.船舶装运危险品须知Instruction for shipping dangerous goods危险货物具有易燃、易爆、毒害、腐蚀及放射等特性。危险货物运输是一项技术性、科学性强、涉及部门广、多环节的工作。装卸运输途中及保管过程中稍有不慎,就会酿成灾难性事故,危及船舶、货物、港口和人民生命财产的安全。为进一步加强对危险货物运输的监督管理,保障运输安全,特制定本须知: Dangerous goods are inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and radiating and have other characteristics. Transportation of dangerous goods is technical, scientific and involves many departments. Handling transportation and storage process of the slightest mistake will lead to catastrophic accidents, endangering the ship, cargo, port and peoples lives and property. To further strengthen supervision and management of transport of dangerous goods and to ensure transportation safety, here are formulated notes:1. 受载前的工作Pre-loading work1.1. 为便于公司选择合适船舶,机务部应负责提供所有营运船舶最新的设备技术状况资料,特别是影响危险货物运输安全的资料及技术数据; In order to facilitate the company, choose the right ship. The Ministry shall be responsible for providing maintenance in operation of the ship among all the latest information on technical condition of equipment, particularly those affecting the safety of transportation of dangerous goods;1.2. 根据船舶装运危险货物的具体情况,安监部对船长、驾驶员要进行技术把关、严格检查,监督船舶认真贯彻执行有关航行规章制度,特别是有关避碰、雾航和分割航道制等;According to the ships material circumstance of carrying dangerous goods, safety supervision department should monitor the master and officers, they should conduct technical checks, strict inspection, and supervision of vessels sailing to conscientiously implement the relevant rules and regulations, particularly with regard to collision avoidance, navigation and split channel fog system, etc.;1.3. 公司接到装运危险品生产联系单后,要根据所掌握的危险货物特性等资料,在货物性质、积载要求、运输途中保管、消防,向船舶布置装运危险品注意事项;The contact received a single shipment of dangerous goods after production, according to the characteristics of dangerous goods master data, in the nature of the goods, stowage requirements, transit, storage, fire, arranged to ship dangerous goods shipping note;1.4. 船长接到航次指示和货单后,必须和大副认真审查货单,根据国际危规属危险品的,必须通过代理从发货人处取得有危险货物鉴定单位主管部门签署的“危险货物技术说明书”(DANGFROUS GOODS PFCIFICATIONS)或相关资料,内容必须包括:危险货物名称(一定要正确的学名而不是商品名称)、联合国编号、国际危规类别、理化性质、急救措施、消防方法、积载要求或积载注意事项、装卸及运输注意事项;Master instructions and invoices received after the voyage, and the chief officer must carefully review the invoice, according to the IMDG Code is a dangerous goods must be through a proxy obtained from the consignor dangerous goods at the administrative department of identification signed by Dangerous goods technical manual (DANGFROUS GOODS PFCIFICATIONS) or relevant information, and must include: Name of dangerous goods (must be the correct scientific name, not trade names), UN number, the IMDG class, physical and chemical properties, first aid, fire fighting methods, stowage requirements or precautions, handling and transportation considerations; 1.5. 船长、大副应对照国际危规,认真核对上述资料。如有疑问,要及时澄清。如不能得到上述资料,船方又无法充分掌握这些危险货物的特性、包装、积载要求和消防急救方法,须及时与调度业务员联系,不能盲目接受货载;master, chief officer should be in control of the IMDG Code, carefully check the above information. If in doubt, should be promptly clarified. If you can not get the above information, the ship is unable to fully grasp the characteristics of these dangerous goods, packing, stowage requirements and fire first-aid methods, and scheduling clerk shall promptly contact, can not blindly accept the shipment; 1.6. 如船舶结构及设备上有明显缺陷,如舱盖水密不良、电气电缆绝缘差,通风不良、舱底燃油舱过热等,不适宜装载某些危险货物时,应积极采取措施,进行修复或改装。