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20162017学年度第一学期期末调研试卷二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分)请听一段对话,完成第6至7小题。6. How long has Jim learned Chinese?A. For about 3 weeks.B. For about 3 months.C. For about 3 years.7. Whats the girls advice on learning Chinese?A. Taking notes in class.B. Joining a Chinese club.C. Speaking to Chinese friends.请听一段对话,完成第8至9小题。8. Who is Mr. Smith?A. Toms father.B. Miss Greens classmate.C. A science teacher.9. What do Toms classmates think about the life on Mars?A. They think it very interesting.B. They find it a little boring.C. They hope they could go to Mars.请听一段对话,完成第10至11小题。10. When should they leave home? A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30. 11. What will the girl wear at the party? A. A red skirt. B. A pink dress. C. A new jacket. 请听一段对话,完成第12至13小题。12. Why is Mary worried?A. She is a new student in this school. B. She is afraid of getting up late. C. She isnt ready for the lesson.13. What does Mary think of the man?A. He is hard-working.B. He is kind. C. He is careful.请听一段独白,完成第14至15小题。14. Why do you need to drink much water during the trip? A. Riding needs lots of water. B. You need to ride very far.C. Riding needs lots of energy. 15. What does the speaker tell us?A. Suggestions about the safety of riding bikes. B. Suggestions about the danger of riding bikes. C. Suggestions about the pleasure of riding bikes.三、听独白,记录关键信息,独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)Welcome to the 2017 Winter Camp TimeBetween (16)_ am and 11: 30 am from February 6 to 15.Main activitiesPracticing spoken English, singing English songs and seeing English (17)_.TeachersTeachers are well-trained and (18)_.Address No. 12, (19)_ Road.Telephone.When to callEvery day except (20)_.四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 21.Look at _ girl in red. Do you know her? Im afraid not.A. aB. anC. the D. /22. Jack read a number _ new books last month.A. inB. ofC. toD. at23. The students made up _ mind to tell the truth to Miss Wang.A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs24. Mary asked me _ with the washing.A. helpB. helpsC. to helpD. helped25. We will meet the English friends _ we have time.A. ifB. soC. butD. and26. Mr. White is such a person _ always thinks about others.A. whoB. howC. whenD. where27. This mat is _ than that one.A. thickB. thickerC. thickestD. the thickest28. Betty _ in Beijing since last year.A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been29. The pop singer _ Star of the Year in 2015.A. is namedB. was namedC. has been namedD. will be named30.Can you tell me _?Yes, its over there.A. where is the theme parkB. where the theme park is C. where was the theme parkD. where the theme park was五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)After thirty years in the classroom, I have come to realize that teachers behavior can 31 a world of difference for a child. This is one such 32 .While I was attending(参加) a party being held at a high school one evening, I looked around and noticed a young girl who looked 33 . I thought she had been a student of mine. I 34 to remember her name, but I couldnt. I felt so frustrated(沮丧的), as I have always been able to remember former(以前的) students.Her eyes 35 mine and she threw her arms around me and said,“Mrs. Smith, its me, Sarah, and Im still writing!”The memories came back. You see, Sarah was 36 a student in my classroom. Sarahs mother and father had left her. She was sent to live with her grandparents the year I met her. Sarah was 37 , often in trouble and often in the office.It was during one of those office visits that I first met her. She was writing. I introduced myself to her and asked her what she was writing. Sarah shared her story with me. I knew it was healing(康复) for her to put her thoughts on 38 . Every morning before school she would come into my classroom and we would work on her writing skills.Our conversation that evening was filled with 39 . She expected to go to college. Driving home, I could not help but realize the impact(影响) for both good and bad that teachers have upon their students. Taking the time to connect with a child has the power to change that childs life. Thats why I 40 .31. A. letB. makeC. buildD. invent32. A. child B. lesson C. history D. story33. A. beautiful B. familiar C. strange D. different34. A. triedB. wantedC. wishedD. expected35. A. metB. lookedC. touchedD. communicated36. A. everB. justC. neverD. still37. A. sadB. happy C. angryD. comfortable 38. A. paperB. bookC. newspaperD. dictionary39. A. funB. hopeC. fearD. darkness40. A. workB. liveC. learnD. teach六、阅读下列短文A Li LeiMy favorite book is A Friend like Henry. Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(孤独症). When I felt sad, my best friend gave me the book. It cheered me up.TonyReading in the holiday is an interesting thing. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite book. Its about a captains travel under the sea. The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic. This book can make you relaxed.BobI like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney. I cant wait to tell the story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(王国). It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. If you are interested in history, dont miss it.MaryIn my opinion, The Little Prince(王子) is the best one. In this book, a young prince falls to Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot. Its not just a fiction story, but tells us about the correct values. 