



1、姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_-密-封 -线- 国际货运代理考试专业英语模拟练习(九)考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分题号一二三四五总分分数遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分。单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、the( )is the person or company who has concluded a contract with the shipper for carriage of s by seaashipperbreceivercconsigneedcarrier2、under the trade te

2、rm cip, the( )must contract for the cargo transporion insuranceabuyerbsellercconsigneedcarrier3、the terms “middle” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as( )athe 1st to the 10thbthe 11th to the 20thcthe 5th to the 15thdthe 21st to the 30th4、( )is defined as loss arising in the conse

3、quence of extraordinary and intentional sacrifice made, or expenses incurred, for the common safety of the ship and cargoaparticular averagebgeneral averagecwithout averagedwith average5、which of the following risks is not covered by the all risks coverage of marine cargo transporion insurance( )ade

4、laybflclightningdheavy weather6、( )means that a charterer hires a ship for a particular veatime charteringbve charteringcbareb charteringda b c7、( )are those covering shipment between direct ports of ling and dischargeashipped bills of ladingbclean bills of ladingcstraight bills of ladingddirect bil

5、ls of lading8、when one of the original bills of lading was surrendered to the carrier, the others became( )avalidbvaliditycinvalidda b9、the l costs of providing the service of transporion consist of fixed costs and( )avariable costsbadministrative costsccosts of repairsdcosts of crew10、which of the

6、following trade terms may be used for any mode of transport, including multiml transport( )afobbcipccifdcfr11、the cmr convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of s by( )arailbseacairdr12、if the l/c simply stipulates an expiry e without a shipment e, it means that( )atwo es

7、 are not the samebtwo es are the samecshipment e is earlier than expiry edexpiry e is earlier than shipment e13、( )system concerns itself with shipment of containers overland as a part of a sealand or a sealandsea routeasea/airbland bridgecrail/rdpiback14、( )is subsequently exchanged for the marine

8、bill of ladingabooking notebdelivery ordercmates receiptdcargo manifest15、as a consolir, the forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a( )amaster bill of ladingbhouse bill of ladingcstraight bill of ladingdsea waybill16、a regular service between fixed sea ports is( )atramp servic

9、ebliner servicecr to r servicedforwarding service17、the( )can not be transferred to third partiesastraight b/lbdirect b/lcshipped b/ldorder b/l18、the( )is the most important document for air cargo transporionab/lbawbcswbdnor19、to the individual consignors, the consolir is the( )while to the actual c

10、arrier, he is the ( )acarrier/actual carrierbcarrier/consignorcconsignor/carrierdconsignor/consignor20、documentary credit means payment inst( )ashipbcargocdocumentsdmoney二、判断题(每题1分,共20分。答案为“是”的,请在答题卡上涂“a”,答案为“否”的,请在答题卡上涂“b”。两个都涂的不得分)21、mates receipt is issued by the forwarder to the shipper ( )22、th

11、e cfr term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport( )23、fob means that the seller delivers when the s pass the ships rail at the named port of discharge( )24、a delivery order is issued by the carrier or his agent to enable the consignee or his agent to take delivery of the cargo from

12、the vessel( )25、to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide is one of fis main objectives( )26、insurance contract is essentially a contract between the insurer and the insured( )27、under the ve chartering, the shipowner is responsible for the fixed running expenses as well as for the ve expen

13、ses( )28、fumiion ordered because of illness of the crew under time chartering shall be for charterers account( )29、shipper is the person who has concluded a contract with the carrier for carriage of s( )30、normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand( )31、one of the adv

14、anes in the multiml transport is to provide faster transit of s( )32、a foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty( )33、a clean bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very clean( )34、shipped in apparent order and condition means that the vessel looks very ( )35、under fca

15、 term, if the chosen place of delivery occurs at the sellers premises, the seller is not responsible for ling( )36、partial loss or damage is not recoverable from the insurers resulting from natural calamities under fpa coverage( )37、specific commodity rates are normally lower than general cargo rate

16、s in air cargo transporion( )38、multiml transport refers to a transport system usually operated by a carrier with more than one mode of transport under the control or ownership of one operr( )39、fi is the largest governmental organization in the field of freight forwarding industries( )40、if the shi