如达不到适装条件,应及时向公司有关部门提出建议; If the ship structure and equipment has obvious defects, such as the watertight hatch bad, bad electrical cable insulation, ventilation, bilge fuel tank overheating, not suitable for carrying certain dangerous goods, should take active measures, repair or alteration. If not meet fitness for the relevant departments should make recommendations to the company in time; 1.7. 大副对已接受承运的危险货物必须严格按照国际危规要求,结合本船设备条件及危险货物的种类、性质、包装、危险程度选择适当的货位,认真、仔细地制订出积载计划;The first mate on the carriage of dangerous goods accepted must be in strict accordance with the IMDG requirement, combined with the ship dangerous goods, equipment condition and the type, nature, packaging, choose the appropriate level of risk cargo space, seriously, carefully worked out stowage plan; 1.8. 积载计划一定要按照国际危规积载隔离要求合理配装。性质相抵触或消防方法不同的货物不得同舱积载;易燃、易爆危险货物的积载要与一切热源有足够的距离;氧化剂应严禁与酸、碱、易燃有机物及还原剂接触;遇湿危险货物应装载在舱盖水密良好、舱内水管不渗不漏且通风良好的货舱,不得装载在冲洗后未充分晾干的货舱;应尽量做到危险货物后装先卸;配载时应考虑船舶强度、吃水差和稳性;Stowage plan must be in accordance with the IMDG reasonable stowage equipped with isolation requirements. Contrary to the nature of the goods or not the fire with different methods holds stowage; flammable, explosive stowage of dangerous goods to and from all sources of heat are sufficient; oxidants should be prohibited with acids, bases, combustible organic matter and reducing agent exposure; when wet load of dangerous goods should be good in the watertight hatch, the holds does not leak and seepage water is not well-ventilated cargo holds, shall not be loaded, not fully dry in the washing of the cargo; should try to be installed after the first unloading of dangerous goods; with strength should be considered when the ship set out, trim and stability;1.9. 船舶要制订切实可行的危险货物运输安全措施,包括防火、防爆、防毒等工作部署及消防急救等应急措施;积载计划与安全措施应在装前会上详细说明,使有关人员明确任务职责,使全体船员熟知牢记;To develop practical ship dangerous goods transport safety measures, including fire, explosion, and fire anti-virus and other work arrangements, first aid and other emergency measures; stowage plans and security measures shall be installed prior to the meeting details, a clear mandate so that the staff responsibility to make known to the crew in mind; 1.10. 船长、大副应会同有关人员根据所承运的危险货物特性,按规定要求备足消防淡水、防毒面具、呼吸器、消防器材、急救药物、防护用品、监测仪器及衬垫加固材料等,指定专人保管,并组织船员学会使用方法;captain, chief officer in conjunction with the relevant officer under the carriage of dangerous goods characteristics, follow the regulations an ample supply of fire water, gas masks, breathing apparatus, fire equipment, emergency drugs, protective equipment, monitoring equipment and liner reinforced materials, specified hand care, and crew members learn to use; 1.11. 检查、试验通过货舱内的压舱水管路及其它管路,保证不漏水、不漏油,且在装货后尽量不使用,以免发生不测;污水井应畅通、干净,能随时排放;污水井盖板应用麻袋封好,防止船舶摇摆致使货物渗入,堵塞污水井;inspect, test, through the cargo inside the ballast water pipeline and other pipelines to ensure water-tight, no oil spills, and try not to use after filling to avoid unexpected; water wells should be smooth, clean, ready to discharge; application of sewage covers board sacks sealed to prevent infiltration of the ship that goods swing, clogging water wells;1.12. 用高压空气检查试验烟火探测器、报警器及各舱二氧化碳管路系统,使之通畅无阻;检查各种活动灭火器及消防皮龙,使之处于正常良好状态;Smoke detectors, alarm carbon dioxide pipeline system and the holds so open with; examine the various activities of fire extinguishers and fire hoses, so that in normal good condition;1.13. 