41. When Li Lei felt _, her friend gave her the book A Friend like Henry.A. happyB. sadC. boredD. excited 42. Tonys favorite book is _.A. Harry Potter B. The Little PrinceC. The Romance of the Three KingdomsD. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea43. We can learn a lot about _ from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.A. travelingB. historyC. scienceD. maths44. Mary thinks The Little Prince is the best because _.A. it has fantastic pictures B. it can deal with her autismC. it tells about the correct valuesD. it is interestingBIn modern society, living without money sounds almost impossible. However, thats exactly what an Australian couple from a big city has been doing for nearly a whole year.Rachel Newby, 25, and Liam Culbertson, 27, have come up with creative ways of making it through the year without spending any money. They built themselves a new house. The house was made of used wood and recycled materials. They grew their own food, and at times they didnt hesitate(犹豫) to look for food in the dustbins (垃圾箱).But this year has been quite difficult. The soil(土壤) in their garden was too poor to grow vegetables. The climate there was terrible as well. They kept moving their home till they finally lived in a 2.5-square(平方)-meter house. They collected cold rainwater to take a shower. Whats worse, they had to share a toilet with the rest of the community.Even though they had no jobs, they didnt have a lot of free time to waste. They spent most of the day working for local farmers planting vegetables and picking fruit so that they could earn their next meal. They had five ducks that could provide them with fresh eggs. But when there wasnt enough food for them, they had to go to look for food in the dustbins.Not everyone is brave enough to do this. But they really made it work and they felt happy.45. How long does the Australian couple live without money?A. For nearly a day. B. For nearly a week.C. For nearly a month.D. For nearly a whole year.46. How did the Australian couple feed themselves?A. They sold vegetables and fruit for money.B. They mainly depended on the food in the dustbins.C. They tried their best to get everything necessary themselves.D. They expected other people to give food to them.47. How might the writer feel about the Australian couple?A. They are a bit strange.B. They are very brave.C. They are young and smart.D. They are very funny.48. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A. The Australian couple hated the city life so they lived in the country.B. The Australian couple would continue to live there for the rest of their life.C. Nothing is impossible as long as you use your head and work hard enough.D. More and more old people are looking forward to living in the countryside.CSmoking in indoor public places including public working places, public transport vehicles(车辆) and some other special outdoor working places has been banned(禁止) in China since January 2011. Lets look at the following advantages of banning smoking.First, banning smoking will not only help in saving smokers from health problems and diseases, but will also be good for passive(被动) smokers. When the smoker is smoking in a restaurant, the people around him are sure to breathe(呼吸) in the smoke and suffer(受苦,患病) from the diseases an active smoker gets. If smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be controlled(控制). Next, banning smoking will put stress on smokers to give up. Since a smoker is prevented from smoking, he will learn how to live without smoking for long hours. When a smoker doesnt smell or see anybody around him smoking, it might reduce his wish to smoke too. As a result, people have to give up smoking.Smoking in public places influences non-smokers to start smoking, especially adolescents. When teens see people around them smoking, they will follow them. Thus the number of teen smokers will increase. Also asthma(哮喘) and other problems are often seen in children living around smokers. So if it is banned, these places will become safe for children and teenagers.Smoking should be banned to increase work productivity(生产率). Employees(雇员) who smoke usually take breaks to smoke while working. So the number of hours they put in their work is smaller.If you see from the environment point of view, smoking should be banned. Smoking causes air pollution. If it is banned, it will help keep the environment from getting worse.49. _ isnt a non-smoking place.A. A fieldB. A hospitalC. A libraryD. A restaurant50. The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us _.A. banning smoking is good for restaurants B. banning smoking is good for non-smokersC. banning smoking is good for spread of diseases D. banning smoking is good for active smokers and passive smokers51. According to the text, the underlined word “adolescents” means _.A. menB. women C. adults D. teenagers52. Which of the following statements in NOT true? A. If smoking is banned, work productivity will increase. B. If smoking is banned, the number of teen smokers will be larger. C. If smoking is banned, it will make the environment become better. D. If smoking is banned, smokers will learn how to live without smoking.DYour brain controls everything you do. It makes it possible for you to think, learn, create and feel; to blink(眨眼) and breathe and for your heart to beatthis fantastic control center is your brain. It is so amazing that a famous scientist once called it “the most complex(复杂) thing we have discovered in our universe”.Can