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1、关于划分区域板块常用商务英语口语 以下是给大家的关于划分区域板块常用商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟一起来看看 我们在美国市场的销售下滑,股价也下跌了。 The crisis is not over now. _现在还没有结束。 Our market in Japan is fading fast, with sales last year down by half. 我们在日本的市场正在迅速萎缩,去年的销量下滑了一半。 Our sales last year were down 24% world-wide, and off 32% in Canada. 去年我们的全球销量下滑了 2

2、4%, _市场销量下降了 32%。 Although we have a presence in Eastern Europe, we have concentrated more on home market. 尽管在东欧有业务,但我们还是要更多地专注于国内市场。 Although we have a presence in Eastern Europe, we have concentrated more on home market. 尽管在东欧有业务,但我们还是要更多地专注于国内市场。 After all it is our base camp. 毕竟这里是我们的大本营啊。 They

3、are also sheltered in their home market, where customers prefer domestic products. 他们还受国内市场的保护,国内消费者更钟情于国内的产品。 It is currently the best-selling cars in Japan and is also published in the US, Germany, and Spain. 目前它是日本最为畅销的汽车,在美国、德国、西班牙等地也 有发行。 Its a tough game. 是场硬仗。 The sales have been falling in A

4、merica, western Europe, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for decades. 几十年来其销售额在美国、 西欧、拉美、澳大利亚以及新西兰一直处于下滑趋势。 US automobile sales in August fell to 17-year low. 美国8月份汽车销量下滑至17年以来的最低水平。 US automobile sales in August fell to 17-year low. 美国8月份汽车销量下滑至17年以来的最低水平。 How long will the effect of subpri

5、me-lending crisis last? 次贷危机的影响还会持续多久? American market price is also fluctuating with the international market. 美国的市场行情也正随国际市场价格而起伏波动。 Wall Street made Fridays running on the international stock exchange. 在国际股票交易中,华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情。 and the level of petition. 我们不能只针对当地市场的要求和竞争水平来定价。 Whats your suggest

6、ion? 你有什么建议? We must be very careful not to destroy local markets and marketing systems. 我们要小心不要破坏了当地市场和营销体系。 Our major markets are North America, Europe, Japan, South East Asia and China. 我们的主要市场分布在北美、欧洲、曰本、东南亚和中国。 Our major markets are North America, Europe, Japan, South East Asia and China. 我们的主要

7、市场分布在北美、欧洲、日本、东南亚和中国。 Whats your market share in these districts? 你们在这些地区的市场占有率是多少? The figures show how the product is distributed. 图表显示产品的分布情况。 Its products are sold to customers in 68 countries. 产品销往全球68个国家。 公司的细切烟总销量增长了 10%。 Do you mean in the local market? 你是指在本地市场吗? Our international sales in

8、the third quarter increased by 19%. 我们第三季度的国际销售额增长了 19%。 That represented a 50 percent increase in seasonally adjusted sales pared with a year earlier 排除季节性因素,与去年相比较,销量增长了 50%。 In spite of the rising production costs, our prices have remained stable all over the world. 尽管生产成本在上升,我们的全球价格一直保持稳定。 In sp

9、ite of the rising production costs, our prices have remained stable all over the world. 尽管生产成本在上升,我们的全球价格一直保持稳定。 Well done. 干得好。 By driving the prices of spare parts down, WW has unintentionally cut costs for its rivals too. 通过压低配件价格,WW公司也无意间 降低了对手们的生产成本。 The convention in the industry was to pass o

10、n to consumers any rise in costs. 按照行业惯例,增加的生产成本会转嫁给消费者。 I think you exaggerated the action of new plan and underestimated relevant cost expenses. 我认为你夸大了新计划的作用,低估了相关成本支出。 Why do you think so? 你为什么会这么认为? We must act as soon as possible because the costs are beginning to bite into our profits. 我们应该尽快采取行动,因为成本支出已经 开始影响到我们的利润了。 We dont have much fat to trim. 我们没有太多的削减利润的空间。 We dont have much fat to trim. 我们没有太多的削减利润的空间。 But we must do it. 但是我们必须要这样做。 The surge in food and energy prices squeezed profits and spending po


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