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1、三年级下学期英语期末考试模拟试题 (一)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ _一、写出下列字母的大写或小写。(10分)1、E2、g3、F4、q5、S二、请把下列单词正确抄写在四线三格里。(10分)one two three four five six seven eight nine ten三、选出不同类的单词,将序号写在括号内。(10分) rainy five sunny two red blue six white ten cloudy 颜色(colours): 天气(weather): 数字(numbers): 四、根据短语和汉语意思连线。(10分)good-bye 白天day 再见food 好的f

2、ine 食物number 数字五、单项选择。(10分)( )1. What is it? Its ten oclock.A. time B. day C. colour( )2. Its seven oclock. Its time to .A. English B. get up C. have lunch( )3. What colour is your new sweater? Its .A. nine oclock B. green C. a sweater( )4. Is that your shirt? Yes, .A. Its not B. Its C. It is( )5. H

3、ow many are there in your class?A. students B. student C. students三年级下学期英语期末考试模拟试题 (二)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ _一、写出下列字母的大写或小写。(10分)1、F 2、i3、K4、U5、n二、请把下列单词正确抄写在四线三格里。(10分)colour red white black pink blue yellow green brown orange三、选出不同类的单词,填写在横线内。(10分) he coat dress ship shirt car I plane you train 人称(person):

4、交通工具(traffic tools): 服装(clothes): 四、根据短语和汉语意思连线。(10分)thanks 谢谢birthday 生病的sick 颜色colour 生日cloud 云五、判断下列句子,图与句子一致的画“”,不一致的画“”。(10分)( )1. Its six oclock. ( )2. This is the canteen.( )3. Its time to get up.( )4. I like the blue trousers.( )5. Its a bird.三年级下学期英语期末考试模拟试题 (三)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ _一、写出下列字母的大写或小写。(

5、10分)1、h 2、M3、s4、Y5、j二、请把下列单词正确抄写在四线三格里。(10分)ship car bus train bicycle taxi plane van motor boat三、选出不同类的单词,填写在横线内。(10分) apple cat dog bowl mango plate cup banana dog lemon 水果(fruits): 厨具(kitchen ware): 动物(animals): 四、看一看,说一说。(10分)1. 询问时间应该说: A.Whats time is it ? B.When do you know ? C.Do you have a

6、watch ?2. 同学过生日,你要祝他生日快乐时,你会说: _ A. What day is today ? B. Today isyour birthday. C. Happy birthday to you. 3. 当别人向你说:How are you ? 你应该说:_ A. Im ten. B. Fine, thank you. C. How are you ? 4. 你妈妈给你买了一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色,你应该说:_ A. Whats this in English ? B. Is this a pen ? C. What colour is it ? 5. 你想告诉别人你喜

7、欢红色时,你说: A. I like green. B. I like red. C. I like bananas.五、选择正确的答案填在括号里。(10分)( )l. _ is a good girl_ is a naughty boy AHe;She BShe;He CHe;He DShe; She( )2I can count one,two, three, , fiveAsix Bseven Cfour Deight( )3(见下图) AWhats this? BWhat time is it?CWhos this?( )4. (见下图)A. My sharpener is small

8、. B. Its Amys.C. Its red. ( )5. (见下图)A. Its on the first floor. B. No, its a dress.C. Yes, it is.三年级下学期英语期末考试模拟试题 (四)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ _一、写出下列字母的大写或小写。(10分)1、E2、g3、F4、q5、S二、你能在图下写出相应的单词吗?(10分)1 3 三、找出下列不同类型的的单词。(10分)( )1、A、ship B、bus C、chair D、plane( )2、A、eighteen B、sixteen C、ninteen D、some( )3、A、duck B、C

9、hina C、cat D、dog( )4、A、green B、on C、blue D、white( )5、A、W B、i C、 F D、X四、看一看,说一说。(10分)1. 你妈妈给你买了一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色,你应该说:_ A. Whats this in English ? B. Is this a pen ? C. What colour is it ? 2. 上午老师上课时,应说:_ A. Good morning, teacher . B.How are you , class ? C. Hello , boys and girls . 3. 不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向

10、他说: A. Excuse me! B. Im sorry. C. Never mind. 4. 与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼 : A. How are you ? B. How do you do ? C. Hello ! 5. 老师问你的名字,你回答 A. Whats your name? B. My name is Chen Jie.五、读一读,根据图片 选出句子中出现的单词,A还是 B?(10分)( )1. Whats that in English?Its a pen. A. B. ( )2. Is this a computer?Yes, it is. A. B. ( )3. Wha

11、ts the time?Its nine oclock. A. B. 155( )4. Whats eleven plus four?Its fifteen. A. B. ( )5. How many rubbers can you see?Eight. A. B. 三年级下学期英语期末考试模拟试题 (五)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ _一、你能在图下写出相应的单词吗?(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、写出下列字母的大写或小写。(5分)1、d 2、L3、X4、r5、P三、请把下列单词正确抄写在四线三格里。(10分)cup chopsticks bowl plate pineapple lem

12、on apple orange mango banana四、找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,将序号填在括号内。(10分)( ) 1 . A. he B. I C. you D. X( ) 2 . A. sister B. brother C. aunt D. girl( ) 3 .A .plane B. bike C. car D. window ( ) 4. A. fourteen B. zero C. eleven D. two( ) 5. A. woman B. boy C. tall D. girl( ) 6. A. mouse B. pig C. egg D. elephant(

13、) 7. A.bowl B.chopsticks C. knife D. plate( ) 8. A. shirts B. coat C. trousers D. tape( ) 9. A. windy B. cloudy C. snowy D. small ( ) 10. A. mango B. lemon C. orange D. T-shirt五、判断下列中英文意思是否相符。若相符的写T ,不相符的写F。 (5分)( ) 1. 当你问别人时间时说: Whats the time now?( ) 2. 当你问别人年龄时可以说: How old are you?( ) 3. 他是谁? Whats he?( ) 4. 在你不确认这是不是芒果时,可以说: Is this a mango?( ) 5. 当你问别人这本书是什么颜色的时,可以说: What colour is the book?六、对号入座。从II栏中选出答语并将相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. How old are you? ( ) 3. How many apples are there?( ) 4. Is this an orange?


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