this small grey organ(器官), which weighs less than one and a half kilos, really do so much? Amazingly, your brain contains(包含) about 100 billion neurons(神经元)it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all. Believe it or not, the activity in your brain never stops. Your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the world. And although one neuron creates only a little electricity, all your neurons together can produce enough electricity to power a light bulb (灯泡).So exactly how fast does your brain work? Well, imagine this: a bee lands on your foot. Neurons in your skin send this information to your brain at a speed of more than 240 kilometers per hour. Your brain then uses other neurons to send the message back to your foot to shake the bee off quickly. These neurons can send this information at more than 320 kilometers per hour. No computer has your brains unbelievable ability to deal with the amount of information coming from your eyes, ears and other sensory(感觉的) organs.But how does your brain allow you to learn things that you will use in the future? The structure (结构) of your brain changes every time you have a new thought, remember or learn something. For example, riding a bike seems impossible at first, but soon you are able to do it. How? As you practice, your brain sends “bike riding” messages again and again. Soon, the actions are learnt and you are able to ride a bike easily from then on.53. From the passage we know that neurons _. A. receive messages very slowlyB. are only found in your skinC. send messages to your brainD. need electricity to work54. When you have a new thought, _.A. your brain will power a light bulbB. your heart beats faster C. you remember somethingD. the structure of your brain changes55. The article is mainly about _. A. all the steps when your brain learns things B. what an unbelievable organ the human brain is C. how the brain makes people smarter than computers D. the things you can do to make your brain work faster七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10分,每小题2分)If you want to get along well in the US, the following(下列的) dos and donts are helpful. As a rule, it isnt easy to find anyone to talk to in a big city. However(然而), here are some suggestions. 56 . Walk with it several times a day. Americans love dogs and usually stop to talk to anyone with a dog. Then, try to eat in a dining hall. People generally share the same tables and will sometimes talk to you if they see you are a stranger. Next, take your dirty clothes to a laundry(洗衣店). 57 , and many people wait there. They often pass the time talking to other customers. Always ask for information from a woman, if you are a man. 58 ! It seems to get better results for a reason I cant understand. Learn the expressions(语句) “please” “thank you” “you are welcome” and use them all the time. 59 . Dont ask people their ages, especially women! Everyone wants to be young. Never tell heavy people they are fat. Everyone here wants to be thin. 60 . When someone is going to meet you at six oclock, be sure to get there by sixAmericans respect time and expect everyone to be on time.A. It takes about an hour to wash and dryB. Dont be lateC. There are some things you shouldnt do D. First, get or borrow a dogE. And from a man, if you are a woman八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10分,每小题2分) Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends.Good friendshiphas many benefits.It offers companionship(陪伴), improves self-worth(自我价值) and promotes(促进) good health.There aretimes in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools.Such changes often leaves us without a friend.Be cheerful.Here are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends. 1. Stay in touch with others. The first step to making friends is keeping in touch with other people.You can go to public places to meet new people.Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places. 2. Start a conversation. Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends.You can always start the conversation.Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in communicating with other people. 3.Do things together. Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests wouldalways bring you and your friend together. Going out together will always be a pleasant experience.4. Let it grow.It is a good thing to stay in touch.However, try not to press(逼迫) your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally. 5. Enjoy your friendship. The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. So you will need to give your friend time to react(反应) to you. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.61. Is friendship a very important human relationship?62. How many suggestions on how to make and keep friends are there in the passage?63. What is the first step to making friends?64. What is the best way to enjoy your friendship?65. What does the passage talk about?书面表达 (共15分)九、文段表达(共15分)66. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目假如你是李华,你们学校要组织以“我心中的榜样”为主题的英文展示活动。请你用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你心中的榜样是谁,他(她)具有什么品质并举例, 以及从他(她)身上你学到了什么。提示词语:trait(品质),optimistic(乐观的),outgoing(开朗的),righteous(正直的)提示问题:Who is your role model? What traits does he / she have? Can you give an example? What have you learned from him / her?Dear teachers and friends, I think its my pleasure to talk about the topicRole Model In My Heart. 题目假如你是李华,你的英国网友Peter给你发来了一封电子邮件,询问北京今


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