17、pment e is “on or about may 20”, then the s must be shipped before that e( )三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分。多项选择题的答案多选、少选、错选均不得分)41、the following services ( )are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the exporterabook spacebpack the scexport customs clearancedimport customs clearance42、the all risks of marine c

18、argo transporion insurance covers risks of( )awar and strikebgeneral averagecinherent vice of sdstranding of ship43、multiml transport has the advanes such as( )aproviding faster transit of sbreducing cost of exportscsaving costsdreducing the burden of documenion and formalities44、the following trade

19、 terms( )can be used only for sea or inland waterway transportacifbcipcfcadfob45、when the forwarder pack the s on behalf of exporter, he should consider the( )amode of transportbnature of the scquantity of the sdquality of the s46、under cmr convention, the carrier is responsible for( )athe acts of h

20、is agentbany wrongful act of the consignorcinherent vice of the sdthe act of his servants47、fi has created several documents and forms, they are( )afwrbfwbcfobdfca48、the air waybill serves as( )aa document of title to the sba contract for transporionca receipt and delivery of shipmentda convention f

21、or air transport49、normally the marine bill of lading has three functions, namely( )aevidence of the contract of carriageba receipt of sca document of title to the sdthe contract of carriage50、under a time charter party, the charterer pays for( )acapital costbfuelcling costsdwages of crew试卷一、英汉互译题(每

22、题1分,共20分)1英译汉(1)customs clearance(2)general cargo(3)insurance premium(4)partial shipments(5)port congestion surcharge(6)shipping order(7)class rates(8)uniform customs and practice for documentary credit(9)container freight sion(10)letter of indemnity2汉译英(写出英文全称)(1)运输单据(2)转船附加费(3)航空货运单(4)单独海损(5)固有缺陷(

23、6)国际贸易(7)推定全损(8)装卸准备就绪通知书(9)海关手续(10)陆上货物运输二、英文单证操作题(共20分)根据下列所提供的信用证条款的主要内容及有关制单资料,填制集装箱海运提单中(1)至(15)项内容,海洋运输货物保险单中(1)至(5)项内容。irrevocable documentary creditnumber: lc123258866e: august 24,2003e and place of expiry : october 30, 2003, qin, chinaadvising bank: bank of chinabeneficiary: china xyz impor

24、t and export corpapplicant: uvw corporationl amount: usd9000 (say us dollars nine thousand only)shipment from: qin chinato: osaka japanat the latest: october 15, 2003description of s: 100% cn towel as per s/c noch200l quantity: 8000 pieces packing: 800 cartonsl gross weight: 20000 kgsl measurement:

25、30cbmprice term: cif osakafollowing documents required:signed commercial invoice in three copiesfull set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order and endorsed in blank and marked “freight prepaid” and notify applicantinsurance policy for 110 pct of the invoice value covering the inst

26、itute cargo clauses (a), the institute war clausesocean vessel: “golden star” voy no: 018econtainer no gstu3156712/20marks ; nos : itochu osaka no1800laden on board the vessel : october 14,2003b/l e: october 14,2003b/l signed by bbb shipping agencycarrier: shipping cob/l noshipper(1) consignee(2) no

27、tify partyshipping cobill of lading(3) precarriage by place of receipt ocean vessel voy no port of ling(4)(5) port of discharge place of delivery(6) container no(7)seal no marks ; nos(8)no of containers or p kgs(9)kinds of packages; description of gs(10)gross weight kgs(11)measurementtotal number of

28、 say one container onlycontainer or packages (in word)freight ; charge(12)revenue tonsrateperprepaidcollectex rateprepaid atpble atplace and e of lssue(13)l prepaidno of original b(s)/l(14)signed for carrier,(15) laden on board the vessele( terms please find on back of original b/l)答案:一、单项选择题1d; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7d; 8c; 9a; 10b; 11d; 12b; 13b; 14c; 15b; 16b; 17a;18b; 19b; 20c二、判断题1f; 2t; 3f; 4t; 5t; 6t; 7t; 8f; 9t; 10t; 11t; 12f; 13f; 14f; 15f; 1


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