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AVR乘法除法程序apliccationioetvavr 20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * title : multipleyanddivideroutines*版本:1.1上次更新:97.07.04* target : at 90 sxxxx (allravrdevices )* * supporte-mail : AVR * * * DESCRIPTION* thisapplicationnotelistingssubroutinesforthefollowing* muliliply/divide applications.routeinesarestraight-line implements用于速度的最优化:* * 88=16比特不一致* 168=32比特不一致* 1616=32比特不一致*8/8=88比特不一致 * 16/16=16 16 bit unsigned* *求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求. include 1200def.inc rjmpRESET; 重置处理程序。求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求* * mpy8u -8x8 bitunsignedmultiplication* * * Number of cycles:65低注册用户: none高注册用户:3 (mc8u、mp8u/m8uL、m8uH )* * note : resultlowbyteandthemultipliersharethesameregister* thiscausesthemultipliertobeoverwrittenbytheresult .* *求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求subrouteineregistervariables. defmc8u=r16; 多路复用器cand. defmp8u=r17; multiplier. defm8uL=r17; result Low byte. defm8uH=r18; result High byte. defcycle=r31* * * * *代码mpy8u : ldi循环,8clrm8uH; 清除结果高字节lsrmp8u; shift multiplierm8u:brccnoad80; if carry setaddm8uH、mc8u; addmultipliercandtoresulthighbytenoad80:rorm8uH; shift right result High byterorm8uL; rotaterightresultlbyteandmultiplierdec cyclebrne m8uret求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求2字节乘法子例程16位* 16位-ah.al * BH.bl=result-16位* 8位- ah.al * bl=result3.2.1-求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求. defaL=r16; 多行字节/被乘数. defaH=r17; 多重高位元组。. defbL=r18; multiplier low byte /乘数. defbH=r19; multiplier高字节. defresult0=r18; result byte 0 (LSB ). defresult1=r19; result byte 1. defresult2=r20; result byte 2. defresult3=r21; 结果字节3 (PS ). defcycle=r31* * * * * *代码m16_8u: ldi cycle,8ldir 19,0rjmp mBeginm 16 _ 16u : ldi周期,16msbegin:clrresult3; clear 2 highest bytes of resultclrresult2lsrbH; 乘数/2rorbL; C-Rd.0 Rd.0-Rd.1 Rd.15-0m16_16u1:brccnoadd; Rd.0=1/(if carry set )addresult2,aL; 乘数的低位字节与结果的2字节相加adcresult3,aH; 乘法的高位字节加上结果的3字节noadd:rorresult3; shift right result byte 3rorresult2; rotate right result byte 2rorresult1; rotateresultbyte1andmultiplierhighrorresult0; rotateresultbyte0andmultiplierlowdec cyclebrne m16_16u1ret求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求* * div8u -8/8 bitunsigneddivision* * thisssubroultinedivesthetworegistervariables dd8u (divided ) and* dv8u (divisor ).theresultisplaceddin dress 8u andtheremainderin * drem8u”* *words :94返回低注册用户:1 (drem 8u )高亮度:2 (dres 8u/dd8u、dv8u、cycle )* *求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求subrouteineregistervariables. defdrem8u=r15; remainder. defdres8u=r16; result (结果). defdd8u=r16; 戴维德公司. defdv8u=r17; divisor. defcycle=r18代码* * * * * * * * r16/r17=r16r 15 * * * * * * * * * * * *div8u:clrdrem8u; clear remainder and carryldi周期,9; 8 1d8u_0:罗尔德8u; shift left dividenddec cyclebreqd8u_2罗尔德rem 8u; shift dividend into remainder辅drem8u、dv8u; remainder=remainder - divisorbrccd8u_1; if result negativedrem8u、dv8u; restore remainderclc; clearcarrytobeedintoresultrjmpd8u_0; elsed8u_1:sec; set carry to be shifted into resultrjmpdd8u_0d8u_2:ret求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求* * div8u -8/8 bitunsigneddivision* * thisssubroultinedivesthetworegistervariables dd8u (divided ) and* dv8u (divisor ).theresultisplaceddin dress 8u andtheremainderin * drem8u”* *words :66返回周期编号:50/58/66 (最小/avg /最大)返回低注册用户:1 (drem 8u )* highregisterused :2 (dres 8u/dd8u,dv8u )* *求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求求subrouteineregistervariables. defdrem8u=r15; remainder. defdres8u=r16; result (结果). defdd8u=r16; 戴维德公司. defdv8u=r17; divisor* * * * * *代码div8u :辅drem8u、drem8u; clear remainder and carry罗德8u; shift left dividend罗尔德rem 8u; shift dividend into remainder辅drem8u、dv8u; remainder=remainder - divisorbrccd8u_1; if result negativedrem8u、dv8u; restore remainderclc; clearcarrytobeedintoresultrjmpd8u_2; elsed8u _ 1:秒; set carry to be shifted into resultd8u _ 2: 罗ldd 8u; shift left dividend罗尔德rem8u; shift dividend into remainder辅drem8u、dv8u; remainder=remainder - divisorbrccd8u_3; if result negativedrem8u、dv8u; restore remainderclc; clearcarrytobeedintoresultrjmpd8u_4; elsed8u _ 3:秒; set carry to be shifted into resultd8u _ 4: 罗ldd 8u; shift left dividend罗尔德rem 8u; shift dividend i


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