpful and sometimes necessary. first of all, when you have proble
27、ms or get into a dilemma, you are the person most familiar with what you really want and itll promote you to develop the ability to solve. advices from others may be just the opposite with your expectation. in addition, more personal experience will make one more mature and capable. you can realize
28、the society more comprehensive and objective. so id like to learn from personal experience.45、我喜欢住在哪?森林?沙漠还是平原?i do prefer to live on the plain. my favorite place is the lianfeng mountain park, which locates the small bei daihe city east of china, abut against bohai sea. you can enjoy the fresh air
29、among the brushy trees as well as the euphonic birds singing. more amazingly, it doesnt take long to go to the seaside. just imagine the blue sky and ocean together with the beautiful sunshine on the beach. furthermore, i like to collect rainbow seashells on the beach. more important, on the seaside i happened to make friends with a pretty and kind girl with the same favor for seashells. she gave me some heart-shaped seashells, which are very unique, as a remembrance. the life in the small city is really interesting andmemorable.托福口语高分的3个学习方法1、语音语调-用则立,不
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