检查各货舱通风设备,保证良好状态,并应清洁保养通风道封闭装置,保证良好封闭,以保证在采取二氧化碳灭火时,二氧化碳气体不会外泄;Check the cargo space ventilation equipment to ensure good condition, and should air duct cleaning and maintenance closures, to ensure good closure to ensure that in taking carbon dioxide fire extinguishing, the carbon dioxide will not be disclosed;1.14. 检查各货舱舱盖水密情况,发现问题应立即解决;不能解决的待全部装毕后,将不水密的舱盖间隙用数层布条和油漆封死,保证水密;Check the watertight cargo tank hatch cover and found that the issue should be resolved immediately; can not solve all the equipment to be completed, it will not watertight hatch gap with several layers of cloth and paint sealed to ensure watertight;1.15. 认真、仔细、彻底、清扫货舱,做到清洁、干燥、无味、无虫、无剩余异物,使之完全适货取得有效地验舱证书。Serious, careful, thorough, cleaning cargo hold, so that clean, dry, tasteless, no insects, no residual foreign body, to make it fully applicable to the goods to obtain a valid certificate of inspection chamber.2. 装载时的管理Management while loading2.1. 危险品在船期间,一定要落实防火措施。甲板及舱内严禁吸烟及明火作业,及时收放 并妥善安置舱口灯,值班人员和相关人员必须在现场落实各项安全措施,认真监装、严格把关;During the shipping dangerous goods, fire prevention measures must be implemented. Non-smoking deck and fire operations, timely and proper placement of the hatch retractable light duty personnel must implement security measures in the field. Serious monitoring equipment is under strict control;2.2. 大副应全面负责装货计划的实施,密切联系有关单位,明确危险货物装载、铺垫、衬 隔及安全积载要求,做好危险货物的装载工作;The Chief Officer shall be fully responsible for the loading plan, close contact with relevant units, a clear loading of dangerous goods, bedding, lining stowage compartment and safety requirements.2.3. 装货期间,应密切注视天气变化情况。遇有闪电、雷击、雨雪或附近发生火警时,值班驾驶员应立即组织人员关舱,停止装卸作业。装、卸某些易受潮的危险品时,如遇外界湿度较大天气,不适于装卸,也应停止作业;During loading, should closely monitor the weather changes. In case of lightning, lightning, rain, snow or near the fire, officers on duty should immediately close the hatch of personnel, and stop loading and unloading operations. Loading and unloading of dangerous goods of certain easily when exposed to moisture, high humidity in case the weather outside is not suitable for loading and unloading, should cease operations; 2.4. 在装载危险货物时,值班驾驶员要安排水手按港口规定悬挂或显示规定的信号;In carrying dangerous goods, the officers on duty to arrange for sailors at the port under the provisions of hanging or display signals; 2.5. 船长、大副不得同时离船,并应保持足够的留船人员;所有值班人员应按规定进行巡视检查,提高警惕,严防火灾;master, chief officer may not simultaneously to evacuate, and shall maintain adequate personnel to stay in the ship; all personnel on duty should be required to conduct inspection checks, alert to prevent fires; 2.6. 装货期间,值班驾驶员要督促检查装卸工人严格按照有关操作规程进行装舱作业,严禁不安全(违章)操作;During loading, the driver on duty to supervise and inspect the stevedore operating procedures for equipment in strict accordance with the relevant Space Operations, is strictly prohibited unsafe (illegal) operation; 2.7. 根据危险货物的性质不同,应选用相应的铺垫、隔衬材料进行衬垫、遮盖和加固;According to the different nature of dangerous goods, it should use the appropriate groundwork, lining material for every pad, cover, and reinforcement; 2.8. 装载包装危险货物时,要检查包装外表是否完好、标志是否清楚、正确。凡包装破损、潮湿、渗漏,影响安全质量,不得装船。货物堆码应整齐、牢固;When carrying packaged dangerous goods, to check whether the packaging looks good, signs are clear and correct. While the packaging is damaged, wet, leakage, impact safety and quality, which would not be shipped. Stacking of goods should be neat, firm; 2.9. 船舶在装载危险货物过程中,若发生撒漏、落水或其它事故,船长应迅速报公司及港口有关主管部门,采取适当有效措施妥善处理。Ships carrying dangerous goods in the course in the event of spill, the water or other accident, the captain should be promptly reported to the relevant companies and port authorities, take appropriate effective measures to properly handle. 3. 运输途中的安全管理transit security management 3.1. 船长应根据所装危险货物的主要特性、海区水文、气象的具体条件等情况精心设计航 线、制订周密的航行计划。若有疑难问题,应及时报告航运部海监室,以便得到协助和指导;Master of dangerous goods should be loaded according to the main characteristics of sea hydrological, meteorological conditions, the specific route is well designed, well-developed navigation scheme. If difficult problems, the Ministry shall report to the shipping room maritime surveillance in order to obtain assistance and guidance; 3.2. 必须严格遵守港口规章和避碰规则,谨慎驾驶。航行应尽可能远离其它船舶和设施,并按规定悬挂或显示信号;在视线不良、狭窄水道以及船舶密集航区航行时,船长必须亲临驾驶台指挥;must be strictly observed collision port regulations and rules, drive carefully. Sailing ships and as far as possible away from other facilities, according to the stipulations, or display signals; in poor visibility and narrow waterways, and ship navigation areas intensive sailing, the captain commanding the bridge must be in person; 3.3. 不论航行、锚泊或等待卸货时间,大副均应指定专人定时测量货舱、货物的温、湿度。进行合理通风,防止汗湿及可燃气体的积聚,并在专用本上做好记录;Irrespective of navigation, anchoring, or wait to unload time, the first mate should be measured regularly designated person holds, cargo temperature and humidity. Reasonable ventilation to prevent accumulation of sweat and combustible gas, and dedicated to do this on the record; 3.4. 值班驾驶员须定时察看烟火探测器;二管轮、木匠应分别测量油水舱及污水沟(井)。发现任何异常应即采取有效措施,记入日志并报公司;officers on duty shall look at smoke detectors regularly; two wheels, a carpenter should be measured the water tank and Wu Hugo (wells). Any exceptions should be found to take effective measures that are recorded in the log report to the company; 3.5. 货舱双层底燃油舱尽量不加温。如需加温,应先取得船长同意,并且必须安排专人负责监视加温情况。加温应控制至驳动油为止,油温应控制在50以下,或视危险货物的特性及积载情况相应地控制油温。油舱油少更加注意加温,严禁空油舱加温。(据介绍180燃油海温2830可以不加温);Double bottom fuel tank holds are not heating as much as possible. For heating, the master agreement should be obtained and must arrange for staff to monitor heating situation. Heating should be controlled to move the oil barge until the oil temperature should be controlled below 50 , or, as the characteristics of dangerous goods and the stowage of the circumstances, to control the oil temperature. Pay more attention to the oil tank heating, non-empty oil tank heating. (It is reported that sea surface temperature 28-30 180 fuel can not heated); 3.6. 抵达卸港2-3天前可视气象条件及海况允许的情况下,开舱检查货物是否因受大风大浪和汗湿的影响而使货物受潮、变质、结块,如有酌情清除处理。检查前必须进行充分通风,货物表面可能缺氧要注意人身安全。 2-3 days before arriving in Hong Kong disposal visual meteorological conditions and sea conditions permitting, open space check whether the goods due to storms and the fallout of goods sweaty damp, bad, agglomeration, if appropriate, removal treatment. Must be adequately ventilated before the examination, cargo surface may be oxygen to their personal safety.4. 卸货交接时应注意的问题:The transfer should pay attention to the issue of discharge:4.1. 船长、大副应组织召开卸前会议,针对危险货物特性及卸港情况向有关人员明确 交持卸货的要求和注意事项,组织好监卸人员,督促检查落实各项安全措施;The captain, chief officer should be unloaded before the meeting organized for characteristic
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